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October 19, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-19

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"Pst Want To See Some Poems?"

Seventy-First Year

111L 11LJ .1 " Al : VLJ2
Stanley Qua rtet:
Good Star

Opinions Are Free
th wl Prevail"

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

STARTING ITS FAIL SEASON with a combination of Mozart, Ross
Lee Finney and Beethoven, the Stanley Quartet returned last night
to Rackham Auditorium.
The Mozart work, K. 499 in D, proved again that the Classical era
is one of the group's fortes. As in the Haydn series of this summer, the
Stanley players showed their ability to hold closely together, while
allowing Mozart's melody free rein. If one can find an objection, perhaps

U Should Eliminate

Discriminatory Scholarships

E9PITE THE STEAbY, PUSH to eliminate
S d iscrimntionF in various aspects of cam-
Pus activity, one area has generally been over-
looked-University administered scholarships.
The problem involves both those scholar-
sships already administered by the University
and those which may come in the future.
The discrimination is evident in an official
University of Michgan publication, "Univer-
sity Scholarships, ellowships and Prizes." A
person opening this booklet to the list . of
scholarships is confronted first by the Emma
M. and Florence, L. Abbott scholarship, whose
eligibility requirement specifies "Caucasian,
Protestant women of American parentage who
need financial assistance" A further persual
of the booklet reveals that 'this is not an
isolated case.
'THE UNIVERITV - has a bylaw which is
supposed to cover discrimination; Regents
bylaw 2.14. It tes that "The University shall
not, discriminat e against PnY person because
of race, color, religion, creed, national origin,
or ancestry. Further it shall work for the
elimination of discrimination 1) in private
organizations recognized by the University and
2) from non-University sources where stu-
dents ,.and the employees of the University
are involved."
In a sense, the first par of the bylaw can
be said not to apply here since by a strict
interpretation the University itself is not
actually doing the discriminating, the scholar-
ships are. All of the present discriminatory
scholarships were offered to the University
prior to the passage of the bylaw. The dis-
criminatory eligibility requirements were writ-
ten in by the donor and the University is faced;
with the option of keeping undesirable scholar-
ships or losiilg the financial aid.
Gagged Panel
INTERNATIONAL Students Association was
planning to invite two professors and two
students to participate in a public seminar
on the crisis in Syria. The Arab Students Club
protested, claiming that it would be "pre-
mature" and "speculative" to hold a talk on
th situation. The Arabs were upset enough
contemplate sending copies of the protest
resolution to University President Harlan
Hatcher and 'the' Office of Student Affairs,
as well as to ISA. The protests would have
been sent except that ISA officials then with-
drew the plans for the panel discussion, be-
cause the Arabs' objections in regard to "pre-
maturity" seemed to be "reasonable," mainly
because all the facts about the Syrian crisis
were "not yet known." ISA does not exist to
"ntagoize' ' any club, quoth the officials.
Without casting asperations on the nteg-
rity of ISA leaders, it is still true that enough
facts have filtered out of Syria to form at
least a basis for considering the profound
effects of the revolt on international policies.
A panel discussion on this matter would surely
be "speculation" in part, but if it were labeled
as such, and if divergent views were presented,
the seminar would not have been "premature;"
but very timely and noteworthy.
I T IS ALSO interesting to note that the
Arab club did not plan to protest againt
a lecture by Prof. George Grassmuck on the
same topic to Hillel the other night. If the
Arabs claim it would be harmful for the
subject to be discussed in front of an inter-
national audience, it would certainly be much
more harmful for the "premature" and "specu-
lative" events to be interpreted to one group
of students who are in need of much deeper
understanding of the Arabs' culture and poli-
ties.i Apparently President Hatcher and OSA
received no burning Arab letters on this score.
,'Tt is undeniable that ISA should not "an-
tagonize" any cultural group. ISA has suc-
ceeded in placating the extremely irritable
Arabs, but it has also failed in its moral,
social and educational responsibility to the
rest of its potential campus audience, with
whom ISA is so desperately trying to integrate.

The second part of the bylaw applies to
possible future scholarships, and it must be
admitted that the University, in part, is living
up to it. As the Regents and administration
are fond of pointing out, since the passage
of the bylaw not one discriminatory scholar-
ship has been accepted. When aid has been
offered with an offending eligibility clause
the Regents have prevailed upon the donor
to eliminate it.
But what would happen if such a scholar-
ship were offered on a take it or leave it basis
is, however, undecided. Opinions among the
Regents range from "it would probably be
rejected" tq "it would probably be accepted."
THIS LACK of a definite policy is irrespon-
sible, to say the least. Presumably, if a
discriminatory scholarship is accepted in the
future the explanation will be .that 'an un-
successful attempt was made to get the donor
to eliminate the clause. Therefore, the bylaw
requirement will have been fulfilled. What
will probably be passed over, however, will
be the fact that the Regents have the final
say on whether to accept the scholarship and
if they do accept it they will be accepting a
form of discrimination, as described in. the
first half of the bylaw.
The answer to this part of the problem
is simple. The Regents should meet and issue
a statement saying that the University will
refuse to accept any and all scholarships
with discriminatory eligibility requirements.
This should insure that such scholarships will
not even be offered, much less accepted.
THE PROBLEM of the present scholarships
is more complicated. The University-cannot
work for elimination of the offending clauses
in existing scholarships because, for the most
part, the donors are dead and the scholarships
are part of trust funds whose rules the Uni-
versity cannot go against.
Surprisingly enough, the administration and
Regents do not see anything wrong with these
scholarships. The official position is "when'
we have these restricted funds it makes avail-
able more non-restrictive funds for use
throughout the University community." This
position has possibilites that frighten the
imagination. A broader synonym for this pol-
icy is "the ends justify the means," a concept
supposedly alien to every this country is sup-
posed to stand for. In effect this means that
once the University has decided on what it
considers a worthwhile goal it may use any
method it pleases to achieve it.
BY KEEPING the discriminatory scholarships
the University is giving tacit approval to
a policy it ostensibly opposes. The answer
maybe painful but obvious; the scholarships
must be given up. It may be painful because
it will mean giving up needed money, although
since the number of offensive scholarships
is low, as the University is proud to proclaim,
the loss should not be-too great. This pain can
be eased considerably if the following plan
is adopted:
For each new, non-discriminatory scholar-
ship received from now on the University will
tdrop one discriminatory scholarship of equal
value. This will admittedly keep the amount
of scholarship money constant for a while,
but 'the sacrifice must be made. It will put
the University in the vanguard of those schools
fighting to eliminate discrimination from
publicly supported campuses.
THE IMPORTANCE of principle over money
has already been recognized by Harvard
University, and others, by refusing to par-
ticipate in the National Defense Education
Act's loan fund because a loyalty oath is
required of all borrowers. Their attitude is
that there, are ways to finance an education
withoutcompromising the principles on which
an educational institution is based.
'Discrimination is wrong. It is morally wrong,
humanly wrong, and bylaw 2.14 says it is
legally wrong in the University. If the Uni-
versity is not interested in morals and humanity
it should at least follow its own bylaw. The
full intention to do so should be announced

it may lie in the tendency, not
restricted just to the Stanley
Quartet, to perform Mozart adagi-
os as though they were all deep
The, adagios often fit into a
piece in a much lighter, more
divertimento-like way. There is a
wide range of feeling between, say,
"Eine Kleine Nachtmusik" and the
"Requiem," and there is a ten-
dency to fit 'more Mozart toward
the latter end of the continum,
overlooking the lighter aspects.
*4* *
COIgNG after the Mozart, the
Finney quartet is a bit of a con-
trast; jumping from a graceful
menuetto to unison pizzicatos and
glissandos is a bit difficult. The
Eighth Quartet, which the group
chose last night, Is in one move-
ment, albeit a fairly long one.,
The movement contains numer-
ous contrasts of tempo and mood-
which received a thoughtful treat-
ment at the hands of the Stanley
Quartet-and generally stays ina
dark vein. "
After Intermission the group
turned to late Beethoven, the Op.
130 quartet. Standing thirteenth
in the list of Beethoven's sixteen
quartets, the B-flat major occupies
an interesting position between the
first of the late ,quartets and the
two following giants, the c sharp
minor and a minor quartet.
* * 4'
that it contains the last piece of
music which Beethoven is known
to have written, the Finale, which
replaced the originally - intended
last movement, now called the
"Grosse Fuge" and labelled Op.,
The thirteenth quartet displays
some quite unusual effects, be-
sides its number of movements-
adagio and allegro in the first
movement, for example, is a new
technique, and presents a num-
ber of problems to the performers.
The interposition bf the lovely'
"Alla danza tedesca" between the
Andante and Adagio movements is
also notable, as is the so-called
"90-second" Presto after the first
In general, the performance of
the Beethoven work, in comparison
to last summer's performance,
showed a Stanley Quartet more
united, more consistent in applying
shadings. Perhaps the atmosphere
of October is more conducive for
quartets than that of July.
qu --Mark Slobin

~9'96 -'-$ ~ ?"r' .

Act Two in Berlin

WE AE 'at the beginning of
'v Act Two of the Berlin crisis.
The Western allies must try to
find a negotiating position on
which they can agree. It will not
be easy to do this. For in West
Germany, in France, and in this
country there are powerful and
passionate opponents of any ne-
gotiations. They believe that any
negotiation must involve conces-
sions on the part of the West
without any corresponding con-
cessions by the Soviet Union. To
make one-sided concessions will,
they insist, undermine and destroy
the Western alliance, and cause
the whole structure of the anti-
Communist world to collapse.
It is quite possible that the in-
transigents will prevail in the
sense that Bonn and Paris will
be able for the present to impose
a veto upon Washington and Lon-
don. The German press is crying
out that President Kennedy is
preparing to betray Germany, and
the West German Foreign Minis-
ier has made it known that in the
view of his government there are
no negotiable points. Over all this
there hangs the threat that if
there is a negotiated settlement,
the West cannot be sure of the
West German commitment to the
Western alliance. The real issue,
it is being said in high quarters,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity ot' Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Candidates for the A.M. in Linguist-
ics are advised that Prof Ernst Pugram
has been appointed Language Examiner
for the Department of Linguistics. The
dates for these examinations are the
second weekend of Nov. Jan., and May,
and the end of the fifth week of the
summer session. The Graduate School
prefers that the A.M. language require-
ment be satisfied at least six (6) weeks
before the end of the semester in which
the degree is to be taken. Students are
advised to communicate their intention
to take the examination directly to
Prof. Pulgram, well in advance of the
specified date, at 2094 Frieze, Ext. 402.-
All teacher's certificate candidates:
The Teacher's Certificate application
is due at the beginning of the junior
year. It -should be turned in to the
School of Education by Novembr st.
The address is 1203 University High
Approval for the following student
sponsored activities becomes effective
twenty-four (24) hours after the pub-
lication of this notice. All publicity
for these events must be withheld un-
til the approval has become effective.
Nov. 9 Michigan League, Interna-
tional Style Show, Hussey Room,
League, 7:30 p.m.,
Faculty, College of Literature, Science
and the Arts: The freshman five-week
progress reports (all grades) will be
due Fri., Oct. 20, in the Faculty Coun-
selor's Office for Freshmen and Sopho-
mores,1213 Angell Hall. Midsemester
reports (D's and E's only) will be due

is not about West Berlin but about
West Germany.
* *
NO DOUBT, these hysterical
cries about betrayal must not be
taken too grimly and too literally.
For the Germans are in a state
of shock. For the first time after
years of soft promises and self-
deception they have to face the
realities of the partition of Ger-
many., What they are crying out
for now is that we must refuse
to negotiate about anything so
that they may go on for a while
longer to dream that as a leading
member of the Western alliance
they will eventully liberate and
absorb Eastern Germany.
It may be that by going to the
brink of thermonuclear war we
can gain some time for the West
Germans to turn over in bed and
haye another nap. Nobody can
knbw what are the odds on ther-
monuclear war if there is no ne-
gotiation. But they may well be
50-50 or a little better, that even
if we refuse to negotiate, Khrush-
chev will not make a warlike move
such as interfering physically
with existing access routes. 'Quite
possibly, he may not be ready or
willing to play Russian roulette
in Berlin. Those who want to
gamble with stakes which are in-
finitely large have a hunch-it
is no more than a hunch-that the
pistol is not loaded.
THEIR HUNCH could be right.
It is possible that Khrushchev
would draw away from war even
if we refuse to negotiate with hi.
But wheye the intransigents can-
not be right is in the notion, which
is at the heart of the matter, that
if nothing about Berlin is changed
by negotiation, nothing will be
changed about Berlin.
This is the radical fallacy of the
so-called hard-boiled school. They
do not realize that the status quo
in West Berlin has already been
changed radically by the action
of August 13, when the wall was
raised. By standing firm and re-
fusing to negotiate they cannot
go back to the situation which
existed before . August 13. West
Berlin has now ceased to be what
it was in the Adenauer era, the
symbol of German reunification
under the aegis of the Bonn gov-
ernment. It has ceased to be a
show window to East Germany
of the affluence and freedom of
West Germany. It has ceased to be
a fulcrum for the liberation of
East Germany. Unless some kind
of future, for this half-city is,
provided by negotiation, West
Berlin will be a derelict ship which
is running out of fuel and has
lost its rudder.
THAT IS WHY it is untrue to
say that in 'a negotiation about
West Berlin we can only lose and
can have nothing to gain.
Those who say this do not
realize what happened to West
Berlin on August 13, and they
imagine that West Berlin is still
what it was in the best days of
the Adenauer-Dulles partnership.
The truth is that West Berlin

can negotiate it, which is by no
means certain today, it will not be,
a surrender. It will be the achieve-
ment of something which will be
a good deal better than what
exists today and may be a good
deal better than what existed be-
fore August 13.
IF A SUCCESSFUL negotiation
can be carried out, the West Ger-
mans must cease to cry out that
any negotiation will be a betrayal
on our part, and to accompany it
with an overtone of threat that
this might release them morally
and politically from their alle-
giance to the West. We are not
betraying the Germans and, de-
spite the hysterical talk, we must
continue to have confidence that
the Germans, will reciprocate.
(c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc.

To the Editor:
AF R READ the thought-
editorial by John Roberts, "Fed-
eral Authority \Must Enter Mc-
Comb," the Oct. 13th editorial just
below' it was disillusioning Caro-
line Dow, in "Hayden Symbolizes
Conflict,' assumed one of the most
deterrent and nullifying stands
taken by too many Americans.
The argument that "both sides,"
(the integrationists and the South-
ern segregationists), "have a right"
is a damaging middle of the road
stand which is, in effect, no stand
at all.
She stated that just as the for-
mer Daily editor felt he was right
in interfering with the "way of
life" in McComb, Mississippi, the
"local people," (and we might ask
which of the local people), "were
standing on their right," in de-
fending the injustices of segrega-
Seemingly in plea for under-
standing, Miss Dow stated that
the townsfolk reacted "as we
might react" if Southerners came
to "talk the Ann Arbor gentry in-
to assuming the 'right' of decid-
ing the University's curriculum."
This analogy was grossly inap-
propriate! C
Students attending the Univer-
sity are exercising the democratic
right of freedom of choice, and
come and remain here in accept-
ance of the curriculum, so that
the "gentry" need not use vio-
lence to force us to comply.
In $he South, however, there
exists a situation in which one
racial group, through violence, is
forcing another not to exercise the
constitutional right of the fran-
chise. Negro "local people" in the
South have not chosen to be, nor
to remain in an inferior econom-
ic, social and political situation.
IN MISS DOW'S opinion, the
"tragedy" is that "all of us must
question who has the highest
right, and how far it allows them
to go." If she is correct, then it
is indeed regrettable that "all of
us" cannot answer that question
without hesitation. For then, some
of us have certainly forgotten that
in 1776, we believed that all men,
(we did not say only white men),
have an "inalienable right" of
Almost all of'us will at least
give "lip service" to our Pledge of
Allegiance, unflinchingly repeat-
ing the words, "with libertyand
justice for all,"
That any American can ques-
tion whether any "right" allows
us to go so far as having "pub-
licly elected" officials support the
beating, and participating in the
killing of member of the disen-
franchised "public" causes me to
agree with Miss Dow's statement
that:' "A solution to the segrega-
tion problem may come too late for
this nation." *,
For, while those of us in the
middle of the road continue to
- "question," and in our silence, to
. condone human injustice, we are
telling white and non-white, Cor-
munist and free world, that we
question the very integrity of the
democratic principles that we
-Carole Pigler, Grad
The Law..
To the Editor:
WHAT IS Miss Dow's editorial
(Friday, October 13) trying

to say? Hayden was "right" in
doing what he did, yet the local
people 'in, McComb were "not
wrong in their reactionreither."
The concluusibn of the article is
a model of forceful prose.
g "The 'tragedy is, that both sides
have a right. The question for all
of us is-who has the highest
right, and how far does it allow
them to go?"
* *' 4
EVEN AS a native of the South,
I have yet to see where anyone
(even the Southern backwash of
the Master Race) has the "right"
to violate the law. True, we should
all make a conscientious effort to
"understand" the difficulty of the
Southern Whites' position, even
though most Southerners zeal-
ously refuse to do so for them-
selves. We must also realize, how-
ever, that the Southerners hage
demonstrated neither the desire
nor the capability of handling
the problem themselves. Time to
grow accustomed to the idea of'

x I





Khrushchev Says
'IllBe the Boss'
Associated PressNews Analyst
MYSTERIOUS DEVELOPMENTS at Moscow's 22nd Communist Con-
gress suggest that Nikita Khrushchev, always a gambler, is pre-
senting a bold'challenge to opponents within both the Soviet Party and
the Red World bloc. Premier Khrushchev bared some painful internal
Communist secrets, then sharply warned that he intended to be boss
from now on.-
It could all have been a show of personal political strength at a
moment when such a display was necessary. There are hints in this
that Khrushchev has been and still may be engaged in a battle to keep
his leadership of the world movement. That probably was the case at
the 20th Congress, in 1956, when he made his historic attack on the
dead Stalin.
* * * *
STUDENTS OF COMMUNISM in beleaguered West Berlin, highly
sensitive to Communist developments, were intrigued -by such things as
the following:
1. Khrushchev, for no readily discernible reason, chose this time to
denounceevenerated old Marshal Klementi Y. Voroshilv, who, occupied
a seat of honor behind Khrushchev" as a 'member of the Congress
?. Two prominent victims of Khrushchev's political maneuvers
showed up among the delegates. One was former Premier Nikolai Bul-
ganin. The other was A. I. Kirichenko, whom Khrushchev fired from
the Party Presidium in May 1960. He had been a Khrushchev protege.,
3. Khrushchev openly assailed Albania for Stalinism. By implica-
tion, he also criticized the Red Chinese hierarchy, from which Albania
now takes its world political guidance.
4. Khrushchev laid down a blue print for world Communism's devel-
opment, first in the USSR, then in the world, toward the goal of global
supremacy. First comes full-scale "construction of Communism" in
the Soviet Union, which means Khrushchev's program must be imple-
mented at all costs. Then, significantly, Khrushchev added, "We cannot
make a concession on this fundamental issue to the Albanian leaders
orsanyone else."
The hint is that there are others besides the Albanians and their
Chinese mentors who have balked at Khru'shchev's grandiose economic
schemes and at his fairly cautious approach to Communist territorial
ONE GETS THE IMPRESSION Khrushchev was announcing 'a
determination to call the shots, whatever the opposition. He may have
convinced the bulk of world. Communist leadership that caution is the
wisest policy on Berlin, but Khrushchev apparently is not wholly out
of trouble.
Internationally, his own agricultural program has run into another
failure, possibly a disastrous one. He had staked his reputation as an
agricultural genius on the virgin lands program, but his speech conced-

Mr. K: Branches and Bombs

MID THE MANY olive branches that Ni-
kita Khrushchev handed out Tuesday,
either a branch, a tree nor even a twig was
xtended to Red China.
This points out an area of the Communist
Eield that -might crack at any time. China is
nd has been definitely at odds with the So-
lets over the Russian tendency to thaw the
old war.Russian attempts to reach agreement
rith the West on status of neutral nations or
n disarmament have been a bone of conten-

Russia has accused China of not following the
Moscow-set line while China has accused Rus-
sia of "revisionism" in recognizing that co-
existence is possible. Much' of this difference
seems to lie in the fact that Red China does
not recognize the danger of nuclear arms.
eliminating the Berlin time limit, which may
eventually make possible a settlement in Ger-
many; and the first public announcement at
bomb tests, may be a simple political maneuver
by Khrushchev. He is pacifying the Red Chinese
with a militant show of strength while work-
ing at the same time toward a real settlement
in Berlin.

within the Communist bloc.
idication of this lies in they
logical attacks between the

exchange of
two giants..

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