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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
Early egistration Starts
Limit- Plan
To Beginning
Class Level
Set Spring Sections
In Botany, Zoology,
Other Requirements
Pre-registration for literary col-
lege students in some of the col-
lege's overcrowded laboratory
courses has begun.
Courses primarily affected are
Botany 101 and 102, Chemistry 222
and Zoology, 101, 252 and 282,
George R. Anderson, assistant
dean of the college announced
This early placement in some
courses is a first step toward Uni-
versity - wide pre - registration,
planned for next fall's elections.
The system is needed to cut out
registration periods for year-round
operations scheduled to begin in
about three years.
Ease Conditions
The move, intended now to ease
overloads at counseling desks in
Waterman Gymnasium resulting
from early closing of courses, will
provide for students who elect
their courses for the spring now
to actually be placed in classes in
the six courses affected.
The only priority given will be
on a first-come, first-served basis,
Anderson said.
Freshmen and pre-medical stu-
dents have already received notice
of the new system, and are signing
up for counseling appointments
already. Anderson - stressed the
need for students to do this soon
in order to be placed in the
courses they want.
Other Courses
In addition to the six courses in
which actual pre-registration is
being used, there is a list of other
courses which are usually plagued
with over-enrollment problems.
In these courses, close count
will be kept of the numbers of
students electing them, and coun-
selors will be told when these num-
bers near the total possible en-
rollment. The counselors will then
attempt to dissuade those electing
courses later from choosing these
overcrowded' ones.
Lab Courses
The worst overloading is found
in laboratory sciences, officials
indicate, because there is no flexi-
bility in the number of students
wthat can take a lab.
In recitations and lectures, there
is a certain amount of leeway, but
in laboratories, new sections must
be planned and new staff to teach
Since only literary college stu-
dents will be allowed to pre-regis-
ter through their counseling offices,
spaces in the courses involved will
be saved for students from other
colleges and schools.
Based on Past
'The number of these will be de-
termined on the basis of past en-
rollment figures for the course.
Anderson emphasized the possi-
bility that courses would be closed
to literary college students at, the
regular registration time, how-
ever, and said that students should
come in for counseling now.
Tentative time schedules are
available in counseling offices now
for students.
Rising Costs
Deter Women
From College
Too many high school girls are
not goipg on. to college because of
rising costs, a national higher edu-
cation research organization re-
The joint research unit of the
associations of land - grant and
state universities found in a re-
cent study that the number of
men going to colleges has more
than tripled in the last thirty
years while the number of women
has nnly ahnut dnhled
'U' Freshmen Post
High Exam Scores
With a pat on the back for the past achievements of the class
of '65, University officials and high school administrators last night
sought means to clarify, strengthen and implement their "mutual
responsibility to freshmen."
Assistant Director of Admission Byron Groesbeck told partici-
pants in the 33rd annual Principal-Freshman-Counselor Conference
that the freshman class compiled " ~.~
Chicago Report Tells
Graduate Career Plans
"Seventy - seven per cent of
America's June 1961 graduates ex-
pect to attend graduate or profes-
sional school sometime," a report
issued by the University of Chi-
cago's National Opinion Center
However, only twenty per cent
had been accepted for study in
fall 1961 by spring 1961. Another
12.4 per cent still had intentions
of continuing studies in the fall
also, the report, entitled "Great
Aspirations" said.
It can be inferred, the report
added,.that college seniors are fav-
orably inclined toward postgradu-
ate study since eighty-three per
cent said they either planned to
SGC Backs
IQC Motion
on Visitors
The- recent Interquadrangle-
Council proposal to allow non-
freshmen women to visit in the
quads won a note of approval
from Student Government Council
last night.
The Council passed a motion by
IQC President Thomas Moch,
'62E, and Daily Editor John Rob-
erts, '62,' supporting the measure
and urging. the Residence Halls
Board of Governors to approve
and take immediate steps to im-
plement it at itsNov. 13 meeting.
The motion expresses (SGC
doubt that rules discriminating
against freshmen of either sex are
educationally and philosophically
defensible. Nevertheless, it says,
the proposal by IQC "is an im-
portant first step and SGC sup-
ports it."
Mandates President -
The Council, in the motion also
mandated the president to for-
ward copies of this resolution to
members of the Board of Gover-
nors and the Study Committee on
the Office of Student Affairs.
Council Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Per Hanson, '62, raised. an
unsuccessful motion to delete the
paragraph expressing doubt of the
defensibility of discrimination
against freshmen.I
Robertsdeleted a paragraph
originally in the motion which
read, "SGC declares as a basd
principle that complete and fin-
al authority over rules and regu-
lations in the living units ought to
rest with the students themselves
acting through their democratic-
ally constituted student govern-
Suspends Rules
A suspension of rules was nec-
essary to act on the motion, which,
as an expression of opinion would
ordinarily have been voted on a
week after its introduction.
In committee of the whole dis-
cussion proceeding the vote, David
Croysdale, '62, protested the re-
striction of visiting privileges to
upper-class women.
Assembly Association Presi-
dent Sally Jo Sawyer, '62, said
that by virtue of their newness
to the campus, freshmen have
certain unique problems. These
problems are recognized in sev-
eral rules pertaining solely to
them. Such rules include an 11
p.m. closing hour for freshmen
women and exclusion of freshmen
women from the ruling permitting
women to visit in men's apart-
Position Open
On Committee
attend or would like to attend
postgraduate schools.
High academic performance is
strongly associated with plans for
postgraduate education, as is sex.
Women with equal ability to men
in a specific career are less likely
to plan further study. Different
career fields show distinctive pat-
terns for further study, such as
would - be physicians continue
studies immediately whereas
people going into education may
tend to continue their studies at a
later time.
Cites Influence
Students from large cities are
more likely to anticipate further
study whereas students from low
income families and Negro stu-
dents are quite likely to postpone
postgraduate study. Jews tend to
be relatively high on intentions
for further study, and Protestants
are somewhat lower in intentions
than Catholics, the report finds.
"About half of the students not
going on for advanced study next
year say that financial obstacles
played a part in their decision, al-
though only eighteen per cent say
finances are the 'major reason,,
the report states.
Further, students who cite finan-
cial obstacles are quite likely to
expect to go on for more studies
at some later date.
Change Choice
Almost half of the sample report
shifted their career choice since
entering college. Forty-three per
cent reported no change in plans,
and the remaining ten per cent
changed from no preference to a
specific career.
Physical science and technologi-
cal fields related to physical sci-
ence tend to lose students, other
arts and science fields and the
professions which use words rather
than numbers tend to grow.
Schools varied widely on the
per cent of students they sent on
to graduate work. There was also
a variety in the careers favored
in different schools, especially
large diversity in the size of the
education and engineering fields
from school to school.
Backgrounds Count
Students aiming for careers in
different fields differ considerably
in family income, religion, home,
town, personal values, and self-
descriptions. "There is a tendency
for students coming from high
status families to go into- higher
status occupations such as medi-
cine and law while students from
lower status families tend to go
into careers such as engineering,
education, accounting, and govern-
ment which appear to be more,
accessible avenues for social mo-
bility," the report said. /
"In general we. can say that
individuals going into the sciences
and engineering tend to be low on
extroversion and sophistication
while those going into fine arts,
the humanities, law and com-
munications tend to be high on
both dimensions," the report
Preliminary findings suggest,
then, meaningful relationships ex-
isting between social background
and personality characteristics, on
the one hand, and career choice on
the 9ther.
The data collected in this survey
comes from questionnaires received
from close to 34,000 seniors who
graduated in the class of June
1961. "These constitute an un-
biased sample of the June 1961
graduates," the report states.
In general, the report asks:
How many seniors plan to attend
graduate school; what are the
differences and characteristics of
students; what role does college
play in career decisions; and what
are the social differences between
students planning to enter var-
ious career fields?
Cuba Group
Backs Speech
The Committee for Improved
Cuban - American Relations was
sponsor of Frank Monico's Tues-
day discussion on Cuba, not the
Fair Play for Cuba Committee as
reported in yesterday's Daily.
Monico described Cuba as "one
of the most socially-advanced na-
tions in the world" and character-
ized popular attitudes toward the
Castro regime.
outstanding scores on the College
Board Aptitude and Achievement
On the aptitude test which
measures verbal and mathematical
skills, 86 per cent of the fresh-
men scored above 450 in verbal.
Ninety-three per cent exceeded
the figure in math.
Top Quarter
A score of 450 is equivalent to
ranking in the top quarter among
the nation's high school seniors,
Groesbeck said. The exams are
graded on a 600 point range with
a maximum of 800.
All freshmen must submit col-
lege board scores before they re-
ceive academic counseling and
select their courses, though the
scores are not at present used as
admision criteria.
Clyde Vroman, chief admissions
officer for the' University, cited
a growing recognition of the stu-
dent's nonintellectual qualitiesas
one of the "striking trends" hav-
ing an impact on education today.
Sketching out a "Guide for Ar-
ticulation Between High Schools
and the University," Vroman listed
creativity, motivation, maturity
and personal discipline as non-
intellectual factors which are un-
dergoing closer analysis.
Such factors account, in part,
for the nine per cent of the fresh-
man class which will not be eligible'
for a second year of University
study. "One hundred per cent
success in admissions is not pos-
sible since not all students want
to continue to be students."
Vroman had 10 specific recom-
mendations for the high school
officials to use in increasing ar-
ticulation with the campus. These
included follow-up studies of the
University success of their school's
garduates, close contact with the
admissions office, a "modern and
efficient" method of compiling a
student's record, increased study
of accelerated and advanced
placement programs, attention .to
development of standardized tests,
and the implementation of a
"simple and practical" grading
Match Students
Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis insisted that
"matching the student with the
institution is the most important
task" in counseling high school
seniors for college."
Describing the variouscounsel-
ing programs for academic, reli-
gious, residence and financial
problems, Lewis pointed out that
they . are staffed with people
"anxious to help. The University,
however, does not attempt to
"foist" this help on any single
"Counceling should be an aid to,
not a substitute for, decisions
made by the student himself."
Prof. John Milholland outlined
the slight progress that has been
made in correlating the results of
the college board scores.
University Prepares
Budget Background
When University administrators go to Lansing in the near
future to try to convince the state authorities that the Univer-
sity needs more money, they will bear with them 100 pages' of
close-typed supporting data presenting the University's finan-
cial situation.
In most cases, the points made will not be new, but this
document is probably the only place they can be found assem-
bled in a readily available form.
Faculty Salary Hike
First and foremost, as last year, is the need for faculty
salary increases. Then come needed funds for restoring plant
maintenance and general administrative services to previous
levels, for additional faculty and staff positions, for supplies and
equipment to keep up with rising enrollments, for libraries, for
faculty research and for admissions and registrations and records
office and other student services.
The $4.4 million asked for selective faculty salary increases
must be appropriated if the University is to keep its high-quality
faculty in spite of offers from other institutions, officials will
tell budget bureau authorities.
Averages Down
This year, for-the first time in recent history, the Univer-
sity's average faculty salaries dropped-with losses of the high-
est-paid members at every level and an increase in total num-
bers'helping to cause this.
Resignations are running much higher this year than at any
previous time in the University's history: offers to faculty
members are exceeding their present pay by more and more.
Average salaries at other top institutions in the country-in-
cluding other Big Ten schools-are drawing ahead or further
ahead of the University's.
The attractiveness of outside jobs with industry or govern-
ment is also becoming greater. Increases in the standard of liv-
ing of most United States citizens are not reflected by Univer-
sity faculty.
Local Conditions Same
Even taking various occupations average salaries in south-
eastern Michigan, University raises are smaller, officials can
point out.
And to support the University's request for money to add
to the faculty, administrators can cite the faculty-to-student
ratio, which has been steadily climbing since 1957-58.
Thirteen to one at that time, it is this year over 14:1. The
University's request for additional faculty of $1.5 million would
bring it down to.13.6:1.
Literary College Needs
The largest needs for more staff lie in the literary college
and Dearborn Center (25 and 19 added personnel are desired,
The Dearborn unit is still growing, and the literary college
is the largest unit of the University. The faculty to student
ratio in the literary college is about 19:1 this year.
Officials can even point out that if the pre-set standard ra-
tios were to be reached in the University, 358 more faculty mem-
bers than are requested would be needed.
Teaching Fellows
The more than 20 per cent use of teaching fellows in an in-
stitution where the enrollment is 70 .per cent on the junior level
or above can also be criticized.
And even the 20 per cent figure does not indicate the true
situation-teaching fellows teach almost 30 per cent of all the
classes at the University.
See 'U,' Page'
... on freshmen
State Street
Group Asks
Liquor Law
A group of State St. area mer-
chants will be circulating a peti-
tion asking a vote to allow liquor
by the glass east'of South Divi-
Presently, a provision in the city
charter forbids the sale of liquor
by the glass east of South Divi-
sion and Detroit Streets.
The group, headed by merchant
William L. Carmon, plans to ask
the support of the South Univer-
sity Merchants Association and
the Washtenaw Avenue Mer-
Line Unreasonable
The petition charges that "the
dry line causes an unreasonable
and discriminatory hardship upon
some merchants and upon some
citizens, which hardship can no
longer be justified on the basis of
the declared intention of this ar-
chaic and outmoded legislation,
the said rule becoming more ri-
diculous with each new parcel that
is added to the east and to the
south of the city.s'
Need Signatures
City Clerk Fred J. Looker said
that 1,438 signatures would be
necessary to bring the issue to a
vote. Ann Arborites voted last Nov.
8 to permit liquor by the glass in
other areas of the city.
Although the State Street Mer-
chant's Association is not, spon-
soring the petitions, the group has
asked the City Council to stop is-
suing liquorlicenses until after
the April 1 election.
The petition- adds tiat the
average age of students, their, in-
tellectual and emotional maturity
"are much higher now than they
were at the time this paternalistic
legislation was enacted."
NegroesJailed Despite
Federal Se gregation Ban
ATLANTA (M)-Police in Georgia and Mississippi arrested Negroes
who tried to use interstate bus facilities yesterday despite a federal
agency order banning segregation of passengers.
Four Negroes were jailed in Atlanta and three in Jackson, Miss.,
as rules issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission against bus
terminal segregation went into effect.
ICC Chairman Everett Hutchinson said earlier in the week that
federal court action could be expected if the commission's rulings are
resisted and that criminal prosecutionmay be recommended.
The ICC rules were requested by Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy.
State officials in Georgia launched federal court action seeking
to have the ICC rulings set aside. They contended the orders violate
the rights of states to regulate.
Asks. District Board. Plan
For 'Michigan Universities
LANSING (AP) - Separate governing bodies for Western and
Eastern Michigan Universities and Northern Michigan College were
proposed yesterday by the President of the constitutional conven-
Stephen S. Nisbet (R-Fremont) said his 18 years on the State
Board of Education, which runs the four schools, convinced him
that each should be separately governed.
"There is too much work and not enough time for planning and
policy," he said. "We have not been able to do a good job but I
am amazed that we have done
as well as we have." BAN:
'U' Professor Speaks T S
The convention's committee on
legislative reorganization heard a W
University professor describe a o m e
unicameral legislature as prefer- W om en 11
able to the two-house system.
"But if the convention comes
up with a unicameral system, its
work will have been in vain,"
said Prof. Daniel bSMcHargue.
"The people will never buy it, let's
face it."
intrastate commerce since bus sta-'
tions are used by both intrastate
and interstate passengers.
Under the ICC ruling each bus
and terminal must display signs
stating that bus seats and station
facilities are available to all trav-
A Shreveport, La., bus station
manager, who refused Wednesday
to remove such a sign, was charg-
ed with violating Lousiana's segre-
gation laws and placed under bond
of $250. Shreveport officials said
Tuesday the city would not comply
with the ICC order.
[cross Nation Hold Peace Vigil
Grad Schools
Unite To Form
A Council of Graduate Schools
of the United States to coordinate
and advise graduate schools has
been established and will meet in
Washington, Dec. 14 and 15, Dean
of the Graduate School Ralph A.
Sawyer says.
The council meets the' need for
an organization to represent and
aid all graduate schools. Previous
organizations were either regional
or represented limited segments of
graduate education.
AtowaintaebyteAasociation of Graduate Schools in
1960 when the executive commit-
tee wa& directed 'to "exert every
effort toward establishing a new
Council of American Universities."
The association saw the need for
such an organization but consider-
ed that they, as a branch of the'
Association of American Univer-
sities, should not expand but
rather initiate a new organization.
The committee, as envisioned
by the AGS, has a fourfold func-
tion. It will provide a channel for
the effective use of the wisdom
and experience of present gradu-
ate schools by governmental
agencies and foundations interest-
ed in questions affecting graduate
Second, it will provide assistance
McHargue Proposes
Prof. McHargue, who told the
committee he is a Democrat, pro-
posed reapportionment of the
Senate on a population basis.
Boundaries of the 34 Senate dis-
tricts, based on area, are frozen
in the present constitution.
Nisbet, a former school superin-
tendent and industry official, also
suggested election of eight-member
boards for each school. Six, he
said, might be chosen from the
-- n _ i.- .
Approximately 80 Ann Arbor housewives and University students.
joined women across the nation in vigils for peace yesterday.
Gathering in front of the Washtenaw County Bldg., the women
displayed banners enscribed "Peace is the Only Shelter" and joined
in an hour of silent' meditation.
During the hour, signatures were gathered for telegrams to
President John F. Kennedy, asking that atmospheric testing not be
resumed, and to Soviet'Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, asking him to
aid cessation of testing.
Similar demonstrations in Washington, San Francisco, New York,
Newark, Miami, Detroit, Syracuse, Ithaca, Albany, Schenectady and
Auburn, N.Y. were reported by the' Associated Press. No formal or-
ganizations were behind most of the vigils; the idea arose in the
Washington home of Mrs. Dagmar Wilson, illustrator of children's
"We felt we had to do something," she said.
Idea Spread
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