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October 24, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-24

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Clearing and cooler thise evening,
cloudy and warmer tomorrow



Board Member To Discuss
Falling Grades with Student




30- Megaton

Super bomb



The literary college is bend-
ing serious efforts to the prob-
lem of capable students afflicted
with declining grade point aver-
ages, Associate Dean James H.
Robertson said yesterday.
The college's administrative,

board is asking students not to re-
register if their semester average
falls below 2.0 for two semesters
running. "We want them to con-
sult with a member of the admin-
istrative board before they start
classes again so we can get at

African Security Policemen
tFire Upon Demonstrators
BULAWAYO, Southern Rhodesia (P) - Police fired into a crowd
of rioting Africans last night in the second upsurge of violence in
less than 24 hours.
At least one African was killed and groups of security patrol-
men were stoned.
Mobs of rock-hurling demonstrators surged through the streets
of Bulawayo's native townships until riot police armed with

.financial aid

Industry Can
Donate More
Though many industries are
"giving to the hilt" in their finan-
cial support of higher education
more than half do not give as
much to such public-spirited
causes as would be financially ad-
vantageous -for them, Vice-Presi-
dent William E. Stirton, director
of the Dearborn Center said yes-
Through tax advantages the
government seeks "to encourage
business to give a sizable propor-
tion of its profits to ellemosynary
institutions," he explained.
Too many companies ignore this
and give far less than they are
able, paying high taxes on money
they could have contributed to
worthy groups, he said.
"Additionally, some companies
do not distribute their gifts wise-
ly." For example, some give only
to non-tax supported institutions,
feeling that just by paying their
taxes they are doing their share
in helping the others, he said.
Stirton pointed .out that at the
University, for instance, only about
one-third of its total budget is
obtained through appropriations
from the state legislature.
"The University has been richly
recognized by industry," he com-
mented, citing Ford's grants of
funds and land for the establish-
ment of Dearborn Center as an
CO-op Succeeds
Dearborn Center's co-operative
education program has proven so
successful that in the future dor-
mitories will have to be built to
provide housing for students out-
side the Detroit area who wish to
participate, Vice - President Wil-
liam E. Stirton, Dearborn Center
director said yesterday.
This program calls for junior.
and seniors at the center to alter-
nate their terms, first attending
classes and then working out in
selected position in industry.
In this way they are not only
earning a degree from a highly
respected institution; but are also
gaining practical experience which
both enables them to choose their
career more wisely and provides
them with skills that will make
thm maval ~olia hip. to their ner-

0scatterguns and tear gas gre-
nades restored order.
The outbreak occurred when
police rushed to the rescue of
three white newspaper reporters
threatened by an African mob. A
white photographer who tried to
take pictures was beaten and
stoned by rioters less than two
miles from the heart of the city.
Police-rescued the photographer,
Michael Grant Parke of the
Bulawayo Chronicle, and escorted
the reporters to safety. They in-
cluded Adrian Porter of the As-
sociated Press, and Gerard Arn-
field and Charles Lyte, both of the
Bulawayo Chronicle.
Mobs of Africans went on an
earlier rampage Sunday night.
They set fire to one newspaper
office, hurled rocks at another,
stoned shops and houses and
looted liquor stores and beerhalls.
About a dozen Africans were ar-
Most of the incidents took place
in the area of a hotel where
leaders of the National Democratic
Party-the major African party
in Southern Rhodesia-have been
staying during the party's con-
The congress ended its four-day
session with a call to defy a gov-
ernment ban on meetings in rural
areas and a pledge to work for the;
collapse of the new constitution.,
The constitution gives Africans4
limited rights but leaves control
of the country in white hands. t
Opens Season
With Pucci*ni
NEW YORK VP)-The Metropoli-
tan Opera opened its 77th season
last night with Giamoco Puccini's1
"Girl of the Golden West."i
Society turned out for its an-I
nual show, making the most of anr
occasion which it almost missed.E
The whole Met season was can-f
celed on Aug. 7 because of a labor1
dispute with the orchestra musi-
cians, and then reinstated threex
weeks later when arbitration wast
agreed upon at the instigation ofe
the Secretary of Labor, Arthur J.
Goldberg attended the perform-J
ance and later produced a letter1
from President John F. Kennedy
congratulating both sides for hav-
ing come to an agreement that
saved the Met season.r
Wrote the President: "The dis-
cord ended, let the harmony be-e
Until tonight's revival, the Met
had not produced "La Fanciulla"e
for 30 years. The production facili-r
ties for the opener were borrowed
from Chicago's lyric opera.a

the roots of the problems that are
affecting their academic work,'
Robertson explained.
Initiates Letters
The college initiated letters o
concern' last February to students
whose prior work had been above
a 2.0 average, but whose semes-
ter's average slipped below that
mark. The letters went to those
whose overall was still above the
minimum passing requirement
Those whose grades did not pick
up in the spring semester received
a second such letter when June
transcripts were mailed home. The
third letter, if there is one, will
ask them not to re-register until
they meet with a board member.
After consultations with a
member of the board, some stu-
dents may decidesto remain out
of school for a semester or longer
before tackling their studies again,
but the college will not, as a gen-
eral rule, prevent them from re-
registering immediately.
Resolve Problems
"For some, a period of time
away from school will allow an
opportunity to resolve their prob-
lems so that they can work up
to their full academic potential
when they return," Robertson
said. "We want to maintain a
'Custom-built' program, however,
where solutions are developed on
an individual basis."
The initial letters-which Rob-
ertson labels "Detection Early
Warning lines"-were sent to 258
students in February. Most of
them were able to put their aca-
demic house in order by June,
but 31 received the second 'con-
cerned' letter.
The college asked 25 others to
drop out when their overall aver-
ages dropped below 2.0. Another
17 were put on probation.
Forces Hint
Turkey Coup
ANKARA, Turkey (JP)-Turkey's
armed forces chiefs today threat-
ened another coup unless four
contesting political parties meet
demands including formation of a
coalition government and election
of Gen. Cemal Gursel as president.
Party leaders were given until
10 a.m. (3 a.m. EST) to sign a
declaration accepting the condi-
Commanders of the Army, Navy
and Air Force issued the demands
through the military junt that
has ben ruling Turkey since the
ouster of the Adnan Menderes re-
gime in May, 1960.
Gursel, the junta chief, has been
prodding the four parties to join
in a national front government.
None won a majority of parlia-
mentary seats in the Oct. 15 gen-
eral election, designed to transfer
authority to a civilian government.
The high command action fol-
lowed a tense debate with junta
members on whether to endorse
the results of the closely contested
Doubt Four Lads
Will Make Show
The Four Lads will probably
not appear at the Interquadrangle
Council-Assembly show this week-
end, Thomas Moch, '62E, said last
The singing group was report-
edly stranded in .Australia with
no way of reaching the United
States in time for the perform-
ance, he said.

.. needle belt

Need le Test
Merits Seen
"There's a great deal of con-
cern about the needle reflection
experiment," Professor Fred Had-
dock of the astronomy department
said yesterday, commenting on the
millions of tiny needles put into
space to form a possible jam-
proof radio system.
The system is too weak by sev-
eral thousand times to affect any
r a d i o astronomy observations,
since any influences which might
be detected will only be on one
frequency, while radio astronomy
covers the whole radio spectrum
with millions of frequencies, he
Contaminate Space
The main problem on the con-
troversial issue, according to the
American Astronomical Society, is
that this contamination of space
will set a precedent which, if the
tests are successful, may result in
a greatly expanded effort to set
up reflection clouds of particles.
In addition and possibly more im-
portant, other countries might
take advantage of the United
States' initial "contamination" of
space and proceed to actually con-
taminate space near the earth with
nuclear explosions or clouds of
much heavier particles.
The present cloud is calculated
to have a density of less than one
five-hundredth of an ounce per
square mile after two months
when it is sufficiently spread out
for tests. This is less than the
present density of meteoric dust in
orbit around the earth.
Use High Frequency
The needles now in orbit could
not hurt any space vehicle, and
since they would only be notice-
able if they were to be illuminat-
ed by some high energy beam in
the frequency band of the radio
apparatus, there is no evidence
that the cloud will cause any
trouble to commercial radio or to
radio telescope operations.

Soviets Kill
UN Decision
On A-Blast
Claim Resolution
NATO Stratagem
bloc opposition killed last night
a move by Norway for an imme-
diate vote on a United Nations
resolution urging the Soviet Un-
ion to cancel a 50-megaton hydro-
gen bomb test.
Hans Engen, Norwegian depu-
ty foreign minister, requested the
vote in the UN Political Commit-
tee even though there were re-
ports the Soviet Union had al-
ready held the big bomb test.
The Norwegian diplomat with-
drew his request after Soviet bloc
delegates, one after another, rais-
ed procedural points which threat-
ened to embroil the 101-nation
committee in hours of wrangling.
Engen said the committee was
being put into a position that
damaged its dignity and prestige.
Engen had sought the vote on
the grounds the committee was
confronted by "a clearcut issue
of extreme urgency." He ran into
immediate opposition from Soviet
Delegate Semyon K. Tsarapkin.
Tsarapkin retorted that the
move was a stratagem by 'the
NATO bloc countries-of which
Norway is a member-aimed at
the Soviet Union.
"To talk about only one ex-
plosion would be dangerous," he
Swedish Foreign Minister Osten
Unden told the committee that
"perhaps it is not too late" to
act since reports of the Soviet
big bomb test have not been offi-
cially confirmed.
Claim Congo
Invades State
President Moise Tshombe an-
nounced yesterday a second inva-
sion attempt by Central Congo
government forces against his
secessionist province.
The Katangan president said
Leopoldville forces crossed into his
area yesterday morning near the
towns pf Kapanga and Kaniama
on Katanga's northwest frontier
in a two-pronged attack.
Tshombe said news of the action
reached him as his cabinet was
studying the central government's
reply to his proposals for an eco-
nomic union of his mineral-rich
province with the rest of the
"While we are here studying
their reply they attack us with
words in Leopoldville and with
bullets in Katanga," he declared.
An earlier invasion attempt was
reported beaten back five days ago.
The government said last week
that about 250 Katangan troops
fought off a small force of central
government soldiers in the Kapan-
ga area.
Those Congolese troops presum-
ably were an advance guard of
units moved to Katanga border
.points during the past month.
Both sides in the Congo dispute
have threatened to fight over the
question of Katanga's independent1

Urey Says Red Fallout
To Fall Mostly on U.S.

frightened themselves when they
behave this way."
Another Scientist
Dr. Ralph Lapp, physicist and
author of books on the atom and
radiation, said last night the
United States probably would get
most of the fallout from yester-
day's Russian nuclear blast.
"Because of the latitude at
which they test, we get most of
the fallout from the Russian
bombs," he said, and added:
"We get it in the neck."
Dr. Lapp, who worked on the
Manhattan Project that: produced
the first atomic bomb, was inter-
viewed after an appearance on
Rochester's educational television
Asked if the amount of fallout
increased directly with the size of
the bomb, Dr. Lapp replied:
"I can only answer that with a
qualified 'yes'. It depends on the
construction of the bomb." Dr.
Lapp said the United States got
more fallout from the Russian
tests of 1954-56 than from its own
tests in the Pacific in 1954.
A government expert on radia-
tion said yesterday he doesn't ex-
pect Russian's 50-megaton nuclear
explosion will push the fallout
level in the United States to a
danger point.
But James Terrill, assistant
chief of the radiological health di-
vision of the Public Health Service
"We do expect that the levels
will be substantially higher than
they have been in some portions of
the United States, and that we
must be heady to understand the
actual exposure of people that oc-
curs so that corrective measures,
if necessary, can be taken."
Terrill made his observations in
a radio interview taped before
monitors overseas said Russia had
touched off a super bomb.
Exactly how much radioactive
fallout can be expected in the
United States depends on several
factors. One is how close to a 50-
megaton fission yield is achieved.
Another is the time between the
detonation and the actual fallout
in this country, which would de-
pend on weather conditions, Terrill
The highest fallout levels occur
at the point of detonation of a
nuclear blast, so a 50-megaton
shot is a greater threat to the
Russians than to Americans, "as-
suming equal density of popula-
tion," he said.

On A-Arms
ROME () - World anti-Com-
munist Socialist leaders are ex-
pected to challenge Moscow's
ideas on such issues as nuclear
testing and African development
in a five-day meeting which open-
ed here yesterday.
The congress of the Socialist
International-many of whose
members contest the Kremlin's
claim to speak for Karl Marx-
coincides with the final sessions of
the Soviet Communist Party's 22nd
Congress in Moscow.
There is little doubt that the
Socialists' resolutions will con-
demn nuclear testing in general
and Soviet super bomb tests in
particular. Socialist Mayor Willy
Brandt of West Berlin and West
Germany's Socialist chairman,
Eric Ollenhauer; are certain to bid
for backing of the Western stand
against Communist moves in Ber-
However, decisions may not al-
ways be clearcut. The Socialist
movement long has had a current
of neutralist sentiment and some
Asians will represent the viewpoint
of the avowedly nonaligned.
Delegates are expected to de-
vote much of their time to a study
of ways; of making socialism more
attractive to youth all over the
world and of spreading their views
in Africa in competition with
world Communism.
Organizers said representatives
of 43 individual parties, which
claim 10 million members and at-
tracted 65'million votes in recent
elections, will attend. Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev said
this week there are 40 million
Communist party members in the
Among others will be Premier
Viggo Kampmann of Denmark,
Foreign Minister Paul - Henri
Spaak of Belgium, British labor
leader Hugh Gaitskell and former
French Premier Guy Mollet, all
backers of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.

Bly The Associated Press
Nobel Prize-winning chemist Dr. Harold C. Urey said last night
the fallout from Russian's superbomb "will mostly come to the United
However, Urey added in an interview on NBC's "Eleventh Hour
News," the fallout will be unpleasant but not critical-not at all."
Urey, a professor at the University of California in San Diego, said
the Russian tests appear to have very little scientific value. "They
intend to frighten us with this," he said, adding: "I wonder if the
Russians are not just a little bit --

Atom Device
Also Set Off
Bordering Countries
Pass Bills Protesting
Final Test of Series
viet Union set off yesterday the
biggest explosion in history, the
Atomic Energy Commission re-
ported, but it probably was less
powerfuluthan the 50-megaton
blast which Premier Nikita
Khrushchev had announced was
forthcoming. -
A statement from the AEC said
preliminary analysis indicated the
the nuclear detonation probably
was "on the order of 30 megatons."
The agency also revealed that
the Russians had set off a low
yield blast underwater about two
hours after the mammoth ex-
Last Test Smaller
The largest previous Soviet test
was estimated at about 10 mega-
tons. The biggest United States
nuclear test has been reported at
15 to 26 megatons.
A 50-megaton bomb unleashes
energy equivalent to 50 million
tons of TNT and would be 2,500
times as powerful as theiAmerican
bomb which destroyed Hiroshima
in World War II.
Hours before the AEC issued
its announcement in late after-
noon, scientists in Sweden, Japan
and France and detected the ex-
plosion and reported that it prob-
ably was the 50-megaton detona-
tion which Khrushchev said would
climaxthe present series of Rus-
sian nuclear tests.
Tests in Artic
Both of yesterday's Russian tests
were in the Novaya Zemlya area
in the arctic region. The explo-
sions were the 22nd and 23rd
which have been reported by the
AEC during the Russian series that
began on Sept. 1.
The reports brought immediate
reaction from-countries bordering
the Soviet Union.
The Norwegian Parliament was
debating a resolution protesting
Russian atmospheric tests when
the news came, and the resolu-
tion was passed the only argument
was over whether the resolution
should be redrafted in stronger
Japan was reported ready to
file another strong protest with
the Soviet Union.
Tell Congress
Atomic Energy Commission ex-
perts have told Congress that the
total explosive yield of all bombs
detonated up through 1958 was
approximately 170 megatons, of
which 93 megatons is rated to
consist of fission energy, as dis-
tinguished from fusion, or H-
bomb type, energy.
In terms of fallout-producing
potential, a 30-megaton bomb
might have up to 15 megatons of
its total yield as fission energy-
the only kind that produces ap-
preciable fallout.
Thus, a 30-megaton bomb would
be capable of yielding about one
sixth the fallout of all bombs
detonated up through 1958.
Based on U.S. BombT
All such estimates of fallout,
however, are based on statements
made by the AEC that American
and British megaton-type bombs
detonated up through 1958 con-
sisted of half fusion energyand
half fission energy. Arbitrary es-
timates were made at the time
that Russia's bombs were similarly
divided as to fusion-fission ratios.

Fire at Lloyd
By Resident
Three fire trucks and the po-

Thailand 'Assails Cmbdi
n -Diplomatic Breakdown
BANGKOK, Thailand A)-Thailand last night assailed Prince
Norodom Sihanouk, chief of state of neighboring Cambodia, within
hours after Cambodia decided to break diplomatic ties with the Bang-
kok government.
Thailand's attack came in nationwide broadcasts apparently pre-
pared before the Cambodian government action. The broadcasts
accused Shianhouk of personal hostility and warned he would have to
Ybear the consequences for "in-

Mazowsze Troup To Utilize New Orchestra Pit

The new orchestra pit in Hill
Auditorium will be used for the
first time by the Mazowsze Polish
Song and Dance Company at 8:30
p.m. tonight.
In addition, specially constructed
safe-way towers will support back
and side draperies and a front
piirtainydeigned s eea llu 1no-t t

Last winter when the Mazowsze
Company and the American Ballet
Theatre were contracted for ap-
pearances at Hill Auditorium, it
was planned that three rows of
front seats would be removed to
accommodate the accompanying
orchestras in front of the stage.
But this arrangement would have

in the first balcony has also been
enlarged and modernized perman-
ently for a larger range of lighting
Advanced students in the school
of music and Ann Arbor towns-
people will join the Mazowsze or-
chestra tonight because the Ma-
zowsze orchestra has only basic

creased frictions and tension and
. deterioration" between the
two southeast Asian nations. But
they made no mention of the dip-,
lomatic break.
A Thai foreign ministry spokes-
man said official confirmation was
awaited from the Thai embassy in
Cambodia's capital. Phnom Penh.
The diplomatic break came after
Thailand's Prime Minister Sarit
Thanarat charged Cambodia was
being used as a Communist base,
for attacks against neighboring
The accusation was made last


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