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October 20, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-20

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Chance of light showers
this morning ,

See Page 4





MOSCOW (P)-Red Chinese Premier Chou En-Lai yesterday
plediged his country's support for Soviet foreign policy and its Com-
munist party program, but chided Premier Nikita S. khrushchev for
his attacks on Albania.
He warned delegates to the 22nd Soviet Communist Party Con-
gress-whiclfAlbania is boycotting-that open disputes between Com-
munist parties only aid enemies of the Eastern bloc. '
All disputes among Communist parties should be settled by nego-
tiation, he declared, according to informed sources.
Western newsmen were barred from the Congress yesterday for
the first time since it opened Tuesday, but Chou's speech was re-

Cites School
As Example
Of Progress
Curtis Hayes, Student Non-Vio-
lent Coordinating Committee ex-
ponent, spoke last night at a Voice
Political Party sponsored discus-
sion of individuals interested in
fighting discrimnation.
Hayes, who will be tried Tues-
day for his participation in the
Burgland Negro High School walk-
out in McComb, Miss., told the
group that the Southern Negro
is waking up- to the problem of
discrimination and is taking ac-
tion. The SNCC voter-regstration
school is an example.
"White citizens don't think Ne-
groes are intelligent enough to as-
sociate with superior society,"
Hayes said, "But today Negroes
are no longer willing to accept
this idea."
Most of the opposition comes
from adult, poor whites. "The op-
pressors are doing everything to
break down our courage," he said,
since they have no other grounds
for attack. "Everything we're do-
ing is legal," Hayes asserted. The
South needs to know that there
are Northerners behind them, he
Discussing the aftermath of the
Oct. 4 high school walkout in Mc-
Comb, Hayes said that the school
has stipulated that before the
student-demonstrators can re-en-
ter the school, they must sign a
statement not to walk out again
on penalty of a one year suspen-
The Parent Teachers Associa-
tion, upon the insistence of the
parents and the students, are
working to have this requirement
removed. They have threatened to
integrate the white high school, if
the students are not allowed to
re-enter Burgland without the ,
stipulation, he said.
In the discussion preceding
Hayes' talk-individuals, repre-
senting Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity, the Ann Arbor community,
and the University-talked of the
problems of freedom and dis-
crimination. SNCC leader Don
Gadson, associate minister of the
East Lake Baptist Church, mod-
erated the group and represented
the Detroit area.
Major problem areas cited by
the group were housing discrim-
ination on and off the college
campuses, discrimination in em-
ployment, advertising and the
problem of organization to allev-
iate the trouble-spots.
Announce Plan
For Merger
Two national fraternities -
Phi Epsilon Pi and Kappa Nu -
merged at the national level last
_ week, local Phi Ep president Rich-
ard Young, '63, said yesterday.
"It was thought that Kappa Nu
alone was unable to help its un-
dergraduate chapters, as it could
if it were merged with a larger
national," Young added.
Kappa Nu has 16 chapters.
Three of them, at the University
of Pittsburgh, Renselaer :Poly-
technic Institute and Brooklyn
College were released from the
national when they chose not to
participate in the merger.

The new combined organization
will be called Phi Epsilon Pi.
Kappa Nu was on the Univer-
sity campus until 1953. In 1959,
the group petitioned Interfrater-
nity Council for readmission, but
the petition was denied.
According to the Cornell Daily
:inn +ha mercer was pnecipitated

ported by the official Soviet news
agency Tass.
Receives Ovation
Chou was cheered and received a
standing ovation after his speech
in which he listed Albania as one
of the fraternal Communist par-
"The 'defense of the unity and
cohesion of the international Com-
munist movement is the interna-
tional duty of all Communists,"
he declared.
Apparently knowing what to ex-
pect from Khrushchev, the Alban-
ian party boss, Enver Hoxha, boy-
cotted the big Moscow Commu-
nist gathering.' The Albanians and
Yugoslavs alone stayed away from
a glittering affair that has drawn
Communist representatives from
80 countries.
In his opening address Tuesday,
Khrushchev accused {oxha of
adopting the repressive tactics of
Stalin, and practically appealed
for the Albanian Communists to
See Related Story, Page 3}
change leaders. He said they would
have to give up their "mistaken
view" if they wanted Soviet
'At Odds'
Yugoslav's independent Commu-
nists have been at odds with Mos-
cow since 1948 when they were
read out of the old cominform,
but the Albanian rift with Mos-
cow only became apparent in the
last year, when they supported
Red China against Khrushchev's
views on peaceful coexistence and
the inevitability of war.
Ne roes Stage,
Texas Dorm
Lobby Sit-In
AUSTIN ()-About 50 Negro
students at the University of
Texas staged a sit-down demon-
stration last night in the lobby
of a girls dormitory.
According to the Daily Texan,
women residents of Kinsolving
Dormitory have been told that
Negro girls visiting white girls in
dormitories should do so only in
the girls' rooms with the doors
closed, and may not use restrooms
in the white dormitories.

... congress
U.S. Won't
ABack Downl
WASHINGTON (P) - President
John F. Kennedy declared yester-
day the United States still firmly
opposes letting the Chinese Com-
munists into the United Nations
or any of its agencies.
His statement was read to news-
men at the White House by Press
Secretary Pierre Salinger when
Salinger was asked whether there
had been even the slightest change
in United States policy on this
Salinger said probably the best
way to answer was to read a
statement Kennedy had prepared
for his news conference last week
in case he was asked about the
situation. Nobody asked him then.
The statement said:
"The United States has always
considered the government of the
Republic of China the only right-
ful government representing China-
and has always given full support
to the position and to all the
rights of that government in the
United Nations.
Therefore the United States
firmly opposes the entry of the
Chinese Communists in 'to the
United Nations or into any of the
components of the United Na-
When the question came up yes-
terday. Salinger was told there
had been speculation at the United
Nations on whether exploration of
American relations with Outer
Mongolia meant a softening of
United States opposition to seat-
ing Red China in the assembly.

'Wade Talk
The dilemma posed byeutilizing
judical procedures while main-
taining policy making efficency in
regulatory agencies has been han-
dled differently in Britain than
in the United States, Prof. H. W.
R. Wade of Oxford University said
Both systems have their draw-
backs however, the Cooley lec-
turer said in the second of the
five speechs he will give at the
Law School. In this lecture he
dealt primarily with the problems
of the American system and plans
to cover those of the English to-
America has the system of in-
dependent regulatory agencies
controlling the work of private in-
dustyy while England has nation-
alized all areas of industry and
public service that needs regula-
tion and governs them directly
through a minister of parliment,
he said.
Organization Difference
This difference in organization
gives the English system a pre-
ponderance of administrative pro-
cedur'e. The judical ideals of hear-
ing and fair trial must be "tacked
on" and must "fight for its exist-
ence in a rigid departmental sys-
tem designed for executive pur-
poses only." This unbalance of
function renders the decisions of
British regulatory agencies less
inclined to justice, he said.
The American system, however,
independent of the governinent
and politics, utilizes the full ju-
dical procedure in its investiga-
tions. However, the mere weight
of the red tape in the more
lengthy judical procedure has
bogged down American agencies to
the point that they cannot keep
up with the amount of cases put
before them.
American System
The American system is so pres-
sured by judical procedures that
Americans "have neglected policy
making," which is the chief func-
tion of the regulatory agency,
Prof. Wade said quoting the 1960
Landis Report.
Assuring the listeners that there
were comparable problems with
the English system, Prof. Wade
then suggested that compromise
was the best solution to this prob-
lem of justice versus effective
power in both countries. '
Harvard Dean
Views' Policy
CAMBRIDGE Mass. (P)-A re-
tired Harvard College dean says
that institution'ssthree 20th cen-
tury United States presidents
might not have been admitted to
Harvard if it opened its doors only
to students with an academic
stand~ing in the top one per cent
of American college students.
In his final report as Dean of
Admissions of Harvard College,
the university's undergraduate
school, former Dean Wilbur J.
Bender took issue with a proposal
.advanced in some quarters that
only students in the topmost eche-
lon of academic ability be ad-
Dean Bender raised a question
whether Presidents John F. Ken-
nedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt and
Theodore Roosevelt-all alumni-
would have gained admission to
Harvard under a top-one-per-cent

For State Appropriations


Full Sum Not Expected

University officials don't real-
ly anticipate'getting all of the
$46 million state appropriation
the Regents are expected to ask
for in the budget request today.
But they would like the Leg-
islature to give the University
at least some part of the $10
million increase from this year's
Two of the things preventing
any major changes in state pol-
icy this year are the constitu-
tional convention, which many
legislators look'to for solutions
of their problems, and the elec-
tions next fall, which will serve
to keep legislators from passing
new revenue measures, Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin, L. Niehuss says.
WSU Proposal
And Wednesday a new factor
was thrown into appropriations
calculations when Wayne State
University governing board
members offered to trade fee
raises for state appropriation
The effect that this offer
might have on other colleges'
requests that don't include sim-
ilar plans is not yet completely
determined, but House Ways
and Means Committee Chair-
man Arnell Engstrom (R-
Traverse City) indicates that it
will not hurt the University's
chances for more money.
Following the Wednesday



meeting of legislators and WSU
board members, Engstrom said
yesterday that "We feel it
would be unfair to the Univer-
sity and rMichigan State Uni-
versity to require them to raise
their tuitions to get more
money just because WSU is
willing to.
'Not QuiteFair'
"It would not be quite fair to
allow WSU to take advantage
of the rest of the state's insti-
Engstrom also expressed dis-
approval of WSU's proposing
the plan without informing or
consulting with the other eight'
colleges supported by the state.
However, he and other legis-
lators like the general tenor of
cooperative bargaining that is
involved in the plan.
Engstrom stressed, however,
that the Legislature realized
that the universities needed
more money this year, inde-
pendent of their fee schedule,
and said that he thought that
they would receive somewhat
increased budgets from the
Proof of Support
Additions to the state appro-
priation to the University would
serve as proof to the faculty,
now somewhat discontented
with general conditions, that
the state will continue to sup-
port the University in its
growth, officials say.

At least some of the many
needs listed in the budget re-
quest expected to be. passed
today must be met in the ap-
propriation this year, they em-
phasize, in order that the Uni-
versity may not lose too many
of its highly-qualified faculty to
competing institutions.
The faculty are more discon-
tented this fall than they have
been for many years, Niehuss
reports,, and the University
must show them that it is not
losing the ,race for quality to
other institutions if it is to keep
Younger Faculty Hit
The. situation particularly af-
fects younger' faculty; whose
leaving would affect the Uni-
versity's quality for many years,
rather than only for the present
or even near future, he says,
since they have not experienced
similar troughs in the Univer-
sity's situation before.
The request, though, if it is
at the expected level, will be
less of a request to the Legisla-
ture than a list of the Univer-
sity's.needs: University officials
admit that the state does not
have the money to support bud-
gets of the needed size at pres-
"But they have had the prob-
lem for several years now," Nie-
huss says, "and we wish they
would do a little something
about it.".

To tal Figure
$46 1Million
Bid Would Exceed
This Year's Proposal
By About $2 Million
The Regents are expected to
ask for more than $46 million in
operating funds for next year at
their meeting this afternoon.
't'heir request, to be forwarded
to the State Legislature and the
governor's budget bureau for ac-
tion, will be about $2.5 million
above this year's $43.9 million
request, officials predict.
Of the $10 million increase to
be asked from this year's actual
appropriation, the University
wants about $4.5 million to pro-
vide faculty salary raises aver-
aging about 10 per cent.
More This Year
This would be somewhat more
than the $3.5 million asked last
fall, which would have provided
for raises averaging about, eight
per cent.'
The Regents are also expected
to discuss Wayne State Univer-
sity's recent offer to the Legis-
lature to raise fees in return for
a boosted appropriation, either at
their business meeting or during
the closed committee-of-the-whole
sessions which precede it.
University officials have, been
debating for some time the ad-
visability of tuition increases and
their possible.~use in influencing
the Legislature, ta give the Uni-
versity higher appropriations.
Want More Faculty
The second largest single in-
crease requested in the budget for
the 1962-62' fiscal year will be to
provide for additional faculty po-
sitions. This would be some $2
million, about $400,00 larger than
last fall's request for the same
Other items expected to be in-
cluded on the Regents' list of
urgent needs are:
1) An increase of about $1 mil-
lion for plant maintenance. This
would allow maintenance to be put
back a't the level from which it
has been cut in order to provide
funds for other areas.
Other Services
2) About a $1 million boost for
University services such as the
library system, the admissions of-
fice and the registration and rec-
ords office.
3) Approximately $1.5 million for
the-Institute of Science and Tech-
nology. The Legislature usually
incorporates this item into the
general University appropriation.
4) Roughly $1 million for sev-
eral other research and ser4vice
organizations whose appropria-
tions are usually incorporated into
the regular appropriation also.


Roundtable Views Secretariat,

N ..


Kohl, Creal Ask Stopgap
In Projected Rail Merger

The role of the secretary-gen-
eral has become more involved
in decision making the political
science roundtable agreed last
Prof. Inis Claude of the politi-
cal science department stressed
the evolution of the secretary-1
general's executive role while Prof.
Eric Stein of the law school dis-
cussed the late lag Hammar-
skjold's interpretation of his duties
as set forth in the UN Charter.
Prof. J. David Singer of the
mental health research institute
sought a long range future view
of a moderately changed United
Nations and Secretariat.
The powers of . the secretary-
general have increased because
the political organs of the UN
have presented the Secretariat
with undetailed' operating orders
to carry out and the' attempt by
the United States to frustrate the
Soviet veto power, the trio con-
Prof.'Singer said that the major
powers can agree on general prin-
ciple to apply to emergency situa-
tions but cannot reach further
agreement. The secretary-general
then has to fill in the details as
best he can.
The Soviets have come to think

that the independent and often
political decisions made by the
secretary-general were merely an
extension of Western foreign pol-
icy. This is the job of NATO, and
not one of the functions of the
UN; Prof. Claude said. ,
By diplomatic maneuvering, the
United States has managed to
remove items from the veto-
blocked Security Council to the
General Assembly and then to
the Secretariat.
The Soviet Union, of course,
objected to this and has proposed
the Troika as a means of prevent-
ing a group from gaining effective
Pollock Raps
Adams' Letter
LANSING (P) - An unsolicited
letter from state Atty. Gen. Paul
L. Adams to Michigan's Consti-
tutional Convention delegates
brought a swift reaction yesterday
in committee and on the conven-
tion floor.
Prof. James K. Pollock of the
political science department (R-
Ann Arbor), labeled Adams' let-
ter "a form of official pressure
and one which I don't like."

control over the Secretariat.
But just as the West can block
the Troika the, Soviet Union 'must
agree on a new secretary-general,
Prof. Claude said.
#1 r
Voice Adopts.
New Stand
Picturing 'the student as a re-
sponsible participant in his own'
education and expressing concern
over the "paternalistic attitude of
the administration," Voic'e Politi-
cal Party adopted its platform for
the fall 1961 SGC election cam-'
paign last night.
In a statement on student rights
and academic freedom, the party
advocated the uniting of the office
of the dean of men and the office
of the dean of women under an'
office of dean of students.

Prof. John C. Kohl of the en-
gineering college recently asked
the Interstate Commerce Commis-
sion to take no action which would
impair the ability of the Michi-
gan Central Railroad (which is
leased by the New York Central
System) to continue to provide
needed rail service to Ann Arbor.
Along with Ann Arbor Mayor
Cecil O. Creal, he called upon the
ICC to intervene in the merger
between the Chesapeake and Ohio
and the Baltimore and Ohio Rail-
roads in the interests of the New
York Central.
"Of extreme importance to the
success of the University is the
accessibility it enjoys. A loss of
direct rail passenger service to
Ann Arbor would constitute an
impairment of that accessibility
and an ultimate handicap. to the
Creal pointed out that the city
needed a strong through railroad
to serve industry and students,
and to aid in the "whole concept
of civil defense."j
Up to Them
He told the ICC it was up to
them to protect a strong rail serv-
ice for Ann Arbor.
Prof. Kohl noted that the B &
O-C & O merger would "not nec-
essarily affect Ann Arbor service,
but it could." He said that if the
three lines were to merge, it might
i- --.. -- acares o trangthen i

"Service has been curtailed right
along," he noted, "but I cannot
conceive of the abandonment of
the Michigan Central. They'll cut
back service more and more if
they have to, but they'll never give
it up entirely."
He said the main difficulty with
the NYC was rising overhead
costs. Freight offices in Ann Ar-
bor have been virtually closed
See CREAL, Page 2

Rainm Wets Speakers in biag Hyde Park

Just as the name and concept
of Hyde Park comes from the
English, so did yesterday's weather
which welcomed the first of two
Women's League Hyde Park pro-
Under black umbrellas, people
I congregated on the Diag to discuss
topics ranging from women's hem-
lines to the bias clauses of frater-
nities and sororities.
One student, expounding on the
practices of Madison Ave., fol-
lowed the cyclic trend from long
to short women's hemlines and
concluded that "my mother is now
wearing her 1947 skirts because
they are now back in style."
Another student also discussed
the merits of,- fraternity and the
i - of h--t-ri-r +r - h a -rm

'Should Reorganize' For Mental Health
"We believe that the office The Regents will probably list
should be reorganized to divide the amounts for the ,University's var-
duties according to the functions ious mental health units in their
of housing, scholarship, judiciary, request. These funds will come.
human rights, etc. Such reorgani- from the state's hospital and
zation would increase efficiency mental health budget, rather than
and eliminate the present over- the higher education appropria-
lapping that is one of the major tion.
problems of this office," the state- After passage by the Regents,
ment said. the University budget requests will
The Voice platform also urged be presented to the state budget
the centralization of the judiciary bureau.
system. It saw no need for separate The request, together with bur-
Wen' ryPnel ankeWomen'smJu- eau recommendations, generally a
diciary Council, asked that i great deal lower than the original
mum and minimum penalties on amount, will then be sent to the
all offenses be established, and Legislature, which convening in
requested that counsel be allowed January, generally does not pass
The party advocated the elec- appropriations until April or May.
The pfartydvcted tghernleng For the past several years, ap-
tion of residence hall governing propriations have been seriously
boards by students with "the bopr aoutseee se duy
responsibility for determining all blow the amounts requested by
rules, policies, and regulations for colleges and universities. Last
their unit." spring, for example, the Legisla-
Student Rights. ture passed a higher education
Voice also asked that the SGC budget of $109.5 million. The col-
establish a Committee on Student leges had asked $141 million.
Rights to study student complaints Last year University officials re-
of arbitrary abridgement of their quested that the Legislature ap-
rights by a University body. propriate them $43.9 million. In
The platform condemned several fact, however, the legislators
alleged forms of discrimination on granted them only $35.4 million.
the campus. It attacked off cam- _ . mm - i 1'



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