.1 ETE £irIgait aiIt Seventy-First Year , EDITEDAND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil PrevaS" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in Tse Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers orthe editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ADNESDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: CAROLINE DOW "Remember, It Would Be Unfriendly To Strike Back" a .i 'A; - NV LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Vos Hit 'Pink Slips' In Main Motion / tet Teat City Stay s Vote-less Ay: FAITH WEINSTI9IN, Magazine Editor A THIN, HARD-FACED Negro man sits slouched in front of a battered tent, one of eleven scattered across the barren field. A Negro boy, clean well-dressed, stands in front of him saying, "I was on a Fredom Ride from Washington to Jackson. I'm fighting for free- dom too, just like you are." The man looks at him with suspicion,- resentment and disgust, and says nothing. There is no freedom fight in, Tent City. Aft-. er nearly one year there are still 98 people- 11 families-living in the tents which huddle by the roadside. And the year in Tent City has not been a year of glory. Most of the other signs of the Fayette Coun- ty struggle have faded from the Tennessee landscape as they have faded from the head- lines over the last six months. There is still a great deal of tension between white and Negro, and even between Negro and Negro, but at least -a temporary adaptation is being made hn the Somerville area, IT HAS BEEN over a year! since Fayette hit the national press, when a mass Negro voter registration drive was met with economic pres- sure, boycotts and 345 evictions of Negro ten- ant farmers. The "Original Fayette County Civil and Welfare League" was set up by store- keeper John McFerren and others to help the hungry and homeless Negroes. Tent City was reated to house the evicted farmers, and Mc- erren helped supply food. The Fayette Ne- grow, began what they all refer to as The Struggle. In a way, the Negroes have won the first attle in the struggle. About 3,000 Negroes in Fayette County are registeredto vote this year; ompared to the fewer than 100 who applied o register in 1959. Many voted last year, in he national elections which touched off the #risls; most are quietly determined to vote Progams 'OUu, MAIN REASONS were given for the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Ath- etics' sudden decision to stop distributing free ootball roster pamphlets at the Saturday de- acles: a survey showing the University to be he only major school with such a service, lag- ing revenues, "abuses" in the practice and ack of interest by students. The last three factors are easily dispsed of, thletic department officials themselves gave nsufficient funds as a non-pivotal, minor rea- on; "abuses," such as non-students grabbing il the programs or students taking more than- ne, were surely not confined to just last year ior did the board suddenly discover that heating was going on. Also, it is very di..cult o imagine students not being interested in nything free. So, from the available evidence, it appears he main reason is tied up in this mysterious urvey. And it is really no reason at all. Ath-> tic department officials would like to see the ridders go undefeated and become the num- 'er one team in the polls, and the fact that Michigan would be the only major school with his top ranking does not deter the officials 4 all. The fact that the University used to be the nly major school giving out free fotball pro- rams should not be any kind of a reason at 11 to suspend this service; on the contrary, it s an excellent reason for continuing it. -GERALD STORCH again. The Civic League has turned to voter registration as -one of its primary functions. ECONOMICALLY, things have settled down slightly. Some of the evicted farmers have been relocated, and work, of sort, has been found for the others. The men pick cotton at $2.00-2.50 per day for a nine hour day-the women can get slightly higher pay doing do- mestic work in Somerville. The children go to school when their parents can afford to let them' leave the fields. In Tent City, the difference between the wages and subsistence is made up by government surplus food. This isn't a good situation, but it isn't much worse than it has always been-and certainly far better than it was last year. The land around Somerville is dry, infertile-looking dirt -one can drive for miles without seeing any- thing growing. The atmosphere in the Civic League office is one of half-triumph and of hope. They are acutely aware that the Negroes outnumber the whites in Fayette County, and they are anx- ious to -make good use of their potential politi- cal power. They have set up a "citizenship committee" to help in the registration drive and decide which candidates to support. They refer to Tent City as Freedom Village. N TENT CITY they call it Tent' City. Here there is not nearly the energy, the hope or the sense of the future that the Civic League people have. Here 98 people live without land to farm-cut off from their roots, resigned,. placid. A little booklet put out by the Indus- trial Union Department of the AFL-CIO says. "Surprisingly, there is little bitterness in Tent City." This is true-there is little bitterness. What there is, however, is something worse than bitterness-a-kind-of despair which comes from never having had much hope. Nobody knows quite what to do with these people-un- less the government steps in with some kind of re-development project, they will probably never get back land to farm. Even the Civic League speaks of them hopelessly. So-they live off the government, work when they can, send their 'children to school, and vote.- THIS IS -THE ONE THING they have-the one faint spark of hope that keeps them from, being virtually dumb animals. They will talk about their vote-diffidently, almost shy- ly. "Well, yes," one said, "I imagine I will vote this year. We didn't even know about voting until last year." . A grandmother declared: "Lord spare me, I voted last time and I'll vote again." What resentment there is is not directed against the whites, but against McFerren and the Civic League. "We get all our help from the government," one mother said, "we don't get no help from McFerren at all." These families in Tent City are the dis- placed persons of a, war between Negroes ai whites in Fayette County. Like most war vic- tims, they aren't quite sure what has happened to them. In the Somerville area, the vote may begin to make a difference for the Negro-already the efforts of the Civic League seem to be hav- ing some results. But in Tent City, where people have given up virtually everything for their right. to vote, reform may never come as long as they live. In the mid-Twentieth Century, in the United States of America, this had to be done in an attempt to get the right to vote. GSC PROGRESS: Grads' Voice Still Weak By PHILIP SUTIN Daily Staff Writer THE GRADUATE STUDENT has a lonely position on this cam- pus. There are approximately 11,- 000 of them, yet they have little interrelationship with each oth- er. Marriage, part-time jobs, and a heavy academic load contribute to the social detachment of the graduate student. Aside from these intrinsic, largely unchangeable factors there are a number of other reasons why graduate students are frag- mented. The attitude of many of the departments tends to discour- age extra-curricular campus ac- tivities and communications with students studying in areas unre- lated to his own. Also, there is little communication among grad- uate students, so that many do not know what is happening to other graduate students and the University in general. AS A RESULT, the. graduate student is apathetic about the is- sues and- problems that occur out- side of his department. Aside from Alan and Judith Guskin and M. A. Hyder Shah, there have been no graduate students recently who were leaders on this campus. . This is unfortunate for both graduate students and the Uni- versity at large. The graduate Stu- dent has much to contribute in the way of maturity and experi- ence. Their four undergraduate years have cooled the emotional- ism that tends to effect under- graduates, enabling the graduate student to provide a much more analytical approach to student is- sues and problems. THE GRADUATE Student Council is faced with these kind of problems. It is supposed to be the representative of the gradu- ate students in all the departments of the graduate and professional schools except ,themedical, den- tal, and law schools. In the past, the GSC has been a moribund organization making little progress in easing the bar- riers of fragmentation, solving problems peculiar to graduate students, or representing the un- heard graduate students on vital issues that effect all students. IN THE LAST several months the council has made some prog- ress in meeting these problems, but it has a long way to go if it is to be even relatively successful. Having finally defined itself as a worthwhile organization that is going to aid the graduate student effectively, the GSC has decided to tackle, several pressing prob- lems-communication, income tax relief and required language class curtailment. Unfortunately, the council is at- tacking these problems with a weak-kneed, hesitating approach which is unlikely to solve them. * * * THE BEST START has been made on the problem of commu-' nication. This summer and fall the GSC ran an orientation pro- gram for incoming graduate stu- dents. The council sent handbooks to all incoming students and set up an information booth in the Rackham Bldg. Further, the council held a se- ries of mixers this summer and fall to reduce the immense frag- mentation. In summer, with all the teachers who, with a relatively slight academic load were here for conferences, the mixers were suc- cessful in both aim and financ- ing. In the fall, however, experi- ence has shown that these affairs fail and only serve to pull the council into debt. A MONTHLY bulletin board an-, nouncing all scheduled seminars and colloquia was proposed as an- other means of increasing com- munication. Such a listing would allow graduate students to find out about programs in other fields than the one they are studying, and would allow them to plan work ahead to attend it. It would also stimulate interdisciplinary semin- ars and colloquia and would help. put highly specialized knowledge into context. Unfortunately, the council has failed to act on the proposal. Al- though it received favorable com- ment from the council, no action was taken. BEFORE the GSC can under- take more definitive programs in this area, it has to solve a major communications problem within itself. The council is supposed to have at least one representative from every department in the graduate and professional schools. However, it is not sure of the to- tal number of .departments nor does it have a standard procedure for selecting representatives. Due, to this and a record of usually un- inspiring programs, the council has a hard core of only 20 mem- ber's that attend its meetings. Less than 10 actually work on GSC projects. This hampers the effect and representative status of the coun- cil. How to speak or act for grad- uate students when only a third of the students have representa- tives who attend meetings is a question the council often pon- ders before making any decision. Also, 10 members are not suffi- cient to carry out any program, especially considering the other responsibilities of these members. It is sometimes surprising that the GSC does anything at all since it is so severely hampered. Some progress is being made. More people are attending meet- ings than last year, when no more than 18 ever appeared at a meet- ing. Last Thursday, 27 were pres- ent. A council committee head-, ed by Edwin Sasaki is contacting the various departments to set up elections or appointments of rep- resentatives to the GSC. So far, 33 departments are represented. tones of control or limitations on honesty and effectiveness. It may be more of a hindrance than a help. UPON THE REQUEST of the Graduate Association of the Uni- versity of California, the GSC has started a petitioning drive to seek income tax relief for graduate students. It circulated petitions asking the Congress to allow an extra $600 exemption for gradu- ate, students who are entirely self- supporting and that scholarships, fellowships, and research assist- antships be made tax free. Hav- ing gained several hundred signa- tures on such petitions the coun- cil is planning to explore other means of effecting this legislation. Here the GSC has made con- structive progress in helping the graduate student. It is an indica- tion of the possible usefulness of the council as an instrument rep- resenting graduate student opin- ion. It is unfortunate that the GSC does not voice opinions on other issues which effect all students so that all University students can be 'epresented to the world. PERHAPS the council's weak- ness and hesitancy can be best ii- lustrated by its handling of the recent curtailing of classes in re- quired languages. Ronald Savoy brought the issue up at last Thursday's meeting with a reso- lution protesting the action and requesting that something be done about it. However, the, council balked at taking any kind of im-' mediate action. This has some jus- tification, for research ,may be needed to precede effective action, but the manner in which this is- sue was handled indicates it was more hesitancy and fear of being controversial. The council created a special committee of four to investigate the situation and to submit a pro- test letter at the next GSC meet- ing. By November, the issue will be cold, the students resigned to their fate, and the psychological advantage and enthusiasm neces- sary to make progress will be lost. If the council wishes to deal with this problem in earnest, as it must, it should schedule a spe- cial meeting this week or next to deal with this issue. At that time, the committee could report a plan of action and have a letter of pro- test ready for council approval." * * * BUT the apathetic approach typifies the way the GSC acts. If it is going to successfully deal with the immense problems that are before it, the council must stiffen its attitude and, attack its issues with greater conviction. Vigorous leadership will help the council solve its internal prob- lems and draw interested graduate students to it. If the council is to become a meaningful student organization, it must adopt this approach. Oth- erwise, even with.the best inten- tions, it will sink back into obliv- ion. To the Editor: THE DAILY'S writer B. Pash was really groping for editor- ial material when she attacked me for my abstention last week at the SGC meeting. This absten- tion, she indicates, was on a sub- stitution amendment to the mo- tion expressing approval of "pink slips" in the quadrangles. Her edi- tWrial merely adds to the irrespon- sible reports that have been flow- ing from The Daily quite regularly as of late. When I was interviewed on this matter, I indicated I was "op- posed to 'pink slips' in any way, shape or form.' I further pointed out I was one of the six that vot- ed against the main motion. (It failed nine to six.), Either Miss Pash didn't hear me, didn't read the minutes or didn't think. I will assume she can both hear and see. HER ASSERTION of incompe- tence in not making a stand is fallacious. When one abstains from voting on an issue, he is neither for or against that issue. In the case of this substitution submit- ted by Mr. McEldowney, I was n e i t h e r completely "for" or 'against" it. I was in favor of the substitution because it attempted to 'destroy )the original intent of the main motion, but I was op- posed to it because it was worded very poorly and still included 'uses" of these evaluations (e.g. let employers see them) to which I was opposed. I therefore, ab- stained- because I was neither "for" or "against" this mis-word- ed minor substitution. I was against the main motion (expressing approval of "pink slips") and this is the way I voted. Why doesn't Miss Pash clearly indicate that this substitution was not the main motion? Why doesn't Miss Pash clearly point out that I voted against "pink slips?" Again, I will assume she can both hear and see. -John vas, Member Student Government Council SCHostiity*,. To the Editor: IT IS unfortunate that Student Government Council members' time always comes so late in the meetings because often it is one of the most important parts of the meeting. Under discussion recently was the hostile atmosphere pre- vailing at Council meetings, rec- ommendations for improving this atmosphere and possible causes of it. Arthur Rosenbaum and James Yost stated that the antagonism was caused by the polarity of po- litical beliefs on the Council. Ro- senbaum and Yost both blamed Voice Political Party for causing some of the polarities that they charged were harmful to the Coun- cil. But the fallacy of these argu- ments is that' they confuse the difference in point of view that exists in any representative body with the actual antagonisms of the meeting that results from the childish behavior of some mem- bers. MEMBERS also discussed what could be stone about the existing differences. Rosenbaum and treas- urer William Gleason proposed more Council social events such as informal parties and meetings between individual members dur- ing the week. Both of these sug- gestions are good but I'm 'not sure from the tone of their re- marks that Rosenbaum in par- tiular and perhaps Gleason are being realistic about the value of such meetings. It is certainly a good thing for Council members to meet in a more relaxed atmosphere and dis- cuss the issues more completely than they are discussed at the Council table. The benefit of such meetings, however, is not primar- ily that differences of opinion will disappear but that positions will be more clearly defined and the actual differences brought out. This is a marked contrast to the situation at the Council table where differences of opinion are less a result of profound intel- lectual differences than they are the result of positions quickly tak- en in a bid for votes. FOR THESE reasons Voice Par- ty is to be congratulated because it has made students and Council members aware of the fact that there are complex issues facing the Council and that members should have some set of broad cri- teria for determining their stand on a given issue. The next question is what the Council does with the existing dif- ferences and this is why conduct at the meeting is vital. The differ- ence between a good and a hostile atmosphere at Council meetings is not that in the smooth meeting there are no differences in opinion but that these differences are re- spected. When the differences are not respected, then the existing polarity merges into antagonism and such meetings drastically lim- it the constructive business which the Council can accomplish.'° -Ralph Kaplan, '3 Chandler .. To the Editor: IT SHOULD BE obvious to all football enthusiasts that we were beaten by a vastly superior football team this past weekend. I, for one, do not think that we could have won this game under any circumstances. However, this does not in any way justify the idiotic understanding of the sport of football exhibited by the Uni- versity of Michigan coaching staff. Since I have been at this uni- versity we have never beaten MSU in football, and at the rate we are going, we never will. For sev- eral years the students had to contend with the ultra-conserva- tive football of Mr. Oosterbaan, who apparently hadn't heard the fact that the forward pass had been discovered. Despite the fact that we had the two best football ends in the country in Ron Kram- er and Tom Maentz, and Jim Van Pelt who suddenly "developed" in- to the star passer of theCanadian pro league, we weren't able to beat State in 1956 or 1957. Let us not even mention All-American Jim Pace, another member of this era. Now, we have to contend with Mr. Elliott and his staff. Maybe his brand of football isn't as con- servative as Bennie's. I am not going to criticize our team's selec- tion of plays. We do throw a forward pass every now and then. BUT, it is rather unfortunate that the man tossing, the ball is not a quarterback. He proved that last year, by folding under Big 10 pressure in every instance. I am not saying that Dave Glinka is a bad quarterback, but I believe that we have a better one who isn't even given the chance to play. This past weekend when we were being trounced 21-0 at halftime and going nowhere, any funda- mental student (much less the coaching staff) could have told you that it was time for a change. The only "chance" we had of even attempting a comeback was to score quickly and not grind out the yardage a la Glinka and Elliott and eat up much valuable playing time. This meant the gamble of a long pass, which we don't use for reasons of greatfootball strat- egy. The only man on the Michigan football team capable of throw- ing a, decent long pass is Bob Chandler. He hasn't even been giv- en the chance of proving he is 100 times the quarterback that Glinka is or ever will be. Why doesn't Bob Chandler play? Ask Mr. Elliott. He'll tell you it's Bob's knee. If his knee is so bad, why does he practice? He shouldn't be allowed to play football at all. Undoubtedly Mr. Glinka has more alumni behind him than Mr. Chandler. Let's give Bob a chance to play and prove himself. The way things are going the oply log- ical thing to do is to put Mr. Fritz Crisler back on the coaching lines. Those "Roses", are wilting. We have been "Bumped" long enough. What do you say? Let's give Chandler a chance. -Reuben L. Baumgarten Skin ... To the Editor: O N PAGE FOUR of you "Fash- ions for Fall" supplement, did Barbara Pash really mean "Leider- hosen," which must be pretty tight, or "Liederhosen," which, being confected of corduroy, whistle while you walk? -David A. Ward, Grad A = 4 I ESS CONFERENCES: Presidential Ice Capades THE AMERICAN PEOPLE will pay a high price for a good spectacle. They incur a price in terms of national and international' hazard for the form the White House press conference has taken. Events and influences in the last few years and months have tended to make of this con- ference a kind of televised extravaganza in which questions of the most delicate diplo- matic import are asked and an impromptu answer expected. This inquisition may have partly been in- } y Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor, PHILIP SHERMAN - HARVEY MOLOTCH City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN FARRELL. ........ Personnel Director FAITH WEINSTEIN.............Magazine Editor MICHAEL BURNS....................Sports Editor PAT GOLDEN................ Associate City Editor RICHARD OSTLING .....Associate Editorial Director DAVID ANDREWS............Associat Sports Editor CLIFF MARKS_... A..nn.. soia nnrtsEditor vited by the President, it may be demanded by the public, or it may in part result fron the commercial competition of hungry new media. Whatever the origins it tends to elevate press and network correspondents into a quasi- governmental function. DESCEND to a cliche, their inquiries force the Chief Executive to skate on thin ice. Even the skilled performers on that solid artificial glaze which supports the Ice Follies do not go into :their acts unrehearsed. And if the President of the United States should momentarily lose his footing on a slippery question, millions would share his fall. There were objections some administrations ago when one President required questions in writing. Yet under present circumstances there might be virtue in such a practice. In Britain, where the interrogatory process is carried out by members of Parliament, the Prime Minister has at least a day in which to prepare a reply. IN WASHINGTON the range of subjects on which an extemporaneous comment may be 1 c t f 1 z 1A 1 i k E t I z C t S S I . t DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN A The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The "Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519, Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18 r1 7v'" met be satisfied :at least six (6) weekis before the end of the semester in which the degree is to be taken. Students are advised to communicate their intention to take the examination directly to Prof. Pulgram, well in advance of the specified date, at 2094 Frieze, Ext. 402. Approval for the following student sponsored activities becomes effective twenty-four (24) hours after the pub- lication of this notice. All publicity for these events must - be withheld until the .n-.-.alarb e mee.n ffetive.