" CHALLENGE' FALTERS See Page 4, p., Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom 7Iait3J FAIR, MILD High-54 Low-38 Becoming much warmer tonight and tomorrow. iriwr .. t vvtt fv o r _ - ' VOLJ~. LXIIAE, No. 35 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 27. 1961 SEVEN CENTS RIX PAC -. r - . ... .,. . . . .. .. e." ..vva 47L' "a:" Vi:il 1 7 4 "MIL i IQC Vote Seeks~ Visiting Periods Would Allow Women in Rooms From Noon Until Near Closing Hour BY DAVID MARCUS Interquadrangle Council last night unanimously approved a reso- lution that would allow women in men's rooms in the quadrangles from noon to one-half hour before that night's permission. Sets Up Committee 'IQC also voted to set up a committee of not more than five IQC members to resolve various difficulties involved in instituting the plan " before the resolution comes to the I Kennedy Asks Spending Cu LEGISLATURE: IVO ANDRIC , .. prizewinner Andric Wins In Literature STOCKHOLM, Sweden (JP)-Ivo Andric, a .Yugoslav autor who wove the dark currents of modern life into a powerful 'trilogy of novels drawn from his country's troubled past, was awarded the 1961 Nobel Prize for literature yes- terday.. A prewar diplomat who was rugoslavia's last minister to Hit- ler's Germany, Andric now is a member of Comnunist , Yugo- slavia's parliament. He lives quietly in a Belgrade apartment where he wrote "The Bridge on the Drina," "The Travnik Chronicle" and "Miss" while Nazi soldiers patrolled the streets outside dur- ing the wartime occupation. The 69-year-old writer is the first Yugoslav citizen ever to win a NolYll Prize. s Cn nonvention To A rgue Distritin LANSING}- (rDemocratic ard Republican proposals for revamp- ing legislative districts showed up at the constitutional convention yesterday. Senators andi members- of the House of Representatives would get voting strength equal to the number of votes cast in their dis- tricts under the plansubmitted by six Detroit area Democras. Legislative districts would be reapportioned on the basis of .population. Weldon 0. Yeaker (R-Detroit) called for a revision of House dis- tricts to reflect populationmore accurately, but proposed retention of area representation in the Sen- ate. Legislative reapportionment, one of the main issues of the conven- tion, is certain to touch off sparks between Republican and Demo- cratic delegates. It would limit population varia- tions in House districts to 2,500 and those in Senate districts to 4,000. Yeaker proposed to divide the state into 27 legislative areas wilth each to have at least one senator and one representative. The rest of the seats in both houses would" be divided up according to popu- lation. i Residence Hall Board of Governors for final approval.. The motion was originally intro- duced by IQC Secretary-Treasurer Roger Pfeuffer,, '64, and amended by South Quadrangle President Edward Powers, '63, with a substi- tute motion containing the same provisions but with. more of the reasons for IQC taking such action. Motion Cites' The motion cited the abnormal- 1ity of segregation by sex in the Universitycommunity as not con- ducive to "desirable social adjust- ment" and last year's policy change allowing non - freshmen women in men's apartments as reasons for allowing the change. It also leaves implementation of the policy within the limits set regarding hours to the individual houses. Dennis Moore, '63, who made the motion to set up the committee, noted that while he personally was -in favor of the motion certain dif- ficulties such as staff responsi- bility, the limited space in ndi.- vidual quad rooms, and the pos- sible disruption of such visits to those who wanted to study were difficulties that should be con- sidered before the plan is sub- mitted to the administration. Presidents Cite Needs The Michigan Council of State College Presidents at their meeting yesterday in East Lansing defined four critical areas in the support of higher education. The nine presidents of the state- supported colleges and universities agreed that on each of their cam- puses a major problem area is the urgent and critical situation which has developed in regard to faculty salaries. Theneed for relief from serious overcrowding of faculty teaching loads and the use of teaching fa- cilities in order to accommodate more students was the second ma- jor problem area named as com- mon to all nine institutions. The presidents also noted the neglect of plant maintenance. This neglect, they said, promises to be- come more severe as the institu- tions' move towards year-around operation. The final area which they con- sidered a major problem is the ignoring of library needs. Inven- tories are being kept at emergency levels and vital services are held down in such a way as to be a matter of grave concern, the presi- dents commented. The president have agreed to channel information on these needs through the council in order to provide an overall picture of the critical needs of state-sup- ported institutions of higher learn- ing in Michigan. Attention was also focused on operation budgets and the group plans to discuss capital outlay needs at their No- vember meeting. s r Lists Steps To Reduce U1.S. Deficit Wants Balanced Budget Next Year By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President John F. ,Kennedy announced yesterday he has ordered a substantial cut in spending so that the govern- ment may reduce this year's $7 billion deficit and come up with a balanced budget next year. He has called for slowing down anti-recession programs and post- poning certain other projects not * absolutely essential to national defense. Lists Steps Ticking off steps he said his administration already has taken to save money, Kennedy added that appropriationsaby Congress "are a ceiling, not a mandate to spend." And he laid down specific guideposts to be followed to save dollars: 1) Postpone or limit govern- ment programs that normally would be desirable. 2) Halt any speedup in spend- ing which had been undertaken , to combat the recession. 3) Hold down the number of government workers "to the min- .imum consistent with getting the job done." Caution and Deliberation "I am especially desirous that new programs or expansions of existing programs be undertaken with caution and deliberation," Kennedy said. The President enunciated this tight fiscal policy in a statement he presented at a White House meeting of the cabinet and heads of 13 agencies. The text of the statement was made public while the session was in progress. The statement did not make it clear whether Kennedy meant to cut down the payroll by laying off federal workers. But Pierre Salinger, White House press sec- retary, said the administration's policy has been to make reduc- tions when it is determined that fewer employes can handle the work of an agency or department. Yale Fraternity Admits Negro Over Protest NEW HAVEN (') - The Yale University chapter of Delta Psi fraternity initiated a Negro mem- ber last night over the' protests of five University of Virginia members who flew to New Haven. A spokesman for the Virginia group said the members came to discuss the admission of Wendell A. Mottley, a sophomore track star from Trinidad. Mottley was one of two Negroes admitted to Yale fraternities this fall, the first to join fraternities at Yale in recent history. This afternoon, before the joint meeting of Yale and Virginia members began, Richard C. Car- roll, dean of undergraduate affairs at Yale, warned that any frater- nity with any trace of discrimina- tion "would not be welcome on the Yale campus."' * * wsU' Propo Governor sed Fee Is Se * * * -AP Wirephoto ARMY RETURNS-Three United States Army vehicles carry American military personnel back across the Berlin border into the American sector of the divided city. Armed police accompanied the caravan. ne T TReinforceBord-erin erlin * * * * Plan $1.25,a Tuition. Hi . R- Per Credit, To Use Extra Money To Admit Students Turned Away in Fall Wayne State University yester- day approyed some of its share of the proposed bargain with the state Legislature for more money. WStU's Board of Governors, meeting in. Detroit, unanimously agreed to boost tuition by $1.25 per credit hour for the spring semester if the egislature in turn restores a $2L VJ'00 budget cut it made last spring. The extra money would be used to take in 700 students WSU turned away in September because of an inadequate budget. 'he WSU governors last week outlined the bargain, ..which also includes a long-term program fr raising both student fees and the Legislative appropriation. Refuse Action The University Regents last Fri- day refused to take any action on a ' 4tion boost at this time. In- stead, they said they promised "careful consideration" of a tui- tion boost in the spring if the state appropriation is raised. .They, authgrIjzed University ' President Harlan Hatcher to "dis- cuss with' the governor and mem- bers of the Legislature all pos- sible means (including student fee increases) of financing the Uni- versity's needs." House Ways and Means Com- mittee Chairman Rep. Arnelf Eng- : Strom (R-Traverse-City) has said that "We feel it would be unfair to the University and Michigan State University to require them to raise their tuitions to get more. money just because WSU is willing to._ "it would be not quite fair to allow WSU to take advantage of the rest of the state's instiutions." Details of the WSU plan will be discussed with a Legislative com- mittee in Lansing, Nov. 7. In addition to the immediate increases proposed, the WSU plan would raise student fees over a three-year period to net $1 fr' each additional $4 appropriated to WSU by the Legislature. Board of Governors Chairman Leonard Woodcock said yesterday that WSU will offer a plan for de- ferred payments of tuition. Pay Off Fees Students would be able to pay off fees in 'the form of loans, due one year after graduation from any WSU program. Woodcock claimed the plan will enable students to attend WSU who might otherwise have finan- cial problems with the increased fees. If accepted as proposed, the WSU plan would mean that, in the future, students would pay one-fifth of the added costs of education. This corresponds gen- erally to the University's tuition- to-general operating budget ra- tio which has fluctuated just over 20 per cent. _ _ BERLIN unit rolled (P)-A Soviet armored into East Berlin lastj Jusice Department Mov.es Against LouisianaRegistrar SHREVEPORT (A')-The Department of Justice filed a civil rights suit in Federal District Court yesterday alleging that Negroes in Mad- ison Parish are being discriminated against because they are not being allowed to register to vote.' The suit named as defendants Mrs. Katherine Ward, parish reg- istrar of voters, and the State of Louisiana. The suit, filed under pro- visions of the civil rights acts of 1957 and 1960, asked that the court ;enjoin Mrs. Ward and the state night and took up positions, a few hundred yards from tie bor- der. Eyewitnesses saw a dozen Soviet tanks with Russian crews line up behind the EastGerman State Opera House on Unter Den"Lin- den. It was a blunt areply to the United States Army's dramatic armed thrusts this week demon- strating the Allied right to cir- culate in East Berlin without in- terference from the East German Communists. Americans Force Three times American military police squads with fixed bayonets have forced the border into East Berlin. They cleared the way for United States occupation civilians who refused to submit to East German. controls. The actions were carried out un- der the guns of heavy American Patton tanks lined up'on the West- ern side of the border. The East German police stepped aside in each case and allowed the MP's to escort civilians past the border without resistance. Not a shot was fired. First Seen The Soviet tanks were the first seen in the heart of East Berlin since Red tanks helped crush the 1953 anti-Communist revolt. The West German defense min- istry said the Red army has 10 armored divisions in East Ger- many, but they have been kept well away from the capital in: re- cent years.- SGC Debates Responsibility Of 'U' Students By JUDITH OPPENHEIM In committee of the whole dis- cussion Wednesday night, Student Government Council considered three questions prepared by the Council's delegates to the Office of Student Affairs Study Com- mittee. Several faculty and administra- tion members on the committee attended the SGC meeting to hear the, discussion. Committee Chair- man Prof. John Reed of the law school joined the Council at the table. Discussion of the questions will be continued at next week's meet- ing and Council members have been invited to submit further opinions to ther study committee delegates. The questions, drawn up by Un- ion President Paul Carder, '62, Brian Glick, '62, Women's League President Bea Nemlaha, '62, and Assembly Association President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62, were: 1) When we speak of student responsibility, what do we mean -responsibility in what areas? How broad and how deep should this responsibility be? Where are the limits to it and who decides them? 2) Hn, mtehs ,.ancanaihmi, ea from discriminatory practices the government alleged were taking place. The suit claimed that 81.4 per cent of white persons of voting age °were registered but that no Negro has been registered as a voter in the parish for the last 36 years. Latest available figures indicated the parish had 5,181 Ne- groes of voting age, compared with 3,334 white persons. Under state law, registration ap- plicant's must be identified to reg- ister by two persons from their precinct or else must produce sat- isfactory identification. The suit was announced in Washngton by United States Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy. Texas Students Elect Negro, Set Integration Precedents There are also two East Ger- man armored divisions equipped with Soviet-made tanls. These normally appear in Berlin only for military parades. The tanks were spotted by West. German police on .duty near the Brandenburg Gate, the border at the end of Uneter Den Linden. U.S ToAsK For Access WASHINGTON (P)-The United States will formally ask the Soviet Union today to put an immediate end to interference with American officials who visit East Berlin. Ambassador Lleweflyn Thomp- son received instructions to lodge. an official protest in Moscow, State Department spokesman Lincoln White said. White told a news conference Thompson was instructed "to dis- cuss the unilateral actions taken by the Soviet side" in East Berlin where East German Communist police ,have requested United States officials to identify them- selves when crossing the line di- viding the two parts of the city. "You can describe it as a pro- test," White said when asked what the American diplomat will deliver to the Russian foreign ministry. Officials said Thompson will make these arguments: 1) The United States insists its officials-whether in uniform or wearing 'civilian clothes - must have unrestricted right to visit East Berlin without being stopped to identify themselves if they ride automobiles bearing special license plates. 2) Continued harassment of Americans in Berlin will hardly create an atmosphere favorable for future talks on the over-all. question of Berlin and Germany. 3) The Soviets should comply with their responsibility in the city by manning the Friedrich- strasse crossing themselves, rather than letting the East Germans do it. By DENISE WACKER Students at the University of Texas Wednesday elected the first Negro member of the Student As- sembly and approved integration of varsity athletics. HEARING RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Kresge Cornerstone Ceremony Planned The cornerstone for the Uni- versity's new $1.7 million Kresge Hearing Research Institute will be installed in ceremonies next Thursday. The five-story building will be the world's largest laboratory de- voted exclusively to research in hearing and deafness. Stanley S. Kresge, head of the Kresge Foundation, which donat- ed funds for the laboratory, will attend the cornerstone - laying ceremonies. The building is scheduled for Gwen Jordan, a 22-year-old Ne- gro from Houston, was elected to the assembly from the College of Arts and Sciences. She ran second in a field of I0, with the four lead- ers winning seats. The referendum vote on partici- pation of Negroes in varsity ath- letics was 5,132 in favor and 3,293 opposed. Current Struggle The issue of integrated athletics is a part of a current struggle for integration on campus. During the fall registration period, a petition with more than. 6,000 signature asking for desegregation of varsity athletics was presented to the board of regents. It was rejected, however, on the grounds that only a minority of the total 20,000 students at the university had signed. The regents also stated that they "cannot at this time go ahead with integration," Richard Van- Steenkiste, Daily Texan editorial director said. First Step Nixon To Fill Out Full Term SAN DIEGO (') - Richard M Nixon' said yesterday that only "something like a physical disa- bility" would prevent him from serving a full four-year term if he is elected governor next year. :: ; ;: i