CHALLENGE SEMINAR: Book Views Images of Man By HELENE SCHIFF Modern man is waiting to see what the future holds rather than working to create his own image of the future. This was the conclusion of the discussion at the Challenge semi- i nar led by. Mrs. Kenneth Bould- ing Tuesday night. The challenge of forming a mod- ern image of the future was left unanswered in Fred Polak's book entitled, "The Image of the Fu- ture," she said. HIistoric Study The book, which Mrs. Boulding translated from Dutch, is a his- torical study of the rise and fall of civilizations ' with respect to their images of the future. Polak describes the kinds of images that were predominant in the civilization of Greece, Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissancet and others and traces the course of these images throughout his- tory. There are two basic images of the future according to Polak's book, Mrs. Boulding explained., One is a utopian view of the present. The other view is escha- tological. The good future lies in a realm beyond earth. Strength of Images In noting the relative strengths and weaknesses of each of these images, Polak points out that the eschatological image cannot be destroyed by realities and that when the utopian image fails there is more immediate disappoint- ment. Man's development and social thought have gradually been turn- Six Win Positions In Councdl Voting William Beach, David Bird, Jer-' ome Ebner, and Edward Radway, all graduate students, and Fran Jarc, '62BAd, were elected to full term seats on the Business Ad- ministration School Student Coun- cil yesterday. JOAN BAEZI ing from the eschatological to the utopian image, Polak says. Our generation is at the end of the 19th century peek of op- timism, Mrs. Boulding commented, agreeing with Polak. We believe that' things are good in their na- ture sand that good will come if it is pursued. People To Wait As long as utopia is in the fu- ture and people are willing to wait for it, the intellectual cli- mate is a healthy one. As soon as emphasis is placed on tomorrow, man's degree of freedom is re- duced and his flexibility is work- ing toward his goal is reduced, she added. Many people today have no real image of the future. They don't realize that it is harder to main- tain the status quo than to ne- gotiate change, Mrs. Boulding said. Man has brough the limit of his time to the present and is therefore unable to project into the future. For example, too many people are not able to visualize a disarmed world, she said. } PAID ADVERTISEMENT presents Thursday and Friday FURY (7:00 and 9:00) Saturday and 'Sunday ROYAL AFFAIRS IN VERSAILLES (COLOR) (7:00 and 9:25) Fritz Lang, who created some of the landmarks of the Ger- man silent film--Destiny, Sieg- fried, Dr. Mabuse, Metropolis- and whose early sound M. has remained a popular favorite for thirty years, had a Hollywood career that was not greatly dis- tinguished. Of his two remark- able endowments, his moody architecture could find no ex- pression the films made in the U.S.A. in the 1930's; the Hitler Germany he had fled would have been more congenial to his striking pictorial talent. Fortunately, his concern with the meaning of society, his grasp of social dynamics, and his handling of crowds found a happier outlet in a day when social criticism was not smoth- ered in the cradle or forced to take indirect expressions. Of the film we are showing this. weekend, Paul Rotha has writ- ten: "Fritz Lang's American ca- reer began. brilliantly. His first Hollywood film, Fury, written by Norman Krasna, was an im- pressive social document. This story of mob hysteria and ... lynching was set so solidly in the American scene that no spectator could deny the truth 4f what he saw, or entirely dis- sociate himself from the guilt implied. . . . The sociological and dramatic strength of Fury lay in the detail with which Lang cross-sectioned the entire community in which the lynching took place. What in- terested him was not so much the incident which provoked, mob hysteria, as the buried strata of small-town prejudices and hates which, it brought in- to the open. His attack went deeper than mob-violence. It inidicted the society from which violence grew." Last week Cinema Guild pre- sented the French Revolution and the years immediately pre-! ceding from an. Englishman's point of view. This week, it is told by a Frenchman, Sacha Guitry. Both as actor and au- thor of over 60 plays (the best of' which have been compared to Moliere's comedies), Guitry has been one of the most bril- liant figures of .the French stage. His approach to the Revolution is vast and episodic. His story spans the 300 years during which the Palace of Versailles was the hub of French culture and history. "It is my earnest hope," says Guitry, "that Royal Affairs in Versailles (1957) will be re- garded as more than a motion picture, for it is, to me, my crowning achievement in more than half a century of activity in the world of arts. Royal Af- fairs in Versailles is more than a filmed story. It is a kaleido- scopic cavalcade of historic events that encompass, three hundred years of French his- tory, underscoring the glory and' the infamy of the sover- eigns who ruled from the most fabulous of all seats of royalty -the Palace of Versailles. . By bringing together a spee- tacular cast--Guitry, as Louis XIV (also as writer, director, and narrator); Orson Welles, as Benjamin Franklin; Claud- ette Colbert, as Mine. de Monte- span; Jean-Pierre Aumont, as Cardinal de Rohan; Gerard Philipe, as d'Artagnan; Edith Piaf, as a woman of the masses; Marie Antoinette, Pompadour, Voltaire, and Moliere-to in- habit his spectacular Palace, M. Guitry has produced a film about which The New Yorker says "If pageantry is your dish, you can get a surfeit of it," and Newsweek says "The surprising thing about this lengthy ex- cursion into the =past is that it is only occasionally a trifle dull ... (Guitry) keeps things light- footed almost constantly for 300 years." $I 4 Friday-Oct. 27 8:30 P.M. ANN ARBOR HIGH Tickets $2.75-2.25-1.75 On Sale At THE DISC SHOP 1210 S. University HI F1 & TV CENTER 304 S. Thayer I .NMI