VOTER REGISTRATION: cl 4t M~~t ta al Seventy-First Year EDITED AND, MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSrY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are 'e UNDER AUTHORUTY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil Prevail" STUDENT PUBtIcATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Ba ttle for a New South Editorial printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. DAY, OCTOBER 21, 1961. NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLINEDOW AlumnijAid Preserves Excellence TODAY MANY CARS will whip off the ex- pressway and flow up Washtenaw and old Ann Arbor trail to the centers of the University. For many of the occupants of these cars this .will indeed be a Homecoming, for they will be revisiting the University that was their home for four or five or six years. Each will revisit the center of their campus, the arb, a seat on the diag, a fraternity house, a corner of ,the Union or the General Library. These places will undoubtedly have changed but these homecomers will not feel alienated from the University. They wil1 not be aliens because they are still an integral part of this campus through their continued interest and concern for the Uni- versity they attended. They belong because, through their financial contributions, many are silent partners in our education on the cam- pus today. Mudbpwl IN A SURGE of enthusiasm, the Sigma Alpha, Epsilon marching ."band" blared its way through the Natural Science Aud. yesterday while , philosophy lecture was in progress, seeking to advertise the Mudbowl Game. As they wandered through still another building on campus, one tired professor re-5 marked to his class "in the spring I have to' pontend with biology, while in the fall I have to compete against puberty rites." Despite the claim that "Fraternities Foster Scholarship" in The Daily's advertising columns this fall, there are still a few of us who wonder whether the fraternity system is all it could be in helping the intellectual process.s The SAE demonstration was planned to suck more observers into watching its football game -it was also an "advertisement" for the fra- ternity system.- -P. SUTIN ALUMNI AND FRIENDS of this University have not only contributed over half the $80 million physical plant of this University, but have made possible, through their interest, the "extras" that make Michigan what it is. Alumni sponsored gifts and grants have fi- nanced scientific and technical research proj- ects; student aid and loans; library and mu- seum acquisitions; endowed professorships; and visiting professorships.: Last year, over 17,000 Alumni recognized the needs of the University and took care that- it will be the same force in the future as in. their past. In 1960-61 alumni donated $364,000 to ensure excellence in the University and many. more are giving this year than last. HESE INDIVIDUALS are giving through two organizations, the Alumni Association which solicits interest and continued Alumni support and the Development Council, which informs Alumni and friends of the University of needs and asks help to meet them. The Alumni Asso- ciation and the Development Council's joint project, the Alumni Fund, solicits funds from the Alumni each year for ongoing projects such Student Grants in Aid, the Presidents Discretionary Fund which has aided Challenge and other projects, Distinguished Faculty Awards and other "extras for Excellence." For the students here on campus, the first contact with the Development Council or the Alumni Fund, other than enjoying the bene- fits, will be a letter from the Development Council asking a dollar for each year out of school. This plan, initiated with the class of 1959 has increased incoming funds by $1,000 a year and has received more than a 10 per-cent' response for each class. This endowment will grow with every year as will the needs of the University. To these University graduates who ,have given their interest and financial support to ensure the continued greatness of the Univer- sity, the students of Michigan will find it easy to say, "welcome home." -CAROLINE DOW (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the second of two articles dealing with the voter registration project for southern Negroes.) By JOHN ROBERTS Editor and FAITH WEINSTEIN Magazine Editor? McCOMB, MISSISSIPPI, is the focus of a massive voter regis- tration drive calculated to tear down the racial barricades around the political structure in the South. The groups who run the drive have a common goal-to capture or smash the govern- mental apparatus of the segre- gated South, , ending the state- imposed racial discrimination and opening the way to equalitarian legislation. The Student Non-Violent Co- ordinating Committee is doing most of the current work on voter registration. But SNCC is not alone. The broad campaign - which will be extended to every Southern state - is run by the cooperating forces of SNCC, Na- tional Student Association, South- ern Christian Leadership Confer- ence, CORE, NAACP, National Urban League and the Legal De- fense and ]ducation Fund. It was made public October 1, when the Rev. Martin Luther King out- lined the project at the annual SCLC conference in Nashville. ** * "THE ONLY WAY we will change (the South) is to go down to Misissippi and knock on doors and be ready to be arrested and be ready to die if necessary to get Negroes registered in Missis- sippi," King said. SNCC will concentrate most of its forces in Mississippi, but will move into Terrell County, Georgia, within the next few months. SCLC has accepted complete responsi- bility for projects in Alabama and Louisiana (outside New Orleans) and some responsibility for Flor- LETTERS to the EDITOR Brotherhood? . To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to comment on Mr. McReynold's article en- titled: "Wide-Open Rushing Will Save Small Houses." Well, I dis- agree, dear Editor. Not even an "Aid to Depressed Areas" bill could possibly save Michigan's small fraternity houses. Further- more, why should we be so con- cerned about "small houses?" Be- cause of a "closer brotherhood?" Get serious! "Brotherhood" went out with the railroad unions. Small houses are given an op- portunity to enchant the rushees, the same as everyone else, during regular fraternity hunting season. If, because of their frail programs, they can no longer attract pledges, then I recommend that SGC designate all "small houses" as "O.D." (Officially Defunct) and order their blighted structures re- moved from campus. -Elmer C. Binford, '61 (Letters to the Editor should be limited to 300 words, typewritten and double spaced. The Daily re- serves the right to edit or withhold any letter. Only signed letters will be printed.) ida, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia. The other organizations will work in the areas where they have contacts and workers. All will be financed by private sources and foundations, and have the uncer- tain support of the U. S. Justice Department. * * * AS THE McCOMB project has vividly demonstrated, the voter registration drive faces a stagger- ing conglomeration of economic, psychological and civic obstacles -some legal, some illegal. According to the Civil Rights, Commission report of last month, literacy requirements, "interpre- tation" tests, the poll tax and the white primary are all used sys- tematically to bar Negroes from voting. The Southern states are proudly mustering their best legal minds, and encouraging their so- called Soveriegnty Commissions to find more ways to hold out against integration. Civil rights workers are har- rassed by police. These same police permit beatings, mob violence and an occasional killing to go by largely unpunished. Negro voters, and especially Negro civil rights workers are threatened with economic boycotts, loss of jobs and harm to members of their families. It is dangerous to be a Negro and vote. BUT THE INGRAINED inertia and psychological paralysis of the Southern Negro as well as the en- trenched opposition of the whites must be overcome if the voter registration project is to succeed. Conditioned by their heritage of slavery and the aftermath of Re- construction to accept second class citizenship without resistance, many are not really interested in voting. To overcome these obstacles, the leaders of the voter registration project have to depend on the simplest techniques of mass pier- suasion and their own unflagging intensity of purpose-at least for the first phase of the struggle. They hold mass meetings, hand out pamphlets, canvass door-to- door. Most important, they open schools which will train Negroes for voter registration, and edu- cate them in the proper use of the vote. IT IS NOT EASY for a Negro to qualify to vote. In Mississippi, he is required to copy a section of the state constitution and give a "reasonable interpretation" of it., "Reasonability" is left for the registration clerk to determine. . The registration applicant must also make a statement of his un- derstanding of the "duties and oblgiations of citizenship under a constitutional form of govern- ment." At the SNCC schools in Mc- Comb, Negroes study the state constitution thoroughly and pick up practical advice in answering trick questions. They also begin to learn to use their vote intelligently and conscientiously. THIS LAST STEP is especially important. The Southern Negro must be made to realize the moral worth of the act of voting. Living in a state of grinding poverty, he may easily regard his lack of a vote as the leastdof his troubles, and nothing in his environment has conditioned him to think in terms of dignity and abstract rights. The Negroes who get ahead are those who cooperate with the whites. There are worse things than the lack of a vote, and the Negroes who are attempt- ing reform are getting all of them. It is easier and safer to go along. With this set of attitudes, a newly-enfranchised Negro would be easy prey for modern-day carpet-baggers - the political bosses, back-slappers, and' simple purveyors of bribes. In counties where Negroes have won the vote, many are selling them to the white commupity for hard cash. Only the schools can counter the ignorance and attitudes which lead to this kind of selling out. THE SCHOOLS must also make the Negroes conscious of the po- tential political power in their votes. Negroes could control only 13 counties in the entire South, but they could form a substan- tial voting block in every state. As Dr. King proclaimed to the SCLC, "we will be able to change the political structure of the South and of the nation. Even the Pres- ident of the United States re- spects votes." But to be effective, these votes must be strategically organized. Currently, the participating or- ganizations appear to agree that the best way to dislodge segrega- tionists on a national level is to run a sort of Washington merry- go-round. By voting out the in- cumbents every election, the, or- ganizers hope to break the power of the Southern bloc in the U. S. Congress, robbing them of the key chairmanships and opening the way for more positive civil rights action. * * * - BUT THIS DISCUSSION of the long-range aims of voter regis- tration has little meaning until the right to vote is secured. Thisr may never be accomplished. For the drama of voter registration and the direct action which comes with it must not obscure the fact that this must be essentially a legal fight- protracted and quite possibly futile. The publicity campaigns are elaborate, and the schools are thorough, but neither get Negroes registered. Three, or even ten Ne- groes will register quietly, and then the county authorities real- ize a drive is on and crack down. In Walthall county, Negroes try- ing to register were turned away by a registration clerk who told them that the county already had a voting suit pending in the cir- cuit courts, and he wasn't going to register any more Negroes until it was settled. The U. S. Justice Department has the authority to intervene, but the litigation is painfully slow. According to the Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960, the Federal gov- ernment may initiate a suit on behalf of any individual who has been unjustly disqualified by local registrars on racial grounds If it wins the suit, the justice depart- ment may ask the court to rule that a "patternor practice of discrimination exists that blocked the Negro from registering. IF THE COURT concurs, the district court would be authorized to appoint a voting referee to register all qualified Negroes, in the area. It is in these latter stages of the litigation that the voter registra- ion project acquires real import- ance. The voting schools, the pre- paration, and most of all the un- successful attempts to register may help to prove that a pattern of discrimination does in fact exist. But this legal procedure re- quires years to complete. All charges must be thoroughly docu- mented and proven. Witnesses must be found to testify. Usually the case has to be appealed be- yond the district courts, where even Federal ' judges have local sympathies. Even if all legal points are won,3 voting referees are appointed by these same district courts-and there is no guarantee that they will not be segregationists them- selves. And to complete the com-. plexity, the legal struggle must be carried out region by region. There is no possibility for im- mediate)and blanket enfranchise- ment ., THE SIMPLE FACT is that existing civil rights legislation is not adequate to ensure every qual- ified citizen his right to vote. The Civil Rights Act of 1960 was sig-, nificantly gutted by a conservative dominated Congress and a South- ern filibister. When' President Kennedy says that current laws- if enforced-are adequate in deal- ing with the South, he is being dis- honest. And he knows he is. Be- fore long, the students in the voter registration drive are going to realize this too. , When they do, realize it, the voter' registration project in its present court-oriented form may well end. Students were reluctant' to join the adult organiza, tions for this campaign-partly because they neither wholly trust' nor respect the adults, partly be cause their sympathies were with direct action projects. Once they see the futility of a legal attack on the political struc- ture'of the South, students are going to. want out. It is doubtful, that the adult organizations - long on patience and money, but short on the active field workers' which are the heart of the drive. - can sustain the drive on their own. If a combination of Federal in- tervention and Southern fear of publicity can hold down the vio- lence, the disenchantment with voter \registration may be post- poned for a while. It is in the interests of the government to keep the students out of jail and working and in the interests of the Southern communities not to give the government an excuse to intervene. * * * THE GOVERNMENT may be willing to extend its full strong arm to protect the registration workers. But it is committed to the court process for the larger sruggle - hoping to avoid a bald showdown with the Southern states on the 'one hand, and the kind of embarassing direct action incidents which look so bad abroad, on the other. SNCC leaders have questioned the efficacy of mixing direct ac- tion with voter registeration. But while a separation may seem to make sense now, it will be pre- posterous ° when the students realize the futility of action through the courts. Students will rebel against the long and often fruitless legal struggle. They will turn to a new kind of direct action - action against state and federal govern- ment on a scale larger than stu- 'dents have ever planned before. * * * THERE WERE THREE students in the bus depot sit-in which touched off the crisis in McComb. By March there will be thousands of students across''Mississippi who will be willing' to start a revolu- tion-or a civil war. Voter registration will tangle in the inadequate machinery of the adult community. When this hap- pens the students will turn against this machinery - using every means at their disposal. It will start with massive sit-ins at regis- tration offices, 'marches on state capitals and perhaps even on Washington. It will end only when they ac- quire the legislation or the power needed to secure the Negro his rights and his vote in the South. ELINE ON SGC-:1M THE LAST PORTION of Wednesday's Stu- dent Government Council meeting provided reassurance for those who have feared internal hostility would inevitably destroy the Council. In changing a proposed "reprimand" of Council member John Robefts (Daily Editor) to an expression of "disturbance," SGC chose not to let, debate turn into personal revenge for past individual grudges, as many con- stituents and members' had-feared it might. THIS IS ENCOURAGING in light of the fact that the Council had a just grievance against Roberts. As 'a Council member he had. violated confidence of executive session (in his editorial last Saturday) and had, as the mo- tion stated, shown disrespect for regulations regarding a related body' of SGC. The "extenuating circumstances" recognized In the final motion may or may not be re- garded as an excuse, depending on how one wishes to regard the problem. It is true that Roger Seasonwein and Mary Wheeler, both former Council members, had discussed as fact proceedings of an executive session they had not attended. Although the information was therefore pub- lic knowledge, William Gleason and David Croysdale were correct in pointing out that, executive session violations by one Council member do not release another Council mem-- ber from his obligation to maintain confidence regarding the session.' Still, as Paul Carder stressed, the Council member who originally released information to Seasonwein and Miss Wheeler was most subject to censure and it would hardly have been fair to let the blame rest entirely on Roberts. There is uncertainty regarding the technical r legality of a censure or reprimand in this circumstance. But again, obviously, it is clear that -Robert's editorial constituted what Arthur Rosenbaum referred to as a "moral violation." GIVEN WHAT was therefore a very touchy situation, the debate proceded, with a Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor PHILIP SHERMAN HARVEY MOLOTCH City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN FARRELL ................ Personnel Director FAITH WEINSTEIN................;Magazine Editor MICHAEL BURNS ...................Sports Editor PAT GOLDEN.................;Associate City Editor RICHARD OSTLING ......Associate Editorial Director DAVID ANDREWS..........Associaid Sports Editor CLIFF MARKS .............. Associate Sports Editor deliberateness and honesty that did SGC great credit. The Council in general showed a commend- able aversion to censuring a member, and a full appreciation of the seriousness of such an action. Roberts was honest in dxplanation of his action, expressing his feelings on the sub- ject without concern for the effect they might have on the vote and refusing to accept the excuse that his editorial was "written hastily and 'in an angry mood" by saying that under the same circumstances he would write it again. THE BEST ARGUMENTS for dropping the severe reprimand proposal were given by Carder and James Yost. Carder recognized the problem caused by the fact that Roberts had "conflicting obligations" in his roles of Council member and Daily editor. Yost said that since "the point had been made" about the editorial, in public Council debate there was no need of a formal reprimand. Yost's comment especially indicated a trust in general respect for Council opinion as manifested in debate which is essential to the healthy and ethical functioning of SGC., The Council meeting was not by any means a tea party. There were strong feelings by members on both sides which will not be forgotten. But the method of handling the problem gives hope for further progress toward elimination of the almost' palpable personal hatreds which are the root of most Council failures. THE MOTION also raises two other very im- portant issues and brings home the need for further consideratoin and action upon them. One is the "dual" obligation of ex- officio Council members. In Roberts' case there was clearly a conflict of his role as Council member with his role as Daily editor. A discussion of SGC procedure is not the place for commentary on Robert's action "as Daily editor," but it is obvious that although the two issues require application of separate standards of judgment, they are inextricably interrelated. Further consideration on the role of ex-officios should be 'a primary item on the agenda of the new Council in November. THE SECOND PROBLEM is the continuing controversy over the ethics of sealed execu- tive sessions. Whether what Roberts said in, his editorial was right is, unfortunately,- ir- relevant to consideration of whether he violated the existing rules on executive sessions or had a right to do so. But it makes painfully clear these two facts: 1) There must be a public record of AT THE MICHIGAN: Cliches Meet on 'Bridge' ONE TIME A FRIEND AND I were, in the bogus town of Falmouth, Massachusetts, at a similarly bogus sort of movie, and most for- tunately we were able to buy a sumptuous bag of fried clams to serve as chaser during the film. Sad to report, I'm afraid it would take at least a dozen escargots de Bourgogne to keep from seething at the prefunctory dropping of World War II bombs and fighter planes, the "Redbook" tete-a-tetes between pretty blonde teenage daughters and their Aunt Peggys, and the obvious, vapid' direction, of symbolism perpetually plopped into, and unimaginatively handled, in our ever-so- William Inge-American films, represented again in "Bridge to the Sun." The film came to be after a young lady from Johnson City, Ten- nessee, had, her diary published in Reader's Digest, and unfortunately her story portrays the work of one who knows about Lookout Moun- 'Lain, Elvis, and Hot Shoppes. Gwen, the Miss Tennessee (Carroll Baker), meets the secretary to the Japanese ambassador in Washing- ton, and after the appropriate. stardust they marry, and spend just about all of the ten following years, 1935 through 1945, in Japan. Her husband Terry (James Shigeta), while briefly in Washington, knew of Japan's plan to attack Pearl Harbor, and tried to arrange for a friend, a Doctor Jones, to warn FDR in time (how unpatriotic! )-but alas, December Fifth did come. Terry remains with his wife and child in semi-hiding in Japan, having brewed suspicion as traitor to The Cause. ALTHOUGH THE LINES in spots were decent, corn grows best- in Kansas or in Iowa, 'I'm told, and this screenplay for the most part forges a substantial challenge: with utmost seriousness silly little Gwen says. things like, "After all these years, and there's still so much I-don't understand,"-or-finally playing the faithful Japanese wife, on V-J Day exclaims, "Can't you just see ,me bowing to my cousin Alfred!" And I for one am bored with scenes of American women coming into Japanese public baths and becoming "frightfully" embarrassed; or ones that say, visiting the Japanese Embassy, "They must have a powder room-even if they are Japanese." Couldn't some of our screen play- wrights and directors take a few-just a very few-lessons from the Italians? I must confess there were a few interesting touches-the attiring of the funeral of a small child, a Japanese beauty salon-but even so, it must become as salient as if Michigan were to have made a field goal against State last weekend. -Margaret Klee "You Mean ME Get In There And Do.Something?" AT THE CAMPUS: 'To Live,'To'Lose "JKIRU" (" TO LIVE") is the plodding story of an old man who found out too late. The summary of the tale is found in the admonition "Some people really don't begin to live until they encounter death." Auntie Mame would say "Life is a banquet and some poor suckers are starving to death," and say it much better. Those religiously oriented and the psy- chologists will be pleased by the resurrection-(conversion experierne). In this case the catalyst is not heresy; but rather gastric cancer. Wheth- er you enjoy the film from this point on depends on whether you can identify with cancer. I've had my ulcer under control lately, so I didn't make it. Turned away by his westernized son, Hero takes to demon drink which his stomach' systematically rejects. A Japanese Beatnik shows him the light of a higher life. Somehow you feel he was better off be- fore the Renaissance. Stumbling about, the old man gains determina- tion and returns to his job to serve the people. * * * THE FILM could well conclude here and be none the worse, but the author becomes long-winded and'preys upon his captive audience -F -1 r