I a NDEA TIPS See' Page 4 :Y SirA6 :E3aA6it PARTLY CLOUDY High--77 Low-55 Continued mild with showers likely tomorrow. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 20 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1961 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Ask Court To Avoid Decision WASHINGTON (P) - An At- torney for Tennessee told the Supreme Court yesterday that stepping into a Tennessee Legis- lative reapportionment controversy would create -chaos and paralyze state government. Assistant Atty.% Gen. Jack Wil- son contended that the case could result in a finding that all Ten- nessee legislative acts since 1901 are. invalid. Already, he said, several crim- inals awaiting execution, have challenged the ,legality of laws under which they were convicted and sentenced. As a result, he said, the governor of Tennessee has suspended further executions until "it is determined if Tennes- see may execute a criminal." Legality Questioned Further, he said, questions have been raised as to the legality of Tennessee's municipal bonds and as to the legality of the legisla- ture's impeachment and convic- tion of a state judge. A group of Tennessee city voters is contending that the 14th amendment is violated and their voting power diluted because the legislature since 1901 has refused to reapportion the states legisla- tive seats on a population basis even though directed by the state constitution to do so every 10 years. . They contend that rural areas, with one-third of the voters, elect and control two-thirds of the state's legislative seats. This, they said results, among other things, in an inequitable distribution of tax funds among the counties.- k Affect Other States Although this explosive case of rural vs. city control of state legislatures involves only Ten- nessee, the result would affect other states with reapportionment troubles. Attorney's representing the tax- payers said the present unequal reapportionment of states' legis- lators as between urban and ,rural areas has become a national trag- edy, and it is a "rotten situation."- Charles S. Rhyne, representing the urban voters, told the court that the only way to restore gov- ernmental integrity is to restore equal voting rights. The situation, he said, has be- come a national tragedy because similar conditions prevail in many other states. "Legislatures are not. going to do anything about it,'" he said. "We are at the end of the road. The only way we can get relief is through this court." Actors Demand End of Racial Discrimination NEW YORK P)-Actors' Equity and the League of New York Theaters have agreed 'to bring about the total desegregation of the American theater by next June 1. Beyond that date, the agree- ment holds, actors and producers will refuse to perform or present plays in any theater which still requires the segregation of Ne- groes from whites in the audience. Since all legitmate actors arg lincluded within Equity's, juris- %diction and the league represents %the Broadway producers and man- agers who originate practically all tours, the joint agreement Will in effect end segregation in theaters throughout the United -States.' If a theater should fail to com- ply, it would, under the agree- ment, lose its bookings., Such a theater also would mace litigation from the National-' As-' sociation for the 'Advanceient of Colored People, said NAACP's labor secretary, Herbert Hill. Shortage May Draft Students A shortage of men classified 1-A by the Selective Service sys- -Datly-Len Lofstrom THAI CENTER-Peace Corps volunteers designated to go to Thailand will meet at the University to take their training courses. The rigorous schedule which has been planned for them is intended to prepare them for the conditions of life they will meet in Thailand. When they arrive in that coun- try, they will live on a level similar to the natives.. ork -Begins at Thai Center 411 By JUDITH BLEIER and SANDRA JOHNSON Classes began today for the 56 Peace Corps volunteers being trained here at the Thailand cen- ter, Lawrence Dennis, associate director of 4he Corps, said. The program will last for 13 weeks and will include 60 hours of class work in addition to out- side assignments. When the volunteers arrive in Thailand they may expect to spend their two-year stay living on the level of their Thai coun- terparts. At a press conference Sunday, Dennis explained that this was the customary procedure for the corpsmen. Nothing Extreme "These particular volunteers will experience no extreme condi- tions of deprivation," Prof. Robert C. Leestma, of the education, school, and director of the train- ing program at the University, ex- plained. The Thai people live in wooden houses which are frequently placed on stilts, he said. Although the volunteers will not have the lux- ury of hot water, they undoubted- ly will have Thai cooks as this is a common custom in Thailand. The volunteers will get a living allowance and travel expenses, plus $75 per month which they can claim at the end of their two- year service. No Provision There are 'no specific provisions in the "program for a volunteer who wishes to 'extend his length of service, but he may volunteer to continue working on the same project or, in another area after his term is finished, Dennis ex- plained. During their service in the Corps, men will be deferred from the draft. "However, this does not mean they will be exempt from milit'ary duty," he said. The University was chosen as the Thai training i center because "you have here the largest num- ber of authorities and experts on Thailand and because the Univer- sity has more than 40 Thai stu- dents," Albert Meisel, training of- ficer for 'the, Corps, explained. The volunteers will have the opportunity to meet the Thai stu- dents on campus, who will parti- cipate in a variety of ways, for- mally and informally, throughout the training program, Prof. Leest- ma said. Rm. 3-D of the Michigan Un- ion will be set up as the official Peace Corps headquarters, he said. The Corps is yet not "com- pletely Wedded" to a particular structure, Dennis said. The Corps is officially a separate, semi- autonomous agency of the State Department. Four main offices have been established: the Office of Devel- opment and Operations which ne- gotiates with the host countries; the Office of Peace Corps Volun- teers which is in charge of selec- tion and training; and the Office of Management which handles the Peace Corps budget. Liaison The Office of Public and Con- gressional Affairs, which serves as a liaison between the Corps and other governmental agencies and the general public. "In addition there are various staff offices, including on con- cerned with university relations and another connected with plan- ning and evaluation," Dennis said. Two hundred and fifty persons make up the national staff. Dennis outlined the eight com- ponents of every training pro- gram. These include: intensive language training; economic, cul- tural and political studies of the host country; studies of American culture and political institutions; studies of world politics with em- phasis on learning to think crit- ically and constructively under stress; refresher work in profes- sional and technical skills; health education; physical conditioning; and Peace Corps orientation. Three More Seek Positions on SGC Kenneth McEldowney, '61, Ju- dith Stock, '63, and Steven Stock- meyer, '63, have taken out Student Government Council petitions. All petitions must be returned to the administrative secretary by 5:30 p.m. Friday. The University program will place special emphasis upon grasping the Thai language. This is the most intensive language training program of any in the country, Prof. Leestma said. Reds Level Blast at UiN UNITED NATIONS ifP - The Soviet Union opened attacks yes- terday on the United Nations sec- retariat, the mounting UN budget and the location of the UN head- quarters in New York. Alexei A. Roschin, the Soviet delegate in the General Assem- bly's administrative and budgetary committee, outlined Moscow's policy on the UN executive struc- ture at a time when many dele- gates have been complaining about costs and African delegates in particular are bitter about racial discrimination in New York City. "The racial discrimination prac- ticed in the United States creates intolerable conditions for the work of the United Nations in New York," Roschin said. "The unfavorable conditions for stay and work of delegations in New York raise the question of the necessity to shift the headquar- ters to some other place." He called UN expenses in the' Congo illegal because they were not approved by the Security Council, where the Russians have a veto. For this and other reasons the Communist countries have re- fused to pay their share of the Congo's expenses, and Roschin proposed a much tighter control of the UN purse strings. All expenditures for "peace and security" measures such as the Congo would require approval by the Security Council and a re- port on the costs of a new pro- gram in advance. Roschin renewed Soviet de- mands for a larger share of jobs in the UN secretariat. He charged that the secretariat is weighted toward the West. - Personal 'Reports' Criticized College teachers who provide non-academic evaluations of stu- dents for government security agents or private employers are endangering the edudcational pro- cess, .the American Civil Liberties Union warned yesterday. "Questions relating' to the stu- dent's loyalty and patriotism, his political or religious or moral or social beliefs and attitudes, his general outlook, his private life, may well jeopardize the teacher- student relation," ACLU's Aca- demic Freedom Committee points out in the current issue of "School and Society." . Possible dangers to the educa- tional process are obscured as "habituation to this profilerating process of interrogation and re- sponse" grows, the report notes. "Those who think of education primarily as the delivery of in-s formation by teachers to students will find no danger here. Danger to Education "But if education requires un- inhibited expression and thinkingI out loud,. disclosure of expressed, opinion . . .. can become a threat to the educational process be- cause the student does not expect, his views to be reported outside the classroom." If he knew that anything he said or wrote may be revealed in- discriminately, the kind of rela- tion in which he originally felt free to make his pronouncement would to all intents and purposes cease to exist." The ACLU statement set down guidelines for handling queries about students: Faculty men should note that answers in written form make it easier to avoid "pitfalls" though his continued "alertness" is es- sential. Questions relating to what the student has demonstrated as a student-ability to solve problems, reason well, direct projects-"pose no threat to educational privacy. Suggest Preface S6 that unanswered questions will not put the student in an that teachers preface each ques- unfavorable light, ACLU suggests tionnaire with a statement to the effect that the academic policy to which they describe makes it inadvisable to answer certain kinds of questions, no matter who the individual student may be. The policy of no disclosures of students' personal views is recom- mended even in the cases of those who would like to have all ques- tions about themselves fully an- swered. "Personal expediency of this kind . . . does not seem jus- tifiable as an exception to war- ranted policy." Notes Use The ACLU statement notes that employers can make use of the varied screening procedures and sources of information which can be utilized without injury to the student-teacher relation. Instructors in the chemistry de- partment at the University fill in non-academic evaluations if all students who elect the elementary general courses in this field. Department officials feel the evaluations are necessary since faculty men are often called upon to make such judgments in recom- mendations for medical school or government jobs. RIGHT-TO-WORK: Court Refuses Review Of Kansas ShopyRule- WASHINGTON (P)--The Supreme Court refused yesterday to re- view-and thus let stand-a Kansas ruling that agency shop agree- ments are illegal in that state. The action was an important development in a major national issue: whether in states that ban compulsory union membership unions may make agreements requiring that non-union workers pay to the union a sum equivalent to. union dues. The union argument runs that such agency agreements, as they- are called, simply recompense the union for acting as collective bar- gaining agency for all workers. Practical Device On the other side, the argument is that the device has the prac- tical effect of pressuring workers into the union. The Supreme Court's refusal to consider the Kansas case took on added importance because the National Labor Re- lations Board ruled Sept. 29 that agency agreements do not violate the federal Taft-Hartley labor law. The board's decision reversed a position it had taken last Feb. The case before the board was from Indiana where state courts had held that state laws did not bar an agency agreement. 19 States There are 19 states which have laws barring labor contracts re- quiring union membership as a condition of employment. Such statutes are commonly, called right-to-work laws. The labor board's ruling and the Supreme Court's action yes- terdaw appear to leave this situa- tion as of the present: whether agency agreements can be made in these 19 states depends on the laws of the individual states. On its first real business day of the new fall session, the high court also:. Refuse To Consider -Rejected petitions for recon- sideration of a numhber of its ma- jor decisions of last term. These included its holdings that the Communist party must register as an agency of the Soviet Union and its decision upholding state blue laws against commercial activi- ties on Sunday. -Refused to review the Federal Communications Commission or- der cancelling the 1957 award of TV channel 10 in Miami. UAW, Ford Announce Accord on Two Issues; British Shift Cabinet Posts LONDON (P) - Prime Minister Harold Macmillan yesterday shifted two powerful British min- isters-Iain MacLeod and R. A. Butler-to new posts in the most spectacular cabinet shakeup since Suez., MacLeod, 47, moved out as colonial secretary-a post he has filled for two years. His liberal African policies had drawn fire from white settler leaders and the right wing of his own Conservative party. Later; when he seemed to back-pedal, Negro leaders turned on him.. Macmillan gave him instead the chairmanship of the Conservative party and made him leader of the House of Commons. Butler, 59, gave way to MacLeod as Conservative party and House leader. He stayed on as home sec- retary in charge of internal affairs. Butler also moved in as Mac- millan's special assistant with au- thority to supervise Britain's bid to join Europe's common market. There is suspicion that both men have been kicked upstairs. Both lost jobs they had set their hearts on keeping. The departure of MacLeod in particular from the Colonial Office appeared certain to arouse misgiv- ings of independence-seeking lead- ers in Britain's shrinking empire. ByThursday Negotiators To Debate Paid Representatives, Production Standards DETROIT(P)-Negotiators for the Ford Motor Co. and United Auto Workers Union announced agreement on two major problems last night and said only two stum- bling blocks remain in the path of a settlement of a nationwide Ford strike which began last Tuesday. Walter P. Reuther, UAW presi- dent, said "we are going to drive for a settlement in advance of the Ford. National Council . meeting Thursday." Earlier yesterday Reuther had summoned the 180-member Ford Council to review progress toward an agreement ona three-year na- tional contract with Ford.r Enough Time "We've got plenty of time-2%/2 days-to reach settlement," Reu- ther told newsmen, following a 10 minute session early last eve- ning. Reuther said the two remaining issues are additional company- paid full-time union representa- tives in Ford plants and produc- tion standards. Agreements were formalized in the brief session on problems in- volving outside contracting of tool and die work and outside contract- ing of maintenance work. Reuther said it would be more difficult to get all local bargaining units settled by the Thursday meeting. Thirty-two such units remain unsettled of a total of 85. Denise'Agrees Malcolm L. Denise, 'Ford vice- president-labor relations, agreed with Reuther's time assessment on the national contract but said sev- eral of the locals "are still pretty tough nuts to crack." Reuther appeared happy with the agreements on outside con- tracting. He said in the tool and die field it will "give our people a chance for the first time to .sit down and explore the problem in advance." The issue of outside contracting arises when the company seeks to employ firms for specific jobs rather than do work in its own "plants. To Meet Today The next meeting of the na- tional bargaining committeesnas scheduled for 10 a.m. today. Reuther said local unions which have not resolved their local de- mands should step up their bar- gaining efforts and try to settle before coming to the National Council meeting. Meanwhile, the UAW concen- trated yesterday on a key threat to its historic profit-sharingrcon- tract with American Motors Corp. The status of the AMC contract was clouded over the weekend when Kenosha, Wis., local 72voted to reject the profit-sharing con- tract covering 23,000 hourly work- ers in five UAW locals. Chiang Cides United Nations TAIPEI iA)-Nationalist China's President Chiang Kai-shek as- serted yesterday that the United Nations, "built to safeguard peace, is now openly bowing to brute force." 1 He blamed this on what he called deliberate disruptions by the Communist bloc aided by neu- tralist speculators. Chiang's remarks were includ- ed in a statement marking the 50th anniversary of the 1911 China mainland revolution that led to the creation of the Repub- lie of China. Chiang declared that Commu- nist Outer Mongolia "is trying to trn.. i-- TTHT Only Two Blocks Left May Reaeh Settlement Man, Fruitfly Share Pattern' Of Increasing Populations By MICHAEL OLINICK Man, if you press Prof. Marston Bates for an analogy, is like a pack of fruitflies in a jar. The fruitfiies will nultiply their numbers to the limit which the jar can sustain, Prof. Bates of the zoology department said last night. If you enlarge the jar, the numbers will correspondingly rise In this manner, we can picture the population behavior pattern of man as based on a series of new and larger jars. First Jar From his first jar (the limits of a food consumer economy), man jumped into a bigger-one via the Neolithic revolution which turned <" him into a' food producer. This revolution came about 10 or 12,000 years ago and changed man's re- lations with the biological com- munity, Prof. Bates said. f Sin es The next changing of the jars came about 3,000 B.C. when the development of grains which were earily stored and easily trans- ported made the "urban revolu- tion" possible and, thus, the incep- tion of civilization and specializa- tion. I I SURPRISE New York Wins Fifth and Final Game 'c CINCINNATI (P)-The Powerful New York Yankees won their 19th World Series in a five-game romp over outclassed Cincinnati, crushing the Reds in a humiliating 13-5 barrage yesterday in the loosely played finale. With Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra both out of action due to injuries, the American League champs still mounted a 15-hit attack against a parade of eight Cincinnati pitchers, the most ever used by one team in a -series game. Johnny Blanchard, Mantle's replacement, slammed a two-run homer as the Yankees routed loser Joey Jay in a five-run first in- ning. Hector Lopez, subbing for Berra,,'smashed a three-run homer off Bill Henry during another five-run explosion in the fourth. All during the warm, summery afternoon the muscular Yanks battered the Reds' pitchers, and also took advantage of three errors by Cincinnati's sloppy defense to run up the score. The crowd of 32,589 had only two chances to cut loose in full The next fivecenturies saw little change in the dimensions of the jar, so the population remained basically static, Prof. Bates told the Washtenaw County League for Planned Parenthood. Then came the Industrial Revo- lution of the 18th Century and the "marriage" of science and industry in the 20th. All these substitutions and en- largements of the jars account in part for the "Prevalence of People" today, the theme of Prof. Bates' .. ;: .