VOTER REGISTRATION: Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN "Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Win revai" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG." ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: JUDITH OPPENHEIM SNCC Leads, Negro Dive Wayne's Dealing Mars Inter-University Planning THE ERA of Good Feeling between Michigan .'colleges and universities was dealt a serious blow by Wayne State University's offer to hike tuition in return for matched appropria- Vions increases from the state Legislature. On the surface, it may appear that Wayne state is making a conscientious effort to help itself With the perennial problem of fi- nances. But the implications are far more dis- tastrous to Michigan higher education than that. Sen. Elmer R. Porter expresses favor with WSU's intentions, althougl deferring final judgment until he has further studied the proposal. In finding favor with Sen. Porter, long an opponent of increased educa- tional expenditures, the one result of the situation is apparent-legislators' objections to further budget boosts for education will be substantially strengthened as final talks hp- proach. -Educators have long cried that the cost of higher education was becoming more and more prohibitive for the qualified but financially deficient student. Further tuition boosts would be an extremely serious step to take. But now that Wayne State has taken the initiative in proposing a tuition raise, the legislators can Ilogically turn to the other state institd- tions and demand the same sort of action be- fore legislative education budget increases are considered.- 'T HIS ACTION would relieve one major area of controversy in the battle over the limited state budget. The state budget is clearly too ,small for the needs of the state: every agency request Is cut to the bone. But higher edu- cation, because it does not possess the lobby strength that .labor, business and farm in- terests ,do, always suffers heavily in the ap- propriations skirnishes. The danger point was reached last year, many administrators feel, and a repetition of a mere "cost-of living" appropriations increase to higher education would be a severe blow to the concept of low- cost public education. The demands upon the institutions of higher education by a growing student population and the pressures from other state and private schools for key per- sonnel make a substantial state appropriation imperative. Michigan higher education has been put off too long. Perhaps from the taxpayer's viewpoint, WSU's move might appear a favorable as well -less burden on the general public for the education of someone else's children. 'BUT WAYN1E STATE'S proposition is basic- ally harmful to state higher education. In-t stead of forewarning other schools before presenting the deal, WSU went straight to the Legislature. ;John A. Hannah, chairman of Survey THE RESIDENCE HALL SURVEY being planned by the Office of Student Affairs Study Committee wil probably reveal little new information as far as the men's quad- rangles are concerned. Its importance does not lie in finding out what the residents think about the system (although it may show some rather revealing things about what wo- 'ien think of their situation). The significance of this study is that it is being handled by a group with power to translate ideas into action; therefore, this survey can have a great deal more effect than many of the ones conducted in .the last five years. Most of these past surveys had focuses such as evaluation of the Michigan House Plan in action. One past attempt, not planned by the Residence Halls Board of Governors and sup- pressed (rather embarrassingly so) until last spring, was the Scheub report, which indicated there swas large-scale dissatisfaction within at least one unit "of the men's quadrangle system. There was quite a bit of excitement when the report was released, but still nothing was done. In a rather confused Board of Gov- ernors meeting at the end of last year, several members called for a survey of their own which would be more "statistically valid." Nothing ever came of this.. Significantly, residence halls are one of " the first areas the OSA committee is investigat- ing. And more significantly, the OSA com- mittee is the -first group whose prerogative is to do something with what is found out, rather than letting the report gather dust in a desk drawer. -DAVID MARCUS Editorial Staff' JOHN ROBERTS. Editor PHILIP SHERMAN HARVEY MOLOTCH City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN FARRELL ........:. Personnel Director FAITH WEINSTEIN..............Magazine Editor MICHAEL BURNS...................Sports Editor PAT GOLDEN................Associate City Editor RICHARD OSTLING'...... Associate Editorial Director DAVID ANDREWS ..........Associat" Sports Editor CLIFF MARKS .......... Associate Sports Editor the Council of State College Presidents and President of Michigan State University, and other top administrators expressed concern that they' were not informed of Wayne State's action beforehand. The impression is that WSU went behind the backs of other state schools seeking to win the favor of the Legislature. Admittedly, Wayne State received the worst treatment from the legislators last year. They were the only school cut below their appro- priation of the previous year, despite a con- sistent enrollment figure. (WSU got $15.58 million for 1961-62 and $15.79 million the year before.) It would appear to need a larger increase in legislative appropriations than other schools, if its costs rose in the same propor- tion, in order to keep up with the rest. But in running to the Legislature with its proposition, Wayne State jeopardized the hold- firm position of the other state institutions on tuition. The Detroit school could have talked over its situation with them, presented its case and warned the other state schools what path it was going to take. Instead, all state schools now can look forward to an ultimatum from the Legislature to raise tuition before seeking further increases in appropriations. And Wayne State, in admitting that it could stand a tuition boost, is virtually committing itself to such action whether it gets the matching appropriation from the Legislature or not; it has no assurance that its position will improve at all, as some legislators have Indicated. THE SITUATION points out the serious in- ability of state schools to cooperate despite the formation of the Council of State College Presidents and the esablishment of an execu- tive director by the grorp. The organization is intended to coordinate, on a voluntary basis, common activties and to discuss common prob- lems. On paper, it looks fine. But the action of Wayne State Wednesday aptly emphasizes the point that cooperation and coordination is a long way off. Finances seem to be the same dog-eat-dog fight as they are every year and cooperation and coordination of budget requests appers a distant dream. True, the Council should not be exclusively a pressure group and a lobbyist organization. But its function in presenting a consistent and coordinated policy for state higher education. cannot be abdicated without destroying the raison d'tre of the organiztion. And logi- cally, the finances of all institutions are a majo concern of the Council. If budget re- quests and needs cannot be ironed out by the member colleges in advance and presented to the Legislature in a coordinated manner, the basic reason for coordination has been neglected. The Council is not serving its pur- pose. It has developed a standardized procedure for- determining enrollment figures by credit hours but this was only in compliance with a legislative bill requiring standardised figures. The Council only last month approved a uni- form procedure for listing budgetary and ac- counting figures. This seemed to indicate an increased atmosphere of cooperation, but the blockbuster announcement by WSU appears to overshadow this attempt. The Council is by no means dead, and some agreement has been reached in other areas. But until coordination and cooperation on the basic financial problems of state institutions of higher education have been achieved, the back-stabbing and individual bickering for more legislative aid will continue to mar any attempts at cooperation on less basic issues. -MICHAEL BURNS Sports Editor New Spirit T IS INDEED refreshing to see that the University residence halls staff and' stu- dents can successfully work together to bring about change without verbal harangues or physical revolt. The fact that Stockwell Hall residents were able to change their dress regulations without a terrific administrative battle may indicate that a new, co-operative attitude will now prevail btween staff and students. Unlike last year's fracas over Alice Lloyd dress regulations, an atmosphere of calmness and acceptance prevailed this year. The new Stockwell rules, the most liberal of all rules on the Hill, allow women to wear bermudas and slacks to lunch and breakfast. The rules are now 'in effect on a trial basis for one week. T HE NEW STOCKWELL RULES went into effect without a first approval from the Dean of Women's Office, in contrast to the pro- ceedure followed at Lloyd. Rather, they were initiated onlythrough the inter-dormitory channels of business staff, house directors and residents. This is in conjunction with the Assembly Dormitory Council philosophy, and a good one (EDITOR'S NOTE-This is the first of two articles dealing with the voter registration project for southern Negroes. Tomorrow's in- stallment will consider the future course of the movement.) By JOHN ROBERTS Editor and FAITH WEINSTEIN Magazine Editor IN ALL THE PAMPHLETS, in all the speeches, the leaders of the Southern Movement say that the voter registration drive is go- ing 'to revolutionize the South. And so it may, but not in any of LETTERS to the, EDITOR Rush I .* To the Editor: IT IS TIME to thank another member of the "Let's Destroy Fraternities" club, Michigan Daily chapter, for an illuminating les- son in irrelevance, inaccuracy, in- competence and innuendo. Thank you, Mr. McReynolds, for your educational editorial, misleadingly entitled, "Wide-Open Rushing Will Save Small Houses." Had Mr. McReynolds stuck to his topic, there would be no need for this letter. He certainly has every right to a constructive view- point concerning the present and future of small houses on this campus. In 'the very second sen- tence, however, he inexplainably strays from his acknowledged topic to deliver a commentary on "true fraternity dress patterns." MR. 'McREYNOLDS, perhaps you might show me, in print, the survey you made which allows you to, state that one "will often find the sweatshirt, rather than the well-pressed suits of rush, the rule of dress." Then, if you can prove the above, tell me 1) its inherent virulence, and 2) what possible relevance it has to your editorial. What figures have you, Mr. Mc- Reynolds, to back up your state- ment on depledging? How can you (merely from a possibly bitter personal experience) blithely list the criteria by which all rushees judge a house? Most rushees I know wish it were that easy, but realise that it isn't. Finally, is it your factual ob- servation that smaller fraternities offer "closer brotherhood, more spirit, and more quiet for study- ing?" Why is it then, for instance, that out of the top ten houses academically, only two have as few as thirty active members? * * * THE MICHIGAN DAILY boasts "seventy-one years of editorial freedom." There is a vast differ- ence, however, between editorial freedom and editorial license. I suggest that it is time to seriously reevaluate a policy that permits irresponsible fiction to hide be- hind the venerable shield of editorial freedom. There can be no complaint over a newspaper's words as long as truth and accuracy are its aims, in theory and in practice. When, however, these rules are glossed over in the deadline rush, a news- paper, to use an old cliche, is not worth the paper it is printed on. -Richard Young, '63 -Michael D. Levin, '64 the publicly planned directions, nor by any of the openly stated means. Voter registration will be a long, frustratingly slow process, stained more by defeats than laureled with victories. The length of the pro- cess has been guaranteed by the very nature of the project-the South has done its work well, in making Negro voter registration next to impossible. But the voter registration drive will be the turning point in the Southern revolution-acting as a catalyst, it will change the direc- tionhof student action in the South. VOTER REGISTRATION, as a student project, was adopted last June by the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, the most active student group in the South. SNCC was not originally designed to take on such a project-it was set up in April, 1960, to serve as a loosely - knit communications network for the various student action groups in the South com- mitted to non-violent direct ac- tion. It had to be the kind of or- ganization which could both con- tain and withstand a revolution- flexible, broad, relatively power- less. And for over a year it played that role. But voter registration completely revolutionized SNCC. The meet- ings we attended in Atlanta were not meetings of a loosely-organ- ized communications committee. They were top-level strategy meetings of a well-organized pro- fessional revolutionary cabal-the most dedicated, students in the South met to plan the overthrow of the deepest-rooted caste system in the country. LAST JUNE, SNCC delegates accepted voter registration as a project. They accepted it care- fully, almost reluctantly. These students had devoted their en- ergies to direct action against pri- vate concernsfor years, and had found it successful. They were hes- itant to turn to something new. There was a basic philosophical split. If SNCC was to turn to voter registration, direct action would have to be more or less neglected; at least by the SNCC delegates involved in the project. A question of relative values arose. Some argued that before the Ne- gro needed the vote he needed the sense of dignity which cones from minimal social equality-desegre- gation of stores, -of buses-all the things that the direct action people worked for. Once this sense of personal dignity was estab- lished, the average Negro would then be willing to fight for his vote. * * * OTHERS FELT that voter regis- tration was the most important single project in the South. With even a minimal number of votes, the Southern Negroes could reg- ularly vote out the incumbents in Congress and the state legis- lature, breaking up the power of the Southern segregationist bloc and keeping the Southern Sena- tors new and weak until the Negro voters could put up their own candidates. These people said that only through the, vote could the basic legal changes be made. Moreover, by adopting the voter registration project, SNCC stood to gain considerable adult help- particularly from Harry Belafonte, who offered them considerable financing for voter registration work, and for voter registration work alone. Less directly, the federal justice department offered them all the help it could provide -or at least, all it was willing to provide. * * * SNCC FINALLY STRUCK a bal- ance between the two sides, and picked Mississippi, clearly the most solidly barricaded state in the South, as its first target. It hired Diane Nash, who had been doing civil rights work in Nash- ville, to head a direct action pro- gram in Jackson, the state capi- tal. Pressure from police forced her to abandon her first attempt. She has since 4returned to try again. In August, Bob Moses was hired by SNCC to head a voter regis- tration project in the Pike County area-probably the toughest see- tion to crack in Mississippi. Moses and his staff set up a center in McComb, the, largest city in the area, and began the drive. He met with obstacles all along the way. Mississippi has a series of obstructive laws governing reg- istration which are pulled out only when a Negro tries to register. SNCC had to deal with these laws. Moses worked 'door to door, talking Negroes into paying their poll tax, convincing them to take the risks of registration. Three schools were set up in the area to teach Negroes the detailed knowledge of the Mississippi Con- stitution necessary to pass the registration test. * * 4* ONCE THE NEGROES knew the constitution well enougl to pass the test, Moses would accompany them to the registration clerk and stand by them as they registered. Several got through, and then the registration clerks realized that these Negroes were part. of an organized drive, and began to balk. There was trouble. A gun went off near the regis- tration office in Amite County, terrifying the Negroes who were trying to register. A Negro with a master's degree in political science was failed in a registra- tion test. Members of the SNCC staff were arrested, beaten, pistol- whipped. Finally there was a shooting-a Negro farmer named Herbert Lee, who had been active in the NAACP and voter registra- tion was killed by his next-door neighbor, State Representative Eugene Hurst. THE NEGROES in Pike, Amite and Walthall counties have reason to be scared. The full fury of the white community is roused against them. SNCC is asking these ill- educated farmers to risk their eco- nomic security, their slim social standing, even perhaps their lives for the chance to register for a vote which they may never be allowed to cast, and which, if cast, may never be counted. And there is another complica- tion. Voter registration has be- come entangled with direct ac- tion. Moses had kids from the local Burgland Negro High School out working with him on voter registration. They inevitably got excited about civil rights and se- gration issues-and this excite- ment demanded an outlet. SNCC-organized action came in summer, sit-ins at the Wool- worth's and the local bus depot. Student-initiated action came two weeks ago, with the Burgland walk-out protesting the expulsion of two students arrested in the sit-ins. * * * SNCC CAN'T be expected to stop this kind of action--indeed it is under tremendous pressure to encourage it. The SNCC staff members all started out as direct actionists, and their sympathies still lie in that direction. The stu- dents expect SNCC support and guidance in planning direct ac- tion projects. No matter how much Moses may have feared that direct action would interfere with voter registration as a project, he knew that it was SNCC which had stirred these kids up, and it was up to SNCC to guide them. When Moses, Charlie Jones, Bob Zellner and the others went to Atlanta for strategy meetings, af- ter the Burgland arrests, the stu- dents suspected desertion. They posted a sign on the SNCC office door in McComb: SNCC DONE SNUCK. Charles McDew, the one SNCC staff member left in Mc- Comb, immediately put up an- other sign: NO, SNCC DONE STUCK. In the minds of the SNCC staffers, they must stick -it is even more important than voter registration. But direct action has made Pike County virtually untenable for voter registration work. Moses and his staff have been charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor-a legally unbeatable charge which is one of tie un- avoidable risks of a student move- ment-and face up to two years in prison. But even before these trials, McComb has been made impos- sible for them. Moses and Jones tried to go back after the Burg- land walk-out-and were forced to remain in hiding for fear of being lynched. Fatal violence is so near the surface in McComb that little productive work can be done. 4 V x i 14 1 N "Hmm---I Have A Kind Of 20-Year Plan Too" -Daly-Larry Vanice CIVIC THEATRE: May Day!MayDeay 'Roberts', Fl1oun4ders 'HE ANN ARBOR DRAMA SEASON officially made its debut last night with a production of the Thomas Heggins-Joshua Logan World War II comedy smash, "Mr. Roerts." But the first offering of the drama season can in no way' be considered" Its first hit. Like Garson Kaiiin's "Born Yesterday," "Mr Roberts" poses the most difficult of assignments for community theatre-difficult be- cause there has been a memorable Henry Fonda-Jack Lemmon per- formance which received mass consumption. Comparison to the original \- is inevitable. * *. * 4' AND COMPARISON to the Logan production was especially dis- astrous to last night's outing. Director Robert Lovell has imbued his piece with an absolute minimum of inventiveness and bogged it down with some embarrassing and highly ueven pacing. Instead of presenting his audience with the perfectly paced pro-' duction so necessary to a comedy of its genre, the work is conceived in episodes-palm tree episode, shore leave episode, laundry episode- with little or no consideration to the necessary unifying elements. NOT THAT THE EVENING is totally without its brighter moments. David Smaller acquits himself quite admirably throughout, especially in the frenetic shore leave ruckus. And Fred Oulette's Ensign Puller scores successfully at least part of the time. Suanna Burris makes an attractive and effective addition to the whole. But none of these performances is able to balance the stolid, un- affective interpretation of Stan Woodson's Mr. Roberts. The part is an extremely difficult one to manage successfully and Mr. Woodson clear- ly cannot rise to the occasion. * s' 4w 4' BUT THE BLAME for a disappointing evening lies primarily with Mr. ,Lovell. Only infrequently does he achieve the slam-bang, riproar- ing, rousing whoop and holler preduction the Heggins-Logan script demands. Mostly all the shouting and running about the stage left me yawning-yawning and fondly recalling the Broadway original. -Marc Alan Zagoren CHORAL UNION SERIES: Chorale Shows Drama, Varety THE ROGER WAGNER CHORALE, renowned, ensemble which has won international acclaim, sang to an enthusiastic audience last night in Hill Auditorium. The Chorale opened the program with four Renaissance selections by the Italian composer Vittoria, the Netherlands organist Jan Swee- link, and Clement Jannequin of the French school. These were followed by two songs by Josef Haydn and then by "Queen Mab" from the opera "Romeo and Juliet" of the Romantic composer Hector Berlioz. The major work of the evening was the contemporary English ora- torio "Belshazzar's Feast" by William Walton. An encore, J. S. Bach's chorale "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," completed the first -portion of the program. * * * * THE REMAINDER of the program was composed of Debussy chan- sons; a charming group of English, American and French folk songs, and Negro spirituals, many of which were arranged by Mr. Wagner. The closing selection was a rousing rendition of "Alouette." Drama and a wide range of dynamic levels characterized the music on the program and were appropriate in most of the selections, with the exception of the Renaissance group in which the dynamic levels ' were somewhat extreme. However, the pieces were well-executed-and exciting in spite of the Romantic interpretation. THE ENSE1BLE of the group, though generally excellent,-was dis- torted at times by the shell behind the singers. 'Entrances were well- delineated but sometimes at the expense of the other parts which did not come through. Blend and balance were, in general, quite good. The chorale pos- a A