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October 14, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-14

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


High-52 ,
Partly cloudy and
cooler today





Joint Unit"
Group Awaiting
Hatcher Report
The joint meeting of the Devel-
opment Council and the Alumni
Association yesterday deferred
consideration of a report defining.
their inter-relationship awaiting
the report of a committee ap-
pointed by University President
Harlan Hatcher.
A report and recommendations
concerning the inter-financing
and representation of the two or-
ganizations was held for further
discussion last June just. before
the departure of Lyle Nelson,
the former vice-president for Uni-
versity relations.
As there was a misunderstand-
ing on the report, it was sent back
,to the administration when, Vice-
President for University Relations
Michael Radock succeeded Nelson.
The report is now under study by
an administrative committee ap-
pointed by President Hatcher.
The committee report of the
Alumni Fund to the Eighth An-
nual Development Conference re-
ported gifts for the fiscal year
1960-61 totaled $364,032.92 with
the number of donors increasing
to 17,897; the highest in Univer-
sity history.
The Development Council budg-
et for the coming year will be
within $9 of last year, Halsey
Davidson, Council vice-chairman,
said in his budget report. The
1960-61 budget being $142,833 with
the 1961-62 budget going down to
$142,824, he reported.
In addition, the Development
conference reviewed the organi-
zation of the newly initiated Pres-
idents Club and the Law School
Fund. The Presidents Club, with
membership requirement of a gift
of not less than $10,000 in a per-
iod of ten years, announced club
membership up to 12.
The Law School Fund plans to
hold its first campaign between
Oct. 30 and Nov. 18, contacting
alumni of the Law School who
have not given to the Law School
or supported the Michigan Alum-
ni Fund in 1961.
Upon a report from Prof. Charles
1. Sawyer of the history of art
department and chairman of the
University Senate Advisory Com-
mittee, the Council agreed to rec-
ommend to the Regents that an-
other representative of the Sen-
ate, an alumnus, be appointed to
the Council in addition to the
ex-officio membership of the Sen-
ate chairmen. 1
James C. Zeder, chairman of
the Memorial- hoenix Project
Board of Gov rnors announced
that the Phoenix fund raising
campaign has collected $2,175,876
and is expected -to go over the
$2.2 million mark with the final
collection of pledges.
The, conference received a re-
port on the alumni-house office
building plan which stated con-
sideration of combining the pro-
posed new faculty center and the
alumni facilities.
The Council accepted the re-
port of the Student Relations
Board and agreed to underwrite
the publicity for the Second An-
nual Development Council Jazz
Concert on February 24.
The conference will continue to-

day with a public panel discus-
sion on "Meeting the Challenge
of the University" at 9:30 a.m.
in the Union.
Panel participants will include
Robert P. Briggs, president of the
Michigan State Chamber of Com-
merce as moderator and Vice-
President and Dean of Faculties
Marvin L. Niehuss as principal
Swainson Opposes
Voiding 'Rule Nine'


Expect 103,000
To View Contest
Undefeated Michigan To Meet
Twice Victorious MSU Gridders
Associate Sports Editor
The big one is here!
And from the looks of things it could be the biggest of
the season in more ways than one. The game figures to an-
swer plenty of questions, the foremost being just how good is
Better than 103,000 are expected in the Stadium to see

AMBASSADOR REPLIES-United States Ambassador to the
United Nations Adlai E. Stevenson indignantly refuted the
charges of Soviet delegate Valerian A. Zorin that the United
States controls the Secretariat.
Zorin Charges U.S.
Controls Secretariat
WASHINGTON (P)-Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian A.
Zorin charged yesterday tht "one man"-evidently meaning Ameri-
can Andrew W. Cordier-had seized power illegally over the United
Nations Secretariat.
Zorin, at a 1%Y2-hour news conference, alleged that the unidenti-
fied official was running the 4,400-member Secretariat of the 101-
nation organization in a one-sided way.
A spokesman for the Secretariat denied that any one man had

taken charge among the 29 UN
Board lets
New Polic

undersecretaries. In a statement, he
--said there had been "no change
whatsoever in the responsibilities"
of the undersecretaries, but they

Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs James A. Lewis has approved
a policy statement issued by the
Human Relations Board and ap-
proved by the Committee qn Off-
Campus Housing, which says that
any person who practices discrimi-
natory policies \will not be per-
mitted to use University facilities
or services for advertisement.
The Board attempts to bring
about the full implementation of
the Regents' Bylaw 2.14, adopted
Nov. 20, 1960, which reads:
"Policy on Nondiscrimination:
the University shall not discrimi-
nate against any person because
of race, color, religion, creed, na-
tional origin or ancestry."
Action at their meeting yester-
day in which the latest statement
was confirmed is a further exten-
sion of a policy adopted in May,
1960, which prohibited University
services from rental or sale of
housing to its students by owners
known to discriminate.
The policy now says that since
bulletin boards and publications
serve all students and staff of the
University any services, merchan-
dise or housing advertised should
be offered without regard to race,
color, religion, creed, national ori-
gin or ancestry.

were consulting among themselves
much more than before Secretary-
General Dag Hammarskjold died
in a plane crash in Africa Sept.
United States Ambassador Ad-
lai E. Stevenson, Zorin's opposite
number in negotiations on the sub-
ject, commented that the United
States would "resist the concept
of the troika or the ideological
division of the world into three
"I wish Mr. Zorin would not
threaten the United Nations with
disaster if he does not have his
way," he added.
Zorin said the United Nations
would collapse "if the path of
non-agreed decisions is taken" in
the Secretariat.
He reiterated the Soviet Un-
ion's willingness to have a single
acting secretary - general take
charge temporarily instead of the
three-man board, or troika, that
it wants to be installed eventually.
He said the acting secretary-
general should choose three, four,
six or seven other secretaries of
specified nationalities for princi-
pal advisers and should promise
before his election to consult them
and seek mutual agreement with
them on major questions. But he
stressed that the top man should
make his own decisions and should
not be subject to their veto.

for themselves whether or not
Soviets Oust'
Dutchi Aide
MOSCOW (P)-The Soviet Un-
ion withdrew its ambassador to
Holland yesterday and ordered the
Dutch ambassador to leaveMos-
cow in protest against the brawl
between Soviet embassy officials'
and police at Amsterdam's airport
In a note to the Dutch govern-
ment, the Soviet government de-
clared police had made a "shame-
ful provocation" against the per-
son of Soviet Ambassador Ponte-
leimon K. Ponomarenko while he
was performing his duties protect-
ing Soviet citizens.
Halt Fight
The affair grew out of a con-
troversy over Mrs. Alexei Golub
whose husband, a Soviet biochem-
ist, had defected while on a tour
in the Netherlands. The Russian
woman arrived at the airport evi-
dently prepared to depart but
Dutch police insisted on talking
to ser to see whether she was
leaving of her own free will.
She then was allowed to fly
back to the Soviet Union while
her husband stayed in the Neth-
In the note the Soviet govern-
ment accused the police of an in-
tentional provocation made with
the knowledge of the Dutch gov-
After the affair Ponomarenko
was rebuked by the Dutch foreign
office. The Russians refused to
accept the blame.
Reject Memoire
"The Soviet government rejects
as slanderous the contents of the
aide-memoire of the Netherlands
government of Oct. 12 blaming the
personnel of the Soviet embassy,"
the note said.
"This is only proof of an ef-
fort to justify gross trampling by
Holland authorities upon the nor-
mal rights of diplomatic person-
",The above-mentioned cannot
be appraised outherwise than as
an attempt to worsen relations
and sharpen the situation." The
note added that the affair could
only bring serious consequences.
"The Soviet government insists
that measures be taken which will
exclude all possibility of such ac-
tions in the future."

the Wolverines can withstand
the challenge of Michigan
State. Millions more will watch
from their living rooms on na-
tionwide TV. Kickoff time is
1:30 p.m.I
Both Unbeaten
Both squads are unbeaten in
two starts and both have' been
impressive. Michigan has demol-
ished UCLA and Army, both con-
sidered to be the class of their
respective sections, while Michi-
gan State has bounced Wisconsin
and Stanford.
The impressive start has earned
both squads places in the wire
services' "Top Ten," but the Wol-
verines weren't supposed to be that
good. Today's battle figures to tell
the tale.
At stake besides a high national
ranking and the satisfaction of
knocking off the state's other big
football power is Mr. Paul Bun-
yan, actually titled the "Paul
Bunyan-Governor of Michigan
Trophy." Currently it rests with
the Spartans via MSU's 24-17 vic-
tory a year ago at East Lansing.
It has been there for the past five
(The Bunyan award was inaug-
urated some years back, when for-
mer Gov. G. Mennen Williams
felt that the traditional M-MSU
rivalry ought to have a trophy.
For a while, however, the idea
was not very well received.)
Game Called Tossup
The oddsmakers are calling the
game a tossup, and who's to ar-
gue. The series has been full of
surprises and thrills since its in-
ceptionsback in 1898. The Wolver-
ines hold a 35-14 advantage with
four games ending in ties.
Both teams have worked behind
See MICHIGAN, Page 7
Petitions Set
For Elections
Thirteen students have returned
petitions for the Student Govern-
ment Council elections.
Petitioning closed at 5 p.m. yes-
terday with the following students
officially enrolled as candidates in
the Nov. 7 and 8 elections:
Thomas A. Brown, '63; Douglas
Dahn, '62; Joseph Feldman, '64;
Richard G'sell, '63; Sharon Jef-
frey, '63; and Stanley Lubin, '63.
Also running are: Kenneth Mc-
Eldowney, '62 (incumbent); Rich-
ard Magidoff, '63; Council Presi-
dent Richard Nohl, '62BAd.; Fred
Riecker, '63; Robert Ross, '63;
Steven Stockmeyer, '63 and John
Vos, '63.
Candidate orientation sessions
conducted by SGC elections direc-
tor Barbara Perlman, '62, will be
held at 2 p.m. and again at 4 p.m.
tomorrow in Rm. 3532 of the
Student Activities Bldg.
Group Honors
'U' President
President Harlan Hatcher was
honored by the Development
Council last night with the an-
nouncement of the creation of a
Harlan Hatcher Distinguished Pro-
fessorship in the Humanities in
recognition of his services to the

More than 250 quadrangle resi-
dents stood watch from midnight
to morn last night in an attempt
to foil pre-game vandalism on the
part of both University and Michi-
gan State students.
The quadrangle residents, organ-
ized under the direction of Inter-
quadrangle-Council Vice-President
Robert Geary, '63E, deployed in
groups at key points across the
Minimize Incidents
Hopefully, through close organi-
zation and weight of numbers, the
presence of observers who were in
close touch with the Ann Arbor
police, the Sanford Security police
and each other minimized .inci-
dents of painting and malicious
mischief, Geary said.
Thursday night, eight incidents
of painting were reported to the
Ann Arbor police and one of lye
being thrown on the lawn of the
Michigan Union. Approximately 40
MSU students and 20 University
students were stopped 'by police
that night.
There was also one incident, of
a statue on the MSU campus being
painted with a large blue M. The
students involved were not appre-
'Incidents Unworthy'
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea
commented that such incidents are
"unworthy of a high school and
no way to help college spirit.
"This should be a friendly rival-
ry," he said.
Under an agreement between the
two schools, anyrMSU students
caught in Ann Arbor- are turned
over to MSU authorities for disci-
pline and University students
caught in East Lansing face disci-
plinary action by the University,
Dean Rea said.
He added that in the case of
defacing a building not belonging
to either of the two schools, the
matter would become a civil one,
outside of the jurisdiction of either
Investigation Held
Assistant Dean of Men John
Bingley said that an investigation

-Daily-Ed Langs
VICTORS-The Michigan football team charges through the tunnel into the stadium for another
game. In its,first two games, the squad has charged on to victory, but MSU will be trying to
reverse this trend today.
Quad Men Guard 'U' Campus

into those University students
caught Thursday is now being con-
According to Dean Rea, usual
penalties for mischief at MSU has
been barring attendance at today's
football game.
The buildings that received
paintings Thursday night were the
Frieze Bldg., the Michigan Union,
the stadium, a railroad bridge, the
Rackham Bldg., the Museum of
Natural History, the Engineering
Ford, UAW
Fail To Sign
.Labor Policy
DETROIT OP-) - Yesterday was
supposed to be the day Ford and
the United Auto Workers Union
signed their new three-year na-
tional labor agreement.
Top level negotiators agreed to
terms Wednesday.,
The union's international exec-
utive board approved it Wednes-
day night.
The union's Ford national coun-
cil endorsed it Thursday.
The signing was set for 1 p.m.
The participants - President
Walter P. Reuther for the union
and Malcolm L. Denise, Ford's
vice- president -labor relations -
were reported in shape along with
their full bargaining committees.
The signing hour came and
Then came the word-postpon-
ed. The official reason: techni-
cians for both sides have been too
busy to complete all of the for-
mal language.
A spokesman said the date on
the calendar-Friday the 13th-
played no part in the postpone-
ment. But when the contract gets
signed it will bear another date,
today or sometime soon.

Arch, and a local.restaurant.
In two cases, students were
caught in the process and forced
to clean the damage immediately,
Dean Rea said.
T m
IFC Rejects
Group's Bid'.
The Interfraternity Council
Executive Committee Thursday
night defeated a motion to rec-
ommend Evans Scholars for ad-
mission into IFC.
The motion would then have
gone to the Fraternity President's
Assembly for final approval.
The decision not to recommend
the group was based on a report
compiled by an executive subcom-
mittee which listed possible alter-
native means of admission of the
Evans Scholars is a .group of
students who have received schol-
arships as caddies from the West-
ern Golf Association. Members are
chosen by a combination of in-
terviews by alumni and members
of the chapter.
The report from the executive
subcommittee noted the houses
lack of rush' and stated that it
would mean either a change in or
reinterpretation of the IFC's con-
stitution and bylaws regarding
Evans Scholars has been peti-
tioning IFC for admission since


of last semester.

The University chapter was
founded in 1953 and is currently
located on Olivia St., the former
Alpha Chi Omega sorority house,
which it occupied in 1960.
The organization originated
Golf Pro Chic Evans donated $14,-
000, in royalties he had received
for golf lessons on phonograph
records to establish caddying

Union Takes Wastebasket

Cow Flees, Humans Freeze

Everybody shivered but the
cymbalist, and leaves sailed away
in the biting wind, but Michigan
!prepared itself for today's big
game against its traditional foe.
The hard core of fans' who
braved the frigid air applauded
posters reading "Udder Catastro-
phe" and "MSU: The herd shot
'round the -world'."
Bandsmen, cheerleaders, and
even a hapless cow were present
at the pep-rally held last night in
front of the graduate library.
Speakers jeered the "agrarian re-
formers" and asked the fans to
let their enthusiasm "radiate

ti ,.... _

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