THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sl CONFERENCE: Office Staffs May Unionize By CAROLINE DOW '4} Unless management begins to ecognize and answer the needs f "white collar" workers, they ill increasingly face the threat f white collar unionization, per- onel managers were told yes- erday. ' Program Director Clark Caskey f the Industrial Relations Bureau tressed- consideration of white' ollar needs in the keynote ad- ress of the Bureau's current per- :nnel techniques seminar, "Mo- vating the White Collar Employee a the Sixties." The unionization of white col- ar people presents two aspects. he first is that the while collar roup is growing and the work is ecoming oversimplified in some ,rea due to the automation of ff ices. The second aspect, from the nion point of view, is that white ollar workers continue to view hemselves as apart from the ypical factory worker, and must ie handled' as such. Caskey attributes the rise of rhite collar unionization to sev- ral factors, the major one being hat white collar employees have ecome in too many instances the forgotten men" caught be- ween the union and manage- I ne.t. The increase in number and oncentration of white collar em- loyees, the threat of job. loss rought on by automated office rqcedures and data processing nachinery, the challenge induced by automated processes encourages unionization, Caskey said. Some companies put white collar people last on the priority scale, lack of qualified supervisors and the in- equality of wages are also factors. A program of counteracting these inducements to unionization must be premised on the attitude that management is actually seek- ing to better the environment of the worker, and not a "beat the union" attitude, Caskey said. To be successful, the program should include fair salaries, know- ledge of union tactics, -sound supervisory selection and training, open systems of communication, carefully programmed education upon increased automation in the office and greviance procedures. A complete retraining for re- location and informational pro- gram should accompany automa- tion, Caskey said. This will lessen fear of job loss or displacement. Japanese Gain Mobility Through Social Change By GAIL EVANS Japanese society after 1868 was characterized by innovation and experimentation resulting in greater social mobility, Prof. Ber- nard Silberman of the history de- partment at the University of Arizona, told a Japanese Studies Center audience Thursday. In this period the samurai, or, elite, began to play a significant role as upper civil servants in Japanese bureaucracy. Before this, birth had determined status, and the highest position went to those with the highest birth. * The creation of a national gov- ernment, leading to more jobs, and the need for new skills in govern- ment caused the sudden emergence of mobility in the elite, he said. Prof. Silberman cited socialogi- cal theories of job recruitment and success motivation as methods of determining the degree of so- cial mobility. Methods of recruit- ment reflect how society feels about mobility. , Following the 1850's Japan made a- sudden change from a policy of 'isolation to one of moderniza- tion. In the new Japanese govern- ment consisting of about 350 top administrative assistants, the most successful civil servants had some contact with Western civilization and Western learning.- ' The lower elite seized upon knowledge of European languages and technical proficiency for ad- vancement, Prof. Silberman said. The nobility continued to rely upon tradition for position. Thus, the lower samurai gained social status through demand for these new skills, he concluded. The period from 1885-1940 was characterized by stability result- ing from the social innovations of the preceeding period, he ob- served. Union Fills Board Post' At Meeting With the installation of Prof. Richard Balzhier of the chemis- try department the Michigan Union Board of Directors official- ly began the new semester Thurs- day. Following the seating of Prof. Balzhier, the Board voted on sev- eral motions: It was ruled that resignations from the Union by students de- manding dues refunds were not acceptable, since this is included in the University's tuition. Two African students now at- tending Ann Arbor High School willbe permitted use of the Union as guests, since they formerly at- tended the English Language In- stitute. Guest privileges are not normal- ly extended to high school stu- dents. The Board also voted to relin- quish the organization of the an- nual Airflight to Europe program in the spring, a task granted them' by Student Government Council. The problem centered around the Union's legally not being able to include faculty members and women students,. due to a Civil Aeronautics Board ruling. A five-man committee was ap- pointed -to study the filling of a present graduate student vacancy on the board. Merchants Plan New Bus Service The Retail Merchants Division of the Ann Arbor Chamber of Commerce has revealed the like- ly possibility of a shuttle bus serv- ice to be inaugurated in about 30 days from State Street to Main Street, making seven stops., JOB REQUESTS: Bureau of Appointments Cites Statistics PROF. PETERSON ... campus director. JL , , Fund Drive The Ann Arbor United Fund kicked off its 1962 campaign Thursday with David S. Pollock of the University relations depart- ment heading .up the city wide drive and Prof. Shorey Peterson. of the economics department car- rying the campus fund-raising. "Not only does the University aim at providing a quarter of the city's $534,000 quota, but it is al- so providing a city wide chairman for the first time," Prof. Peterson said., With the theme "A Minute To Spare-A Year To Share," the campus chapter plans to raisej $107,943 this year. There will be no direct solicitation of students, although University employes will be contacted by volunteers. Letters have been sent out to many cam- pus organizations inviting their contributions. The" drive will continue through Nov. 9. By PHILIP SUTIN Preliminary figures for 1960-61 reveal that although job requests increased by 6,000 last year, the Bureau of Appointments had only 39 more registrants. The Bureau had requests for approximately 20,000 openings in its educational division, 19,000 in its general division, and 10,000 in its summer placement division. Last year, the bureau received approximately 17,000 requests in education, 18,500 in general, and 9,500 in its summer division. More Interviews Seventy more companies and schools interviewed students in the past year. Last year there were 578 sessions. This year there were 648. Two hundred fifty-six were in the education division, 278 in the general division, and 114 in sum- mer placement. In the general division, the bu- reau had 1,253 registrants, com- pared to 1,274 last year. This drop was seen as normal fluctuation by Marie Dow, of the Bureau. Fail to Continue In that division, the bureau placed 347 students in jobs. How- ever, 408 students who registered failed to continue the placement process and 498 were not placed for miscellaneous reasons. In the education division, the bureau placed 397 students at' col- leges as teachers and administra- tors, 357 as elementary school teachers, 896 as high school in- structors, and 172 as secondary school administrators. Some 550 found jobs through, the summer placement service this year. Requests for scientific and technical personnel ran about two times as heavy as requests for liberal arts graduates, Miss' Dow noted. As an example, Miss Dow cited the figures for personnel requests for alumni, of which 11,192 were for technical persons, and 6,363 were for liberal arts alumni. Commenting on these statistics, Prof. George Odiorne, head of the Bureau of Industrial Relations, said, "Company presidents say that they need liberal arts per- sons. Yet, when their recruiters come to the campus, they seek technical personnel.' Prof. Odiorne recently criticized recruiters for their over emphasis on technical personnel and its ef- fect on the popularity of liberal arts courses. The bureau does not contact companies after it sets up an in- terview between the student and the prospective employe. It can only approximate the number ofI placements based on replies to { questionnaires sent to registrants. MWISS MARIE DOW ... job statistics I t "Well Worth Seeing" -The New Yorker Dial 5-6290 MMAW ;OER ROBERSS E! C ROBERT ROSSEN SDNEYA RO "THE FIRS4T GOOD FILM OF THE FALLI WELCOME! --Paul Beckley. Herald-Tribune J TONIGHT and SUNDAY at 7 and 9:25 ROYAL AFFAIRS AT VERSAILLES, Written, directed and produced by Sacha Guitry. Music byFrancaix With Sacha Guitry, Orson Welles, Edith Piaf, Jean Marais, Claudette Colbert, Gerard Philipe, Jean-Pierre Aumont, Micheline Presle. f COLOR ARCHITECTURE AUDITORIUM 50 cents j ,t PANHEL WORKSHOP: Present Eight Ideas To Improve Grades i By MALINDA BERRY Panhellenic Association spon- sored its annual workshop to dis- cuss problems pertinent to sor- ority living Tuesday. There were four separate con- ferences each chaired by a mem- ber of the Panhel executive coun- cil. The four discussions dealt with transfer and housemother rela- tions, scholarship and activities, the relation of house judiciary and executive councils, and a gen- eral group. The workshop used the case study method, so that representa- tives from the sororities could discuss problems anonymously. The Scholarship discussion, chaired by Margaret Shaw, '63, Now Hear This! Now Hear This! All aboard for a shipload of fun as the Ann Arbor Civic Theatre, Presents Thomas Heggen's and Joshua Logan's H I LARIOUS, UNMATCHABLE RECORD-SMASH I NG, classic of a comedy and Sharon McCue, '63, presented eight major ideas for improving the atmosphere and grades with- in the houses. The girls suggested that houses remove the grade competition in- stilled by the nationals. They al- so urged that the intellectual and academic aspect of sorority life be presented at rush mass meet- ings to "alleviate the misconcep-, tion in many rushees; minds that sororities are mainly for parties." Three methods were suggested to instill the desire to study in actives; making the study room conducive to study, having schol- arship dinners, and emphasizing learning rather than grades. Required Study Study tables, where girls under a certain point average are re- quired to study a certain number of hours per week on the honor system, as well as other sugges- tions were offered to help control grades on the house level. To aid in controlling grades on the personal level a tutorial sys- tem within the house was sug- gested. Aid woul dalso' be offered in budgeting time. . Study programs consisting of big and little sister study dates at the library, the buddy system, and seminaring were also suggested. Study Aids Additional study aids of exam, and course material files, language tables, after-dinner speakers and seminars and eliminate the dis- traction of phones were also of- fered. Various methods of enforcing quiet hours were suggested. The. discussion of activities fol- lowed in the same groups. Posting a chart of all campus activities and events, announcing lectures and seminars, and rec- ognizing participants in house and campus functions were four meth- ods offered to stimulate aware- ness of activities and encourage participation. Activities Aspects The scheduling, attendance of and participation in activities was also discussed. I Free Delivery Free Delivery Free Delivery The group discussing transfer and housemother relations was chaired by Ruth Roby, '62, and Carole Feldman, '63. Many suggestions were offered to improve transfer student rela- tions within the house such as: avoiding the term "transfer" in referring to an, affiliate, encourag- ing an affiliate to take an active. 'interest in the house and to get to know her new "sisters." Also at- tendance at h o u s e functions (Author of "I Was a Teen-age Dwairf", "The Many Loves of Dobie Gilis', etc.) "shouldn't be compulsory, but at- tractive." Living Conditions Regarding living conditions, two suggestions were offered. The girls believed that integration of trans- fers is facilitated if all the girls can live in one house and avoid segregating transfers in an annex or in a basement. Many houses have partially solved their prob- lem by giving rooms in the house See PANHEL, Page 5 .1 "Mister Roberts" I The Cottage Inn Pizzeria and The Brown Jug Restaurant PIZZA ]Free Delivery PIZZA Pizza delivered free in hot portable ovens. Real Italian food is our specialty. Cottage Inn 3-5902 Brown Jug 8-9819 512 E. Williams 1204 S. University Free Delivery Free Delivery Free Delivery "STRIKINGLY EFFECTIVE It is beyond a doubt, a most beautiful, literally colorful and motion-filled version of the tragedy that dwarfs any 'Othello' constricted by the confines of stage and proscenium arch. Burgeoning drama that stands among Shakespeare's best"~ -A.H.Weier, New York mites A striking and ".h impressive film. For the>:" Bard's devotees,: Othello Is a usL..KateCamero , W il n"i {.;RXlit o ia m S h ak esp e* MuiWICO&m by67 ICACHATUPJAN Dlstrdbsted by Utllntfahniattotud A' Maujn Studio Production in COLpft Pictures at the rquestat the U.8. Dapartnent of Stato Iscannactieli with t, cultural achav, ogrekentwith the TITTOTMy jSojiet Unlo, 'Continuous Today i Fromn 1 o'clock -i THE TRUE AND HARROWING FACTS ABOUT RUSHING It is well enough to sit in one's Morris chair and theorize about sorority rushing, but if one really wishes to know the facts, one must leave one's Morris chair and go out into the field. (My Morris chair, incidentally, was given to me by the Philip Morris Company, makers of Marlboro Cigarettes.' They are great- hearted folk, the makers of Marlboro Cigarettes, as millions of you know who have enjoyed their excellent cigarettes. Only from bountiful souls could come such mildness, such flavor, such filters, such pleasure, as you will find in Marlboros! For those who prefer crushproof boxes, Marlboro is available in crushproof boxes. For those who prefer soft packs, Marlboro is available in soft packs. For those who prefer to buy their Cigarettes in bulk, please contact Emmett R. Sigafoos, friendly manager of our factory in Richmond, Virginia.) But I digress. I was saying that in order to know the true facts about sorority rushing, one must go into the field and investigate. Consequently, I went last week to the Indiana College of Spot Welding and Belles Lettres and interviewed several million coeds, among them a lovely lass named Gerund McKeever. (It is, incidentally, quite an interesting little story about how she came to be named Gerund. It seems that her father, Ralph T. McKeever, loved grammar better than any- thing in the world, and so he named all his children after parts of speech. In addition to Gerund, there were three girls named Preposition, Adverb, and Pronoun, and one boy named Dative Case. The girls seemed not to be unduly depressed by their names, but Dative Case, alas, grew steadily more morose and was finally found one night dangling from a participle. After this tragic event, the father abandoned his practice of gram- matical nomenclature, and whatever children were subsequently born to him-eight in all-were named Everett.) You'll chuckle at the real-live goat... you'll laugh at the human donkeys you'll. break up as these boisterous gobs burst the bubble of boredom with piercing vernacular and revellious revelry. THURSDAY-$1.50 October 19 FRIDAY-$1.75 October 20 SATURDAY-$1.75 October 21 CURTAIN TIME: 8:00 P.M. LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Tickets at the Box Office or write Box 87 Box Office Opens 10 A.M. Monday SAYE: Buy Season Tickets-Thurs., $6.00; Fri.-Sat., $7.00 ,{.4. i o'thic lans announces £ocie ty ." eilil I1 I DIAL NO 2-626 Subscriptions Still Available for the Current Series STARTINGSHOWS STAR STRTN 3:00 - 5:00 - 7:00 4TODAYFEATURE S TO AY25 MINUTES THIS IS BOBBY..A REMARKABLE HERO ..the shaggy waif who "' Such a tiny. lived an astonishingdotoret a t h n to cre a adventure that won hirn 'd: a .:>;:.;.: TAT 1:00 )U and 9:00 TARTS LATER Oct. 23: QUAI DES BRUMES (written by Jacques Prevert, dir. by Marcel Carne, France, 1938); and THE SMILING MADAME BEUDET (dir by Germaine Dulac France, 1922) Nov. 13 FRAGMENT OF AN EMPIRE (dir, by Friedrich Ermler, USSR, 1928); and THE FIRE- MAN (dir. by charles Chaplin, U. S., 1916) Dec. 4: THE SEVEN SAMURAI (THE MAGNIFI- CENT SEVEN) ( Akira Kurosawa, Japan, 1954); and HIGHWAY (dir. by Hilary Harris, 1 '.1SIO7 -r e:- s .:.- .1 n . Feb. 12: SOUS LES TOITS DE PARIS (dir. by Rene Claire, 'France,. 1930); and FANTASY FOR FOUR STRINGS (dir. by Albert Pierru, France, 1957) Mar. 5: THE GENERAL LINE (dir. by Sergei Eisenstein, USSR, 1929); and HIS MARRIAGE WOW (dir. by Mack Sennett, with Harry Lang- don) Mar. 26: SHOESHINE (dir, by Vittorio de Sica, Italy, 1947); and NIGHT MAIL, (dir. by Harry Watt and Basil Wright,HGreat Britain, 1936) An,.. 23: BED AND SOFA (dir by Abram Room, I But I digress. I W+s interviewing a lovely coed named Gerund McKeever. "Gerund," I said, "were you rushed by a sorority?" "Yes, mister," she said, "I was rushed by a sorority." "Did they give you a high-pressure pitch?" I asked. "Did ,they use the hard sell?" "No, mister," she replied. "It was all done with quiet dignity. They simply talked to me'about the chapter and the girls for about three minutes and then I pledged." "My goodness !" I said. "Three minutes is not very long for a sales talk!" "It is when they are holding you under water, mister,': said Gerund. "Well, Gerund," I said, "how do you like the house?" "I like the house fine, mister," she replied. "But I don't live there. Unfortunately, they pledged more girls than they have room for, so they are sleeping some of us in the bell tower.,. "Tsn't that rather noisv?" I said. I 11 I ~ k~ U1ETiA&5fZ~ :.. 2~V~-i~i .A I W1Y