ti Sueeny-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN " UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. e ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" C s Editorial; printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. , OCTOBER 28, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINIC ~K Women's Senate ias No Purpose ECAUSE THE UNIVERSITY is large and diversified, it is forced to organize itself into committees and other groups. But each group must have a purpose, or its existence within the sphere of the University is un- justified. One such organization, supposedly formulated to express women's opinion on the campus, is Women's Senate. Yet this body's purpose is nebulously stated and not actively initiated. Women's Senate, an organization comnposed of one representative from each housing unit,: operates under the auspices of the Women's League. Senate functions as an organization without legislative power or control over de- cisions. Its existence as an organization of the University is certainly unjustified. T HE LEAGUE conceives of Senate as an organization which attempts to channel the opiniori of individual women and serve as an influential pressure on faculty, ad- ministration and student groups.' It is'also seen as a means, of investigating problem areas of general concern to women. This year the chief project of Senate will be the investigation of opinion in regard to future year-round operation. This may be an admirable task, but the' channeling of women's opinion does not, and should not, come from such an organization. Both Assembly Association and Panhellenic Association have the opportunity and facilities to ascertain women's opionion. In fact, when Senate investigates it is forced to initiate its surveys through residence halls and sorority houses which are the precise areas of jurisdic- tion of both Panhel and Assembly. THE' INFLUENTIALPRESSURE Senate wants to exert would certainly have more strength if it were voiced by Assembly or Panhel since these groups have legislative power. And the opinion of the three groups is the same since it represents the same people. ..The areas ,which Senate investigates are important enough to warrant attention but if Senate did not exist certainly other organiza- tions would feel the necessity to investigafe in the same areas and the loss of Senate would not be great. The reasons for Senate's existence are mere rationalisms for the existence of a purposeless body. The action which is taken by the or- ganization can be handled through other groups. Senate ca't justify its own existence. -ELLEN SILVERMAN The Vacuum "It Seems ThEY'VE Decided To Start Influencing US" FOLK SOPRANO: Joan aez Improved LATNot Mature AST NIGHT at Ann Arbor High, Joan Baez presented the en- thralled audience the exciting experience of listening to a talented young folk artist in the process of maturing. Here is a young lady with the potential to develop into one of the finest female balladeers on the folk music scene. It must be remembered that Miss Baez is nqt an ethnic musician. This is not meant as criticism but to point out that the process of assimilating her material is necessarily intellectual as well as emo- tional. It is this aspect of Miss Baez, her artistic progress In developing a powerful personal style, that is most exciting. Her performance was a wonderful example of this process of maturing; most of it was good, some approached the truly great, and some of it still showed a definite need for improvement. SEEN OUSTIDE the football stadium: a stu- dent selling mimeographed lists of the players' numbers for a dime. (The athletic department this year discon- tinued free distribution of such sheets to students.) . When the government fails, free enterprise moves in. --P. S. SPEAKER POLICIES: Universities Under Attack MISS BAEZ'S GREATEST ASSET is her voice. It is a lovely soprano with the power and range to convey emotion without the operatic or oversweet qualities that make folk".music sound artificial or forced. It is to her eternal credit that she does not try to work the voice and the music into such a stultifying mold. Her technique with the guitar is not that of a virtuoso in- strumentalist, but is competent, largely in good taste, and improved over her earlier work. At times it has a forced mechanical feeling and a tendency to . be inappropriate, thus detracting from the per- formance. It is the inseparably intertwined areas of arrangement and taste that show both the greatest improvement and the greatest need for improvement. It is not enough to sing accurate imitations of other people's (Bob Gibson, Odetta) imitations of folk music. But in spite of this failing at times, Miss Baez also presented the audience with profound and moving renditions of other numbers. --Howard Abrams AT THE CAMPUS: "yOU RUN AWAY from trouble and it hits you over the head." This, in essence, is the theme of Two Women. The "trouble" in this depressing film is war-torn Italy and the problemsit creates for a desperate mother and her 12-year-old daugh- ter. The two flee from bomb-plagued Rome only' to encounter far greater and more lasting danger in a small village. The story is set just before and during the German retreat from the onrushing Allies. Needless to say, any countryside filled with bit- ter Italians, panic-stricken Germans and victorious American GI's is a poor place to bring up a daughter, even if you're Sophia Loren. What success the film does achieve results from a surprisingly sensitive performance by Miss Loren and photography which depicts expertly the personal agonies of war. Despite occasional snatches of great effectiveness, however, the story is far from an integrated whole, as it limps along at times with no apparent direction. At one moment, the Italian refugees are brave and warm-hearted people, banding together in the face of destruction and death. In the next scene the same group is no more than a pack of frightened, grasping animals, trampling decency and human values beneath their feet., * * * * MISS LOREN is no more consistent in her characterization. Throughout the movie her concern for her daughter is genuine and convincing, but the first major, event in the stpry shows Mama in- dulging in a little daytime adultery with the kind of man she is de- termined her daughter will never run into. This ironic double standard of morality adds depth and com- plexity to the film, but the mother's frequent references to her be- loved "Giovanni" at times seem a little out of place as more pressing problems present themselves. She is, evidently, most eager to return to the- kind of life she can't bear to see her daughter exposed to. The scene in which both mother and daughter face the ultimate consequences of their flight from danger, though impressively shock- ing, does not seem a logical culmination of the plot. It is, unfortunate- ly, far more sensual than meaningful. The film is undeniably much more important than Miss Loren's usual performance would seem to indicate. One sees in it a great deal of man's reaction to a condition of terror and; dispossession. (Lest this inducement be insufficient, .however, you also see a great deal of Sophia.) -Ralph Stingel World of Man IT IS AN INTERESTING experience to shake hands and talk with a man who is a high- ranking and undoubtedly dedicated, Com- munist. Dr. Marian Dobrosielski, Counselor of" the Embassy of the Polish People's Republic in Washintgon is, however indirectly, con- nected with an established organ of domina- tion. Nominally, he discussed United States-Polish cultural exchange. But he brought to his dis- cussion the reality of dictatorship, in spite of Poland's growing liberalization since the Poz-t nan riots, just as Americans carry with them the U-2 incident and the Cuban "invasion," in spite of democracy. But Dr. Dobrosielski made a special trip from Washington to attend the performance of the Mazowsze Polish song and dance com- pany at Hill Aud. W HEN HE EXPLAINED the attitude of the Polish government towards cultural ex- change, he was careful to mention that "of course, the government program has the com- plete consent of the, Polish people." Americans may "see red" at his statement. Certainly we have the right to be proud that no U.S. pro- gram has the complete consent of the American people-because no such consent is possible in a free society. Nevertheless, anyone who saw the Mazowsze performance must realize that no govern- ment can completely destroy certain of the most beautiful aspects of human existence. The people of Communist-dominated coun- tries are human beings. Among them are the Mazowsze dancers and Dr. Dobrosielski. More than upon any government, the future of this planet. depends upon the continued human Life. Only nuclear war can destroy that future. -MARTHA MacNEAL By JILL HAMBERG Daily Staff Writer SPEAKER POLICIES on college campuses throughout the coun- try are undergoing attack and subsequent change-but not us- ually in the right direction. The president of Queens Col- lege early I this month rescinded an invitation extended by the stu- dent Marxist Discussion Group for a campus speech by Benjamin J. Davis, National Secretary of the' Communist Party. The same week, Hunter-an- other city college-refused to con- tinue renting its assembly hall to William F. Buckley, Jr., for a series of symposiums dealing with "The National Review," a rec- ognized rightist periodical. The two cases demonstrate clearly theludicrous and incon- sistent attitudes of college ad-, ministrations on the free ' ex- change of ideas. * * LAST APRIL, the presidents of each institution of New York's new City University system lifted a ban onthe use of college facili- ties by persons convicted under the Smith Act. Davis was the first such person to be scheduled to speak since the ban was lifted. Harold W. Stoke, president of Queens College, said his reasons for nullifying the invitation to Davis were "developments which have taken place" in international affairs and "recent decisions of the Supreme Court which are per- tinent to the standing of the Communist Party in the United States." -The ban was temporarily ex- tended to the other municipal colleges the next day and made pernanent two days ago. STUDENT REACTION has ranged from hearty approval to extreme indignation. For the most- part, however, protests against the move are widespread. The Student Association presi- dents of the city colleges have drafted a tentative resolution con- demning the reimposed ban. It reaffirmed that "the principle of academic freedom demands that the college and university provide the forum for open debate and discussion in accord with the ideal of free inquiry and confrontation of ideas, toward the end of see- ing the truth. "The substitution of In Loco Parentis expediency or legal guess- work cannot be accepted as ex- cuses for strictures against aca- demic freedom and the right to learn." *. * *, AFTER CALLING for "indoc- trination'' of students by their professors and lashing out against "the mystique of academic free- dom" when he spoke here in Ann Arbor last month, William F. Buckley received a little of his own medicine when the authorities of Hunter College declined to per- mit him use of their facilities. The college claims that its reputation is damaged by "The" National Review" using the as- sembly hall. They feel strongly enough on this point to warn that they may impose a blanket pro- hibition on rentals for concerts, plays and all other outside gather- ings if that is the only legal way to keep Buckley out. As was expected, the American Civil Liberties Union openly op- posed both moves. It is represent- ing Buckley in his contesting of the Hunter action. By RICHARD lireb over Tea i OSTLING, Associate Editorial Director PLACID, MIDDLE-AGED MAN sat at his desk in a palatial home which graced a )etroit suburb. His tone of voice, that is, was lacid. His thoughts rumbled with the ferocity f the hailstorm we were watching outside. "Many colleges have had nothing but Con- nurists as speakers. Only about 10 per cent. f the people really think. The others Lust ccept propaganda," Vernon P. Johnson, a ' ell-to-do doctor and a member of the Com- dittee of Endorsers of the John Birch Society, aid. Nevertheless, Johnson relieved, Red speakers ni campuses are all right as long as both des are heard., Endorsers are selected by the Society as rpical members whose job is to explain the roup to interested outsiders. But on speaker ans, he is not a typical reactionary, it seems. OHNSON WASN'T SUPRISED that so many students were at the other end of the olitical spectrum-after all, students only ear the liberal side in classes. These days, iat is. Things weren't so bad when he grad-. ated from the University in the Twenties. "Michigan's colleges tend to be very liberal, ry socialistic-they are no worse, however, an colleges in the rest of the country." His n, who had graduated from a state junior llege the year before, listened to our con- 'rsation, and now and then he nodded in reement._ After reading Time's account of the Birch 'ciety, I thought the local chapters should called "cells" instead. Johnson painted a fferent picture of the Detroit chapter, des- bing it as a study group in which people arn about Communism and other issues the day so they can inform their friends. OHNSON APPEARED to be the antithesis to outspoken Robert Welch, founder of the ciety, and apparently he can get away with But he takes issue with Welch's emphasis on religion in the "Blue Book." "There is no necessary correlation between religion and conservatism. Religion .shouldn't be men- tioned at all." He said many members have criticized Welch for this. And in a mood which contrasted sharply with Welch's, he said "lib- erals are as sincere as we are. We're all Americans, after all." FOR THE RAMPANT reactionary cabal it has been s.pictured to be,Mthe Society is certainly loosely organized. Members of the Detroit group apparently know nothing about other chapters, and it has no interaction with other rightist groups. He described the society as an educational movement, working on a person-to-person basis. By writing letters and through informal contacts, members try to influence friends and national figures. Individual members us- ually support politicians who have Birch-ian ideas. "We are not a third party. We work within our own major parties." I tried to picture .him kibitzing with Swainson or Reu- ther, but the image died quickly. As we talked, a web of his ideology formed. On the state colleges' financial problems- "It's too bad the state cannot afford to run the colleges to their capacity, but the federal government doesn't leave enough money to the states." Summit conferences-"don't accomplish any- thing." Integration-"The situation in the South is 'unfortunate, but demonstrations such as the Freedom Ride are not the way to solve the problem, since they stir up bigger feelings. There will be integration, but unfortunately you can't legislate it." Communists - Their danger is present throughout the country, although ultra right- wingers like the American Nazi Party are no threat. It's hard to cite evidence of this Com- i IN THE LIGHT of the above, it would indeed be wise-and no doubt suprising-to take a second look at our own speaker policy. Much of the Regent's Bylaw reads like a relic from the past: i) Recognized student organiza- tions may be granted permission. to use University facilities for lectures or meetings, provided that the group guarantees that there will be no advocacy' of the sub- version of the United States nor the state of Michigan. 2) "No addresses shall 'be al- lowed which urge the destruction or modification of our form of government by violence or other unlawful methods orwhich ad- vocate or justify conduct which violates the fundamentals of our accepted code of morals." * * * WHAT DO THESE provisions imply and, moreover,'what exactly are "the fundamentals of our ac- cepted code of morals?" Are they the certain truths that Buckley claims have been dis- covered and accepted by the major philosophers of the past (although Buckley never did pin down specifically just who these philos- ophers are or what the "intellec- tual and moral patrimony of past generations" actually is)? In a world of constant change, a specific set of morals is im- possible to determine. If we ac- cept this premise, then it becomes obvious that the anachronistic "morals" phrase must be altered, if not abolished. * * * THE CONTROVERSY now rag- ing' in New York is whether or not any person should be allowed to speak before a student group, while at the University vague lines' are being drawn in order to dis- tinguish who qualifies as an "ac- ceptable" speaker and who does not. One might argue, as did a pro- test to New York's Mayor Wagner from the New York State Council of the Knights of Columbus, that "our public institutions should not be allowed to be used as a forum for the dissemination of the evil menace of Communism which, threatens to destroy us." However, one must also consider the statement by the New York Times that "the recent 5-to-4 de-' cision of the Supreme Court that the Communist Party must regis- ter as an agency controlled by a foreign power does not suppress the party or strip it of its right to speak." In addition, in the restrictions upon speakers, we again see symp- toms of In Loco Parentis that NSA so firmly condemned-this summer. Does the University seek to shield its students from so-called "un- acceptable" speakers and thereby maintain a "parental" influence over its students? * , , IT MUST BE realized that stu- dents possess enough integrity and maturity to choose intelli- AT THE MICHIGAN: Cliches Clutter 'Back Street' .: DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN IN A MOMENT of truth, Susan Hayward delivers, in chesty tones, a choice piece of philosophy: "Funny thing about life, all the old cliches are true." This is the thesis developed as Back Street unfolds. It all begins in Lincoln, Neb., where Rae Smith (Miss Hayward) is just a girl-whom.life has destined to become a success fn New York, London, Rome and Paris as a fashion} designer. But fate is cruel as well as' bountiful; it also plans to inflict upon the heroine an unhappy passion that meets countless barriers. At first, men fail to understand that Rae really wants to be a fashion designer. Her The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be' sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 General Notices School of Music Honors Program: Ap- licatlons now are being received for the second semester, 1962. Forms are available in the School of Music Of- fice, Lane Hall. Deadline for receipt of applications, and supporting state- ments, by the Honors Council, Wed., Nov. 15, Engineering Seniors qid Graduate Students: The 1962 College Placement Annual, official occupational directory of the College Placement Associations, is now available free to seniors and graduate students at the Engineering Placement Service, 128-H West Engi- neering Bldg. Approval for the following student sponsored activities becomes effective twenty-four (24) hours after the publi- cation of this notice. All publicity for these events must be withheld until the approval has become effective. Nov. 2-voice, General Meeting, lrm., 3511 SAB, 7:30 p.m. r __ _ . 'y Approved: Minutes of the previous meeting. Appointed: As delegates to the Unit- ed States National Student Association Michigan Regional Fall Assembly to be held in Ann Arbor on September 27, 28, 29, 1961: Susan Stillerman, Brian Glick, John Vos, Ken McEldowney, Robert. Ross, Sharon Jeffrey, Carol Cohen, Appointed: To the Student Govern- ment Council-Chamber of Commerce Student-Business Relations Committee, term to expire in the fall, 1962: Julie Gordon. Adopted: That the Student Govern- ment Council representative to the Student Activities Building Administra- tive Board be filled by the Treasurer of the Council. Accepted: Financial Report for Fis- cal Year Beginning July 1, 1961 (Treas- urer). Adopted: That Student Government Council abolish the Finance Commit- tee in its present form and structure, this committee to be superseded; by a Budget Committee which will meet an- nually or when deemed necessary, with the Treasurer, in consultation and con- sideration of the proposed budget.. The Budget Committee will retain the same composition as the present Finance Committee. Postponed: Motion that the Student Government Council National Student Association Coordinator assume the role of campus distributor of "Current" magazine and organize a subscription drive.. Adopted: That Student Government Council send the following telegrams: 1} To Attorney General Robert Ken- dream is to come true in time, but first she meets Paul Saxon .(John Gavin) who delivers her out of the .clutches of a Mr. Bannen, who has designs but does not un- derstand. On a picnic the discovery is made:"When you love somebody- that's it." It is fraught with an- guish, as the faces of Hayward. and Gavin try to tell us. For. custom, nature and technology vie to frustrate the fulfillment of a great passion. There is the missed airplane :onnection, the jammed telephone line and the. fact that Paul is married to a villain-Leslie (Vera Miles), a hard woman and a harder drinker. VERA MILES is a superb cliche, as a woman who lives to torture: "A divorce? don't be a fool; I worked too hard getting you."' Rae and Paul meet in secret' at an Italian villa on the sea ("the beach house") and at a country estate outside of Paris ("our house"). Also, their affair is un- LETTERS to the EDITOR f ,,- i I I SOC Report ... To the Editor: W HEN THE DAILY reports, the campus should be able to re- ceive an accurate picture of all that has happened. That which Miss Oppenheim's article con- tained about the S.G.C. Open House at the Women's Senate was factually accurate, However, more occurred than that she has pre- sented. When comparing the ar- ticle to notes, and more than one set, taken during the meeting, it appears that much information was omitted. Miss Oppenheim, also, failed to relate that the candidates had reasons "why" they believed what they do and supported them. It, -, ., , , I - - -- . . . k ,.