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October 17, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-17

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Light southerly winds,
chance of rain



OSA Study Committee.Plans
Survey of Residence Halls Role

The Office of Student Affairs
Study Committee will conduct a
survey on the role of the resi-
dence halls in the University com-
munity, Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis told the
residence halls Board of Gover-
nors yesterday.
The survey will center around
an already-planned questionnaire
and will be handled through Inter-
Quadrangle Council and Assembly
Dormitory Council, Assembly Pres-
ident and member of the OSA
committee Sally Jo Sawyer, '62,
Junior Panhellenic, Junior In-
terfraternity Council, Inter-Coop-
erative Council, the League houses
and Women's Senate will also as-
sist, in contacting 'students who
have left the residence hall sys-
tems, Miss Sawyer explained.
Target date for gathering all the.
responses is Nov. 10, she said.
Outline Purpose
"The purpose of the survey is an
open-ended questionnaire that can
be discussed at length without
Uneover Plot
In Ecuador
QUITO, Ecuador (M)-The dov-
ernment announced last night it
had uncovered a "gigantic" plot to
overthrow President Jose Maria
Velasco Ibarra and that it had
-seized a quantity of arms it claimed
was shipped from Communist
Security Director Gonzalo Ja-
come said 16 persons were arrested
in raids at scattered points
throughout the nation.
Jacome' identified Lt. Col. Cesar
Paredes, chairman of the Munici-
pal Council at Quevedo in Los Rios
Province; as leader of the - group
but did not say whether he had
been captured.
Revolt Premature
Jacome claimed the revolt was
to have started today on signals
from Paredes' headquarters in
Quevedo. Jacome said Paredes had
formed a guerilla force which in-
volved the municipal police and
had set up strongholds in Los Rios.
The security chief said govern-
ment agents also confiscated Com-
munist literature including the
book "Guerilla Warfare" by Er-
nesto Guevara, Cuban revolution-
ary leader and the Castro regime's
economic boss.
Jacome identified only two of
those arrested-Asaad Bucaram, -a
congressional deputy and an offi-
cia lof the Movement of Concen-
tration of Popular Forces, and Jose
Hanna Musse, leader of that group.
Report Arrests
Quito newspapers earlier yester-
day reported Bucaram and Musse
were among at least 12 persons
arrested on charges of insulting
the government. The newspapers
said those taken into custody in-
cluded another deputy, Abraham
Romero, and Joe Maria Egas and
Carlos Ojeda of the Social Chris-
tian Party.
Anti-government activities have
been ,frequent since Oct. 4, when
the Confederation of Workers put
on a 24-hour strike against new
taxes which the union called infia-
dRailroads Ask
Of Facilities
WASHINGTON (P) - Attorney
General Robert F. Kennedy said
last night three major railroads
have ordered racial desegregation
of all of their facilities in the

He said the railroads are the
Illinois Central, Southern and the
Louisville & Nashville.
Wayne Johnson, president of the
Illinois Central, said his line had
done nothing but continue compli-
ance with a 1956 Interstate Com-
merce Commission ruling banning
segregation in interstate trans-
"All we've done," he added, "is
to see it's enforced. We want to be
law abiding citizens and do the
job we're supposed to do."
Warren A. McNeill, director. of
n,- .ln -O 4i',ain. +nr thn, T.misamil

leading anybody to any pre-con-
ceived conclusions."'
Residence hall staff members
will be interviewed by OSA com-
mittee members. Assembly Asso-
ciation will try to reach Univer-
sity women in the dormitories
through house meetings at which
the questions asked by the com-
mittee will be discussed and min-
utes of the proceedings taken, Miss
Sawyer said.
Prof. John Reed of the Law
School, chairman of the OSA com-
mittee, said that the committee is
just beginning to accumulate in-
formation about the residence,
Past Reports
In addition to the survey,' he
noted that the members "are go-
ing to make use of reports dating
back several years," including the
critical Scheub report released last
IQC President Thomas Moch,
'62E, said that decisions about
how to gather information in the
quadrangles will be made by IQC.
He noted, however, that he per-

sonally favored a "voluntary"
system in which the question-
naires would be available to any
individual wishing to complete one.
The questionnaire asks, "Start-
ing with the hypothesis the Uni-
versity should expect and encour-
age each student to achieve max-
imum intellectual growth and a
heightened personal maturity,
what is your view concerning the
contribution residence halls living
makes toward these two essential
Asks Opinion
It also asks whether or not
the respondent agrees with the
hypothesis and asks his opinion
on possible modification of it.
Other areas of inquiry are how
does residence hall living contri-
bute to intellectual growth and
development of personal responsi-
bility and in what ways residence
halls hinder these aims.
Respondents are also asked
what specific changes they would
make in variousuaspects of the
residence halls such as facilities,
rules, and policies if they had the
freedom to do so.
Finally, there is the question of
what advantages have been or are
being gained through residence
hall life.
To Evaluate
Coed Houses
The Residence Halls Board of
Governors yesterday voted approv-
al of a committee to study the
possibility of co-educational hous-
Proposed by Interquadrangle
Council President Thomas Moch,
'62E, the committee will report
back to the Board of Governors by
March 1962 recommendations for
implementing accommodations for
both men and women in present
"At other Big 10 schools where
co-educational housing has been
in operation, the residents have
been very happy about the result,"
Moch said.
Cites Examples
He cited the University of In-
diana, the University of Wiscon-
sin and Michigan State University
as schools where such a plan has
been in operation.
Francis C. Shiel, head of service
enterprises, noted that when wom-
en shared space in the men's
quadrangles several years ago, es-
timates of expenses showed that
the long range conversion of the
men's residence halls would have
been too expensive.
He also cited plans, which have
been drawn up for several years,
for Bursley Hall, named for Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Bursley, a former
dean of students and his wife,
which would be co-educational.
Women's Views
Assembly Dormitory Council
President Sally Jo Sawyer, '62,
noted that she is "quite concern-
ed from the women's point of view
because the women have not ex-
pressed a desire for such housing."
It would be impossibletoim-
plement the plan by next fall,
Shiel added.
He noted that if the board of
governors approve the plan, it
would take some time for the nec-
essary architectural and structur-
al revisions of the building.
In other action, the Board heard
a progress report on the Oxford
project which is the construction
of a housing unit for women con-
sisting of a combination of coop-
eratives, apartments and suites.
The Board also scheduled dis-
cussion of non-academic evalua-
tions in women's residence halls
for their next meeting.

Student Jeopardizes
Peace Cor ps Status
Nigerians Demand 37 Deportations
After Volunteer Attacks Conditions
LAGOS, Nigeria (T) - The Nigerian government tried last
night to calm down African students demanding removal of the
37 United States Peace Corps volunteers -in Nigeria.
The Americans themselves were reported getting cool treat-
ment generally.
The government said in a statement that the "friendly and
cordial relationship between Nigeria and the United States . .
must not be jeopardized by the foolish writings of one adolescent
school girl.."
But in an apparent move to placate the students, it added that
Nigerians '"can be, assured that if there are any persons in Nigeria

Disarray Strikes Plans
For West's Procedure
In Berlin Negotiations

. ...American studies
Views Study
Of ,America,
Due to the rise of America in
the world and the decline of such
countries as France and Spain,
Cambridge and Oxford Universi-
ties are now studying the United
"Necessity, pressure, the trend
of the times, and international
realities rather than a new cur-
ricular philosophy or change in
British temperament account for
the growth of American studies in
English universities," Prof. Edgar
B. Wesley of the University of
Minnesota, said last night.
Speaking to the Social Founda-
tions Group in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-
ing on the topic, "American Stud-
ies in British Universities," Prof.
Wesley added, "When one nation
ascends and others descend the
curriculum law which states 'A
country receives attention in pro-
portion to its curture and power,'
must prevail."
Educational Influences
Power alone is not a sound bas-
is for a program of studies, he
declared. In the long run, the cul-
tural contributions of a nation
probably influence education more
than its armies and navies. Amer-
ica has made contributions worthy
of attention and is not just re-
ceiving attention because of her
military,-and political strength.
The British also feel that all
of our achievements are their own
and that American greatness de-
rives from British sources. "To un-
derstand America is to understand
British civilization transplanted,"
was another reason Prof. Wesley
gave for the growth of American
studies in England. -
In explaining the phrase "Amer-
ican studies" Prof. Wesley said the
British universities teach Ameri-
can " history, literature, political
science, geography, economy, art,
architecture and sociology.
Literature Key
"Of these literature is probab-
ly the most informative. They are

Kohl Named
To Position
Under HEW
Prof. John C. Kohl, director of
the University Transportation In-
stitute was named head of the
newly established Federal Office
of Transportation Sunday.
House Administrator Robert C.
Weaver announced Prof. Kohl's
appointment to the Federal Of-
fice, which will implement the
$42.5 million urban transportation
program of the 1961 Housing Act.
Prof. Kohl will recruit staff 'and
implement the bill which provides
$50 million for emergency loans
to existing transportation units
and $25 million for demonstra-
tion projects to exhibit to urban
New Program
The work of the office will be
programmed by Prof. Kohl as the
act was just implemented by Con-
gress with a $42.5 million appro-
priation for the balance of the
fiscal year.
He plans to improve urban
transportation through loans and
demonstration projects and by
coordinating, consulting and aid-
ing urban transit such as bus,
rapid transit and commuter rail-
road lines.I
Prof. Kohn's title will be assis-
tant administrator for urban
transportation, Housing and Home
Finance Agency. He has been ad-
visor for urban transportation
since last summer.
Requests Leave
Requesting a leave of absence
until July 1, 1962, he plans to re-
turn to the University as his "first
love is teaching," he stressed.
He received a University "Dis-
tinguished Achievement Award"
ten days ago for his "authorita-
tive judgment in traffic problems,
which is sought throughout the
The University Transportation
Institute has a 35 man staff work-
ing on project research work and
educationalprograms in trans-
portation and related areas.
UN May Solve
Refugee Issue
United Nations Conciliation Com-
mission for Palestine expressed
hope yesterday that it will be able
soon to advance proposals that
might lead to progress on the long-
deadlocked Palestine refugee prob-
In a special report to the Gen-
eral Assembly, the three-nation
body indicated that both Israeli
and Arab officials had received its
special representative, Joseph- E.
Johnson in a friendly manner and
had shown deep interest in finding
a solution to the problem.
Johnson spent three weeks in
the Middle East exploring the situ-
ation last month.

.. holding views similar to those
expressed by this young girl, our
Federal Minister of Internal Af-
fairs who . . ., controls immigra-
tion and deportation will know
how best to deal with them."
Nigerian students demanded all
Peace Corps volunteers in Nigeria
be deported as "agents of im-
perialism" after seeing copies of
a post card written by one of the
Americans, Margery Michelmore
of Foxboro, Mass., that said living
conditions in Nigeria were primi-
Nigerian government sources
said the Peace Corps volunteers
will not be asked to leave even if
the students pursue their de-
mands. But they said any similar
incidents in the future would
severely affect United States-
Nigerian relations.
United States authorities hoped
a cooling off period would take
the heat out of the issue.
But at the university in Ibadan,
where the rumpus started, the stu-
Peace Corps Director R. Sargent
Shriver last night called the
Nigerian postcard incident "a1
big flap" and indicated he be-
lieved that reports of it were
dents union banned all Peace
Corps members at the school from
using the students union rest hall,
library and recreation rooms,
Radio Nigeria reported.
Miss Michelmore herself waited
in Lagos for news of her future.
The Nigerian government spoke
of it as though part of it was de-
cided-that she was unwelcome
in Nigeria.I
Proposal Asks
Single House
In Legislature
LANSING (P)-Michigan's Leg-
islature would consist of a single
chamber of from 100 to 125 rep-
representatives under a proposal'
filed yesterday at the Constitu-
tional Convention.
The proposal ,filed by Harold
Norris (D-Detroit) was one of
several submitted by Con-Con
delegates as the Convention open-
ed its third week.
Other prosopals would lower the
votingy age from 21 to 18 years
and extend the Governor's term in
office from the present two years
to four, and allow him to appoint
all administrative board members
except the Lieutenant Governor.
The unicameral Legislature pro-
posal suggested that Michigan
adopt the model state constitu-
tion drawn up by the National
Municipal League.
The Legislature would be ap-
portioned to grant all areas, rural
and urban, effective representation
and grant the Governor power of
districting with judicial review.
With one legislator for each dis-
trict, the Legislature would be
based on not less than 100 nor
more than 125 such districts.

Foreign Al umni
Achieve Acclim
Politically, professionally and culturally, foreign student'
alumni from the University are substantially shaping events
throughout the world.
Robert Klinger, counselor at the International Center, dis
cussed the events and graduates who have left the 'University to§
go on to influential positions in the world today.
Probably the most famous foreign student alumnus (the
word is now defined by the Alumni Center as being anyone who
has attended the University, regardless of graduation) would ber
Haiti President Francois Duvalier, who studied medicine here
in 1944-45. su
Recalls Duvalier .
Prof. Henry Pierce, now retirel from the School of Public
Health, recalls Duvalier as a "very modest and reticent" student,,
"Surprised" when he first
learned that Duvalier had be-
come the president, Pierce:
noted that the Haitian did f
"average work and showed no
evidence of political leanings." .
Apparently Duvalier's train-
ing here showed up later, as C
he directed a yaws-elimination
program in his home country
which put him into the politi-:
cal forefront.-
UN Ambassador
Another alumnus currently , t
in the limelight is Formosa's
ambassador to the United Na-
tions, Shen Chang-huan, '37. r,
His chief diplomatic worry is
the prime possibility that Redr
China will be admitted to the
world organization."
Shen's main line of defensek,
in speeches to the body has ROBERT KLINGER $
been that the UN is "in danger .. foreign alumni
from powers who have no re-
spect for the principles of the charter" and that no country can
claim neutrality on the issue.
In Shen's home country, the ministry of finance is directedT
mainly by 'alumni. D. K. Lieu, '15, and Y. C. Mau have handled
the post as minisiter and vice-minister respectively for Chiang,
Kai-shek since the early 1950s.>
Korean Leaders
In Korea, Chung Hwan Cho, '23, was minister of foreign
affairs, Chang Soon Choi, '46, was former minister of social
welfare and Kyu Nam Choi, '29, held the ministry of education
post there. The second Choi was succeeded by Chai Kyu Nam, '33.;.f
The first three left their posts long before the Korean revolt
last May and Nam was fired during the revolution.
Other areas besides the Far East are represented in the
roster of politically-active alumni. For instance, Brazil's Osvaldo
Triguero, '40, was governor of the Paraiba province from 1941 to :
1947 and afterwards ambassador to Italy, while Orhan Barim, '43,
from Turkey, is the head of the UN Commission on Traffic
This legacy from University alumni extends further back in
political annals. In 1910, for instance, Thomas C. F. Wong,.'08,3
later a minister of foreign affairs in Formosa, found himself in
the midst of an uprising in Peking.
He had to scale the wall of the American embassy in the*
Chinese capital to avoid being killed, and was hidden by friends
See FOREIGN, Page 2
Lewis Approves Letter
On Affiiate Statements
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis yesterday
said that he "wholeheartedly agreed" with a letter sent by Student
Government Council to certain sorority and: fraternity presidents.
The letter-outlined in a motion passed by SGC last week-
reminds affiliate units which have still not submitted their member-
ship clauses and interpretation of these clauses to the Office of
*Student Affairs that they are
under obligation to do so.
The letter states that although
SGC does not awish to establish a
deadline for the submission of
t his material, it feels it will be ob-
rj S N C C liged to do so if the clauses and
statements are not turned in with-

Friday afternoon with no more in a "reasonable time."
than a warning not to demon- Lewis, while agreeing that the
strate again immediately. organizations need a little more
"The whole top could have time to meet the requirement,
blown off in McComb during those says he believes a deadline is def-
few days," Gadson said. Since it initely in order if the groups do
didn't, he indicated that SNCC is not comply within a reasonable
now aiming for a mass student period.
demonstration which would totally "In' most cases," he said, '
.rmt - nit - m iin believe the groups have failed to

Free World
To Continue
Thompson To Delay
Return to Moscow
To Attend Meeting
Western talks to develop a com-
mon negotiating position on Ber-
lin proceeded in some disarray
yesterday with the outcome in
The State Department said the
talks will be held in Washington
and that Llewellyn Thompson,
United States ambassador to Rus-
sia, will delay his return to Mos-
cow in order to attend.
Thompson, who has been here
a week for consultations, was orig-
inally scheduled to return to the
Soviet capital in time to hear Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev's policy
speech at the Communist Party
Congress, opening today.
Continue Talks
Press officer Lincoln White an-
nounced that the United States,
Britain, France and West Ger-
many have "decided to continue
the Western consultations on Be'r-
lin" that have been held regular-
ly at the ambassadorial lEVel here,
"with such augmentation of the
ambassadorial group as is deemed
desirable by each foreign office."
This is the replacement for a
proposed high-level parley in Lon-
don this week which was called
off because of French objections.
The French said it was prema-
ture to work out a negotiating
stand when the Kremlin has of-
fered nothing on which the West
can negotiate.
In London, the British Foreign
Office announced that Deputy
Undersecretary Sir Evelyn Shuck-
burgh will come to Washington in
a few days to join the talks.
Await German Decision
United States officials awaited
word from Bonn on whether the
West German delegate who had
been tapped to go to London, Dep-
uty Foreign Minister Karl Cars-
tens, will come to Washington. It
was assumed the French counter-
part, Jean Lalois, directr h of Eu-
ropean affairs in the French For-
eign Ministry, will stay away.
The Western Allies are also con-
sidering a German demand for
more powerful weapons for West
Berlin police guarding the tense
100 miles of border around West
Berlin, authoritative sources said
The senator responsible for West
Berlin police, Joachim Lipschitz,
has asked for the issue of Ameri-
can-made automatic rifles for bor-
der police at specially dangerous
spots, the informants said.
Serious Incidents
This followed a series of seri-
ous incidents in which East Ger-
man border police pumped bullets
into Western territory when try-
ing to stop escaping refugees.
So far the West police have
been armed only with pistols and
tear gas grenades. The Red police
have Russian-made submachine-
guns, rifles, heavy machineguns
mounted on armored vehicles and
tear gas grenades.
Druids Choose
New Members
From the Stonehenge circle,
Aided by the witches' cauldron,
Mystic plans were brewed
in darkness.
Many twigs were examined:

Many rocks were overturned,
Subjected to heat from
blazing torches,
Observed by men of knowledge
and magic.
Those decayed were burned
and destroyed.
Finally from the murky grove,
From the Cave where Fingal
' perished,
The Order of the Mighty Oak


Gadson Visits 'U' To Promot

Don Gadson, a recent figure in
the McComb, Miss. demonstrations
against segregation, is working on
the University campus this week
to promote the Student Non-
Violent Coordinating Committee's
drive for racial equality in the
ir,+ rhI

students staged a walkout at Burg-
land High School Oct. 14.
More than 100 students and
four SNCC leaders, including Gad-
son were arrested in front of Mc-
Comb City Hall when the demon-
stration halted and Curtis Hayes,
a local student leader began to

wy.. i41an

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