THE MICHIGAN DAILY Britain Seeks To Keep' Extra Defense Forces, Wants Special Powers Re-Elected Soviet Head Praises Reds' Influence Communism Greatest 'Force of Our Time,' Premier Tells Party Congress Delegates Draft Plans To Augment Rhine Army Government Steps Receive Opposition From Labor Party LONDON (A)-Britain yesterday sought emergency powers to keep 230,000 extra troops under arms after the national draft ends this year. The government's move was foreshadowed in Queen Elizabeth's speech opening a new parliamen- tary session. It aims at. allaying allied anxieties over Britain's de- clining military powers and at swiftly reinforcing the underman- ned Rhine army.' "My armed forces will continue to contribute (in cooperation with my allies) to the prevention of war," the monarch said. The plans of the government immediately ran into opposition Labor Party criticism, when a few hours later, the traditional de- bate on. the royal address began in the House of Commons. Depu- ty Labor Leader George Brown said the measures were "not par- ticularly fair" to those service- men caught in the military net. Four main steps were announc- ed to strengthen Britain's army: 1) Men performing their na- tional service under the expiring conscription system could be kept at the colors an extra six months. The War Office explained later about 50,000 men could be af- fected but far less are likely to be chosen as thing stand now.This is a. short-term measure designed to enable the Rhine army to main- tain its strength while the Berlin crisis remains unsettled. 2) Former conscripts of part- time service could be recalled for six-month stints. The War Office said this would make about 180,- 000 trained men available until 196. 3) The whole structure of the army's reserve system will be re- cast in a way that will enable the government to call on a wider range of specialists in times of trouble. .4) This reorganization will be featured by the formation of a special group to be known as "the ever-readies." SPECIAL CAMPUS PRICES Post 20 wks. $1.79 5; 35 wks. $3.15 5; yr. $4.00 Q Ladies Home Journal 5 mos. $1.25 5; 8 mos. $2.00 5; yr. $2.50 5 Holiday 5 mos. $1.50 5; 8 mos. $2.40 5; yr. $3.60 Q Life 20 wks. $1.99 5; yr. $4.00 Q; 2 yrs.;$7.00 5 Time 27 wks. $1.97 5; yr. $3.67 5; 2 yrs. $7.00 Q Sports illustrated yr. $4.00 5; 2 yrs. $7.50 Q Fortune yr. $7.50 5 Arch. Forum yr. $3.25 Q Newsweek 34 wks. $2.50 5 yr. $3.00 Q ON ABOVE PUBLICATIONS SEND NO MONEY NOW PUBLISHER WILL BILL YOU Atlantic 8 mos. $3.00 5 Hi Fidelity 8 mos. $2.00 Q Look yr. $4.00 Q Notion yr. $6.00 5 Playboy yr. $.00 5 New Republic ,yr. $5.00 Q New Yorker 8 mos. $3.00 Q Readers' Digest yr. $2.97 Q5 Saturday Review yr. $4.00 5 2 yrs. $7.00 Q Scientific American yr. $6.00 U.S. News & World Report 39 wks. $3.67 Q TV Guide yr. $5.00 Q STU DENT PERIODICAL AGENCY BOX 1161 ANN ARBOR For Christmas Rates Now in Effect, Call NO 2-3061 Days and Evenings -AP Wirephoto ARMY- ESCORT-Two American civilians in a U. S. Army licensed car return to the Western sector of Berlin with three 'U. S. Army vehicles who escorted them into the Eastern sector after they had been refused permission to enter by East German police. Reports yesterday indicated that East-West tension in Berlin was dropping off. Hih asWetTension .hApears Ended in Berlin BERLIN M)-The dangerous period of high East-West tension in Berlin appeared over last night, at least for the time being. High American authorities in Berlin say there is always danger of new Communist harassments of the Western powers in the city in the next days, or the next weeks. On the other hand, the Russians may have decided to let the Berlin crisis cool for a while. United States and Russian tanks stand immobile on either side of the inflamedI sector border, waiting.! American 'authorities are inclined to believe any new harass- ments will be of a minor nature. The United States Army is not MOSCOW ()-Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev, re-elected leader of the most powerful Communist party in the world, joined 5,000 cheering delegates yesterday in asserting Communism is "the most influential political force of our time." The assertion of Communist strength was contained in a res- olution adopted by the 22nd Con- gress of the Soviet Communist Party after Khrushchev had been re-elected first secretary of the party, a job which makes him top Communist. Tightens Leadership The conference endorsed a tightened party leadership under Khrushchev and a 20-year-plan designed to make the Soviet Un- ion the world's leading economic power. Khrushchev declared the Congress had marked an impor- tant step in establishing full Com- munism in the Soviet Union. "The present generation of So- viet people will live under Com- munism," declared the, resolution, borrowing from the 50,000-word economic plan. "Communism has become the most influential poli- tical force of our time. It is not imperialism (capitalism) but so- cialism (Communism) that deter- mines today the principle direc- tion of world development." Wild applause marked the end of the Congress that saw the one- time unchallenged leader of world Communism, Josef Stalin, reviled as a murderer, his followers fur- ther disgraced, the Albanian Com- munist leadership assailed and the Red Chinese openly defiant. Calls for Expulsion The final resolution also called for expulsion from the party of former 'Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov, former Premier Georgi Malenkov and former First Depu- ty Premier Lazar Kaganovich, three members of the antiparty group bitterly assailed as Stalin- ists almost daily since the Con- gress opened Oct.. 17. In tightening the reins of the Party, the ruling Presidium of the Central Committee was pared from World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy will campaign fr the reelection of Mayor Robert F. Wagner in New York City Thursday afternoon, the White House said yesterday, reversing statements to the contrary last week. The city election is next Tuesday. CAPE CANAVERAL - Minor electrical problems in the final 10 seconds forced postponement yes- terday of an attempt to launch a satellite to test the global Unit- ed States man-in-space tracking network. MUNICH-Albania's Radio Tir- ana disparaged the so-called vic- tims of Stalinism in a broadcast monitored by Radi6 Free Europe here yesterday. COEDS: It's Hairstyling Galore! No Appointment Needed Custom-Styling The Dascola Barbers Near Michigan Theatre 14 to 11 members. The number of alternate members also was cut, from 7 to 5. The Party Secretar- iat was enlarged from five to nine members. Khrus hchev Ma Tighten Party Power By WILLIAM L. RYAN Associated Press News Analyst BERLIN (W)-The results of the Communist Party Congress which ended yesterday indicate that So- viet Premier Nikita ,Khrushchev, having won his battle with dissi- dents, now will attempt to tight- en his control of the Party. The Presidium, supposed to be the ruling body of the Party, has been pared to 11 members, which makes it resemble the old Stalin- ist Politburo all over again. But if there is to be any Stalin- ism, the chances are that it will be administered collectively. If Khrushchev gets any ideas of ex- ercising anything approaching the enormous power wielded by the old dictator, he probably will face yet another battle. Control Safeguard Limiting the Presidium to 11 members may have been a move to safeguard the Kremlin's central control while Khrushchev goes ahead in industry and agriculture with measures designed to remove bureaucratic roadblocks. These al- ways have hampered the Soviet economy. Several staunch Khrushchev supporters were dropped, indicat- ing compromise at the top. The Presidium is supposed on paper to be elected by the Party, Congress. Such matters actually are decided well in advance of congresses;'the rank and file dele- gates simply approve what has been decided for them. Before Speech Thus whateverbcompromises were made came before, Khrush- chev mounted the Congress ros- trum to denounce Stalin's lieuten- ants as bunglers and murderers. There had to be a reason for this, and the reason seems to be that elements within the Party still oppose Khrushchev both in his domestic economic policies and in his foreign policy. There are likely people still in high places whom Khrushchev would like to push out of the way. U DR.PAUL OSCHE U.S. PROTESTS: Russia RequestsFinish Tal By The Associated Press V "HG N ""Ut Norway and Denmark, members way in the Soviet note States charged yesterday the So- of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- justified, as Norway's viet Union is trying "to cover its ganizaton, and "certain Swedish ments with NATO were own aggressive policies by false German militarists. ly defensive purposes. accusations" in demanding Fin- Swedish Premier Tage Erland- Col. Arne Heimsjoe, land join in a defense pact against er met with his cabinet in a commander along the West Germany. special session, consulted opposi- froti The State Department said the tion party leaders, and called a onter with Flnlanc Soviet note delivered to Finland tin parledta north, said, however, "I meeting of the Parliamentary Monday was "repugnant" and isForeign Policy Committee. The meant as the first ste again accused the Soviet Union of governments of Denmark and Nor- sian demands for milit being the source of present world way were consulted through dip- in Finland it will creat tension. lomatic channels. peeynwstainf The Soviet note called on Fin- .Hold Specal Session fenen land to join in thwarting what The Norwegian government al- Neutrality At St the Soviets called a growing West so held a special session. A com- Observers in Oslo 4ai German threat to use the Baltic munique said the attack on Nor- neutrality might be at si Sea as .a jumping off place for pointed out that Swed war. It also accused Sweden of reason for staying a supplying West Germany with , Ro ket NATO was to help Fih arms and said West German mill- out of the Soviet grip tarists were gaining a foothold in cow now forced a comi Sweden. D ata elease tary alliance upon Fi, In the capitals of Northern Eu- basis for Swedish neutra rope's Nordic countries hectic ac- CAPE CANAVERAL (A>) - Fig- disappear, they said. tivity broke out over the note. ures released yesterday revealed The Soviet note sai There were rears Russia might a near-perfect performance by the and Denmark were ask the Finns to permit Soviet first Saturn Super-Booster, which bases for West Germa: troops to enter their country in was launched last Friday. forces, and that Sweder a new phase of the Berlin crisis The National Aeronautics and ing arms to the West G and might apply pressure to get Space Administration reported my. them to recognize East Germany. the 162-foot rocket reached peak The West German Fox An icy calm in Helsinki, the altitude of 84.813 miles and top istry said it was compl Finnish capital, greeted receipt of speed of 3,607 miles an hour be- that West German fort the Soviet note requesting con- fore plunging into the Atlantic bases in Norway and sultations. The Finnish cabinet Ocean 214.727 miles down range 8 though West German3 met but made no statement.'r minutes 3-6 seconds after launch- same right as other NA' Plans Radio Speech ing. .to send forces there. President Urho Kekkonen was expected to make an important radio and television speech next Sunday, however, after his return from a visit to the United States. He sent Foreign Minister Ahtl11/e Noy. i7:30,. Karialainen hometmetwtthW e . No .173 PM government but changed none of his on plas. Onstage of auditorium r his own plans. O The Soviet note also assailed Students interested in the arouD Manufacturer, Wages Protest CHICAGO V)--A Chicago jew- elry manufacturer declared Mon- day that exclusive 'contracts held by two competitors have restrict- ed the fraternity jewelry market of his firm by unfair practices. Gerald Pollack, vice-president of J. O. Pollack & Co., testified at a Federal Trade Commission hearing that the L. G. Balf our Co., of Attleboro, Mass., and the Burr, Patterson and Auld Co., of Detroit, have confined his com- pany's expansion efforts. French Army Set To Quell Moslem Riots ALGIERS to)-Massive security forces were on the alert last night and will remain ready 'to crush any Moslem demonstrations mark- ing today's seventh anniversary of the Algerian rebellion. Riot police and troops were posted in and near such major centers as Algiers, Oran and Con- stantine. Authorities also beefed up forces in sensitive smaller ci- ties. About 5,000 riot police rein- forcements were on call in case the 180,000 Algerians in the Paris region attempted. demonstrations. Authorities in parts of eastern, central and southern France, which also have large concentra- tions of Algerian workers, were prepared for trouble. In Algeria and France, officials issued or renewed bans against demonstrations. In Constantine, authorities went a step further and forbade pedestrians and ve- hicles to use central streets. In Algiers, communiques broad- cast by the official French radio formally banned all demonstra- tions, marches and displays of the green -and white rebel flags. Army loudspeaker trucks issued appeals for calm, saying "the army will keep order, no matter what it costs."1 The army listed Algiers, Oran and the east Algerian cities of Bone, Constantine and Setif as the most critical areas. Tension appeared to be mounting in Al- giers throughout the day in the wake of three score plastic bomb- explosions by the right-wing Eu- ropean secret army organization which wants to preserve French rule in Algeria. The bombs killed 2 Moslems, wounded 20 and dam- aged 45 Moslem- owned shops. Rayburn Leaves Hospital in Dallas BONHAM, Tex. (AP) - House Speaker Sam Rayburn, ill with incurable cancer, was moved yes- terday by ambulance from Dallas to Risser Hospital in his home- town of Bonham. Rayburn, 70, has been under treatment in Dal- las since Oct. 2. *gambling on this and is taking precautions, in case the incidents are major. If they are, authorities express belief it may mean the Russians have decided to try to settle the. Berlin issue in their favor even at the risk of a nuclear war. The threat of such a war may, however, have decreased. Aithorities say that when Unit- ed States and Soviet tanks came face to face with each other last weekend, the Russians were shown that the West was determined to resist with force any major inter- ference with its rights in Berlin. It is of major significance that the Russians sent their own tanks -rather than those of the East German regime - to face United States last week. s This means the Russians have accepted the responsibility for crisis moves in the inflamed city and is, in effect, a Russian back- down from the previous position that the East Germans were sov- ereign. Africans Set Fire To Mission School SALISBURY (A') - Police re- ported yesterday that African demonstrators burned a mission school at Nkai in the Shangani African reserve Sunday night. The school is run by a London mis- sionary Society. DR. PA UL POSCH EL U.S. CHESS MASTER Simultaneous Exhibition, Wed. Union 7:30 P.M. Rm. 3 L M N }t She's smartly dressed for the office for tael. I UNIVERSITY PLAYERS DEPARTMENT OF SPEECH Present It- AND ARMSH E MA aboutw.." at a_ tea..." in her beautiful imported flat knit suit at $35.00 Her becoming high cloche at $8.98 Her Wear-rights shortie gloves at $3.00 Her Phoenix sheer hose at $1.35 Underneath, for that slim, lithe look, she wears Lew- ella's Hip-a-way. long legged pantie girdle at $5.00 - Other knit dresses-the wool flat knits from $25.00 the cottons from $14.98 Sizes from 7-15, 10-20, 121/2-201/2 Box Office opens Mon. MON.-TUES. 10-5 WED.-SAT. 10-8 So TICKETS from 1.00 LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE NOV. 8-11 8:00 P.M. 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