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October 31, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-31

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Sirt gan


See Page 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom



hapters ReorganiZe.
Lake Forest Groups Seek Approval
By Student Government, Trustees
Lake Forest College's five sororities, which were expelled by their
nationals last summer, have reorganized as local groups, it was an-
nounced Saturday.
The college's three fraternities have continued to function with-
out change. The five sororities, which are represented on the Uni-
versity campus, have changed thgeir names so that they can operate
on the Lake Forest campus, as separate, ,locally autonomous organi-
Official recognition is still pending by the Board of Trustees,
which neets next month, and the student government council. The
sororities are Snow in operation by

Seek Change
In AssemEbl
At the Assembly Dormitory
Council meeting yesterday, Mary
Beth Norton, '64, and Denise
Wacker, '64, made a motion to
amend the ADC constitution to al-
low representation on the body to
be governed by dormitory popula-
The proposed motion would
change article four, section two of
the constitution. In this way,
houses would no longer have one
representative but ,would be al-
lowed up to three delegates, the
number determined by the size r of
the house.
Those houses with a population
of 175 women or less would have
one representative. Houses with
from 175 to 350 residents would
have two delegates, those with
more than 350 residents, three.
The representative would have
the same voting rights as those
representative now on the council.
The new delegates would also re-.
tain the right to be a voting mem-
ber of their own house council,
elected by the house.
The change will be voted on at
the next meeting of ADC after
representatives have reviewed the
motion with their houses.
A second proposed motion would
allow ADC to elect the president
of Assembly Association. At pres-
ent, the president is elected by all
members of the Association.
Students Hit
Of Education
ROCHESTER, N. Y. (/?) - Be-
tween 800 and 1,000 students
massed on the University of
Rochester campus yesterday to
protest what their leader called
the "rapidly detoriating"quality
of education at the university.
Student speakers complained
what they said were overcrowded
classes, indifferent graduate as-
sistants, and professors preoc-
cupied with research.
The university raised under-
graduate tuition last week to
$1,500 a year, an increase of $225.
Student sources said this was the
spark that started the rally.
Donald Alhart, a senior from'
Rochester, told the rally that
freshmen English classes four
years ago had 20 students and met
three times weekly. Now, he said,
they have more than 150 stu-'

temporary permission granted by
Dean of Students Howard Hooge-
Change Names
The sorority reorganization has
made the former chapter of Chi
Omega a local called Chi Omega
Chi. The former Gamma Phi Beta
chapter is now Gamma Phi Delta.
The Alpha Delta Pi chapter adopt-
ed the name Kappa Kappa Chi,.
which it had before joining the
national group in 1936.
Yesterday the former Alpha Phi
chapter decided on the name Chi
Lambda Phi. The former Alpha Xi
Delta chapter is keeping its name
as a local group but will not pledge
any more students and plans to
go out of existence when its pres-
ent members have graduated.
Temporary Decision
The new Chi Lambda Phi house
has not officially decided to go
local. But in order to continue
operating until it gets an official
word of policy from the board of
trustees, it needs to have a name
and to be organized to continue
to function.
"As a group we have decided
to go local to the extent of form-
ing committees to write a consti-
tution, as individuals we haven't
taken a vote yet. As far as I can
interpret it means we will go lo-
cal," Susan Miller, president of the
newly organized Chi Lambda Phi
house, said.
No Discrimination
The constitution of the new or-
ganizations must by necessity
contain a "no discrimination on
race, creed, or color" clause. Be-
cause of the resolution adopted
last June by the board of trustees
which bars discrimination by cam-
pus fraternities or sororities in the
selection "of pledges. The nationals
of each of the sororities took the
charters from the five without no-
tice earlier this fall.
The trustees stated student or-
ganizations must be nondiscrim-
inatory to be in harmony with the
tollege's admissions policy, which
is to accept students without re-
gard to race, religion.
The resolution insisted on selec-
tion by the local chapters unin-
fluenced by the policies of their
national organizations.
Courts To Hear
School Fight
KENOSHA, Wis., () - Circuit
Judge M. E. Baker yesterday set
Nov. 20 for a hearing in the Mc-
Guffey Reader squabble.
A petition asked the court to
remove four of five school board
members who last week voted 4-1
to retain the McGuffey Reader.
The petition cited eight causes for
removal against each of the four,
including attempts to prohibit
teaching "of certain subjects in the
social science curriculum.

Near War
has. broken out between Central
Government and Katanga troops
and Premier Cyrille Adoula an-
nounced yesterday a virtual dec-
laration of war against the seces-
sionist province.
The moderate premier of the
Leopoldville government said a po-
lice action had been launched to
liquidate Katanga's secession.
Reports from Elisabethville,
capital of Katanga, said Katan-
gan planes had gone into action
to help a company of troops fight-
ing about 500 Central Govern-
ment invaders at Kizamba, a bor-
der town in the northern part of
the province.
Set Villages Afire
United Nations officers in a re-
port to Leopoldville said two Ka-
sai province villages in Central
Government territory were set
afire by two Katanga 'bombers
north of the fighting zone Sun-
They said one bomber was
painted white'and the other black
but neither had identifying marks.
The planes flew back to Kaniama.
Elisabethville reports said this
town is the immediate objective
of the Central Government ad-
vance. It is 20 miles south of the
Kizamba battlefield.
Railway Target
The target of the bombers was
the main railway leading down
from Kasai province into Katan-
ga, Set afire
The UN officers, who were pilot-
ing a plane in the area, said white
and black smoke rose from two
points on the rail line.
Ulrge Budgt
The Michigan Region of the
United M9tates National Student
Association Sunday urged the in-
clusion of a central coordinating
commission for higher education
in the new Constitution.
Send to Con-Con
The declaration, passed by the
plenary at the end of a three day
fall regional assembly held here,
also called for separate governing
boards for each state-supported
institution of higher learning and
sent copies of the resolution to
con-con delegates..
The plenary also elected Thom-
as Warke of Kalamazoo College
regional vice-chairman and -pass-
ed 17 technical amendments to the
regional constitution and several
pieces of legislation.
Collects Data,
The central co-ordinating com-
mission would collect, analyze and
report on ,data concerning the
programs, facilities, finances and
operations of all the state-con-
trolled institutions of higher learn-
It would furnish the state fis-
cal authorities and the Legislature
with an annual estimate of the
needs of each state-controlled in-
stitution for appropriations for the
coming fiscal year, and advise the
Legislature and other state gov-
ernmental agencies on all policy
matters affecting the development
and operation of higher education
in the state.



W est Claimrs
H um anity
Scientist Sees Fallout
Increase This Spring

SPlan To Move Stalin's Body T



United States and other Western
countries yesterday acciused the
Soviet Union of showing cynical
disregard of the United Nations
and mankind in general by test-
ing its massive superbomb.
And in Washington, a nuclear
scientist said yesterday he is in-
clined to_ believe the new Soviet
superbomb was a very dirty one
which would greatly increase ra-
dioactive fallout in the United
The Soviet Union told the West
it conducted the test series in
order to prevent by sheer strength
a nuclear war over Berlin that
could come at any moment.
Leap Backward
"The world has taken a great
leap backward toward anarchy
and disaster," UN Ambassador Ad-
lai E. Stevenson said in touch-
ing off a wave of denunciations
of the Russians in the Assem-
bly's main political committee:
Stevenson referred to the latest
Soviet explosion as "apparently
even larger than 50 megatons." He
said the day of the test would
be long remembered "for a dis-
play of violence on a scale un-
heard of in human history to this
Semyon K. Tsarapkin, the So-
viet delegate, did not mention the
size of the blast in replying to
Increase Pressures
He accused the United States
of increasing pressure in Berlin to
the point where a nuclear war
could come at any moment. To
prevent such a war; he added,
the Soviet Union needed all its
strength-and that is why Moscow
resumed its current test series.
Dr. Ralph E. Lapp, a non-gov-
ernment physicist, said he was
"inclined to believe the bomb was
a - very dirty one."
He expressed the belief that it
would lead to a marked increase
in radioactive fallout levels in
North America next spring.
Three Nations
Join Council
United Nations General Assembly
elected Ireland, Venezuela and
Ghana to the UN Security Coun-
A race between the Philippines
and Romania ended in a deadlock.
Ireland was elected for a orie-
year term as part of a deal under
which the normal two-year term
for non-permanent members was
shared between Liberia and Ire-

-AP wirephoto
JOINT TOMB-The Soviet Communist Party Congress yesterday voted to remove the body of Josef
Stalin from the mausoleum, which he shares with V. I. Lenin. This continues the degradation of
Stalin by Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. Lenin's name is printed at the top of the tomb, Stalin's
Eldersveld Examines1Poltics

Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of
the political science department
yesterday explained the scholars
methods and the problems he faces
wherw~"tackling a research prob-
lem" in politics.
He has applied investigative pro-
grame of similar design to the
political party organization of both
Detroit and Amsterdam in the
Netherlands, Prof. Eldersveld told
the faculty members and graduate
students attending the first after-
noon session of the Political Sci-
ence Roundtable.
This design focuses on three
concerns: the party as a coalition
of individuals with diverse back-
grounds, attitudes and perspec-
tives; the hierarchial coherence
and managerial structure of the
party machine; and the functional
competence of the party in the
political system.
Interviews Members
In interviewing party members
to find out to what extent a party
is composed of similar or dissimi-
lar individuals-the first ,major
focus of concern-Prof. Eldersveld
tries to learn several things about
the member.
First he establishes the persons
demographic and social back-
ground. Secondly he asks about
the individual's career, his moti-
vation for taking up that line of
work, and his aspirations.
Finally .he inquires about the
individual's perspectives concern-
ing politics. Specifically, Prof.
Eldersveld asks the member what
he thinks the goal of the party is
and what role the party plays.
Additionally he wants to know
what the member's political ideol-
ogy is, what his reasons are for
actively participating in the party,
and how he sees the political en-
! vironment.

Using such data, Prof. Elders-
veld hopes to determine how
heterogeneous and homegeneous a
party's membership is and what
type .of people hold .,positions in
party organizations at the precinct
level as well as in the upper eche-
In this investigation he is seek-
ing to determine whether the view
of the party as a coalition is a
useful approach.
In studying the second major
focus. of concern-hierarchial co-
herence - Prof. Eldersveld ex-
amines the party's decision-mak-
ing process; its communication
pattern, both formal and informal.
Studies Competence
In the study of functional com-
petence-the third major area of
concern-he is attempting to ex-
amine the nature of party activity
in order to determine the impor-
To Inculcate
Cuba .Peasants
With Marxism
HAVANA (') - Prime Minister
Fidel Castro declared last night
that his regime is strengthening
its socialist system through Marx-
ist-Leninist indoctrination of the
"We bring workers here to make
revolutionaries out of them, to
teach them the Marxist-Leninist
doctrine of the working class,y'
Castro told about 600 young peas-
ants at ceremonies opening the
Sierra Maestra school for revolu-
tionary intruction.


land. _





. o

Peace Corps Volunteers Begin To Feel Pressures of Training


By GAIL EVANS I The consensus around the lunch-
eon table was that the language
"If we only had more time . .. barrier is the most difficult prob-
everything is so rushed"-after lem. The 40 Thai students at
three weeks of training Peace miche 40araistudenthea
Corps volunteers say that they are Michigan are assisting in the
begnnig t fel .he resureaslanguage instruction. However, at
beginning to feel the pressure as this stage, corpsmen do not usually
they ready for their two-year tou speak Thai to each other.
of duy in Thlnd eeks were the Volunteers Dave Burger and
worst with shots surprise lectures Harvey Price point out that the
wmostwitheshotseis d lgettin importance of tone and the melo-
acuto ed to the prog am," vol dic nature of Thai make it totally
unteer B d Davis commented, different from European langu-
Since the arrival of the 55 corps- ages. A slight deviation f inflec-
men Oct. 8, better than 60 hours ion may completely change the
a week have been devoted to study. meaning of a wrd, Burgersaid
Yet, the first exposure to the rug- Language Criterion
ged 13-week program hasn't dis- Price indicated that language

defined. But the group feels thats
they have only a vague idea of1
what is in store for them after the
four-week acclimation period in
Divided into AreasA
Basically, the Thai program isk
divided into four areas. The teach-1
ing of English as a foreign langu-
age division is designed to prepare
Thai instructors to teach EnglishI
to their pupils. There is also thet
malaria eradication and vocationalr
education divisions. Another con-1
tingent, the Chulalongkorn Uni-
versity project, will help Thailand!
improve the organization of theirt
higher educational system.

standards are fairly high in Thai-
land and that there is a good feel-
ing towards Americans.
"Of course, we expect to be sick
and to lose some weight there,"
Sharpe said. All water has to be
boiled. Rice with a hot sauce will
be the staple diet.
Social conditions in Thailand
are very different. Although there
is no dating, it has been predicted
that about five volunteers will be
married before their return, Larry
Forman said.
Burger commented that the way
of life in Thailand is much slower
and that volunteers cannot expect
to initiatte much progress.

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