Qs 191' THEMICHIGANDAILY Danger of War Hangs over Berlin Border FIRST SHOT: Saturn's Flight Succeeds By RICHARD O'REGAN Associated Press Staff Writer BERLIN-For the moment, the Berlin border situation looks like a stalemate. The danger of some sort of mis- calculation is great, however. The threat of war is bound to arise if the Communists decide to resist with force the American displays of military strength. Three time in a week the United States has sent American soldiers into East Berlin. Today, as yester- day, jeeps with military police went into Communist-controlled territory while tanks waited. The aim was to maintain a matter of principle. Western Access The Western principle is that access to East Berlin--even though the East German Communists claim it as their territory-actu- ally is a war-won right of all vic- tors over Germany. The United States believes American govern- ment personnel do not have to submit to the controls of Com- munist East German police. The Russians argue that West- ern principle is no longer valid. The war is over, they say, and the West must recognize the existence of Communist East Germany and submit to its controls. The West refuses, because ulti- mately acceptance could mean all Berlin would fall into Communist hands.a Show Identification 'hBacking up the Soviet stand, the East Germans have repeatedly insisted that United States ve- hicles with civilian passengers must show identification to Com- munist police before entering East Berlin.. The Communist technique ap- pears to be to insist on their own position, to fall back when the United States uses force, but then to reassert their position again immediately afterward. In the past, the Americans have agreed to submit to checks by Rus- sian officers on entering East Ber- lin. The Russians yesterday re- fused to send an officer to the checkpoint where the Americans were held up. Thus they kept out of the mat- ter, but, at the same time, main- tained their own point that the Communist East Germans have a sovereign claim to East Berlin. If the West has to use armor every time to prove its point, the Communists in fact will have sliced away the West's practical right of free accessibility to East Berlin. If the East Germans de- cide to resist with force the move- ment of American jeeps and tanks, there could be a clash, perhaps an exchange of fire. The world then might face the real danger of a nuclear war. i UN Approves Request 'Urging Reds To Cancel 50-Megaton Bomb Test World News Roundup Mongolians, Mauritanians Gain Seats USSR To Disregard Appeal by Assembly By The Associated Press UNITED NATIONS--The Unit- ed Nations last night approved s, solemn appeal to the Soviet Union to refrain from testing a 50-meg- aton H-bomb. By a vote of 87 to 11 with one abstention the> General Assembly ratified a resolution submitted by eight nations asking cancellation of the big bomb test which the So- viet Union said it planned by the end of the month. In other action Communist Out- er Iongolia and the former French African colony of Mauri- tania were accepted with only mumblings of opposition and seat- .:ed yesterday as the 102nd and 103rd members of the United Na- tions.- The nine Soviet bloc countries, Outer Mongolia and Cuba voted against the test-ban approval. Mali abstained.- Just before the Assembly voted Soviet Delegate Semyon K. Tar- apkin indicated the resolution would not be heeded. Vetoes Appeals Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush- chev has turned down similar ap- peals from European and U.S. lib- eral groups. Tsarapkin denounced the reso- lution as "NATO's propagandist arrow launched against the So- viet Union." "Nothing will obstruct the So- viet Union in its efforts to strengthen its defense capacities or -in its efforts fr peace," lie declared. Stays In Session But despite the Soviet attitude the Assembly stayed in session to complete action on the resolution sought by Canada, Denmark, Ice- land, Iran, Japan, Norway, Paki- stan and Sweden. They had introduced the reso- lution a week ago in the Assem- bly's political committee. It was approved in committee last Wed- nesday after a Soviet-led filibus- ter failed to prevent the vote. Earlier the Assembly gave quick approval to a resolution calling for a speedup of reports from UN ex- perts on the effect of radioactive fallout from nuclear tests. The vote was 74 to 0 with 17 abstentions. A resolution by Communist Czechoslovakia that would have expressed Assembly satisfaction to 'wait until next year for such re- ports was defeated. Thie resolu- tion failed to win the required two- thirds majority. Employment Best in Year The local Michigan Employment Security Commission reported yes- terday that employment is cur- rently higher than it has been since October, 1960. By last Saturday the MESC was processing just 315 claims after placing 221 applicants on jobs during September and 258 so far this month. By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-The Republi- can and }Democratic national chairmen hurled fresh verbal barbs at one another yesterday in their running argument over charges and counter-charges of White House secrecy. Republican Chairman William E. Miller challenged Democratic Chairman John M. Bailey to de- bate the John F. Kennedy admin- istration's information policies be- fore any recognized journalistic group. Bailey replied that he would be happy to accept-but only after Miller turns his debate promoting talents to the governor races in California and New Jersey. DAMASCUS - An official an- nouncement yesterday said three British Claim East Germans Deepen Crisis LONDON (1P--Britain yesterday accused the East German Com- munists of irresponsibly inflam- ing the Berlin crisis by seeking to impose new border controls on Allied officials. The Foreign Office expressed support for new United States dip- lomatic moves to settle the dan- gerous dispute. In Moscow yes- terday United States Ambassador Llewelyn Thompson visited the Foreign Ministry to call the Rus- sians to account for the haras- sing actions of the East Germans. With the tension rising in Ber- lin the British government clearly hoped to exert a restraining in- fluence. There have been reports that Britain has expressed concern to Washington that United States policy of sending troops into East Berlin may lead to shooting and this could wreck chances of a negotiated settlement of the crisis. Similar advice to the Russians is planned. Ambassador Sir Frank Roberts flew back to his Moscow post under orders to warn the Russians of the risk of fighting, informed sources said. unidentified infiltrators were kill- ed in an armed clash with Syrian border guards while attempting to cross the Lebanese frontier into Syria Thursday at midnight. * * * WASHINGTON - Unusual and unexpected public demand for in- fluenza vaccine has caused a na- tionwide shortage in the product, the Public Health Service said yes- terday. The service said manufacturers have produced twice as much flu vaccine this year as in recent years but still have been unable to meet the demand. * * * GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Vice- President Lyndon B. Johnson de- clared last night that "good Amer- icans" are unwittingly aiding the Communists by planting "seeds of doubt" about the loyalty of the nation's leaders and the fairness of its institutions. Johnson, in a speech delivered at a University of Florida dinner, said the free world has the over- whelming military strength to de- feat the Communists-and will use it in a showdown. * * * JAKARTA, Indonesia - The United States turned over to the Indonesian Air Force yesterday 50 military training planes to "aid Indonesia's defense potentials." NEW YORK -- The mightiest fighting ship in the history of the United States Navy, the aircraft carrier Constellation, was com- missioned into the fleet yesterday. ** * DAMASCUS-Women in Syria will have the right to vote and run for Parliament in forthcom- ing elections. The balloting will probably take place in December. BANGKOK-Gen. Maxwell D. Taylor left by plane for Hong Kong yesterday after a 10-day fact-finding mission on the Com- munist-threatened Southeast Asia mainland. NEW YORK-The stock mar- ket erased a brief early advance and declined irregularly Friday, with the Dow-Jones Average for 65 stocks down .58 closing at 241.28. -AP Wirephoto SATURN FLIES HIGH--The Saturn booster rocket heads into its course down the Atlantic Missile Range in its first test at Cape Canaveral. EXTRA FUNDS: GovermentPl ans Cut .in Defense Spendings By The Associated Press CAPE CANAVERAL-The mon- strous Saturn rocket thundered through a perfect maiden flight yesterday and the United States at last had the firepower needed to race Russia to the Moon, With a loud roar of its eight engines, the world's mightiest known booster rode 1.3 million pounds of thrust to an altitude of 95 miles then dived back as plan- ned to sink to the bottom of the Atlantic 200 miles down range. Kennedy Observes President John F. Kennedy, who has pledged. that Americans will walk on the moon in this decade, was among those who watched the awesome blastoff of the 162-foot long rocket on television. He had no immediate comment. Despite the complete success of the initial flight, Saturn will not soon erase the Russian lead over the United States in booster power. Under the present schedule, it will be at least three years be- fore Saturn is ready to hurl a three-man Apollo' spacecraft into orbit around the earth. And it will be 1966 before the rocket, which then will have a thrust of three to four million pounds, will be able to propel Apollo into orbit around the Moon. Evaluates Program Yesterday's performance does not mean that this program can be accelerated, scientists said. It is being held up by development of the second stage. The Saturn booster is larger than most houses and so noisy its sound can be detected almost 700 miles away. Just to fuel the eight engines of the huge booster requires 750,000 pounds of kerosene and liquid oxygen Only two holds while rocketeers waited for clouds to clear away kept the Saturn from blasting off precisely on time after a flawless 10-hour countdown. -AP Wirephoto NEW MEMBER-The West Africa Republic of Mauritania, shown by arrow, took its seat as the 103rd member of the UN yesterday, further strengthening the already powerful Afro-Asian bloc. Mauritania's first bid for membership was blocked by a Russian veto last December. Two ations Struggle T Join World Council By HARRY PERLSTADT, Mauritania and the Mongolian People's Republic have had an uphill fight for membership in the United Nations. Last December a bid for UN membership by Mauritania was de- feated by a Soviet veto in the Security Council. Soviet delegate Val- erian Zorin previously had asked the Council simultaneously to take up the UN admission of Outer Mongolia. In April of this year the General Assembly voted to ask the Se- curity Council to reconsider the applications for membership by Mauritania and Mongolia. The applications were linked together de- WASHINGTON (A) -- The Ken- nedy Administration announced last night it will not use $780 million in extra money voted by Congress for more bombers and other defense projects. A defense department announce- ment said, "The progress of the. admirnistration's accelerated de- fense buildup makes unnecessary the use of additional defense funds appropriated by the Congress. The decision W!as made by Sec- retary of Defense Robert ., Mc- Namara with the approval of Pres- ident John F. Kennedy, the an- nouncement said. A. .::: I The extra money which Con- gress urged upon the Administra- tion was composed of $514.5 mil- lion for additional B52 bombers; $180 million to press development of the B70 long-range, super- sonic bomber; and $85.8 million for the Dyna Soar rocket-aircraft research vehicle project. (Author of «I Was a Teena Dwarf' "The Many Loves of Do (!jjja",etc.5 1 1 _ -----_ THE DATING SEASON I have recently returned from a tour of 950,000 American.col- leges where I made a survey of undergraduate dating customs and sold mechanical dogs, and I have tabulated my findings and I am now prepared to tell you the simple secret of successful dating. The simple secret is simply this: a date is successful when the man knows how to treat the. girl. And how does a girl like to be treated? If you want to know, read and remember these four cardinal rules of dating: 1. A girl likes to be treated with respect. When you call for your girl, do not drive up in front of the sorority house and yell, "Hey, fat lady 1" Get out of your car. Walk respectfully to the door. Knock respectfully. When your girl comes out, tug your forelock and say respectfully, "Good evening, your honor." Then offer her a Marlboro, for what greater respect can you show your girl than to offer Iarlboro with its fine flavor and exclusive selectrate filter? It will in- dicate immediately that you respect her taste, respect her dig. cernment, respect her intelligence. So, good buddies, before going out on a date, always remember to buy some Marlboros, available in soft pack or flip-top box in all 50 of the United States and also Cleveland. spite American delegate Charles< Yost's claim that the arrange- ment was a "package deal" for simultaneous admission. He charged that Mongolia was a Soviet dependency and that the United States would support its admission when it could show the "attributes of an independent state." Approves Membership On Wednesday the !Security Council did, in fact, approve the admission of Mauritania and Mon- golia and sent them to the Gen- eral Assembly for final approval. The Mongolian People's Repub- lic has had similar set backs in the UN. In 1956 it was part of an 18-nation package plan for UN membership. But the Chinese gov- ernment on Taiwan vetoed the ad- mission of Mongolia in the Secur- ity Council. Becomes Independent Mauritania, originally part of French West Africa, became in- depehdenthon Nov. 28 of last year. Upon achieving independence, Morocco, its northern neighbor, claimed sovereignty over the new nation Mongolian People's ' Republic, with its capital Ulan Bator, broke away from Chinese domination after the Chinese revolution of 1912. Soviet troops entered Mon- golia and supported a revolution- ary movement in 1924. A Communist-run plebiscite in 1945 established nominal inde-, pendence and it was recognized by China in 1946. The govern- ment on Taiwan has subsequent- ly renounced this recognition. 4 for the entire school year with Sheaffer's '42eiv °contest Here are some of the things to keep in 2 FIRST PRIZES OF X100 A MONTH Winners (one man and one woman student) will receive a check for $400 on Dec. 15th and $100 a month beginning in Jan- -"'"' _ ary and ending in May. 25 SECOND PRIZES . ° , of a new Philco transistor radio IT'S EASY TO ENTER-EASY TO WIN I HERE'S ALL YOU DO Just tell us in 25 words or less, what you like most about Sheaffer's all-new $2.95 Cartridge Fountain Pen. Write your entry in ink on any sheet of paper, enclose it with the top from a package of Skrip cartridges, and mail it to: Sheaffer "Pen Money" Contest, P.O. mind when you're writing about Sheaffer's all-new cartridge fountain. pen " For smooth, easy writing, there's no sub- stitute for a Sheaffer fountain pen. s Loads like a rifle with leakproof cartridges of world famous Skrip writing fluid. 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