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October 14, 1961 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-14

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At the 19th Hole
with Fred Steinhardt




Arch Rival MSI
Lines To Play Key Ro
a,-Ua eTA Big eTitasCi

The Big One
A position by position analysis of Michigan and Michigan State as
they prepare for the biggest game of the season today:
END -- Both MSU's Art Brandstatter and Wolverine captain
George Mans are all-America candidates and solid performers. Lonnie
Sanders, the Spartan's other offensive end may be, the best receiver
on either team, but he is not nearly as rugged as Michigan's Scott
Maentz. Defensively, watch the Spartan's Ernie Clark, a 210 lb. bull.
Although I am not forgetting Michigan State's outstanding soph-
omores Matt Snorton and Larry Hudas, Jeff Smith, Bob Mongeau, Bob
Brown, Jim Korowin, and Doug Bickle give Michigan an edge in
depth. Bickle is a field goal threat' on kickoffs, but Brandstatter can
also boot them for MSU. EVEN.
TACKLE-It is difficult to imagine anyone getting the best of
Wolverine starters Jon Schopf and John Houtman, but they are going
to have their hands full with massive 250-1b. Dave Behrman, and
Dave Herman. The Spartan's second pair of tackles, Pete Kakela and
Tom Winecki have the edge in experience over Michigan sophs Tom
Keating and Jim Wiley, although both have been impressive so far.
Michigan letterman Guy Curtis should prove very valuable on de-
GUARD-Michigan's guards are going to have to 'stop State's
-tremendous junior Ed Biddle, who has been all over the field in' his
first two games. To make matters worse, the first two right guards'
Joe O'Donnell' and Lou Pavloff are definitely out of the contest with
injuries, putting the burden on sophs Dave Kurtz and Del Nolan.
Lee Hall and fast-developing John Minko should handle the
other guard slot capably for Michigan. George Azar is the next best
for State and he's no slouch. EDGE TO MSU.
CENTER-Dive Manders of Michigan State is much better than
average but so is Michigan's Todd Grant who is also a good ten pounds
heavier. To compliment Grant, Michigan has John Walger, a defensive
HALFBACK-Michigan State has at least as many good halfbacks
as Michigan but no one to approach Benny McRae or Dave Raimey.
Gary Ballmari and Carl Charon provide solid power, but neither can
match the Michigafi duo's speed. Speedy Sophs Sherm Lewis and
Dewey Lincoln are not as fast or strong as Raimey or McRae.
Michigan has outstanding depth in Jack Etrobel, Ed Hood, and
Biuce McLenna.
For the Spartans, Rocky Ryan on defense and soph Herm John-
son also will bear watchi g. Ryan is underrated. Incidentally, the
4 Spartan secondary has been death on passing. Wisconsin and Stan-
ford, two pass-happy teams have netted a total of three points between
them. EVEN
FULLBACK-Michigan State will depend on tough Ron Hatcher
for the short yardage as they did last year. Hatcher is neither as big
as Bill Tunnicliff nor as fast as Ken Tureaud, Michigan's first two.
Tureaud also sparkles on defense. The speedy but smallish George
Saimes goes both ways and has been a valuable asset to Michigan
State so far. .
Michigan's Jim Ward, also a solid two way player and 15 lbs.
heavier than Saimes, could play first string for half the teams in the
QUARTERBACK-If anything happens to State starter Pete
Smith, who can't approach smooth Dave Glinka anyway, the Spar-
tans will be in hot water. I doubt if Duffy Daugherty wishes to unveil
untested soph Doug Proebstle in a crucial game before' 100,000 scream-
ing people.
To backstop Glinka is experienced senior defensive specialist
John Stamos. Soph Tom Pritchard has also seen action. But the real
ace up Bump Elliott's sleeve is passing wizard Bob Chandler who un-
limbered last week with a picture play 36-yd. TD pass to Bob Brown.
Don't be surprised if Smith takes to the air more than he has so
far. He Is an adequate passer and has the receivers. BIG EDGE TO
OVERALL ANALYSIS-Michigan lost in 1960 when its light line
wilted in the late stages under the onslaught of two massive MSU
lines. State returns virtually the same team minus a quarterback of
Tom Wilson's stature. Michigan returns almost all of its key backfield
personnel behind a much sturdier line and that should be the differ-

DANGEROUS MSU BACKS-Keep your eyes on the boys piptured above who are some of the MSU platoon of backs who hope to create
havoc with the Michigan line today. From left to right: Halfback Carl Charon, who gained 124 yards against Michigan in last years
contest; halfback Sherman Lewis, 'a great breakaway threat; fullback George Saimes who had a sensational debut against Wisconsin
this year; quarterback Pete Smith, the Spartan signal caller who may lead a rebuilt passing attack.

Favorites OSU
tain Indiana.
Ohio State and Iowa, the two gan Matean
teams picked by preseason fore- gan Sate a
casters to vie for the Big Ten gan bang hea
title will open their conference Arbor; while
schedules today against winless western batt
opposition. Evanston.
The Buckeyes will host Illinois, In the tm
while the Hawkeyes will enter- games, Purdu

Iowa Test Big Ten Power

Undefeated Michi-
d undefeated Michi-
ads together at Ann
untested North-
les Minnesota at
wo non-conference
ue hosts Miami of

Union Gets Back Basket
By Slipping Past Daily 8-6
Outlined against a rainy-gray Witecki hauled in the pass and
October sky, the Four Horsemen outraced the activities-men secon-
failed to gallop and that was the dary to make the score 8-6. Mac-
The Michigan Union, capitaliz- Clowry's short pass to 30-minute
ing on an early opportunity, staved man Fred Steinhardt was knocked
off a determined Daily squad to down and the Union's slim margin
capture the second annual renewal held up.
of the tier Bowl yesterday at Ferry Late in the period, a pass inter-
Field by an 8-6 margin. ception stalled a Daily rally on the
Dave Baron was the big gun for Union 10-yd. line, ending the last
the big shots as he broke away real threat. Play was rugged on
from the Daily secondary early in both sides but the soggy ground
the first half to pull down a John and stiff defenses kept both teams
Carlson aerial and then added the from scoring more.
conversion on another pass play. By virtue of their triumph, the
Baron's touchdown came after a Union gains possession of the Big
Daily kickoff fell short. Brown Wastebasket, which was
That was all the scoring in the won in the inaugural contest last
first half, as Phil Sherman, inter- year by the Daily, 16-14.
cepted another Union pass in the Threatening weather limited the
end zone to stall a threat, crowd to approximately 70 spec-
In the second half, The Daily tators, even though the game was
started its march to paydirt, cli- listed in The Daily's Grid Selec-
maxed by a 40-yd. pass play from tions as one of the top twenty
Brian MacClowry to Tom Witecki. games.

Ohio, while Wisconsin hosts Ore-
gon State.
Other Games Are Scrimmages
Woody Hayes, Ohio State coach,
considers non-conference games
as mere "scrimmages." This at-
titude has obviously been taken
by the team because in their two
hon-conference games thus far,
Ohio State has appeared to be
anything but Conference Cham-
In their opener, the Buckeyes
were tied by Texas Christian, and
last weekend they salvaged a 13-3
win over the same UCLA team
that Michigan had trounced 29-6,
a week earlier.
Both Washington and North-
western have defeated the Illini
in their two previous games.
Iowa' Unbeaten
Iowa is still undefeated, but the.
Hawkeyes just squeaked by last
week, edging an inspired South-
ern California team 35-34 In
their first game they trounced
California, while Kansas State
and Wisconsin have both downed
The Minnesota - Northwestern
game figures to be an interesting
contest. The Gophers have ex-
celled in only one department this
year, defense. They lost their
opener to Missouri, 6-0, but bounc-

ed back last week to defeat Ore-
gon 14-7.
Northwestern, led by their soph-'
omore fullback, Bill Swingle has
walked over its two opponents,
Boston' College and Illinois. Swin-
gle is the Conference's leading
scorer, and has an 8.4 rushing
average for 29 carries.
The highly-touted Miller to
Richter pass combination which
was supposed to make Wisconsin
the "Rags to Riches" team of the
Big Ten has shown very little so
far this year. The Badgers squeak-
ed by Utah in their opener, lost to
Michigan State, 20-0 in= their sec-
ond game and last week edged
Indianan, 6-3. The combo clicked
for only one touchdown in the
three games, and that has been
the only touchdown that the Bad-
gers have scored all season.
The win against Indiana last
week was the result of two field-
goals by senior Jim Bakken. Bak-
ken missed on six attempts in the
Utah opener.
Purdue' figures to have no
trouble against Miami of Ohio,
The Boilermakers won their open-
er against Washington,but bowed
to traditional rival Notre Dame
last Saturday.
U. of Detroit 20, Boston College 3
Colorado 9, Miami (Fla.) 7
Houston 31, Boston 3 (AFL)

(Continued from Page 1)
closed doors all week cooking up
specialties and neither Michigan
Coach Bump Elliott nor Spartan
mentor Duffy Daugherty is con-
ceding a thing. Both have had
their problems.
Elliott has been especially con-
cerned about his slippery speed-
ster Dave Raimey and his much
ballyhooed hip bruise. At last re-
port, however, Raimey was ready
to go.
Daugherty's Problem
Daugherty's problem lies with
quarterback Pete Smith who was
forced to miss >several key prac-
tices because of the death of his
father. The senior Smith died sof
a heart attack during MSU's 31-3
conquest of Stanford last Satur-
How much Smith's practice ab-
sences will hurt the Spartans
won't unfold until this afternoon,
but Daugherty has let it be known,
as has Elliott, that he expects to
have to go to the air more today
than he has in the first two games.
Smith is his number one chuck-
er, though virtually untested un-
der game pressure.
The steady senior has taken over
the signal calling job this fall
after spending last season on the
bench. He has thrown only 11
times with little success. Michi-
gan's Dave Glinka, in his second
year as the Wolverine field gen-
eral, proved himself last fall. This
year he hasn't had to throw.
This afternoon's contest, how-
ever, may change all that as each
team appears to have the defense
to stop the other's highly- regard-
ed ground attack. The Spartans'
have yielded only 96 yds. rushing,
while Michigan has grudgingly
given 12'. Both rank in the na-
tion's top ten,
Conversely, the opposing run-
ning attacks also rate among the
best. The Wolverines, led by Ben-
nie McRae's 160 yds. and Bill
Sanders .. . .E.....Maentz
Bobbitt ......LT.... Houtman
Azar ........LG........ Hall
Manders. .C.......Grant
Budde. .RG.....Kurtz
Brandstatter .RE....... Mans
Smith .......QB......Glinka
Charon ......LH......MeRae
Ballman ....RH..... Raimey
Hatcher .....FB... Tunnicliff

Tunnicliff's bull-like charges
88, have rolled up 466 yds.
Complete Backfield
Raimey and Glinka complete
Michigan starting backfield,
from last week, Glinka can
be expected to run. Together
fearsome foursome has racked
362 yds. in 56 trips for an av
age of 6.5 yds. The overall 'W
verine average is 4.8 yds. per c
Michigan State, however,
ground out 690 rushing.
Surprisingly, it has been
second string backfield that
done most of the work. De'
Lincoln, Sherman Lewis,
George Saimes, starting beh
veterans Carl Charon, -Gary B
man, and Ron Hatcher, have r
ed up 371 yds. between them. L
coln leads the group with
followed by Lewis with 1201,,
Saimes with 119.
Saimes, who Daugherty c
his "best back" is the only one
the trio who goes both ways,
ing a member of the Sparta
number one defensive unit.
Third Platoon
Should the first two units
ter Michigan State can ret:
to the third platoon. Ron Rub
possibly better known by the
tle '"The Manistique Missile"
the 184 points he tallied while
high school, tops the group a
57 yds. in five carries. Earl La
mer with a 6.5 average, and l
Lopes sbackhim up.
It appears to be quite a st
of offensive and d e f e n s i
strength. The only crimp, h
ever. may be put on by the wea
erman who is not promising
cooperation. The forecast
showers in the area.
Regardless of the weathern
though, something's got to g
Each coach is hoping that
not his line.
New F ielder
NEW YORK (P)--Johnny B1
chard, 'the New .,York Yanks
benchace, -will work out at b
first base and the outfield' r
spring as well as at his us
catching Job:
Ralph Houk revealed his p1
for Blanchard yesterday after
signed a new two-year contrac'
manage the Yankees at a repor
$45,000 annual salary.



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., *r -*.;.
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