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October 10, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-10

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Who Killed Vaudevile?


olit Airligatt atl
Seventy-First Yeart
Truth Will revail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH.* Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



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West Point Life-
'Peckin Order'

)AY, OCTOBER 10, 1961 ,


Primer for

NDEA Applicants

AN UNUSUALLY righteous Congress has
shoved down President Kennedy's throat,
an amendment to the bill providing for the
extension of the National Defense Education
Act. The amendment provides that in order
to qualify for a loan under the act, a student
must first take a solemn oath (in writing, no
less) that he is not a Communist, and pre-
sumably that he will refrain from applying the
education he receives as a result of the loan
to activities conducive to the violent over-
throw of the government of the tUnited States.
Taken at face value, this seems entirely
reasonable. Who among the American tax-
payers, wants his money spent to finance the
furtherance of such evil, Godless practices?
It is thus assumed that everyone, red, pink
and blue, will honor this solemn vow. After,
all, what decent, self-respecting Communist.
would initiate disorder, turbulence and in-
ternal strife in the good old U. S. A. after hav-
ing promised on his honor to behave?
Now that Congress .has dissipated forever'
the Communist menace in our colleges with
one act, only one minor point remains to be
clarified-what the devil is subversion?
W ELL, recent precedent seems to say it is
positively against the interests of free-
dom and democracy to steal secret documents
for the Soviet Union. One could also put his
heartfelt loyalty in a bad light if he shot
the President of the United States or set off
a bomb inthe Senate cloakroom while in the
pay of the international Communist con-
Such practices should be discouraged by all
available means, and the new amendment
praised for any deterrent effect it may produce..
People (and there are such people) who would
do things like that definitely have to be
If you were to take a loyalty oath, chances
are you would very likely realize that par-
ticipation by you in such goings-on is entirely
out of the question. Having therefore given
up your plans for assassinating President Ken-
nedy (or' Senator Goldwater, as the case
may be) you might well assume that you have
become a 100 per center" in strict accord-
ance with your NDEA vow.
If it were that simple, being a loyal Ameri-
can citizen would be remarkably easy for most
of us, and an editorial on the subject entirely,
But, in the strict sense, being a true patriot
is much more complicated. In fact, it is
entirely possible that you are, in reality, a
dupe of the Reds.-
In addition to abstaining from clearly de-
fined acts of aggression and sabotage of the
fundamental tenets of our American way of
life (which, to compound the issue, vary from
list to list) you 'will find it necessary to
employ strict introspection to determine
whether they are not being subversive in less
conspicuous ways.
THEREFORE, here is a list which, though by
no means complete, may nevertheless aid
such students in following to the letter their
vow never to interfere with the principles on
which this great nation is based.
1) Above all, do not join or permit your
name to be connected with any Communist

front organization, or with any group which
may take the "Communist line" on any given
issue. Lists of forbidden organizations can be
obtained from the Attorney General, the F.B.I.,
or the John Birch Society, so ignorance of
the nature of a group is no excuse.
2) And nearly as important; do not join or
permit your name to be connected with any
group which has as a member a man or
woman who is also a member of or a sym-
pathizer with any of the groups on the afore-
mentioned lists. This may sound difficult, and
it is. You will avoid trouble on this point,
however, if you join only apti-Communist
groups which are not listed as subversive -
groups like the JBS, the American Legion,
the' American Nazi Party, or the Ku Klux
3) To thus decline from actively preaching
the Communist line is not enough. You may
unwittingly become a dupe of the Reds by
merely being attentive to the subversive ele-
ments which infest the United States. Avoid-
ing these people is not as easy as one might
suppose. To do so requires a constant and
active effort. Careful adherence to the fol-
lowing will definitely aid you in this respect.
Read Norman Vincent Peale and Fulton
Lewis, Jr., but never Walter Lipmann or Walter
Winchell. Studiously avoid Red propaganda
films such as "Spartacus" and "Inherit the
'Wind." "Operation Abolition" and "The Alamo"
are recommended, however.
Avoid association with Catholics, Negroes
and Jews, all notoriously subversive. Shun the
National Council of Churches, oppose the
NAACP, beware of Shirley Temple and Eleanor
Roosevelt. Support "right to work" laws and
,any other anti-labor measures, but never
say a good word for UNESCO, Moral Re-
armament, or SANE.
Trujillo (late dictator of the Dominican
Republic), Nasser, Chiang Kai-Shek, and Sal-
azar (dictator of Portugal) are above reproach;
but Nehru, Khrushchev, Kennedy and the like
are to be constantly watched and criticized.
4) Learn these fundamental truths:
Anyone formerly a member of a questionable
organization is still a Comniunist..
Those who oppose the American way of life
have no constitutional rights. Unprovable ac-
cusations against suspected leftists are per-
mitted, and should be encouraged. Bombings,
beatings and dismissal from jobs are among
the sanctions which should be applied to such
people. Only an extreme radical would think
of exercising his rights under the First and
Fifth Amendments. Persons who do so are
therefore Communists. Those who associate
with suspected people are very suspect them-
selves. Above all, remember that anyone who
opposes a group of avowed anti-Communists,
no matter what reason he gives, is without
doubt in sympathy with the international
(It is recommended that these axioms be
memorized, since only a gifted intellect can
derive them logically.)
aroused may want to read more detailed
works on the subject. Unfortunately, the Con-
stitution of the United States is not suitable
for the purpose. However, much information
can be gotten from any Birch Society member,
and long libellous lists of Americans subversives
are available from Society headquarters or
from the revealing files of the House Un-
American Activities Committee.
If these are insufficient, trust your judg-
ment. A person who disagrees with you on
any subject can, as a general rule, be regarded
as a dangerous and subversive person, and it
is you duty as an American to fight this per-
son with whatever means happen to be avail-
able to you.
You are now a real American. Good luck,
and good hunting.

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New Role for Small-Town judges?
By MICHAEL HARRAH JP's get a part, everybody's happy needn't have lawyers to ha
AMONG THE MATTERS that but the motorist, and little do minor legal proceedings.
the current constitutional con- they care about that. THE PEOPLE of Michigan
vention may be expected to con- But policing the system rather not let themselves be fooled
sider is the status of the Justice than abolishing it would seem to believing such ideas. True, we3
of the Peace courts throughout the be the solution here. Some states competent people to sit in j
(notably Colorado, whose urban- ment as Justices of the Peace
Although there are many pos- rural juxtaposition' is similar to it does not necessarily follow
sible changes, two extremes In the Michigan's) have done away with the only competent person
thought of changing the system JP courts, but the results of that matters of equity are lawyers
have been proposed - either re- move remain to be seen. Doin g The JP system, if it needs
quire that all JP's be lawyers, or away with the system does not ter- forming at all, can only be
abolish the whole system entirely. inate the need foi it, so unless proved by a better calibre of
the merits of a reasonable sub- holding the job, and many t
A third, and compromise, solu- stitute can be shown in Michigan, that man need not be a lav
tion would be to leave the whole it would not be wise to do away It doesn't seem the original tt
matter up in the air and at the with the JP's just yet. of courts ever meant that on]
discretion of the legislature. attorney could sit in judgmen
However, taking for granted A juries would never have beer
that the con-con will deal posi- ALTERNATELY, the suggestion vuesoped nvrhaebe
tively with the matter, the two that only lawyers hold the job is veloped _
extreme changes should be avoid- not without merit, for it would cer-
ed. tainly seem that attornys are
* * * schooled in matters of equity. T
However, that doesn't mean that
TAKING THE LATTER first, it only lawyers are capable or qual-
mustbe recalled that law and its ified to hold the job. 'TO REALIZE the relative v
enforcement is different around This is obviously a lawyers' pro- ity of one's convictions,'
Traverse City and the other out- posal. Lawyers seem to feel they an admirable writer of our1
state areas than in Detroit. Out- have a monopoly on the law, and 'and yet stand for them unfli
state JP's play an important role no one else is even qualified to ingly, is what distinguishes a
in the judicial system, whereas spell the word. And since JP's are, ilized man from a barbarian
they are unnecessary in Wayne in many cases, not lawyers, the at- demand more than this is
County. tornys look on them as incompe- haps a deep ar)d incurable n
Traffic violations, disorderly tent in matters of justice. This is physical need; but to allow
conduct complaints, anddother not necessarily so. guide one's practice is a sym
routine violations are handled with The fact is that other citizens of an equally deep, and far
dispatch in the JP r courts. What may well be equally 'competent to dangerous, moral and politica
makes them different from regular hold the post and make decisions maturity.
judges is that they need not be in equity. Just as one needn't see -Isaiah Berlin i
lawyers and are elected on a reg- a doctor to take an aspirin, or a "Two Concepts
ular partisan ballot along with preacher to read a Bible, so we Liberty"

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To the Editor:, .
SUNDAY'S DAILY described.
West Point life as "grueling, but
dignified" and cited the formid-
able restrictions the cadets are
faced with, in the process of ac-
quiring this dignity. Where is this
dignity to be found, or how is it
to be defined, in an institution of
the United States Government
where "pecking order" is not only
a formal discipline, but a way
and a manner of thinking and liv-
It is difficult for me to under-
stand where institutionalized dis-
crimipiation-only recently freed
of its racial concomitants - is
thought to be "dignified"' in light
of Constitutional concepts of
equality and human dignity. It
must be a wonderful feeling to
know as a "plebe" that someday
you will be not only better than
someone else, but that you will
serve as a model to dress, think
and seek after.
I'm glad "we" won the foot-
ball game.
-Ethan Revsn,'63
Birth Control...
To the Editor:
WHY IS IT that those who re-
veal in this column any faith
in humanity or belief in the ideals
of a democracy are immediately
accused of naivete? Is that sym-
pathy for the unfortunate is pas-
es? Or is it that the "new con-
servative" is a victim of the deep
pessimism which DostoyeVsky, in
"The Grand Inquisitor," reveals
to be that of the potential tyrant
who believes that humanity must
be enslaved for its own good?
Both Mr. Hendel and myself,
New Yorkers living in close prox-
imity to slum sections, have walk-
ed along tenemented streets with
our eyes open, and have seen the
conditions which produce a norma-
tive system different from our
own. Slum-dwellers are generally'
emigrated from agrarian societies,
such as Puerto Rico or the South,
where children are a help, rather
than a hindrance. In their new
situation in an industrial society,
these people continue to produce
children against their will, out of
ignorance of birth control tech-
niques and religious censorship of
the latter.
Since the situation is not an un-
usual one in this subculture, bear-
ers of illegitimate children are not
strongly condemned by the group.
Perhaps there are a number of
women who have learned to em-
ploy perpetual childbearing for
personal gain, but who can separ-
ate these from those women who
have perpetual "accidents?"
The bourgeoisie wants a "pure
poor," and in Newburgh the legis-
lature is prepared to allo child-
ren to starve for the sin of being
born out of a different, supposedly
"immoral" normative system. New-
burgh's excuse is that a small per-
centage of these children were
born for the gain of the mother,
and the rest must suffer for the
actual guilt of these few. It seems
that the concept of "innocent un-
til proven guilty" is obsolete, re-
placed by the self-righteousness
of moralists, whose action in this
case is immoral.
The starvation of children will
not alleviate the problem of that
illegitimacy. Only a birth control
education program can do that.
-Joan Golomb, '64
Red Taxes ...
To the Editor:
peared in the Sunday, Oct. 8,
Daily, Mr. Olinick demonstrated
a lack of understanding of Com-
munism and the Soviet Union. He
interprets the recent announce-
ment of the second stagein the
five year plan to abolish income
tax in Russia (notably it decreased
taxes only for. the lower income
bracket) "as a slap in the collec-
tive face of Marx and Engels." He

quotes the "Communist Manifesto"'
out of context to illustrate his
point. The Manifesto -calls for a
progressive income tax, as 'part
of a ten point program, but this
is proceeded by the following sen-
tences: "There measures will of
course be different in different

countries. Nevertheless in the most
advanced countries the following
will be pretty generally applic-
The Soviet Union, though quite
advanced today, was not so at the
time of the 1917 Revolution when
the Bolsheviks seized power. At the
present time, the incomes of all
Soviet citizens are derived from
wages determined by the govern-
ment, whereas in ithe highly in-
dustrialized capitalist countries,
for which Marx designed the ten
point program, income also came
from profits on investments, as
they 'do in the U. S. today. Why
should a government which deter-
mines all income also tax it?
I too am pleased that the U. S.
government has simplified the
F1040 Income Tax Form, but as
for its contribution to the imple-
mentation of a truly progressive
income tax, it would be much more
meaningful for Congress to plug
the loopholes in our tax laws than
to use better quality paper in its
forms. There are still ploys such
as persona stock holding trusts
by which the right-wingers can
keep their fortunes safe from the
"subversive" tax collector.
-Ralph Rapoport,'64
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited to 300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
'serves the right to edit or withhold
any letter. only signed letters will
be printed.)
has special meaning for a
select group of Ann Arbor con-
cert-goers this evening. Gathered
in the Rackham Auditorium will
be the highly acclaimed but locally
ignored Baroque Trio, so called
for their performance of both
known and forgotten master-
pieces of the Bach-Handel-Vivaldi
The trio consists of music school
professors-Marilyn Mason, harp-
sichord; Nelson Hauensteln, flute;
Florian Mueller, oboe; and Clyde
Thompson, double bass. It began
in 1955 for the purpose of perform-
ing otherwise overlooked trio so-
nata compositions of the baroque
period. The trio sonatas were writ-
ten for two treble instruments and
a bass instrument, with the harp-
sichord carrying the harmony.
The present use of a double bass
by the group came about after
several. years of experimentation
in which the cello was given the
bass role. The' double bass has
proven more compatible with the
trio as it gives a greater feeling
of depth in fts accompanying role.
concert each semester here on
campus, and has also traveled ex-
tensively throughout the country,
sponsored by the University of
Michigan Extension Service.
In keeping with its original pur-
pose, the trio seeks to perform
those compositions which have
seemingly been forgotten over the
years. At the same time, the group
will, on occasion, perform con-
temporary works written for its
This evening is such an occasion
-the "Sonatina for Oboe and
Harpsichord" . by Michigan-born
composer Clark Eastham will be
performed. Mr. Eastham, who re-
sides in Detroit, wrote the work in
1948. This. evening's performance
of the work will be its first in
Ann Arbor.
Also to be performed are Rein-'
hard Kaiser's "Trio Sonata in D
Major," Johann Joachim Quantz's
"Trio Sonata in C Major," Clark
Eartham's "onata for Oboe and
Harpsichord," the Bach "Sonata
in G Minor for Flute and Harpsi-

chord" and Niccolo Jommelli's
"Trio Sonata in D Major.
The selectness of this evening's
audience will lie in a common
interest in Baroque composition.
For some, the program may be an
introduction. For all, admission is
by attendance.
-Roger Wolthuis






Pink Pros

other township officials.
Whereas actual cities have sal-
aried judges, the far-flung and
widespread populations of the,
many little townships have no
need of such a man. Their judicial
requirements do not warrant the
cost, and should a judge be needed,
a near-by city or the circuit court
will suffice.
*. * *
THE JP'S, THEN, perform a
service that the community needs.
They usually run a 24-hour busi-
ness, marrying couples in the
middle of the night, handling traf-
fic tickets on Sunday, doing all
the odd jobs that would do no-
thing but clutter up the docket
of a regular court.
However, the needed services
that JP's perform do not rule out
the possibility that they ought to
be eliminated, for their evils may
outweigh their good. State police
can easily run an entrapment and
shake-down racket with the JP,
since many JP's get paid by the
fines they collect. Therefore, if
the police get a kickback, and the

'HE DAR is at it again. This time, the Texas
branch, for very novel reasons, has objected
a group of American authors (including,
enet, Faulkner, Sandberg, etc.) because they
re "questionable," i.e., sort of pink.
Maybe the girls just don't like authors. Maybe
ey can't read. But ihore likely, their novel
asons are just fiction,

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no.editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
German Make-up Examinations will
be held Thursday, Oct. 12, 7-9 p.m. in
Rooms 3032, 3035, and 3040 Frieze Bldg.
Please register in German Dept. office
by Thursday noon, October 12.
College of Literature, science, and
the Arts, and Schools of Business Ad-
ministration, Education, Music, Natural
Resources, Nursing, and Public Health:
Students who received marks of I, X,
or 'no report' at the end of their last
semester or summer session of at-
tendance will receive a grade of "E"
in the course or courses unless this
work is made up,. In the College of
Literature, Science, and" the Arts and


the Schools of Music and Nursing this
date is by October 16, 1961. In the
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Natural Resources, and Pub-
lic Health this date is by October 18,
1961. Students wishing an extension of
time beyond these dates should file a
petition with the 'appropriate official
of their school. In the School of Nurs-
ing the above information refers to
non-$ursing courses only.
Application forms for National Sci-
ence Foundation Cooperative Graduate
Fellowships and Summer Fellowships
for Graduate Teaching Assistants are
now available ini the Fellowship Of-
fice, 110, Rackham Bldg. These are
awarded by the National Science Foun-
dation for graduate study in the
Physical, Biological and Engineering
Sciences, and in some areas of Medi-
cal and Social Sciences, and, are for
study in the academic year 1962-63 and
Summer Session 1962. Departmental
nomination is no longer required, but
students are advised to consult with
their advisors or departmental chair-
men before making a'pplication, to be
certain that they meet the require-
(Continued on Page 8)

Spain: Doubletalk

,- _ " "


)N THIS, his twenty-fifth anniversary as
dictator of Spain, Francisco Franco can
proudly point out how far his regime has
emerged from the well-deserved ostracism it
High Motives
IN ANN ARBOR, a Student Government Coun-
cil hopeful is appointed to the body after
his avowed intention of using the post to gain
"experience" for another campus organization.
In Lansing, the new president of the con-
stitutional convention turns out to be a gentle-
man who months previously had bitterly op-
posed the assemblage.,
It is heartwarming to note that pure red-
blooded American motives still inspire our of-
f ce-seekers.-

received for two decades from the Western
European democracies. "Our major difficulties
have been overcome," he said in a celebration
If he was referring to near-bankruptcy
averted, he was correct-thanks to American
If he was referring to a rescue from stunted
economic growth and isolation from the com-
merce and culture of Europe, he was correct-
thanks to American-backed Spanish member-
ship in OEEC.
If by "major difficulties overcome" he meant
the weathering of strike threats, student re-
sistance and exile activity, he was at least tem-
porarily correct-thanks to the shoring up of
his military and economic power after Wash-
ington's aid began.
BUT IF HE MEANT to convey that his
Falangist system of dictatorship is to be

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