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October 15, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-15

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Candle In The Wind

Seventy-First Year
Trutb Will PevaI'" STUDENT PUB! ICATIONS BI DG.* ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

'Greyfriars Bobby'
S'GREYFRIAR'S BOBBY" is a dog story in the grand tradition of
AlbertPeyson Terhune, and only Walt Disney could so perfectly
preserve the qualities which make such stories insipid for adult audi-
Bobby, a "wee bit of a Skye terrier," displays a faithful (though
somewhat morbid) desire to, spend each cold Scottish night perched on
his dead master's grave. By so doing, he endears himself to the local
citizenry and melts the stony heart of Edinburgh law.
Veteran actor Donald Crisp, as is his .wont, plays the lovable old
.man who protects Bobby from the wilds of a merciless city. Especially
gripping are his suspense-filled efforts to sneak his canine comrade into
the cemetery right under the nose of the soft-hearted ogre who guards

NDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1961,


Chu rch-State Dilemma:
Case for Absolutism

THE FINELY DRAWN LINE of seijaration be-
tween church and state was enshrouded in
school bus exhaust fumes by the Supreme
Court in the Everson decision and, as 'Prof.
Paul G. Kauer of the Law School said last'
week, it now appears constitutional to use
government funds for other phases of paro-
chial school oper'ations than transportation.
But this doesn't mean it is wise.
President Kennedy's belief that such aid to
private schools is unconstitutional is based on
a narrower interpretation of the same case,
which decided that providing public transpor-
tation for parochial school pupils was properly
within the state's role of providing for the pub-
lic welfare but did not extend this distinction
to other school operations.
While Kennedy's position cannot be ade-
quately based on the Everson decision, he is to
be commended for drawing the church-state
line consistently, both before and after his
O PROF, KAUPER, "the separation of
church and state is a matter of degree. The,
problem cannot be solved with a broad brush
approach. Complete separation has no founda-
tion in American history."
It is true that there have been some his-
torical interactions between religious ideals and
government. For instance, churches have been ,
granted tax exemption, chaplains in the armed
services are paid' by tax money, and the phrase.
f'In God We Trust" appears on our coins.'
But to extend interrelation into secondary
schools teaching religious conceptions -'accept-
able to only part of the populace, even by loans
or other limited assistance as mentioned by
Prof. Kauper, is a dangerous step. Sen. Wayne
Morse has Introduced bills allowing parochial
schools to borrow money from the federal gov-
ernment, and pressure for this will continueto
THE ENCROACHMENT on separation is very
subtle: First, bus transportation is provided.
Then, as in t Morse's home state of Oregon,
parochial grammar schools receive textbooks
supplied and paid for by public funds.
Prof. Kauper is correct in stating that the
r'ationale of the Everson decision and the prin-
ciple of federal aid 'make limited parochial
school help feasible. Certainly buildings, texts
and teachers do as much for the ultimate good
of the young student as proper and safe trans-
This is the unfortunate part of the Court's
decision. It compromised on one point in an
effort to be benevolent, whereas separation

must be absolute. Even money for buses seems
to contradict Justice Black's principle in the
majority decision on the Everson case: "No
tax in' any amount, large or small, can be levied
to support any religious activities or institu-
tions, whatever they may be called, or what-
ever form they may adopt to teach or practice
UNLESS 'the "broad brush approach" is used,
little encroachments of the Oregon variety
will continue. Having lost the bus issue at the
'national level, affiliates of the American Civil
Liberties Union are fighting to keep separation
intact on the state level.
Its Connecticut unit "has said "Transporta-
tion of pupils has become an essential function
of our public school systems; it is a large item
in board of education budgets. To call it a
health or safety service confu~es the issue. The
real issue ... is this: can public funds be used
to support any part of private schools?"
Some state constitutions say 'no' to this in
clear terms; others leave it up to localities. On
both levels, the conflict continues.
This may seem to be a major war over small
points. But since Protestants generally do not
operate private schools, public money to help
Catholic schools in any way is favoring one
sect over another (which is unconstitutional),
according to the Court).
THE CHURCHES might well worry about the
possibilities of state control inherent in fi-
nancial ties. The immediate perversion is one
of the state, which shifts, its position in rela-
tion to private organizations and beliefs. The
harm to the church would be much more long-
Another non-immediate danger is that
Protestants, finding Catholic schools are receiv-,
ing more and more aid, will be inclined to set
up their own schools to get in on these hand-
outs which can be used to inculcate their par-
ticular ideologies. This could have a much
more divisive and harmful effect on our school-
age population than has been caused by the
present extent of schooling-by-religion.
In all the battles on church-state relations
being waged at the state and local level, per-
haps more valid than the dictums of this Su-
preme Court case are these words from Him
whose name is proclaimed by most of the pri-
vate schools in question: "'Render unto Caesar
the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the
things that are God's."
Associate Editorial Director

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YR Proposals. Dynamic

Dorm Evaluations: Immoral

IN WHAT MUST RANK as one of the most
assinine decisions of the year, Student Gov-
ernment Council has voted to voice its ap-
proval of confidential non-academic evaluations
in men's residence halls. This issue had been
hanging in the musty SGC air since last spring
and apparently the bored and tired- minds
finally settled the bothersome question. May-
be things will go better at the next session when
the problem of similar evaluations in the wom-
en's dormitories will be reviewed.
The arguments -against the pink slips in the
quadrangles, and the somewhat parallel ques-.
tionnaires in the. dorms, are becoming just as
tiresome as the defenses. Pink slips are sneaky,'
pink slips are a necessary aid to counseling.
Pink slips inhibit honest counseling; pink slips
keep undesirable residents out of the quads.
The fact that pink slips are sneaky and that
they do inhibit honest counseling and that
many other things are wrong with them has
not upset most of the Council members.
I The basic issues involved are not primarily of
a practical nature. As it stands now, the eval-
uation reports are to be used exclusively with-
in the residence hall system. The SGC motion
eliminates their use as a recommendation or,
source of information to employers, which is
good, and they will no longer be sent to aca-
demic counselors, which is not so good, be-'
cause the material on the evaluations was fre-
quently valuable to academic counseling. The.
pink slips are now to'be utilized only within the
residence hall system, and only as guides to
whether the inhabitants should be readmitted,
to the quadrangles if they desire to. Thus their
usefulness has diminished to the point of non-
existence, because many residence hall coun-
selors dislike taking the time to fill the reports
out and because residents refused readmittance
to the system would rarely be primed to re-
turn anyway.
THUS the real underlying issue in the pink
slips is a moral one rather than a prag-
matic question. The tragedy of the pink slips
is that they assail one of the most inalienable
rights of an individual: the right to know about
himself. The confidential nature of the reports
simply denies an opportunity for an individual
to improve himself or to understand himself.

It is surely apparent that self-introspection
is most difficult and somewhat futile in the
absence of outside reference, and it should be
even more obvious that personal analysis is
most crucial and necessary in a University
community where converging thoughts and
ideas supposedly coerce a sense of disorien-
tation within the individual. To any student'
who is at least half awake, this mental tur-
moil provokes an endless series of moral crises:
what is beautiful, what is- good, what should
.be good and,' most important, what, am I? It
must gall him to learn that ?petty men pre-
sume the right to withhold parts of this self-
knowledge. It would be a fantastic proposition
to defend the secrecy and confidential nature.
of the personal evaluations as not contrary to
the ideals of any university.
But even on a practical level, the pink slips'
confidential nature is untenable. If quadrangle
counselors are to evaluate the residents, they
obviously have to become acquainted with
them. But interpersonal relationships in which
one party has the task to privately appraise
the most personal characteristics of the other
will thus be very incomplete and shallow.
NOW, if residence hall administrators still
deem it necessary to have full reports for
admission purooses and not counseling objec-
tives, they will want the evaluations to be as
first-rate as possible. With the confidential
amenities ever-susuended over the quadrangle
scene, the counselors cannot nossibly become
oialified to evahmite the inen. This " wialifica-
tion" has a direct correlation to the dnth of
" the relationshio. and denth of relationshin is
imukely when nart of the association is con-
fidontial and inhibited.
As things now stand, residents rejected for
housing readmission can demand and receive
a list of reasons, but cannot see the report.
The oresent fears among ouadrangle counselors
are that if the students are allowed to see the
evaluations of themselves, and if part or all of
the report is critical, the residents will react
with anger and resistance. But if the residents
eannot accent nersonal criticisms fairly and
tolerantiv. egnectally in'er the oen policv noc-
escarv for the nerusal of the renorts. they most
certainly would be of little desirability for the
int ranne system and would have no place
in an academic community. If the reaction is

To the Editor:
MR. PERLSTADT'S editorial,
which appeared i Wednes-
day's Daily was filled with assump-
tions which, for the most part, are
;partially or completely false.
Regarding appointments to the
college governing boards by the
State Legislature, he states that
it (the Legislature) "is a highly
political body seething with par-
tisan dissention." The group he
refers to is the law-making body
of the state, elected by and re-
sponsible to the citizens of Michi-
gan; for the most part, its mem-
bers are men of integrity and
dedication, and to suggest that
they have no regard whatever for
the best interests of their con-
stituents, is a rash, if not mythi-
cal, assumption.
* * *
IF MR. PERLSTADT had stud-
ied the entire report of the con-
con conference, he might possibly
have noted that the YR's suggest
elinination of the long ballot. It
is unrealistic, as well as imprac-
tical to expect the electorate to
nominate, study the qualifications
of, and elect numerous minor of-
ficals, especially those in advisory
rather than administrative posi-
tions; a joint legislative. commit-
tee can do the job much more
effectively in relation to the selec-
tion of members, of 'the college
governing boards.
Changing the partisan election
to a non-partisan one would
hardly solve the problem Mr. Perl-
stadt presents. Non-partisanship
is merely a shield behind which
lurk political powers. Mr. Perl-
stadt would condone the present
method of selecting members of
the College governing bodies; we
would bring to his attention the
situation at MSU, where the
Democrat - dominated Board of
Trustees has allowed labor union
philosophies to distort educational
MR. PERLSTADT writes that
"the possibility of economic choice
shifting from the particular in-
stitution to the impersonal board
is great." We disagree. The pro-
posed coordinating ; board would
have no possible way of taking
economic autonomy from the in-
dividual schools. Its purpose would
be to "investigate completely the
annual 'budgets of the state-
supported colleges and univer-
sities before they are submitted
to the Legislature."
The basic idea of the coordin-
ating board is to put into practice
the proposal for "uniform account-
ing' procedures" as proposed by
the State Council of College Pres-
idents. At the present time, each
school differs from every other
school in accounting procedures.
Consequently the State Legisla-
ture is unable to make a valid
comparison between the budgets
of the different schools. A co-
ordinating board would make po-
sible a more realistic view of
corresponding costs and account-
ing procedures; a valid appraisal
of theneeds of each school could
then be drawn by the Legislature.
Following Legislative approval,
the allocated appropriations will

quo, -and will promote a strong
and effective educational system
for the State of Michigan.
--Steve Stockmeyer, chairman
-Tom Pyper, treasurer
Young Republican Club
Band Money...
To the Editor:
WOULD LIKE to comment,
particularly to Brian Mac-
Clowry, that at least one state-.
ment in his column, "Affair to
Remember," published on October'
11, "ain't funny, MacClowry!"
While realizing the entire com-
ments of his column was an at-
tempt at hyperbole, I cannot let
his statement, "This is the only
schobl in the conference that
hands out more scholarships for
marching band than for football,"
go unchallenged. The truth of the
matter is that the marching band
has no scholarships to use in a
recruiting program. At the end of
the season Band Awards of $40
are made to about 140 members
of the band. This is the extent
of the financial aid available to
band members. In my opinion, the
undefeated record of our band
does not depend on a scholarship
program, but rather upon the hard
work put out by the members of
the band and its directors, Dr.
William Revelli and Mr. George
I feel better now that I have
set the record straight as the
abo,.e quoted sentence out of con-
text could be most misleading and
is certainly not a fair statement.
-Ivan W. Parker
Assistant Dean of Men
Secretary, Committee on
University Scholarships

To the Editor:
THE DAILY is to be applauded
for its comprehensive coverage
of the McComb, Mississippi situa-
tion, a development of interest
and concern especially for the.
student generation of America.'
The Student Council reflected this
concern in the telegram forwarded
to Robert Kennedy.
In fairness to the actual-situa-
tion, (as reported and photograph-
ed in the Daily). however, the
use of "mob" in connection with
the beating is a gros exaggera-
tion. Does one plumber constitute}
a mob? As worded, the appeal to
the Attorney General - was mis-
leading in the details and emo-
tional in its connotation. Emo-
tions and prejudices create such
situations, but they seldom foster
It is the hope of this reader,
that in the future the Student
Council will continue to express
anti interest and concern in such
matters but in doing so will not
find it necessary to digress from.
the truth.
-Phil Ballard, Grad ,
The PreA-'ss
that, in general, it is the ob-
ject of our newspapers rather to
create a sensation-to make a'
point-than to further the cause
of truth.
-Edgar Allen Poe, 1842, -
quoted in American Opinion,
the John Birch Society

the gate. Many people benefit from
little crippled boy, whose academic
ambitions are brought to the at-
tention of the local storekeeper
who sends him to the school he has
dreamed of entering. The same boy
later heads a drive to collect money
for Bobby's license, and so it goes.
S * * * *
EVEN THE juvenile audience for
whom this film is intended may
not be entirely satisfied. The open-
ing moments of the story deal at
rather great lengths with the
death of Bobby's friend and mas-
ter, an old shepherd who has been
forced to leave his beloved home
in the country and coughs his way
through the city looking for a
place to die.
The scenes of Edinburgh and the
Scottish countryside through
which the movie roams are per-
haps the best part of the entire
production, although here again
the mood is rather depressing. The
city is initially pictured as a cob-
blestone jungle beside which the
Bowery takes on the aspect of a
tropical resort.
* . * *
clude that the best performance
of the movie is turned in by the
dog.> After all, it's pretty 'easy to
be- astar whenthe script gives you
all the good lines. His human co-
workers deserve at least honorable
mention for their perseverance in
the face of overwhelming odds.
-Ralph Stingel
Knned y's
Next Step
WE WONDERED, as many
Democrats must, why the
President is picking so many Re-
publicans for the top jobs 'of his
Administration. It has been ex-
plained to us now by Mr. James
.Reston, who sees Mr. Kennedy
In a Jubilant report over the
President's cleverness in naming
John A. McCone to head the CIA
(New York. Times, Sept 29), Mr.
Reston says Mr. -Kennedy is mak-
ing it hard for the GOP to attack
his foreign policy by putting Re-
publicans into key posts dealing
with security and foreign affairs:
McCone at the CIA, Wm. C. Fos-
ter to run the new Disarmament
Agency, Lucius Clay as his special
emisary to Berlin, Douglas Dillon
as Secretary of the Treasury.
"How can Bary Goldwater," Mr.
Reston exults, "find fault with the
Administration's intelligence and
determination when two solid Re-
publicans. like Allen Dulles and
John McCone are running the
Now that Mr. Reston has opened
our eyes to this strategy, we are
overcome with admiration, too, and
anxious to contribute to it.
Wouldn't it even be more devilishly
clever if Mr. Kennedy just went
ahead and made Barry Goldwater
Secertary of State?
-I. F. Stone's Weekly-

Bobby's presence-among them a
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
SMichigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building
before 2 p.m.; two days preceding
General Notices
Woodrow Wilson Fellowships. Nomina-
tions for Woodrow Wilson fellowships
for the academic year 1962-63 for first
year graduate work leading to a career.
in research and college teaching are
due Oct. 31, 1961. only members of
the 'faculty may nominate candidates.
Letters of nomination should be sent.
to -Dean Richard Armitage, Graduate
School. Ohio state University, 164 W.
19th Ave..Columbus, O. For additional
information consult Prof. M. Greenikt,i
2634 Haven Hall.
President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold
open house for students at their home
Wed., Oct. 18 from 4 to 6 p.m.
Preliminar:y 'Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary
examinations . this summer are re-
quested to leave. their names with Dr.
Ogden, '1609 Haven Hall. The examina-
tions will be given as follows: English
Literature, 1550-1660,,-Tues., Nov.m4,
1:30 to 4:30 p.m.~ English and Ameri-
can Literature, 1660-1790, Sat., Nov. 18,
9 a.m. to 12 m.; 1790-1870, Tues., Nov.
21, 1:30 to 4:30 p.m.; and 1870-1950, Sat.,
Nov. 25, 9 a.m. to 12 m. The Tuesday
evaminations. will be given in Room
171, Business Admin. Bldg; the Satur-
day examinations will be given in Room
1412, Mason Hall.
Events Monday
EFreshmen Nursing Students will meet
Mon., Oct. 16 in 5330 Medical Science
Bldg. at 3 p.m.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar, Mon.,
Oct. 16, at 4:00 p.m. in 305 WestEng-
neering Bldg. Walter Debler, Asst. Prof.,
wi speak on " .Hydro-dynamic Stability
of an Unsteady Flow."
Coffee at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical Analysis Seminar: "The Future of
Computing" by Daniel D. McCracken
on Mon., Oct. 16 at 4:15 p.m. in 311
West Engrg. Bldg.
Events Tuesday
University Lecture: Dr. Jaroslav Pell-
kan, Prof. of Historical Theology, Uni-
versity of Chicaeo, will -speak on "One
Nation Under God-Religious Resources
for National Unity," 4:15 p.m., Tues.,
Oct. 17, Aud. A. Open to the public.
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures:
"Rome and the Latins around 500
B.C." will be discussed in the first
of the series' lectures by Andrew Al-
foldi, Prof. of Roman History, Insti-
tute for Advanced Study, Princeton,
N.J. on Tues., Oct. 17 at 4:15 p.m. in
Aud. B.
Botanical Seminar: "ome Aspects of
Plastid Inheritance" will be discussed
by-e Dr. Wlfried Stubbe,. Botanical In-
stitute, University of Cologne, on Tues.,
Oct. 17 at 4:15 p.m. in 1139 Nat. Si.
Bldg. Tea will be served at 4 p.m.
Graph Theory Seminar: John Dwyer
will conclude his discussion of "The
Evolution of Rianom Graphs," Tues.,
Oct. 17, at 3 p.m. in 2450 Mason Hall.
'John Hopkins Univ., Applied Physics
(Continued on Page 8)

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J.D.'s Second Coming:

D. Salinger. 202 pp. Boston:
Little, Brown & Co., $4.00.
THIS is a condemnatory review
of Franny and Zooey, two
"critical entries in a narrative se-
ries from a five year old issue
of The New Yorker. Apparently
Salinger's devotees-those disci-
ples of beat Zen-are illiterate.
At least each diamond cast be-
fore them is not swallowed up
for according to a less liberal
journal, Time, "Weeks before
the official publication date, Sal-
inger's followers queued up, and
bookstores sold out their first
supplies." What mystic kick were
those grown-up teen-agers off on
when their master spoke non-
sense to them long years ago in
a reputable magazine?
Franny, in the first glimpse of
an ill-defined family named
Glass, is a nit-witted co-ed who
deludes herself into believing that
the 'Jesus prayer' will compen-
sate for an earlier use of a con-
traceptive. The modern Helen,
Jocastra, Francesca, Portia? Ed-
ucation forbid.
* * *
"'WAY THE HELL early last
month wasn't it?' He shook his

asked to believe in freudian char-
acters of unreal, remedial read-
ers of the great mystics. Franny
speaks: ""I'm. off that's all. Don't
pay any 'attention to me.' OK,
I won't. Nor to Lane either..
The second and longer sketch
of the amorphous cloud-kook-ku
Glass family in this bound-to-
gether - between -rthe - boards.
sketches snatched from The New
Yorker concerns Zooey, a twen-
ty-five year old juvenile delin-
quent, and a whimpering Franny,
"the Wise Child" 'who now, ain
this second section, deludes her-
self into believing the "Jesus
prayer" is a substitute for Kleen-
ex or a barbituate for middle-
class mediocrity.
* * *
I DON'T SO MUCH mind the
trash and triviality of Franny
and Zooey, as I do the back-
handed indictment of American
Who. is what all about?
Les Glass, Father, non-existent
except he can do soft-shoe and
brought his daughter an unwant-
ed tangerine.
Bessie Glass, Mother, appears
in a less than obscene bathroom
conversation with her transpar-r
ent TV son, Zooey.

each and. every one were radio
"Whiz Kids," Franny and Zooey
included. They had each mem-
orized all sorts of facts, figures,
and fancies; they add up their
knowledge of facts, figures and
fancies to second-rate frustra-
tions. One is in college, one has
graduated to TV.i And what do
they do, ,how do they react?
Franny, at the end of telephon-
ic therapy: "A dial tone . . . She
appeared to find it extraordinar-
ily beautiful to listen to, rather
as if it were the best possible
substitute for the primordial sil-
ence itself." And Zooey, age 25,
TV satellite, bar-man, etc.?
Where is his only refuge, his sole
hiding place: "his slight torso'
fitting in rather tightly between
the 1932 Stromberg-Carlson table
radio and an overfilled maple
magazine stand."
ZOOEY has had formal under-
graduate education. Franny is
pregnantly absentnfrom it But
this is pounded into the reader,
they were "Wise Kids" who won
prizes for knowing all the an-
swers. They know all and under-
stand nothing. This is the indict-
ment mentioned above. Marcus
Aurelius, Epectitus, Issa, The

back of a bedroom door. The col-
lege that granted him a degree
should take it back.
They grope darkly in a cloud
of unknowing; untaught, un-
trained, undisciplined. They pre-
figure the fringe benefits of a
chaotic society. They lack goal,
purpose, self - discipline and
(whatever has happened to this
word) free-will. Too bad Fran-
ny and Zooey in their literary
shambling around haven't dis-
covered Milton.
...So will fall-
Hee and his faithless proge-
ny: Whose fault?
SWh sebut his own? ingrate,
he had of inee
All he could have: I made him
Just and right,
Sufficient to h a v e stood,
though free, to fall.
Plot: Sobbing sister and slob-
bering brother.
I won't bore you with Salin-
ger's use of the italic. If I heard
a human being talk like such, I'd
believe him a chimpanzee /edu-
cated from birth at Eloise.
Metaphors: One will suffice:
"It was very like the standard
bloodlessness in the face of a

'S 's


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