FRATERNITY- AUTONOMY Y Sir :43 at t49 OVERCAST High-65 Low-r47 Increasing cloudiness, with evening rain likely. See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 33 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1961 SEVEN CENTS SIX PAGES Ask Women Visitors For Men in Quads IQC To Hear Motion Tomorrow; Each House To Set Its Own Policy By DAVID MARCUS Inter-Quadrangle Council will hear a motion tomorrow night that would allow non-freshmen women to visit men's rooms in the. quad- 'rangles from noon until one-half hour before the women must return to their dormitories. At present, open-open houses in the men's residence halls must be conducted in conjunction with some social event, such as a quad- rangle dance or a football game. The motion, to be proposed by IQC Secretary-Treasurer Roger Pfeuffer, '64, would allow each house in the men's residence halls to 1 'I EUGENE B. POWER .. try for support Regent Asks More Funds By The Associated Press SAULT STE. MARIE - Regent Eugene B. Power continues his four-day tour of the Upper Penin- sula today in an effort to gain support for the University's $45.8 million budget request. The chairman of the ,Univer- sity's governing board told an alumni group here that additional money is needed to meet back deficiencies in maintenance and salaries. Rep. Clayton Morrison (R- Chippewa), who attended the meeting, told the University grad- uates that a fiat rate state income tax might be necessary to meet -the increased needs of various Michigan agencies. Morrison,, a member_ of the House Education Committee, said that if all the state - supported units submitted requests for in- creases similar to that of the University, the total budget would be boosted by some $100 million. He added, however, that he felt, the University request "represents a need, and not just a want." If the Legislature grants the full °sum sought by the University and student fees are "held con- stant, the University's general fund income total will be some $55 million. YD's Support Voice Four The Young Democrats Executive Board last night adopted a resolu- tion supporting the Voice Poli- tical . Party candidates in the upcoming Student Government Council elections. The four candidates are: in- cumbent Kenneth McEldowney, '62, Sharon Jeffrey, '63, Richard Magidoff, '63, and Robert Ross, '63. The board action included the cirdulation of a recommendation to all the YD's recommending that they back these candidates. -set its own policy within these time limits by a two-thirds vote of the residents. Dean Approves John Hale, assistant dean of men in charge of residence halls, com- mented, "I think basically it's a good idea." He also noted, in regard to the privacy of the men, "this is why I think it will be left to a more than a majority vote of the men in each house. "It then becomes an individual matter that can be decided to the satisfaction of everyone in the house." Moch Speaks IQC President Thomas Moch, '62E, commented, "Last year, the University passed a regulation al- lowing non-freshmen women in men's apartments. "It is our hope to present a similar arrangement for men's residence halls, following the philosophy that the residence halls are the men's homes and they are entitled to the same privileges there that they would have at home." Hale also noted that he felt the new policy, if instituted would "not significantly" add to the work of the residence hall staff. No Supervision' Staff supervision would prob- ably not be necessary, though spe- cific regulations regarding women visitors have not yet been consid- ered, he said. Presently, regulations regarding open-open houses deal with such things as staff supervision - and requirements on having doors open., Pfeuffer saw the motion as "opening new opportunities" for residents in the field of self-de- termination of policies., Urge End Of House Rush Rule By MALINDA BERRY Panhellenic Association passed a motion expressing disapproval of individual sororities' setting grade requirements for rushees at their meeting last night. Several sororities alreay on campus have grade requirements in addition to the University- demanded 2.0 credit-hour.average. The motion reads: "Panhellenic Association disapproves of the set- ting of grade recuirements above those set by the University for rushees and urges their elimina- tion." Catherine Steffek, '62, Chair- ma of Rushing Chairmen, pro- posed the motion, which she em- phasized is a statement of Panhel policy, not an act of legislation. Houses' Rights "Any house that wishes to re- tain a higher stipulation, than the 2.0 set by the University is within its rights to do so," Susan Stiller- man, '62A&D, Panhel president, said. Panhel is not infringing on the rights of any house, but is just saying that any house that wishes a higher grade requirement must be responsible for carying out this policy and the necessary proce- dures alone, she said. "In effect, we are making the statement that grade restrictions are in opposition to the philosophy at this University," she said. Majority Feeling It was the majority feeling that the removal of these restrictions was a good move on the part of the houses, because: 1) Grades do not necessarily guarantee a raise in house scholar- ship and it has been proven that there is no positive correlation between higher grade requirements and the overall house average. 2) Rushees are required to go to all houses for mixers, but they are unable to "rush" all houses therefore there is a contradictiont between compulsary mixers and the grade stipulation. 3) In stressing grades too mucht emphasis is put on the end pro-t duct, rather than the means: the house should work on scholarship within the house, not put the bur- den on the pledges. 4) The League staff cannot as-r sure that the extra checking re- quired beyond a 2.0 can be done before the end of rush.r "Actually it is going to be im- possible for a house to find out what a girl's grade point is, short of asking her at the door whent she hands in her mixer card, be-I cause the grades will not be pro- cessed until almost the last fews days of rush, and it would seemx undesirable for a house to dropt a girl at final desserts because oft a grade requirement," Miss Still-r erman said.- Ford IFor I- International Studies 4> Gain.Support From Grant For Centers Funds To Subsidize Research; Gift Said Testimony to Quality Gives ' STUDYING THE WORLD-This map shows the areas of the world for which the University presently has area study centers. The num- erals denote the various centers as follows: 1-the Middle and Near East; 2-Russia; 3-Southeast Asia; 4-China; 5-Japan. $3 Million PARTY CONGRESS: Attack on Stalinists Continues May .Request New Corridor Into,Berlin BONN (M-The West German government informed President John F. Kennedy yesterday it would consider dealing with the Communist East German regime to create new air corridors into Berlin, authoritative sources here reported. They said West German Ambas- sador Wilhelm Grewe told this to the President during an hour-long meeting in Washington, the sources said. They described it as the main point in the new instruc- tions given Grewe when he was in Bonn last week for consultations. The corridor reportedly would be created for civilian flights from West Germany into West Berlin and would give this coun- try the direct air access to the city that it now lacks. It would supplement the three Allied air corridors, which are restricted to aircraft of the Unit- ed States, Britain and France. The sources emphasized, how- ever, that the negotiations would have to be kept on a sufficiently low level so they would not imply de facto recognition of East Ger- many. MOSCOW P) - Accusations that old line Stalinists were mur- derers and repressers echoed through the Kremlin chambers of the Soviet Party Congress yes- terday. So far the accused have not spoken in what amounts to a one- sided trial of the anti-party group. The world outside the Com- munist bloc was more concerned about the explosion of a Soviet nuclear superbomb, in the Arctic Monday. The blast has not been mentioned here publicly. Past Struggle But within the Party Congress the intraparty struggles of the past were told in detail. More and more it began to look as if the denunciations were a prelude to an extensive purge of the Stalinist followers still func- tioning after losing out to sup- porters of Nikita Khrushchev in a. power battle fought in 1957. Expulsion from the party ap- peared imminent for former Pre- mier Georgi Malenkov, ex-Premier and former Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov, former Deputy Pre- mier Igor Kaganovich and a group of other names that once loomed big in the Communist heirarchy. Accuses Stalin Leonid Ilyichev, one of the lead- ing editors of the party news- papers under Stalin and now chief of party propaganda, implied in a lengthy speech that Stalin was responsible for the death of Niko- lai Vozniesensky, a Soviet econ- omist. Ilyichev said Stalin first praised and awarded a prize to Vozniesen- sky for an economic history of the Second World War, then became envious of the quick acclaim given the book that the book disappeared -and the author was killed under highly suspect circumstances. Bullein BERLIN (P)-United States authorities late last night lift- ed a ban that had prevailed briefly on private trips to Com- munist-ruled East Berlin by civilian members of the Ameri- can Mission here. State Department Press Of- ficer Lincoln White told re- porters in Washington that the ban was the result of a mis- understanding. White also said that the American commandant in Ber- lin has been instructed to pro- test the recent East German proclamation that they will stop all civilian personnel in East Berlin for identification. See story, Page 3 . T c T I C X 1 XC 4 Y 1 C a s e t Y Then a presidium member, 'elderly Nikolai Shvernik, took the rostrum and aimed a series of charges of repression and mur- der against Kaganovich, Malen- kov and Molotov. Shvernik said the three had come up to him as president of SGC Campaign Commences At Open House By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Speaking before a Women's Senate open-house yesterday, 12 of the 14 Student Government Council candidates kicked off their campaign with explanations of their stands in the forthcoming election. Douglas Dahn, '62, said the Council should consider so-called "off-campus" issues when they are meaningful to University students. He advocated SGC consideration of a student-owned bookstore, so students could buy school sup- plies more cheaply. Effective Action Joseph Feldman, '64 said SGC ought to channel its efforts into areas where it can take effec- tive action. He agreed there should be SGC concern over certain off- campus issues but stressed prior consideration of academic and res- idence hall problems. Richard G'Sell, '63, stressed the importance of experience of po- tential Council members with SGC organization, procedure and policy and the need for adequate re- search and reading as background for all discussions and votes the Council engages in. Evaluate Rules Sharon Jeffrey, '63, favored a re-evaluation of regulations con- cerning women's hours and the campus judiciary systems. She stressed the need for study of discrimination in campus housing, scholarships and wages paid to students. Aline Limburg, '62, emphasized the need for Council members be- ing more informed on issues on which they debate and vote. She stressed the need for reporting out of executive session all criteria used in considering appointive posts. Stanley Lubin, '63, also cited the the Central Control Commission, which reviews -all accusations against party members. He said the files were full of false accu- sations made by the three former close associates of Stalin. A number of those accused, Shvernik said, were "rehabilitated" -but some of these after death. Shvernik accused Kaganovich and Molotov of directing the kill- ing of a host of opponents of the Stalinist cult of personality. B. N. Ponomarev, Central Com- mittee member, accused Molotov and Kaganovich of trying to pre- vent the rewriting of history in 1957, an old and trusted process in the Soviet Union. Judic Fines SAE $400 Joint Judiciary Council yester- day announced penalties against Sigma Alpha Epsilon social fra- See statement, Page 5 ternity consisting of a fine of $400 and social probation until Dec. 1. The penalties were imposed for a "disorderly" party held at the fraternity house Oct. 7. The imposition of social pro- bation will prevent the group from holding any official events before Dec. 1, or participating as a unit in any campus activities. Couneil Set To Discuss OSAQueries Student Government Council will consider three questions about student responsibility raised by the Study Committee on the Office of Student Affairs at ids meeting tonight. Brought up by the four stu- dent members of the OSA com- mittee, the questions will con-' sider: 1) What is meant by "student responsibility?" How deep should it be~what are its limits? 2) How much responsibility can students assume - particularly with outside and academic pres- sures mounting? 3) How much responsibility do students really want-as much or more than they have already been granted at the University?, The views expressed at the Council meeting will be carried back to the OSA study committee, Women's League President Bea Nemlaha, '62, a committee mem- ber, said last night. JThe Council will also vote on two motions it discussed in com- mittee of the whole last week. A motion by Assembly Associa- tion President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62, states that SOC expresses its disapproval of the non-academic evaluations used in the women's residence halls. A motion by Brian Glick, '62, calls for two letters regarding the situation in McComb, Miss. to be written by the Council. By CYNTHIA NEU The Ford Foundation has awarded the University a $3 mil- lion grant for long term support of non-Western and other inter- national studies, officials an- nounced yesterday. The grant is the largest ever given to a state university for a single campus, Dean Roger Heyns of the literary college said at a press conference Tuesday. The Centers for Chinese Stud- ies, Japanese Studies and Near and Middle Eastern Studies will receive $1.58 million over a period of ten years, approximately $60,- 000 yearly, for support of gradu- ate training and research pro- grams. Other Programs The remaining $1.42 million will be used over a period of five years to aid the Centers for Southern Asian Studies, Russian Studies, Research on Economic Development, Research on Con- flict Resolution, the Program in Foreign and Comparative Law and the Program in Business Studies. The funds wil be used for a wide number of purposes, includ- ing hiring faculty, releasing fac- ulty for research, obtaining visit- ing scholars, aiding research, cre- ating fellowships, improving li- brary and financing publications and conferences, Heyns said. Supplement Funds Unlike this one, most grants are given for a specific project, Prof. Samuel P. Hayes of the economics department, director of the Center for Research on Eco- nomic Development explained. "Because no project is, indicat- ed, we can follow any aspect which we find interesting during a study, and often use the same da- ta and personnel for a more ex- tensive survey." Highlights Fields "The grant highlights the im- portance of the humanities. and social science in the world at a time when we are so often look- ,ing at the physical sciences," Vice-President Marvin Niehuss commented. "It is significant that the Uni- versity was selected. It is a testi- monial to the quality of the fac- ulty and the work they have done and in a sense it is a return on the investment in our faculty which we ask taxpayers to make," he said. Prof. Richard K. Beardsley, di- rector of the Center for Japanese Studies, the first area program established at the University, out- lined some of the areas which would use funds from the grant. Currently in progress are stud- ies on "The Political Moderiniza- See FORD, Page 5. OPEN-HOUSE TOMORROW: Daily To Question SGC Candidates WO RLD-FAMOUS ARTIST: Picasso Turns 80 Today, Supports 'Love' I By The Associated Press CANNES, France-Pablo Picas- so, turning 80 today, says: "Love is the only thing in life that matters." The years have mellowed the Spanish-born artist. Far behind are the days of near-starvation in Paris studios where at the turn of the century Picasso said his; creed was "art is the child of want--for me that is everything." Picasso lives in a two-story Ed- wardian-style villa with his ex- model, Jacqueline Roque, 36, whom he married last April. She has transformed the house into a model of Riviera elegance com- plete with period furniture, chauf- feur, cook, gardener and valet. The artist's Bohemian spirit has resisted the determined woman's' The branch may become the goat in Picasso's mind's eye and he transfers his vision to the canvas. He is a hearty eater, but doesn't tarry over lunch. A quick bite and he is back at his easel. Sometimes he takes a break to sit on the beach. Usually he paints through the afternoon and perhaps into the night. He has a television set in his bedroom, but The campus will receive an early view of electioneering excite- ment at The Daily's Student Gov- ernment Council press conference tomorrow night in the Michigan Union Ballroom. For the first time the public will be on hand to watch the semes- ter's "andidates being led through a question and answer period by Daily staffers. In the past, the press confer- ence has been held in the Student Publications Bldg. and open only 'to* staff members. "We wanted to give the community a chance to see-at least in part--how we go about evaluating candidates," John Roberts, Daily editor, said. .gi