Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth WilU freVJI" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Sa linger Fans Fight Back TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL OLINICK Wide-Open Rushing Will Save Small Houses MEN'S FORMAL RUSH is finally over, and the new pledges are now beginning to learn what a fraternity is like, They will often find the sweatshirt, rather than the well-pressed suits of rush, the rule of dress. They will see actives not able to stildy well due to the constant interruptions. Some will find that the fraternity that seemed so good during rush was able to put its best, foot farther forward-many such men will be- come disgusted with the fraternity and de- pledge. Yet through it all, the large fraternities continue to grow, while many of the smaller houses shrink in membership, for the large houses seem to have more to offer the pros- pective pledge, at least during formal rush- bigger athletes, larger houses, more campus leaders and smoother conversationalists are the rushee's main criteria for choosing a house. A person new to the fraternity system (and often now to college life) cannot i investigate the spirit, comraderie, or true cost-in time and money-of Greek living. 5? THE SMALL HOUSES generally offer closer brotherhood, more spirit and more quiet for studying, but the rushee does not know this; all he sees in his short time at each house are the aforementioned athletes, leaders and talkers. A member of a large- or medium-, sized fraternity might read this and say, "So what? If a small house cannot survive under the present conditions, let it drop off'campus." Such a person would only be showing how little he knew or cared about the fraternity system as a whole. Greek organizations can survive well only in a pro-fraternity atmos- phere, and this is created only when the chapters can show that they are contributing to the school in some, way. Thus, each element of the organization, each house, helps to build up this spirit and strength, with two or three Davids contributing more than one Goliath through co-operation and competition. But small chapters cannot compete with the large houses in the extra-curricular activities which influence the rushees to pledge the larger house, continuing the circular develop- ment. It is for this reason that the fraternity system on campus lost one member house last year and could easily lose three next year. TIERE ARE THREE solutions under trial on other campuses. The first is a deferred rush system, which would be a modification of the plan now used by the sororities. In it, the men would have the opportunity of visiting any house they desired, but would have to visit houses of various sizes and locations before pledging in the spring semester. This would help the percentage of rushees pledged, but many possible rushees would fear the amount of time the extensive rushing would take and would decide rushing would not be worth the time. This plan would also hinder those seeking fraternities with certain re- ligious, philosophical, or size qualifications, or ones that friends pledged. The plan would be as bad or worse than the present one. A SECOND CHOICE would be the total op- portunity system used at Williams. Under this plan the rushee lists his preference as to houses, and the fraternities list their pref- erences of pledges, thus giving bids from at least one house to every man rushing. The main deficiency of this system is that it violates the fraternities' right of selectivity, so most of the system would not favor it. THE THIRD CHOICE would be that of abolishing all of the rushing rules which now outlaw "dirty" rushing-rushing during the summer before a person officially enters the University, using women and alcohol to help rushees to understand the fraternity, entering the dormitories and high-pressure techniques (all of which are used now without approval by the administration or the Inter- Fraternity Council). Using this system, a fraternity could pledge any person who had been accepted. as a student at the University, and could rush any prospective student. One must remember, of course, that pledge- ship is a period of trial in which the pledge must prove himself or leave. Any three fra- ternity brothers can generally see whether a person would "fit" their house or not. UNFORTUNATELY, there are two barricades in the way, of the last plan-the large fraternities and the administration. The large Greek houses, which control- the majority of the IFC offices, would rather keep the plan the way it is presently, for they have profited and will profit under the present rushing system. Administrative heads may realize that they can. lessen the power of fraternities by quietly indoctrinating the freshmen, making rush more and more formal, and campaigning vigorously against drinking alcohol and other offenses committed in fraternity houses or at fraternity functions. But the rushing system must be changed in order for the small fraternities to survive. The question is, can those smaller houses work up enough steam to push the change through? -JOHN McREYNOLDS To the Editor: CONTRARY TO Dean Bingley's statement in the J. D. Salinger review, not all of Salinger's de- votees are "disciples of beat Zen.' At least, I do not consider myself so. This is not to condemn "beat Zen" lovers-may they flourish and multiply-but it is to say that Salinger has a larger audi- ence than the Dean gives him credit for. . For being such a forthright proponent of American education, the Dean exhibits a notable lack of educational "training." Speci- fically of research. Franny and Zooey did not appear in the same issue of The New Yorker. Perhaps the Glass family would not have been so "ill defined" for Dean Bingley if he had bothered to read the rest of Salinger's stories about the Glasses. What about Boo Boo, the first girl in the family; Waker, who became a Catholic priest; and Walt, who was killed in the Pa- cific in 1945? * * * THE VENERABLE Dean, hurt by Salinger's "back-handed indict- ment of American education," charges the characters with "un- derstanding nothing." (Franny is a nit-wit-I should rather call nit-wit the college students from whom the Dean is constantly con- fiscating I.D. cards.) The prob- lem with the Glass family is that they understand too much, are too aware and too intelligent. The Glasses apparently have gone be- yond the clearly-defined, logical, neat and safe learning that Dean Bingley associates with college. (Although I have a little more faith in a college education than the Dean, I still cling to the naive hope that we all "grope darkly in a cloud of unknowing." I still do not understand the Dean's repulsion at Franny's re- action to the dial tone or Zooey's hiding place. Perhaps he could have explained more clearly rath- er than slopping two quotes in the column and leaving the reader to figure out what he was trying to get at but couldn't. DEAN BINGLEY charges, more- vover, that the Glass kids know too many "facts, figures and fan- cies," but lack understanding. The Dean mentions the fact that Sey- mour committed suicide, but he doesn't mention why Seymour killed himself. Doesn't the Dean know? Or is it that the Dean, at heart, is only interested in the facts. The power to love is the sub- ject of both stories, but where did the Dean once mention this fact? Maybe he didn't realize it. Or maybe the so-called slap at edu- cation weighed more in the Dean's values than any statement about the power to love. -Tom Gentle, '62 Phony-... Dean J.'s Last. Coming: 'I Hope' Society and Salinger: By Dean J. Bingley, Z pp. Ann Arbor: Michigan Daily, Priceless THIS IS a condemnatory re- view of "J.D.'s Second Coming: Phony'," an attempted "liter- ary (?)" criticism from what I hope will be very old copy of the Michigan Daily. Apparently critics of whom Dean J. is a de- votee are passe. At least every so- cial critic cast before us in the Thirties has not been swallowed up. Could this be "capital M- Marxist" criticism? What social kick was Dean J. off on when his masters spoke to him long years ago in now extinct reviews? I don't so much mind the lop- sided social emphasis of "Phony" as I do the back-handed indict- ment of Salinger's literary virtues. The modern Mencken? God save the Dean! As for where Dean has placed his critical chair, somewhere be- tween literature and social pro- priety, one quote will suffice (from Nietzsche): "We have placed our chair in the middle," your smirk4- ing says to -me; "and exactly as far from dying fighters as from amused sows." That, however, is mediocrity, though it be called moderation. -Robert De Young '62 Delinquent .. To the Editor: DEAN BINGLEY'S viewpoints on Franny and Zooey were need- lessly introduced last Sunday as "condemnatory review." It is falsely assumed in this late re- view, (a conservatively educated examination of style and content of Salinger's latest publication by Alfred Kazin appeared in the August issue of The Atlantic), that Franny is pregnant. The "Jesus Prayer" is interpreted as a "com- pensation for an earlier use of a contraceptive," and as "a substi- tute for Kleenex or a barbiturate for middle-class mediocrity." The mere use of the phrase "capital F Freudian" by Salinger in Lane Cbutell's speech induces the re- viewer to pigeonhole the author by adding him to the extended list of authors misread as Freud- ians. Peculiarly enough, Zooey is termed a juvenile delinquent, a label that contrasts markedly with the more literate comparisons abundantly present in the review. Yet the above inconsistency seems trivial considering the insult ex- pressed in Dean Bingley's second sentence after he makes it evident in the title of his review that he recalls the name of W. B. Yeats' poem but not its content: "Ap- parently Salinger's devotees - those disciples of beat Zen - are illiterate." Beware thus to be an admirer of Salinger'sart. By coincidence, Time, cited by the reviewer as a "less liberal journal" (unlike the New Yorker it did not publish the stories), ap- peared to be favorably disposed toward Salinger in its September 15 cover story.. -Wolf-Dietrich Blatter Fat Lady... To the Editor: BINGLEY'S classifications are at least horrible, and are maybe even the symptoms of an infectu- ous Western disease. Salinger is not a "beat zen" preacher. He is a mystic, yes-but the very nature of mysticism defies classification or explicit analysis. I had a student teacher in high school (she was from a university, one of those sacrosanct things from which people emerge with self-discipline, free will, goal, pur- pose, and other questionable vir- tues) who wished Salinger would not say so many nasty things. Bingley's article made me think of her. "Bessie Glass, Mother, ap- pears in a less than obscene bath- room conversation with her trans- parent TV son, Zooey." Perhaps a nice, safe conversation while having coffee would have been better and less transparent and less obscene and less honest. * * * AND THERE are other things. Seymour, +son, has committed sui- cide. He also did a couple of other things which Bingley hasn't men- tioned. "Les Glass, Father, non- existent except he can do soft shoe and brought his daughter an un- wanted tangerine." Would Bing- ley prefer it if he also was a re- sponsible alumnus of the Hou- ston Institute of Tecnnology? And Bingley didn't say anything about the "The fat lady is Christ". She was too big for Bingley, wasn't she? -D. J. Guthrie Hey, Buddy... To the Editor: J EEZ, HERE I AM, back from old Pencey Prep, and what's the first thing I run into on this absolutely God-forsaken campus? -a "condemnatory review" of J. D.'s latest epic. Christ, don't you imbeciles know anything? I mean, your eminent reviewer 'saysthat we are disciples of beat Zen? God, if we were, what would we be doing reading the "New Yorker," where our leader publishes all his stories? Anyway, you can't peg David Reisman as a beat Zen man, but he uses "Catcher in the Pum- pernickel" in one of his sociology courses at Harvard, no less. But anyway, like I was saing, Franny Glass certainly is no nit- witted coed. Man, she is the sane one afloat in a world of phonies like Lane Coutell. Contrast, that's what J. D. was aiming for. This Bingley pulls quotes out from all over the bookto prove his points. Buddy, I could pull quotes out of "Mein Kampf" to prove Adolph Hitler was a charter member in the Hillel. -Holden Caulfield Is Beating 'Right? . . To the Editor: THOUGH it is often regarded as polite to say that "both sides are right" in discussing a contro- versial issue among casual ac- quaintances over tea, in the case of Thomas Hayden's beating it seems both inappropriate and in- sensitive. Unless a person is bar- baric, uncivilized And brutal, how can he say that Hayden, in "a real sense" or any other sense, "got what he deserved?" He may well have gotten what he expected, but this doesn't make it deserved. After all, he made no attempt to beat up anyone. He was simply exercising his right to report and to protest various in- justices taking place in McComb * * * FURTHER, why should we ex- pect an Ann Arbor citizen to re- act in the same way if Southern- ers should come here and tell the ''gentry" (the boy in the picture didn't look like a representative of Southern gentry to me nor did I know that the "gentry" ran the University) how to run the Uni- versity? I don't mean to say that anyone, Northern or Southern, mightn't get enraged over any is- sue at any' time, but existence of the fact doesn't "make it right," nor should we expect that any form of violence is deserved. I really don't feel that Ann A- bor's streets are any more mine than those in McComb. This may be an impractical point of .view, but as an American citizen I don't think I deserve to be slugged for walking on a McComb street ex- pressing, by my presence, an opin- ion that all Americans have a right to vote and to go to an in- tegrated school. * * * IN ADDITION, few sane and sensitive people can doubt that Hayden's advocating legal equality for Negroes is both far more na- tionally practical and morally right than the mindless prejudice of the thugs in McComb who beat' him up. From our comparative Northern safety'it is too easy to talk of people who, "look for trouble." We can make the quick and easy judgment that "both sides have a right" and feel ourselves comfort- ably outside the conflict. But, if we are genuine'in professing a re- gard for voting ,rights and inte- grated schools, then we must real- ize that people like Thomas Hay- den and the freedom riders are carrying our responsibility for us. -Joan (Mrs. James) Gindin, '57 Buckley .. To the Editor: IN CONTEMPLATING Mr. Wil- liam Buckley, esteemed laureate of American conservatism, can we Picture, if you will, (indeed if you are able seriously to en- vision) a conversation between . the eminent Yale-spawned guard- ian of "the molar patrimony of the ages" and an up-state con- servative legislator, say for ex- ample a Farm Bureau spokesman? Surely a stimulating exchange would ensue, touching on the ob- servations of St. Thomas and Ar- istotle concerning government con- trol of the price of hogs! Or pic- ture Mr. Buckley's recent dis- paragement of "the, Rotarian mind," delivered at a meeting of the U. S. Chamber of Commerce... * * * INDEED, one need only com- pare Mr. Buckley's elegant James- ian rhetorical style with the lit- erary qualities exhibited in the publications distributed concur- rently with his appearance in Ann Arbor, to see the gulf that separ- ates the aristocratic Mr. Buckley from his bourgeois confreres. (Of course here one uses "bourgeois" in the Flaubertian rather than in the Marxist sense.) For example, in "The Damage We Have Done to Ourselves" Mr. Buckley observes: "How mischievous is the habit of adducing reasons behind every thing that is done! I can, happily and unapsallably, delight inlob- ster and despise crabmeat; all my lift-as long as I refrain from giving reasons why the one food suits and the other sickens. But when I seek rationally to motivate my preferences, I lose my author- ity. The Hon. Mr. Barry Goldwater expresses himself ratheradiffer- ently in a letter to COnservative Thunder: "What the radicals of America will not admit to (sic) ' is that communism, socialism, statism, egalitarianism, monarchy, the new deal, the fair deal and the new frontier, all have in common cen- tral control, for without it they cannot work." (One would hope, in sympathy with Mr. Goldwater's conservative thriftiness, that this inept prose is not the product of his highly-paid ghostwriter.) THE EDITORS of Conservative Thunder seem to prefer the style made popular by a gentleman whom Mr. Buckley described dur- ing his term of office as "our lacksadaisical president": "Conservatism represents that intangible ideal that cannot be destroyed in a man no matter how adverse the collectivists try to make the conditions." When confronted with this Babel (to use Mr. Buckley's term) of ill-attuned voices, the sup- porters of neo-conservatism should rejoice that Mr. Bukley adheres to a principle which has served his cause well in the past. Only through the gracious and cultured Mr. Buckley's general acceptance of "noblesse oblige" will it be possible to marshal the unlettered forces who now so rudely attempt to lead this great nation down the glorious road to stagnation! . -Elisabeth O'Malley The, Decay...6 0 To the Editor: l READ with interest Marjorie Brahm's comments on the grad- ual demise of the fraternity sys- tem. But sh'e fails to note that the decay of the System is only part of a larger decay in college life. Gone is the era .when "prepara- tion for life" in college consisted mainly in the wearing of funny hats, the repetition of traveling salesman stories ad nauseam in the humor. rags, and relieving boredom with elaborate, pointless demonstrations. * * * TIE INCESSANT CLAMOR of national emergency has doubtless had its' soberingm effect in the college, and faculty would like to take credit for the :slow suppres- sion of the panty raid. But the vanishing of the freshman beanie and the tug of war, the folding of our Gargoyle and more recently Princeton's Tiger, and the dis- appearance of the social heir- archy must be attributed mainly f to the rapid influx 'of students from lower economic classes. The quaint, ingrown, irrespon- sible mores of bygone halcyon days cannot hope to withstand this invasion ofbarbarians. These people are apathetic toward and unaware of the old traditions, and instead of being transformed by them they are orienting college life to-'their own customs. The fraternity man, who once had even a book of songs unique to college life, now finds, echoing about his apartment, strains whose prenatal growth was enjoyed in the hills of Tennessee. And while the ad- ministration may revel in the eventual disappearance of the noisy, harmless student demon- stration, we are watching the quiet, unbounded growth of free love. * * * WHAT WILL be the next of our traditions to vanish? Perhaps the N IT WAS INTERESTI. Buckley Jr. at work room babbling (and a: for his audience migh respect here) impress( tended. Without surp servative tell his lib matter what you thin mit he's some speak with a smile. Buckley is quite a s is like watching a m ette strings.. He nearl smooth, polished man his speech, however,l Here one could see th sumptuousness, hisf flawless speech. This strated to those thai Abste ON THE IMPORTAP residence hall eva criticizing men's "pin Kenneth McEldowney] Student Government ( week-John Vos and, miserably. Both abstained fron "I didn't think th stitute motion was the Vos explained. By pi( he has succeeded in issue. Croysdale had an ev for abstaining during though I have a rea because of recent dis' torial staff of incomr disrespectful editorial thereby do not desir to any member of the (Shades of past mot! By not taking a st have, in effect, refu record as being either lem involving a large Both members were BuclysBabblings ;NG to watch William F. that there on the platform was a machine on\Thursday. Bill's ball- contrived to capture the emotion of the, crowd nyone with more respect and sway it to its advanage. at be treated with more ed everyone, as was in- BUCKLEY STARTED OFF by attacking rise, I heard one con- cliches and then moved on to use the Al-, eral friend, "Well, no mightium technique. This method, which in- k of him, you must ad- volves weaving the word, "God" into every er." The liberal nodded sentence, has good results. The unsuspecting listener is made to believe that the speaker peaker. Listening to him is religious, humble, honest and gentle. Having ian manipulate marion- assured the audience that he was a good man, Ly always maintains his Buckley went on to attack Bertrand Russell, ner. At one time during that infamous, immoral, unrespecting fool who Buckley stuttered badly. (and here Buckley's voice became so gutteral rough his mask of pre- that it was, difficult to determine whether arrogance, his flowing, he was speaking or belching) has five wives. one faltering demon- Boo! Hiss! t let themselves see it, Now completely holding the audience's con- fidence, Buckley went on to propound his theory, which can briefly be stated as follows: utions Due to the theory of academic freedom, bad sorts like Russell, Marx and Lenin (all in the same basket-why not?) have received a waste- NT QUESTION of men's ful education. luation forms-a motion ak slips" introduced by URING THE QUESTIONING PERIOD, last spring, and on which Buckley was given the opportunity to Council finally voted last strike down those who dared question him. David Croysdale failed One boy suggested that Harvard students are intelligent enough to interpret the facts for n voting, themselves. (That's an alternative. Ha ha ha e wording in the sub- ha ha.) Another asked exactly whose wisdom best it could have been," we should pass on. (The principal philosphers eking on an irrelevancy, of Christianity, but not Marxists, positivists completely avoiding the or behaviorists.) "Who are they?" indignantly exclaimed one man in the rear. (Look it up 'en more childish criteria in the library. Ha ha ha ha ha.) the roll call vote. "Al- son for my abstention; pUCKLEY'S BRILLIANT DEFENSE of dog- plays by The Daily edi- ma was wonderful. He played up to the petent, irresponsible and conservatives' anti-intellectualism when he lizing and comment,, I repeated for the nth time his two-thousand- re to explain this vote names-in-the-Chicago-directory ploy. (I would editorial staff," he said. rather be governed by the first two thousand ions!f) names in the Boston directory than by two and on this issue, they thousand Harvard professors.) And he played sed to be put on the upon the conservatives' fears of liberalism r for or against a prob- when he read the long list of socialization segment of this campus. measures included in the "Crimson" survey. apointed to the Coun- Yes, Buckley knows his business. J$ i i . . w X-*Ol , . . . ._. Onr . s . I :n. '..w.t:...:. r.; rr. . ....3....+. :............." .."r ....-. 'r DIYOFFICIAL DIYJ :JS :5 :".:.7'.}f . {r.. J{ 1YV.SSS 1A"''."1r' S vr.:"s..1t "A Io'l tav .' :4':1::}:.A"I.1 :":X:': 11...:":}'..}:}i~:"}":1.:":Y:":}:.tiA}:4::t:''"y'''Y'r}R:"."...........lH-""J:"}.5...fJ.. ..'':f "."i.: s r:. }":r :4 (Continued from Page 2) Officer & Assistant Desk Officer for Yugoslavia, Oct. 18. Events Tuesday Floyd C. Elder, The University of Michigan Meterological Laboratories, will discuss "Project High Cue, a Com- prehensive Study of Cumulus Cloud Characteristics" at the Oct. meeting of the Southeastern Michigan Branch of the American Meteorological Society, Tues., Oct. 17, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am- phitheater. Mathematics Colloquium: Prof. Don- ald J. Lewis is speaking on "Diophan- tine Equations," Tues., Oct. 17, at 4 p.m. in 3209 Angell Hall. Refreshments: 3212 Angell Hall at 3:30 p.m. Events Wednesday Stanley Quartet: The Stanley Quar- tet, Gilbert Ross, violin; Gustave Ros- seels, violin.. Robert Courte, viola; and James Jelinek, cello, will present their first fall concert on Wed., Oct. 18, 8:30 p.m., in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Anatomy 'Seminar: Wed., Oct. 18, 4 p.m., 2501 East Medical Bldg. Dr. Eu- ;ene Winkelman will speak on "Through the Soviet Union with the Victors (Physician to the U. of M. Band)." Automatic Programming and Numer teal Analysis Seminar: "Calculation of Eigen Values and Eigenvectors of Tri- diognal Matrices" by R. C. F. Bartels on Wed., Oct. 18 at 4:00 p.m. in 246 West Engineering. Placement The following have listed teaching vacancies for the second semester of the 1961-1962 school year. Downey, Calif. (County of Los An- geles)-Ph.D. in Hearing & Speech for hospital work-Provide clinical and re- search leadership (Open any time). Hartford, Conn.-Speech & Hearing Therapist. Norwalk, Conn.-Ment. Retard. (ages B-10). Pownal, Me. (Hospital & Training Center)-Speech Corr. & Audiology Therapists. Raritan, N.J. (Bridgewater - Raritan Sch. Dist.)--Girl's PE (Grades 5-8): HS For additional information contact the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547. Overseas Teaching: Government of American Samoa, Pago, Pago, American Samoa-i the Department of Educa- tion, American Samoa., for the 1a62- 1964 school years, the following posi- tions will be available: Jr. HS Super- vising Teachers, Village Schools Super- vising Teachers, English Language Spe- cialist, Textbook and Curriculum Spe- cialist, Secondary Subjects: (Social Studies, Sci., English, Math, Home Econ, Art, Music (Band & Chorus), Bus- .ess, Phy. Ed., Yearbook, Newspaper, Drama, etc.), Supervisor of Vocational High School, Dependents' School Teach- er, Dependents' School Principal, Su- perintendent of Elimentary Education,- Superintendent of Secondary Education, Supervisor of Teacher Training College and Demonstration School, Teacher Training Specialist, Teacher Training Instructor, Supervisor of Libraries,' Su- perintendent, of Adult Education, Su- perintendent for Businss Affairs. A degree and teaching certificate is required. Round triptravel is provid- ed; and personnel are employed on a two-year contractual basis. Housing is adequadte. For, additional information contact