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October 18, 1961 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-18

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e 's Degravio To Test Michigan

The halfbacks, Dave Miller and two second-string tackles are as
Tom Boris, are no slouches eith- big as anybody we have," he add-
er. Miller, who sports a 5.15 yard ed.
average, was injured in the No- Hard Nosed Defense
tre Dame game and was forced to And naturally Purdue has the
miss last week's encounter with usual sticky defense which has
Miami. "They said he would be helped it win 24 out of its last 32
ready for us, though," Dufek said. games. On the ground, Purdue's
Michigan will have a weight ad- j opponents have gained 477 yards
vahtage in the line, with the Boil- while losing 124.
ermakers' averaging only 213-lbs. Purdue, like Michigan, has also
a man. "Weights are often very been susceptible to passes. Three
deceptive," Dufek cautioned, "they of the five touchdowns scored
have a very good line. And their against them were through the air,

and altogether the opposition has
completed 17 of 31 passes for 203
yards. Dufek denied that their
pass defense was that bad, how-
ever. "Take the Notre Dame game
for instance. A couple of the long
passes that Notre Dame completed
were because of great plays by the
Notre Dame receivers. The Purdue
defenders made the right moves
and it wasn't their fault," he said.
And then again, it's Michigan's
Homecoming, and maybe they
want to spoil that.

ParseghianGives Cats Chance
ByThe Associated Press
CHICAGO - Coach Ara Par- portion of the session working on the Big Ten conference race,'
seghian figured out yesterday how a scoring punch from near the hornet's nest after our first three
his Northwestern Wildcats will goal line.,Bunsad
Right halfbacks continued to be Burns said.
have a chance Saturday against th"usinmra h he We really are stepping intos
Ohio State's seventh ranked foo the question mark, as the three victories," Burns added.
ball te. top right halfs who started the
"Our big chore will be to stop season remained sidelined. * * *
Bob Ferguson and halfbacks Paul * . * MINNEAPOLIS-Coach Murray
Warfield and Mat Snell-prob- IOWA CITY - Fourth-ranked Warmath, whose Minnesota Go-
ably in that ordier," Parseghian Iowa went through a rugged 21/2- phers are Illinois' homecoming
told the Chicago Football Writers' hour drill yesterday in prepara- guests Saturday, said via tele-
Association. tion for what coach Jerry Burns hone:
"We also are worried about called a "cross-roads" football "We are pleased with the pla3
quarterback Bill Mrukowski's hook game with Wisconsin Saturday. of our tackles, Carl Eller anc
passes. But if we can stop Fer- "How the squad reacts to the Bobby Bell., Our defense is abou
guson on the inside and havechallenge of this fine Wisconsin the same as it was last year wits
enough players left to stop those team should go a long way toward the exception of not having Ton
halfbacks on the outside, it may deciding how far we will go in Brown.
be a pretty good game.",f
LAFAYETTE. Ind. - Purdue
worked on" both offense and de-
fense yesterday in preparation for 4
Saturday's Big Ten opener at
Michigan. TeuI iuiL .
Acting head coach Bob, Demoss
put the Boilermakers through a
brisk defensive workout aimed at 4
stopping the Wolverines' sharp..
attack, then spent the latter

Nolan Out
For Season

-Daily-Ed Langs
DEFENSE POROUS-Scenes like this were repeated often in Saturday's MSU game as Michigan State backs like Sherman Lewis (20)
ripped through the Wolverine defense for repeated gains. Right Guard John Minko, slated to start at left guard against Purdue, latches,
on to the elusive Lewis to prevent his breakaway into the secondary while Jon Schopf (76) and Tom Keating (79) stand idly by
Michigan will have to bounce back to display the old defensive form of its first two games if it hopes to contain the rugged Purdue eleven
this Saturday.

Coach Bump Elliott said yes-
terday that guard Delbert Nolan, ....
who was injured in the Michigan
State game, will definitely be lost
for the season..
Joe O'Donnell's injury has also r;
been found to be more serious than $ 95
at first expected and he will prob-
ably be out for four or five more
weeks and possibly for the season. 4
These two along with Lou Pav-
loff, who had a knee operation
just before the Army game, J & M Shoes are custom-built for The Man
brought to six the number of who cares: the connoisseur of apparel, as care.
guards sidelined for the. season. ful of the detailing of his shoes, as he is of
The others were John Marcum, every article of his attire. If you're The Man,
Ron Lauterbach and Wallace Her you'll never e satisfied with less than .&X
rela. The latter two were injured yule e
before the season even started. 'So*
The latest developments have
caused Elliott to move senior--left
guard Lee Hall to right guard in VAN B VEN SHOES, nc.
order to allow John Minko to take ~iC
over at left guard. 17 NICKELS ARCADE f
Elliott. said he planned no fur-
ther changes in personnel.

ts Packers' Hornung, Nitschke
- - - - -

But they're threatened by the
mighty Green Bay Packers, with
a 2-3 combination in the same
departments, and by the New York'
Giants, who head the league in
four defensive categories and, in
addition, have the most offensive
defense in the NFL.
On defense, San Francisco has
yielded 1,069 yards, as compared
to 1,333 by the third-place Pack-
ers. The 49ers, offensively in five
games, have gained a total of
2,010 yards-more, than 300 more
than the Packers.
NEW YORK - Each full World
Series share for the New York
Yankees was worth $7,389.12, the
lowest since 1952, and each Cin-
cinnati share came to $5,356.36,
baseball commissioner Ford Frick
revealed yesterday.
Each Yankee winning cut was
almost $1,100 less than Pitts-
burgh's $8,417.94 payoff last year
because of the limited capacity
of the Cincinnati park and the
smaller weekday crowds at Yan-
kee Stadium. The stadium was
not sold out for the Wednesday
and Thursday games. Last year
the weekend games were played
in New York.
Second place Detroit voted 32-
43/100 shares at $1,489.05 and
the Los Angeles Dodgers voted
36 shares at $1,340.13. Third place
Baltimore voted 33/2 shares at

$946.17 and San Francisco decided
on 34 shares at $942.54. Fourth
place Chicago in the American
had 343 shares at $455.78 and
Milwaukee 34 shares at $460.25
* * *
Pat Trammell may not be the
most stylish-looking quarterback
around the nation but the rangy
Alabama senior gets the Job done.
For turning in another fine per-
pormance, this time agsinst North
Carolina, State, Trammel yester-
day was names the Associated
Press' Back of the. Week.
. * * *
LONDON Heavyweight con-
tender Eddie Machen of Port-
land, Ore., scored a technical
knockout over' Brian London last
night at the end of the fifth
round of a scheduled ten round
Get Good Grades With
Written Exclusively
For College Students


Litton Systems, Inc., with engineering and
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Waltham, Massachusetts, and College Park, Mary-
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A limited number of Litton Study-Work Fellowships
are available to B.-S. graduates of high academic
Interviews will be conducted by visiting members
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Placement Office now for an appointment.

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