World Series MI- Ewingall :Badl Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Vhere Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The.Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 'LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Musical Salute To M-MSU Good Will RSDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HARRAH Macliac Bridge Rusts After $100 Million UP NORTH, there's a grand bit of steel- * and-concrete which is another example of public works gone wild. When the Mackinac Bridge was built at a' cost of $100 million, people were pretty happy. Now, at last, the Upper, Peninsula would see a new burst of life; and this gleaming engi- neering wonder would bring cheers for the State of Michigan. And so it did. The ,first year, a lot of people took d spin up to look at the spectacle; but then business began to slow down a little. And by last year, despite predictions that two million cars a year would cross the Mackinac, business just managed to creep over the one million mark. BY INCREASING toll rates, the state has managed to keep its finger in a dike holding back pools of red ink. Prentis Brown, chairman of the Mackinac Bridge Authority, reports toll receipts for the first eight months of 1961 total'$3,365,000, which probably means $4 million will be paid in by next January 1. A little quick arithmetic reveals that this' has 'little meaning in terms of the state's indebtedness. When the bridge furor was at its height, voices of solid reputation predicted business -would be in excess of four million cars by the end of the decade. As it is, the trickle of traffic is netting just about enough money to pay back the interest due on the bonds. The principal of the loan remains remains largely untouched. It's -possible tolls can be raised again without cutting down traffic, since the group of cus- tomers has settled down now to the bed-rock tourists and businessmen who will cross the4 Straits regardless of price.t WHEN THE BRIDGE idea was formed, the state G.O.P., normally over-careful about where money goes, jumped on the bandwagon in an effort to build up a rural (and hence Republican) section. Some Democrats balked at first, but eventually welfare-itis took over and the huge project was OK'd. Unfortunately, the grand plans left out most concepts of sociological importance. This is a typical fallacy of welfare spenders, who presume that new expenditures will create a good situation (such as a new boom in the UP), whereas careful study often can lead to different conclusions. The UP was destined to lose population and business, and no amout of Lansing pump-priming could change this trend. TODAY, THE BRIDGE is less an attractor of new prosperity than an escape hatch- for disillusioned citizens. If the state was really anxious to go in debt on the grand scale, it might have spent the money on its universities. Of course, the results of spending on education aren't quite so "con- crete" and pictures of bright young students don't make good subjects for post cards. But here is where the future of Michigan lies, not in ill-advised public works plums. -RICHARD OSTLING Associate Editorial Director To the Editor: E VERY YEAR about this time the very air is blued with as- persions regarding the charcter and sophistication of this state's two largest universities. There are those who, during the year, would point out the relative merits of the two and the mutual benefits to be derived from people to people cultural exchange Jrograms. The U of M image in East Lan- sing approaches an ivory tower cult of intellectual snobs. The MSU image in Ann Arbor, when any one bothers to care, tends to recall something about cows . . . and milkmaids. * * * THERE WAS A TIME when the Ann Arbor faction took the offensive and rubbed in the na- ture of Michigan State's child- hood era. But as MSU has emerg- ed as a football power and have not allowed a Michigan victory in several years, the Ann Arbor stu- dents have tended to withdraw from the competition and seclude themselves in their apartments with more enjoyable companions (self-explanatory). Now the State students take the offensive, being drunk and uneasy in the light of their new-found strength. * * * IN A STATE where an elemen- tary school student is expected to commit his allegiance -publicly to one university or the other; see- ing every weekend composed of "them guys" and "us," as the day of testing comes due, the older college children of the lot can be expected to assign metaphysical importance to the event. Each of us feels moved to con- tribute his bit to the cause, be- 'ESQUIRE' ARTICLE: Local Greeks Deny Eclipse TODAY AND TOMORROW The Berlin Talks By WALTER LIPPMANN S I MAKE it out from what I have heard, the, situation at this point in the talks about Berlin is that while the important is- sues have been identified, they are not as yet clearly defined. No settlement is as yet in sight. Indeed, on the hard core of the problem there has as yet been no negotiations and almost certainly no thorough exploration. In fact, neither side has as yet disclosed in. the concrete what it will regard as an ac- ceptable settlement. THERE HAS, however, been progress in re- duing certain highly inflammable secon- dary issues. So far as I know this has not been done by formal agreement but tacitly. The Soviet government is ,by way of accepting the indisputable fact that the United States and its allies will not sign a peace treaty with East Germany, but they will not open up diplomatic intercourse with it and treat it as a lawful government. The counterpart on our side is the tacit ad- mission that there are two German States, and that it is no longer a practical objective of American policy to unify them by the inte- gration of East Germany into West Germany. As a corollary of the Soviet recession on the demand that we must sign a peace treaty, there is evidence of an understanding which is of sgreat importance although there is not yet formal agreement The understanding is that Moscow, having negotiated withus a bill of rights for West Berlin, will incorporate this bill of i rights in its own treaty which it intends to sign with East Germany. This is a concession from the position I often taken by Soviet officials in the past that we would have to negotiate about our rights in West Berlin npt with them but with the Ulbricht government. On our side, the counterpart of the Com- munist concession is that we will not refuse to let East German officials replace Soviet officials on the access route. In this con- nection we must remenmber that for some years East Germany has been administering control of West German and civilian access except in the air corridors. ALL OF THIS does not, however, bring us to the hard core of the issues. The Soviet government has notified us that it will guaran- tee access to West Berlin on condition that West Berlin becomes a demilitarized free city, as they define these words. This is the hard core of the controversy, and, it is important that we should know as exactly as possible what the issues are. The Soviet government wants to sever the connection between West Berlin and Bonn, and also the connection between West Berlin and NATO. No doubt Moscow would prefer to have no separate city of West Berlin. But irs immediate objective is not to absorb West Berlin into East Germany, which would meant war, but to isolate West Berlin. It would be isolated politically altogether and in some negotiable degree it would be isolated econom- ically. coup. But the immediate objective. is to di- vorce the internal derense of Berlin from the competence of NATO. AS AGAINST these Soviet demands for a radical change in the status of West Berlin, our policy has been to maintain the status quo, or as much 'of it as we can maintain without making concessions that would be regarded as surrender or appeasement. We have never had and we do not now have a positive American and Western proposal for giving West Berlin a more durable and a more secure status than it now has. The policy of standing pat firmly means that Berlin is in a condition of perpetual crisis. THE GAP iswide between the Soviet demand for a radical change and the Western ad- herence to the status quo. President Kennedy is in a very difficult position and he deserves and needs the understanding and support of his own people. He is being squeezed by his adversary in Moscow, by his allies in Bonn and Paris, and by the right wing here at home. The net result of these multiple con- flicting pressures could be to immobilize him on the brink of thermonuclear war. The Presi- dent's responsibilities are grave. But so also grave are the responsibilities of those Germans, Frenchmen and Americans who are tying his hands and are doing what they can to prevent negotiations and to precipitate a show-down. To want to avert a show-down is not to lack nerve. It is to possess a realization of what thermonuclear war would really mean 'and what are the imperatives of diplomacy in this nuclear 'age. The President of the United States must not be driven into a corner where the only alternatives open to him are dishonor or surrender. AS I READ the situation today, 'a failure to negotiate a settlement will mean, at the least, that West Berlin will have no emotional security whatever. It will never know what the East Germans will do to harass or to close down the access routes. Thus.the Communists might do nothing for an indefinite time and that would be quite enough to keep Berlin and the world sitting on the anxious seat. This is the way to create a panic in West Berlin and an intolerable frustration elsewhere. At the worst, if there is no positive settle- ment, the Communists will narrow down, even if they do not close down, access to West Berlin, and this will bring us all to the brink of a thermonuclear war. I do not think anyone can now foresee how Europe and America and the rest of the world would act if it were in fact on the brink of thermonu- clear war. It has never been on the brink of thermonuclear war. The world does not now believe that there will be a thernmonu- clear war and that is why so many who ought to know better talk about it so glibly. THE PRESIDENT will have to lift the dis- pute above the issue of whether West By MARJORIE BRAHMS Daily Staff Writer ALONG FRATERNITY ROW, more and more chapters are "gleefully potshotting the na- tional, ,threatening to go local" unless "this Caucasian-Christian crap" ends, Brock Brower claims in the October issue of "Esquire." "There seems little doubt that the 'Society System' they (the fraternities) have so stoutly de- fended over the last one hundred and thirty-six years is going to perish, either through complete metamorphosis or by sudden crumbling within the next decade," Brower says. . , The crux of his argument deals with the current civil war between locals, who demand autonomy in choosing their members and the right to choose them on personal merit, and their nationals, who re- fuse them this right and retain written bias clauses. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564 Administration Building before2 p.m., two days preceding publication.' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12 General Notices Woodrow Wilson'Fellowships. Nomina- tions for Woodrow Wilson fellowships for the academic year 1962-63 for first year graduate work leading to a career in research and college, teaching are due Oct. 31, 1961., Only members of the faculty may nominate candidates. Letters of nomination should be sent to Dean Richard -Armitage, Graduate School, Ohio State University, 164 W. 19th Ave., Columbus, O. For additional information consult Prof. M. Greenhut, 2634 Haven Hall. All Choral Union ushers who did not get a chance to sign to usher at the Four Freshmen Concert on Friday Oct. 13th, and who desire to usher at this event, please report for duty at 7:30 p.m. at the east door of Hill Aud. (Continued on Page 5) Brower says locals ~ are "re- writing the sacred rituals, pledg- ing whomever they please and beating the national instead of the dean." Forcing this attack are "'unfriendly college administra- tors'" and "'student organiza- tions.'" Will the result of this internal battle and external pressure be the end of the fraternity system as it exists now? * * * ROBERT PETERSON, '62, pres- ident of Interfraternity Council, declares the conflict will not de- stroy the fraternity system. Not enough nationals have writ- ten bias clauses to significantly affect their relationships with their locals, he explains. "The death of the system, if anything, would be 'total oppor- tunity' or 'one-hundred percent- ism, rather than bias clauses. "In time, the clauses will be eliminated. Since World War II approximately 19 or. 20 clauses have been dropped from frater- nity constitutions by nationals and locals working together with limited pressure or interference. from the outside." Both Peterson and Arthur Ros- enbaum, '62, president of Zeta Beta Tau, said the statements in the "Esquire" article are atypical, on the whole, for the University. * * * ROSENBAUM POINTED OUT that one "must look at all sides of the problem before deciding if the fraternity system is dying. Brower's charges are superficiali- ties. If fraternities do die, it will because the members no longer accept the responsibilities of run- ning them. "This possible lack of concern, shown by the lack of capable leadership throughout the campus, is a potential cause for the death of fraternities." Rosenbaum agreed with Peter- son on the relative unimportance of the discrimination;question as a cause of the imminent death of fraternities, adding that much of the problem is due to neither writ- ten nor unwritten clauses but to individual prejudices. "However, if fraternities do not meet the challenge of ending bias clauses with more speed and ef- ficency than they are showing now, the discrimination question will have a definitely weakening effect on the system." He stressed that the problem is, not insurmountable, but must be met. *et* * "AT THIS UNIVERSITY," he' added, "Student Government Council is attempting to solve the discrimination problem by legis- lative action, ruling that choice of members in student organiza- tions be on the basis of personal merit and interest. "Of course, personal opinion can't be changed by legislative action, but SGC can give fra- ternities and sororities, as well as other organizations, the right to have free opinion. Some do not have that right now. Out of this conflict between local and na- tional will emerge a stronger fra- ternity system." BROWER ALSO CITED "a growing feeling among under- graduates, even fraternity mem- bers, that is anti-fraternity . ." He reports a study from a group of fraternity men at Brown Uni- versity suggesting the abolition .of the fraternity system on that cam- pus. Amherst, Williams and Ham- ilton have all established "one- hundred percentism." At Amherst, a national-gone- local has initiated a unique, sys- tem: "the first 20 guys over the threshold before 10:35 p.m. Thurs- day" constitute the° new pledge class. On some campuses, Grinell College for example, fraternities have withered away into "social dormitories," Brower claims. What is causing this anti-fra- ternity-ism? According to the Brown study, criticism of rushing procedures and the pressures which mold individuals to the group pattern are main sources of discontent. In answer to these charges, Peterson denies an overall anti- fraternity feeling. "There are many strong supporters of the fraternity system-on this campus and all over the country." Rosenhaum cited growth-more, chapters, construction of new houses, repairs on old houses-as ample evidence of a strong system. * . * THE RUSHING SYSTEM is a problem, he admits, "but not an insurmountable one. It will be met and solved." As for pressures to conform, Peterson acknowledges certain' basic norms members must uphold but did not see the overall validity of a conformity charge. Rosen- baum agreed that "fraternities do not limit you. A dorm or apart- ment can limit you as much or more, if you yourself choose to be limited."dI Pledging, a widelydcriticized practice and a childish one in Brower's opinion, "is becoming more mature," Rosenbaum says. "Hazing has been almost elim- inated and the charges of cruelty which Brower makes are rarely relevant to the University, he has found. "The purpose of pledging is to teach the pledge the responsibili- ties and privileges of ;raternity membership." THE IMPORTANT QUESTION, Brower says, is "whether they (the new generation) will succeed in reforming the fraternity sys- tem or simply reduce it to sham- bles .. Can its worth be re-evaluated, its accusers answered, its prin- ciples of brotherhood and respon- sibility for one another cleared of all charges of "hypocrisy?" Will the system emerge from the dis- honor of bias charges unchanged? Whatever the answers, "fra- ternities must face the real prob- lems themselves and not allow out- siders to control their actions," Peterson stated. "In this way, they will disprove Brower's charges and those of similar opponents of the fraternity system." ing totally unable to control events on the field. Superstition runs havoc. But crude insults in the are of one-ups-manship reflects more on one's generic derivation than articulatory agility. * * * SHOULD the doubtful situation arise that an Ann Arbor student thinks his position so insecure that he feels moved to reply to an MSU comment, instead of an ugly retort, relate the lyrics of this simple song, sung to the rune of "Home on the Range": OH GIVE ME a school Where the students play pool And the cows roam the campus all day. Where seldom is heard An intelligent word And the athletes all get high pay. MOO, Moo M-S-U Oh, that's the cow college for you Where a chimpanzee Can get a degree And even a Phi Beta key. -Frank Starkweather,'61 (MSU Spec,'62) New Look? To the Editor: AS ANOTHER football season advances, it is pleasant to be able to observe a few changes on Saturday afternoons. These changes range from the subtle (those guys wearing blue got big- ger) to the obvious (the left hand column on the scoreboard has be- come operative). But the half times are dreadfully the same. What has been one of the main attractions during the lean years seems to have fallen into obsoles- ence as rapidly as the Michigan line penetrated to the secondary of UCLA. Though from all reports, the Russians loved our band, Is it necessary to subscribe to "what's good enough for the Russians is good enough for us?" At any rate, it is doubtful that the Russians were subjected to five years of drums and fire extinguishers. Let's face it, "Sing, Sing Sing" was nice (was it '56 that Krupa was here?); and the "Hawaiian War Chant"- that Son of Frankenstein - was .even enjoyable the first ten times, but isn't it about time to give some of the other boys a chance? Like the piccolos maybe? In short, what used to sport the best lines on the field now looks (and sometimes plays) as ragged as Mr. Elliott hopes MSU will be; thus we suggest they dress up with some new distractios-like, some leggy majorettes, maybe. or even better, let's replace the band with 140 short-skirted cheerleaders. --Charles J. G. Barr, '62 LSA -David B. Spaan, Grad LSA New 'Life.. To the Editor: I WAS particularly impressed with the student activities at the Michigan-Army game. The band performed well, as was to be expected from such an honored group. The team was great, in the tradition of' Michiganteams. The surprise was the Block M performance. These students stole my attention, as well as that of most persons about me, from the show on the field. I do rot recall such a show last year. The ideas were clearly displayed as well as precisely performed. My cheers for Block M. Keep it going! J am looking forward to an even better show next year. -Anthony J. Finouki Yonkers, N. Y. Polittics? "yOU KNO wha e Aei "YU KNOW what the Artier!- can people will buy, what they will take as far as a point of view is concerned." -Asst. White House Press Secretary Andrew Hatcher to a conference of public relations men. d 5 r 7 t1 ' A ; I 1 - - - _ .w FEIFFER fit; THAT 6iPR OV69 THM~ A KNOCK(OVT? IU0v6 TO M~66 Mg? FAVTtEOV QUAS~I-exorIC, OUT WOIH QUAMI~ UI G 6M0 To M6, r t KOO 1THAT6/bib -- _=V I MAKE i1 M t'' " '11FfRJO, Mt At 6. . M~~ O ORK5 Fog A .CoM TO sAU AF L . 60 AT I)GK, 4K6 NOW, 696 I&UxJ 1 , ' , } - - l ~ _'. M WAIJ19 6 -Mq 60q Ig3 Nye 6R6 KrNOW6 ff-foo OOAIOO ; W650f q6 UrtWI C oH6 to. A HAW50o0f &mU6THIS If 546 O'T WOT ToT FYOK6V' OP? 60~ V06 AN~T 7¢ 69 FIK6 /{? : i H{OWA 5H{6 P A4SA)I^M4 VTW92? ~ _ l 60q' Al-T f86 MT TA51,P5 ~4rmerr uP WITH HR., Ali VAC .r.."'" - , ' t r FrOU KII OM~' pi m-rJ' T Li) 4 P