T'WOi THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUI WAISSANCE HUMANISM: COLLEGE ROUNDUP: N'etseh Describes Plannin i Free Delivery Free Delivery ThI[e Cottage Inn Director Notes Musical Style Students' For Chicago Illini Campus ah DondgI ZAy yARTHA ,acNEAL- y13 usy #essArt and architecture are nees- MPIZZA Free DeL.Iv raissance music shows the sary9 in the master plan of a design Pizteiee rei o in ofanwrltionship TIioo r ooh~ d for a university, Walter Netsc, Ra tla odi u en words and musicnever R ".31 s" ,general partner in charge of de-RaItlnfodiou xn beords and muswich neer m sign of the architectural firm of '' Cottage Inna3-5902 E beoron n hihth12 E. Williams actually expresses the words' k'w NEW YORK - Two Columbia Skidmore, Owings and Merrill ng,".Noah Greenberg, musi- "*~ University graduate students whosadytea.FreDlvyFee eiey rector o the New York Pro opndadsontbosoels The architectural firm in Chi-..#' a, said Sunday. ". month in protest against prices at cago is presently designing a cam searly Renaissance music j; . the campus store want to sell out pus for the University of Illinois NOW sets ah tpeoforexprsion -businss is too good. to be located in downtown Chi- t " .. <;, , .~ sestetn o oenThe owners, Lee Cooper and cago, he said yesterday at a Icec ,.n.. PLAYING I t~E pment, !he continued. The ILry pioseup hp natre on "Art in Architecture"- ,'''~~ Is a product of. the 15th bare-waled, one-room flat over a sponsored by the Architecture col- ry and a reflection of the ' restaurant. They have sold $5,400 lege. Et' g humanism in the period. " worth of books and have been The present plans take into ac-> ; Sophia Loren eberg pointed out that the kp obs i. thedthofbuenosinesslfmanenronenalhsctsWANNERSTARESAA dneel "usDat ofLreo, that they have had to neglectsuhalckolndnwihtoANSFIMETVL19 ec"uiDbtCaiiMotheir homework. Now they want build, utility lines. which run Tj OR HER PERFORMANCE FN~ ?" by- Henrich Isaac is a to become full-time students through the site and transporta- lIed tragedy of a lament for ;ps.ain tion problems due to the uni-TWW OE A~ art patron. ."We ATTW O WOIVrEN "edid not open the discount versitys location in the center of Carlo Pc Idea of Controls store for financial gain," Spiro Chicago, Netsch said. POtCO~ .ai tyeo oto stebsc GREENBERG CONDUCTS-The New York Pro Musics, directed said."WfethaCoubasu The campus will be centered WALTER NETSCH V ittorio hQI, if the 5th century attempt" by Noah Greenberg, presented works of the Renaissance period dents were bigoecagd n around a lecture hall building with ..dsgscmuVLJUI U V. assicalsm." Classic ideas of at its. concert Sunday. The group uses authentic music of the we decided to do something about the library and union on either An Embssy Pictures Reeas re, harrmony and chords ap- period .scored by members. The period was characterized by a it. We opened as much in protest side. Overhead walk ways from for the future. They must allow "LA DOLCE VITA" STARTS FRIDAY inl all forms of music in cassica: style antd a humanistic trend. as in experiment." the parking lot to the center of for an increase in programs and ________________________ mnaissance period. * * campus will alleviate much of the also the demands of the student - Pro Musica uses modern growing public curiousity," Green- sources in museums, the musicians DURHAM, N.C. - The contro- commuter's transportation prob-~ body. Continuous instruments including re- "We tend to underestimate how music to use for concert purposes. administration's deletion 'of a sen- Withf new teaching techniques University of Illinois' campus at1O'lc« s, the krummihorn,' alto many interested- people "there, are; The lack' of instrumentation in tence from a recent issue of the and fster methods of communica- Chicago are on exhibit here on1o'lc At, viola da gamba. and the audience for Renaissance mu- the original music allows great Duke Chronicle was discussed at a tion today, the buildings have been the second floor of the Archi- FNI US' otcmaso chord. The models are used sic is growing." flexibility for change and experi- meeting of the, Commission ofdeindwtflxbiyInmd tecture building. et easa the ru a oeknwnnahbl'diin mentation In the preparation of Academic Freedom last week. matrilsas hoe non UavilbleEdtinspractical editions rm ya o The controversial action in- composers. The Pro Musica uses editions year. , volved a quotation from Henry A o ioT a kW r o want to respect the com- of Renaissance music which are "This can lead to Irresponsibility Miller's book "Tropic of Cancer,De ' 'wishes," Greenberg said. not -usually .available to the gen in interpreting the music, but it reieedbyte hrnil. vein ever, Greenberg noted, "In eral public. only the notes, and also allows us to find ways to do Dean Herbert J. 'Herring, vice- Cuba riod the composers were so rhythm are written in these edi- what the music seems to ask for," president of\ the student life divi- DOI'4INICK S d with the performance it tions. From these, and .orginal Greenberg said. sion, defended his position at an The Committee for Improved0 at 'they did not indicate opening meeting of the commis- Cuban-American Relations will PIZ A nd UB instruments should be used. " " sion before a 'crowd of about 60 sponsor a lecture by Frank Mon- know1hat mterias theTn students. ic, reporter for the newsaper Cor- knu t matet esnosrias they LV ' " , 1,1 LN SA [1.L~ e ect' The Christian Printing Coin- respondence, on "Report on Cuba:' NO 2-5414 NEXT: "BREAKFAST T TI not know exactly how to'- pang, printers for the Chronicle, After the April Invasion" at 8 pm. ~~m. We can only be sure of fF 71 T 7 1 1 1 * refused to .print the objectionabletoainR.3-SfthMci-_ __ ouns t atnold av beuen ' r ieofe tn t r a part of the quotation without an Union. ie to them." authorization from Herring, who ' Q.Ognzdi 9~(Cniudfo ae1 refused authorization. DA O266 OT ':Orgaizedi_19___________from___e_1 Herring defended his actions as DILN 224 ' Pro Musics, organized by Migratory Labor to be held prior neither unilateral ntor censorship." ~~ OT *rg in 1952, has a reper- Further, "the commission: would to the spring regional assembly. He justified his contention on the A * and f 500-600 years of music. make continuing studies of the Inherent Rights grounds that the sentence deleted ing over the Years, the state's needs for higher education The principle section of the m- was a quotation and not the words OT specialized interests in the the institution, of the state to provide the op PODDEC - The Brown p ro m n e b Meet SaturdayWig t thus giving the group va- Advice and'Counsel portunity for migrants to enjoy Dily Herald has announced the WVMKN BEAIT, About five new concert pro- It would also provide a source the basic rights and privileges in- unanimous acceptance of its con nT-'tgKo ren l' are tried out in N~ew 'York through its staff, from which the herent in American society, stitution by the Pembroke Student « , group every year, although officials of the institutions in the It further mandates the estab- Government, which removes the aveing .repertoire' consists state could obtain advice and 'lishment of a regional committee final obstacle blocking full partici- ' M U SIC e programs. The' Pro Musica counsel .on the, problems of de- on migratory labor composed of pation of women on the Herald.zE ade about 20 recordings. veloping and operating their pro- the coordinators of the member fiver the last three 'semesters, it a thy qu r of pie ,are beginning to know grams, shos had been possible for the women as Renaissance music primer- It would make such test checks Tecmitewl ar ne-officiallye onle ro wodailynw- for ause Of,"long-playing re- and audits of institutional records tensive reseachnthroughrthein-ipaper.ws ' ,d 'M radio stations, which as it deems necessary to insuredviulcm se' igato-*K ping us to fill the gap of the accuracy and uniformity of dinu atorse smirntlcifo-- the reports that are made to it. riaos iseiaealifr JO IN T CNE The governing boards for temto nmgaoylbrt the DR. PAUL POSCHEL s )tSS U estate-supported institutions of campuses, formulate community M C IA hihe lernngwoldlb gve programs to create public aware- U.S. CHESS MASTER MIHGAtE 'SG EEC U "U~dIwf'f-LIh the same type of "..., . constitu- nless of the migratory problem and and, vclAVIuaI1U1I5 tional authority and responsibi- sugesmpoitve ctin onidivd-In Elia Kazanis rOduc- *'K o ual campuses. Siultuanu s D KE NIERSTY MENS.GLE' ity for management and controloftn of William IneK' Inter-Disciplinary Scholars their respective institutions that A motion favoring direct elec- frshs- ' (I-DSC) has voted to pro- the Constitution now extends to tion of USNSA delegates for the firsItUI la written es-* e use of student evalua- the board for the~ University and National Student Congress held neciall" for the screen. GO DM SCNVK470 n , f faculty to Dean Roger Michigan State University.., "ec summer passed, while a pro- 1 ' ;of the literary college, to (Russell report on higher educ- posal on the right of campuses to Wed. Union wu uw ' iterary college departments tion in Michigan, 195). organize social and political groups 'K GOOD TICKET"S AVAILABLE at HI LL AUDIl use supplementary evalua-CoisT Cn-n died at the end of the session for 7:30 P.M. Rm 3 L M N THQR. S' nd to the literary college MRUSNSA mandated the re- lack of a quorum. TECHNICOLOR riUWARNER BROS g. committee. glna staff to send copies of this I-DSC motion, introduced resolution to all con-con" dle- nald Savoy and Lawrence gates, student governments of all lsakdta hs om state-supported universities and FO T A LI M TO ALL STUDENTS1 ashed In courses in the 300 their presidents and faculty as-FOBLL F L nd above and that they, be semblies. ily once every two years in Tergo ilsn eeae THE psumhlogr coo , ,n to talk to members of the state OFkofI psyclougysociologyendseducation commission about this yUNIVERSITY OF 5M I C H ted lanuaspeprtetsleIslamtion o irtoylbr teloeseilprts. inla tiono iraoylaoMICH IGAN CAN YUUSE AHUNDRED ,, ;, , the region mandated the regionalYOA rESDAY, OCT( Free D Pizzeri estaurai iry PI ortable oven specialty. rown Jug 8-S 1204 S. Free D NO Iniaermni aW mE FFANYS IT S LUB CORIU 'M OF IGAN BUCKS ies T1o Speak executive committee to ask the suetgvrmnsommbrV Ta'whtyucninneer YD7 Meeting schools to appoint a migratory la- bor c-ordinator under the juris- MINESOTA Donald Stokes of the poll- diction of a regional director andMiN E JI iencedepartment will speak to organize a State Conference on I iInlecofCnatwtGCWorkers on Voting Ben eeigo hav-g n SGC To Continue Wednesday, Nov. 1, 7:30 P.M._ ate at 7:30 p.m. today in Finland' Seminar in Room R and S ; Union I fthe Michigan Union. The Student Government Coun- SARKESIAN presents cil reading and discussion seminar "See Miciga Lose i Last program will continue discussion ISIAY!Jstpikth euuinngtam,9rditth soesadIourfil " of "To the Finland Station" by MntsI' AY utpc h e inn empeittesoe-n o'ei AMERICA'SNOI Edmund Wilson at 7:15 pim. to- Few Mnts Against Gophers."At?!NY TDET O HI AMU f HERE ARE ALL THE P day in the Honors Lounge of the ONYRTUETEL IBLE MPflS RECORDING STA1RS UdegrduteLiray._______ARE_____ELIGISLEI_____ U YOU CAN WIN I -- -- ~~~~TIRD CONTEST NOVEMBER 4th VI 0ohrp All you have to do is clip the coupon, pick the 1St PRIZE0 thI PLSafee winners and predict the scores-then figure out 2nd PRIZE $ .5o to every eo the ten wir The International Students Association how you're going to spend that hundred bucks! 3rd PRIZE 2 RGRDE will give you a chance to VCEROY Something Special 1 (Attach Viceroy package or facsimile here) End to End... 1 ee ViceroySny College F -and SI ~ U/~'Special Filter! Special Blend! 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