"Something For You, Something For Me" / f idvigan Batty, Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 'Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevai"- STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Proposed Solutions To Housing Bias 4 DAY, OCTOBER 13, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY PERLSTADT Federal Authority MustEnterM MComb URING LAST NIGHT'S Student Govern- S mentCouncil meeting, it was learned that Tom Hayden, former editor of The Daily-,had Sbeenbeaten in McComb, Mississippi. SGC im- mediately voted to send a telegram to Attorney General Robert Kennedy which strongly urged "that the federal government take immediate action within its power to -restore law and or- der in McComb." There can, be no debate that a protest of some sort was in order. Leaders of the Stu- dent Non-Violent Co-ordinating Committee be- gan a voter registration drive in McComb in August, andsince then the area has been rip- ped by violence. At least five persons connected with the drive have been beaten, sometimes so severely as to require stitches. Economic reprisals have been taken against local Ne- groes who have attempted to register. There has been one killing. MOREOVER, this violence has been accom- panied by an almost total breakdown of law enforcement and justice. The SNCC lead- era have been harrassed and arrested by po- lice. Robert Moses was beaten within full sight of the local marshal and his deputy, who made no attempt to rescue himn, and his assailant was found "not guilty" by the all-white jury. John Hardy was struck with, a gun by the registra- tion clerk in Liberty and then thrown in jail for breach of peace; when the Justice Depart- ment asked the local district judge to inter- vene, the reqftest was turned down with the comment that a minor case in Mississippi couldn't possibly damage our image abroad. When Tom Hayden arrived in McComb, he was warned- that the police "couldn't protect out- side agitators, especially whites." And a police car which had been accompanying him strange- ly vanished at the precise moment when viol- ence flared. Far from improving, the situation is actual- y getting worse. Hayden left McComb last night after being told of lynch rumors by a newsman. Robert Moses, a SNCC leader, is in particular peril. Whites were permitted to see him "for later" while he was in jail last week, and he and his compatriots were forced to Idayden SymI WHEN THE NEWS BROKE about Thomas Hayden being beaten in McComb,- many felt that "he got his; he deserved it." In a real sense, he did. He chose to interfere in a tense situation. He knew the possible consequences and went in anywa . He felt he was right in doing this and he was. However, the local people were not wrong in their reaction either. Effectively, but crudely, they were standing on their right to decide upon their own way of life. The tonsfolk reacted as we might react if a group of Southerners came to Ann Arbor and attemtpted to talk the Ann Arbor gentry - into assuming the "right" of deciding the University's curriculum. Our methods might have been different; our reaction would have been the same. HOWEVER those people who are working for integration by "interfering in local affairs" are also right. They believe that it is not only morally wrong to deny a United States citizen the right to vote, but that a 'solution to the segregation problem in the South, and the - North, may come too late for this nation. The African and non-Caucasian nations are rising; they are coming into their own and they make up the majority of the world's population. It is true that in this nation we segregate: some of our people are disenfran- chised for the color of their skin and are believed culturally inferior. We cannot deny the fact of segregation. Are we in a position to offer assurances in the struggle for the emel'ging nations that we "mean well" and only AFRICAN STUDENTS: temporarily leave the area. They are back in McComb now, skipping from place to place at night to minimize the chances of being caught by a mob. CLEARLY THE SITUATION in McComb is explosive. Clearly, the local authorities are unable or unwilling to do much about it except harrass the civil rights workers. Federal in- tervention appears the only way to prevent oppression and outrages of the most primitive kind. Action by the U.S. government could take several forms. The fecent Civil Rights legisla.- tion and a battery of older laws dating from the Reconstruction provide legal authority for action through the courts. But action through the courts is very slow. Moreover, it is puni- tive rather than preventative. Authority for a more active form of inter- vention also exists. Whenever an insurrection or conspiracy hinders execution of the laws of the land and local authorities fail to check the uprising, the President may issue a procla- mation and take whatever action he deems necessary to establish order. President Eisen- hower took this course when'he sent the Na- tional Guard into Little Rock. The Attorney General also has broad powers as supervisor of U.S. marshals, who are charged to "exercise the laws of the United States within a state," and, in so doing, "may execute the same powers as a sheriff of that state." This authorized Robert Kennedy to send fed- eral marshals into Alabama following the riots in Montgomery. LEGAL AUTHORITY for federal intervention in McComb exists. Such intervention, given the circumstances, is not precipitate. Indeed, to allow events to run their course in McComb would be irresponsible in the extreme. Students with an average age of 22 are in Southern Mississippi, quietly insisting on their rights in the face of official hostility and mob violence. It's about time our so-called leaders moved in to support them. -JOHN ROBERTS Editor )olizes Conflict want to help our "brothers?" Not as long as there is segregation in our own land. For moral and humane reasons and for reasons of national survival then, we must desegregate, and quickly. The group that is "interfering in local affairs" is trying to attain this goal quickly. Thus, there is con- flict in the South. It is best if it is resolved non-violently, in fact, the only feasible way. THE PICTURE on Thursday's front page portrayed Thomas Hayden covering his head, probably preparing to go into the non- violent position, placing the hands above the head so that person cannot be construed as fighting back. Fronm both the Southern and integrationist point of view, Hayden was getting what he deserved, and he knew it. He hdd interfered and was being told so in no uncertain terms. He also was dramatizing, more effectively than in his four years at the University, the strife in the South to those of us In Ann Arbor. He deserves the rresult of both roles. When Hayden raised his hands above his head, he may have wished at that moment that it were possible to stop this conflict, but no one; can. When he raised his hands, he admitted that the conflict was real and that nothing but total solution could resolve it. That was the real significance of the in- cident-that conflict exists. The tragedy is . . . that both sides have a right. The question for all of us is . . . who has the highest right and how far does it allow them to go? -CAROLINE DOW SIDELINE ON SGC: Council Slams the' Door, By RONALD WILTON Daily Staff Writer -IE CIVIL Rights Commission, headed by President John A. Hannah of Michigan State Uni- versity has given President en- nedy an opportunity to break the back of racial discrimination in federally aided housing and by federally supervised mortgage lenders. TheCommission's proposals go beyond proposals it made to Presi- dent Eisenhower in 1959, and break new ground in the fight to elimin- ate discrimination in housing. And therein lies the biggest reason for quick implementation of the rec- ommendations; they would affect about 90 per cent of privately fi- nanced home sales, as well as all existing public housing, urban re- newal projects and housing for the elderly. There is another reason which is perhaps more politically expedient. Mr. Kennedy pledged action in this field during his presidential campaign. The committee's findings 'e- vealed that at all levels of the ho ing and home-finance industries, including builders, lenders, real es- tate brokers and sometimes the lo- cal housing authority, that federal resources are utilized to accentu- ate discrimination, The commis- sion somehow seemed to think that this went against the notion of in- dividual freedom which Ameri- cans are so proud of.,As they put it, in housing, as elsewhere, the essence of freedom is choice. The report concentrated on the hous- ing problems of Negroes but it. cited some instances of discrimina- tion against Jews and other min-, ority groups. The commission found that the government "has done virtually nothing" to prevent the discriminatory use of federal housing benefits, even though it had recommended to President Ei- senhower that he take action in this field in 1959. THE COMMISSION'S recom- mendations were broken down In- to the following five areas: Federally Regulated Lenders- The panel urged the President or Congress to require non-discrimi- nation by all financial institutions that are supervised by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, the Con- troller of the Currency, th Feder-' al Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. These four agencies regulate, aid or su- pervise banks and savings and loan associations that hold more than 60 per cent of the nation's non-farm mortgage debt. Accord- ing to the Commission, they consti-. tute "a major factor in the denial of equal housing opportunity." The above recommendtations were not unanimously agreed on. The commission's vice chairman, Robert G. Storey, a Dallas law- yer and former president of the American Bar Assocation, pro- tested vigorously. Mr. Storey de- clared that he deplored racial bias but was very much opposed to fur- ther federal intervention into the affairs andpolicies of private fi- nancial institutions. He contended that even when partly regulated by the government, such institu- tions are primarily business con- cerns and not instruments for so-. cial reforms. What Mr. Storey is, in effect, doing is espousing the great Ameri- can doctrine of complete free en- terprise. In doing so he seems to have forgotten an even greater American doctrine which we are constantly bringing up in the Cold War but always forgetting about at home; something about the dig- nity of the individual (with no ra- cial or religious restrictions as to which individual). The commission also found that officials of the four affected federal agencies shared Mr. Storey's ob- jections. This makes one wonder whether federal supervisory agen- cies were created to help business undermine one of the most im- portant of this country's principles. Federal Home Loan P'ogras- The President was urged to direct three key agencies to take steps, possibly including written agree- ments, to assure nondiscriminatio, by builers, brokers, and banks participating in theirhprograms. The agencies are the Federal Housing Administration, which in- sures 21.5 per cent of all non farm mortgages; the Veterans Admini- stration, which guarantees home loans by veterans; and the Federal National Mortgage Association, which buys and sells private home mortgages previously insured by F.H.A. or guaranteed by the V.A. Relocation Housing-The com- mission recommended that com- munities receiving federal urban renewal assistance be required to relocate in adeguate housing per- sons displaced by slum clearance. At the present such communities are composed mostly of Negroes. Urban Renewal-The Urban Re- newal Administration should re- quire a provision assuring access to the housing to all applicants on a nonracial basis be inserted in all contracts between local public housing authorities and private redevelopers. Fact-Finding - The committee urged that all federal agencies concerned with housing and hous- ing credit should undertake sur- veys, to determine the availability of credit and the impact of Feder- al housing policies among minority groups. ASSERTING the dignity of the individual and protecting him from discrimination is of much greater importance than prevent- ing the government from interfer- ing in businesses which contradict these. Of equal importance is the fact that Kennedy's action would be a big step in taking the federal government out of the discrimina- tion business. The problem of bias in housing is nation-wide and the commission's recommendations will take care of it on a nation- wide basis. Piously deploring discrimination while practicing it will never lead to equal opportunity. President Kennedy should implement the commission's recommendations immediately, and steps should be taken to include the remaining 10 per cent of privately financed home sales not covered by the recommendations. LETTERS to the EDITOR Blind Editor?... To the Editor: E EXPRESS disapproval of the Editor's remark at the SGC meeting of October 11, con- cerning the motion to send letters to presidents of fraternities and sororities to encourage their com- pliance with the Committee on Membership ruling, rather than setting a December 1 time limit. " this is a piddling and in- consequential action," said John Roberts. We regret that The Daily's Ed- itor cannot see the importance of such a motion that effects so many students on this campus. We heartily approve of the un- animous acceptance of the above mentioned motion, and further commend the members of SGC on their understanding of the Intri- cacies involved and the respon- sible attitude 'SGC has demon- strated. -Carole Feldman, Panhellenic Public Relations Chairman -Susanne Brockway, Panhellenic Treasurer (Letters to the Editor should be limited to 300 words, typewritten and double spaced. The Daily re- _ serves the right to edit or withhold any letter. Only signed letters will be printed.) By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Daily staff Writer REFUSING to stand up and be counted in a roll-call vote or even tolet those in disagree- ment with them express their views, a majority of Student Gov- ernment Council members Wed- nesday night railroaded through the Council a meaningless amend- ment to operating procedures hardly worth the name of legis- lation. What originally began as a rea- sonable, well-written motion by Susan Stillerman and Brian Glick was so disfigured by a set of crippling amendments from John Vos that it now says nothing, means nothing and is noteworthy only as a monument to the ir- responsibility which has proved SGC's outstanding characteristic this year.; Glick and Stillerman's motion would have required that when the Council goes into executive session it is obliged to report out at least all motions and amend- ments, the number of Council members for and against each motion, recorded alstentions and all roll call votes during the ses- sion. The motion also stipulated that when the Council considers ap- pointments in executive session it must report out the criteria used in judging all the applicants for each position and that a list of criteria for any appointive post must be supplied to applicants before selection was made. Members would be prohibited from reporting what other mem- bers said or how they voted dur- ing executive session, but would be free to explain their own votes and statements. * * M VOS' AMENDMENT lightly adds "by majority vote" to each main point of the Glick-Stillerman mo- tion. This looks innocent and democratic but -utterly destroys the enforced SGC responsibility which is demanded by the original motion. Instead of saying that the Coun- cil must report out all motions, amendments, numbers for and against proposals, abstentions and roll call votes, the motion now says that the Council "may, if it chooses by majority vote do so. Instead of saying that the Council must let candidates and constituents know what criteria are being used to judge them, the motion now says that the Council "may, by majority vote" do so. Bankrupt THE UNITED NATIONS cannot keep going for many more months at its present rate of in- come and expenditure without be- coming, bankrupt. Its present ex- traordinary expenditures on the Congo Force and the Emergency Force in the Middle East amount annually to $140 million-more than twice the organization's nor- mal budget. Instead of guaranteeing every Council member his right to de- fend and explain his own position, the motion now forbids this ex- pression "unless the Council spe- cifically chooses . . . by majority vote" to permitit. What does Vos' version of the motion now say? In effect it says that the Council, when it chooses to do so by majority vote, can do anything it pleases so long as it is not violating any laws or pro- hibitions. Of course it can. So can any- body. So what? IN THIS MOTION as in any motion, the actual result is not so important as the intent be- hind it. The Council this semes- ter has tripped blithely from ex- ecutive session to executive ses- sion, ousting constituents from the chambers, hashing over appoint- ments for hours at a stretch, beckoning to constituents to re- turn to their seats and then an- nouncing the results of the ex- ecutive session like a god handing down decrees from the mountain. The Council reports that it has chosen certain student members for its standing committees. Why were they chosen? What criteria were used? Did everyone approve of the decision? , The naive constituent asks these questions and then learns that he is treading on the forbidden ground of the executive session floor. He has no right to know what criteria were used. "Are you questing the integrity of the in- terviewing and nominating com- mittee?" * * * HE HAS NO RIGHT to ask whether some Council members disagreed with the final decision. "We owe it to the new appointees to give them unanimous backing whether we feel they deserved their appointments or not. Time will tell whether we have made the right decision." He has no right to ask a Coun- cil member whom he has helped to elect and who is earnestly so- liciting his vote for the next elec- tion how he voted or what his views were. "Council members must be free to express their opinions unhesitatingly in execu- tive session without fear of hav- ing them made public." AND JUST WHAT does go on in these sacro-sanct executive sessions when the Council deliber- ates for three hours and is un- able to choose, from a list of 18 applicants, three worthy to fill the positions of members who have resigned? I don't know and neither (os- tensibly) does anyone else. But it's a pretty sure bet that the mud-slinging and character slan- der that go on would not look very pretty in print. This basically is the reason members opposing the original mo- tion were happy to vote for Vos' watered-down version. Now they don't have to worry about being responsible for their actions un- less they want to. And it hardly They further argue that if a Council member would express his individual disapproval of an ap- pointment the new appointee would start out "with the feeling that' some members of the Coun- cil did not approve of him." Neither of these arguments is either logical or justified. No one will be able to tell from a simple listing of motions exactly how a discussion went. Roll call votes are taken only with majority consent, so no member would be formally accountable for his ac- tion unless the Council decided all members were accountable. If a roll call vote or a report- ing out of motions and amend- ments will make Council members stop and think before dredging up petty personal grudges, so much the better. Responsibility of this kind is all to the good and will probably serve to shorten "secret society" meetings. As to the myth that an ap- pointee must have a feeling of unanimous Council support be- hind him, what President, con- gressman or even SGC member took office with this attitude?' * * * THE VERY FACT that an ex- ecutive session is held, let alone - the fact that it drags on hour after hour, is certainly indication enough of dissension. This dis- sension, if anything, should serve to inspire the appointee to greater efforts. A forced picture of a unified Council is hypocritical and unnecessary. The real fear of those voting for Vos' amendment was that they would have to answer to consti- tuents for their behavior during executive -session. It is impossible to say just which of the Council members these were, because they were riot even proud enough of their decision to record it by roll call vote, though one was requested. RUSHING THROUGH the amendments in one thoughtless a vote after another, they refused to extend debate time long enough for opponents to voice their ob- jections. Two of the amendments were passed with no discussion at all, even though three or four op- ponents wished to debate them. There is no doubt that the word irresponsibility has been worked to death this semester. But it must be used here once more. The basic foundation of Stu- dent Government Council is re- sponsibility to its constituents and the University. Any SGC candidate who asks for student support owes it to his constituents to stand behind his decisions and votes. What other basis have we for electing him? AS A CONSTITUENT, I am get- ting tired of being thrown out of SGC meetings every time the body retires into its holy of holies. I am tired of returning after ex- ecutive sessions to hear a cryptic "report" of final action the body has taken and being denied the DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN West Rejects Future Leaders U NIVERSITIES in Russia are crammed with students from Africa, China, India and the Far East. As guests of the Soviet government, they get their education free. There are two conditions: they must accept indoctrination in- to Communism and, perhaps just as important, they must learn to rely on Soviet methods and Soviet equipment to carry out those methods when they get back to their own countries.- This program greatly impresses newly inde- pendent nations who are desperately short of leaders in all spheres and of trained techni- cal personnel. The attention which these students must give to Communism does not, in their view, conflict with their own purposes. And the West can't really protest this attitude since "democratic" colonial governors have regularly put leaders of "freedom" movements into prison. It is, in fact, rather remarkable that the prison terms This goodwill on the part of the leaders should be exploited. We should have university programs in the Free World as freely avail- able as they are in the Communist bloc. But there are very few Africans and Asians at Canadian universities. HE POSITION of the United States is para- doxical. While spending billions of dollars in foreign aid (often to buttress corrupt re- gimes) the State Department doesn't seem to be able to formulate a way to help students at American universities. The cost, according to a report prepared last month, would be less than half a billion dollars. In fact $400,000 would mean that the 1,800 Africans now enrolled in U.S. colleges would have no financial diffculties. Many of them find these difficulties, at the moment, insuper- able. Indeed, unless this relatively, small amount The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which , The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices -should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13 General Notices All Choral Union ushers who did not get a chance to sign to usher at the Four Freshmen Concert on Friday Oct. 13th, and who desire to usher at this event, please report for duty at 7:30 p.m. at the east door of Hill Aud. Faculty Physical Fitness-Men - "Be- ginning on Tues., Oct. 23, the Depart- ment of Physical Education for Men will be conducting an exercise program for faculty men on Tues. and Thurs. from 12:10 to 12:45 at Waterman Gym. The program will be geared to the needs of the group and will be designed to improve the physical status of the individual. A medical examination should precede. participation. For fur- ther information call Dennis Rigan, ext. 2794. Recital Cancelled:.The Two Piano Re- ,ital of Eugene Bossart and Charles cus Party; Alpha Gamma Delta, Open House; Alpha Omega, Party; Alpha Phi, Open House; Alpha Delta Phi, Band Dance; Alpha Sigma Phi, District Par- ty; Alpha Tau Omega, Party & Open Open House; Beta Theta Pi, Open Open Band Dance; Chi Phi, Party; Chi Psi, Dance Party; Delta Chi, Record Hop; Delta Kappa Epsilon, House Party; Delta Sigma Delta, Dance; Delta Tau Delta, Dance; Delta Sigma Phi, UM- MSU Host Party; Delta Theta Phi, Open House; Delta Theta Phi, Hi-Fi Party; Delta Upsilon, Band Party; Evans Scholars, Dance; Kappa Alpha Theta, Open Open House; Kappa Delta, Open Open House; Nu Sigma Nu, Dance; Phi Alpha Kappa, Post-Football Party; Phi Delta Phi, Open House; Phi Delta Theta, Dance; Phi Epsilon Pl, Hernando's Hideaway Party; Phi Gam-- ma Delta, Band Dance; Phi Kappa Psi, Dance; Phi Kappa. Sigma; welcome Mich. State; Phi Rho Sigma, Post Game & Evening Party; Phi Sigma. Delta, In- formal Party; Phi Sigma Kappa, Record Dance; Pi Lambda Phi, Come As You Should Be Party; Psi Upsilon, Party; Reeves House, Record Dance;# Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Record Hop; Sigma Al- pha Mu, Band Party; Sigma Delta Tau, Open Open House; Sigma Nu, Band Party; Sigma Phi, Record Dance; Stock- well Hall, Open House After Game; Tau Delta Phi, Ballroom Party; Tau Epsi- ton Phi, Party-Band; Taylor House, Fresh Air Camp; Theta DeltaaChi, Dance; Theta Xi, "Roaring 20's Party";