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October 08, 1961 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-08

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Designers Use Bright Colors
ToAccentuate FalFashions

Large Paids, Bol Stripes Sound
Keynote in Women's Sportswear
--~"--- ~

Burlap, Jersey, Wools, Tweec
To Enhance New Skirt Desigr

The big swing this fall has been
to bright, clear flashy colors
ranging from emerald green to
varying shades of majenta and
electric blue.
To accentuate these new fash-
ion colors, many of the cosmetic
companies have produced whole
new lines of lipstick and eyeshad-
For blonde-haired, blue or
green-eyed women,' thiere is not
much difference in lipstick shades,
and as last. year, a pure, vibrant-'
red is best.
Touch of Grey
The blonde should wear blue and
green shades of eyeshadow, but
with a touch of charcoal grey to
make' the eyes appear larger,
deeper and prettier. .
She can wear almost all the
new fashion shades, but of these
*new hues she will look best in
bright green or electric blue. The
new purple dill1 also "-look good
with blonde coloring, but a young
lady must be wary of makeup-
color clashes.
The blonde woman should try
to voi excessively bright colors
SComplimentary Tones
For dressy affairs, charcoal
tones can be used to subdue eye-
makeup, and compliment attir'e.
Almost any color is suitable for
casual or fancy dresses, but reds
are best not included in ward-
robes. This leaves a choice of any
one of the new browns, greens,
electric blue and,- if one has the
right complexion, bright yellow.
Lipsticks. for the brunette with
blue or green eyes have a much
wider range than they do for
blondes-from clear red to shock-
ing pink. Her eyeshadow, howeve,
should be confined to blue or
green, with perhaps a touch of
Correct Shades
Care should be taken to wear
the right shade of. lipstick with
the correct color dress. Purple,
green and blue dresses or match-
ing outfits are good for evening-
wear, as are the russet shades
for the miore monotome-look in
or dark-eyed, brunette wom-
en, a striking effect can be creat-
ed by using white eyeshadow to
bring out their eyes. Hloweve'r,
they must be careful not to ap-

pear "beat"* because this is not
the purpose of wearing plain
To avoid this stereotype, an ex-
ceptionally bright lipstick should
be used, preferably bright red, but
shocking pink has also been
known to have a stunning effect.
For her wardrobe, green or blue
is best. It is wise to avoid yellow
because this tends to make dark
complexions appear yellow.
.Redhead's Croice
The' redheads, it seems, must
have .had this year's choice of col-
ors decided upon specifically for
terown use.
For blue or green eyes, green
eyeshadow is best, although blue
can be used depending upon what
color is worn. The lipstick should
be red, but it can have just a
tinge of blue or purple in it to
accentuate the new colors.
SEvery one of the new colors ex-
cept majenta can be, worn.
Red should be played down.
Skin color will determine whether
or not one can wear yellow. If
and wear gree eyeshado to ge
the very best effect.
For the red-head with brown
eyes, any shade of rust will look
quite good, as will most of the
blues, purples, and greens.
Avoid Maj$enta
She should avoid majenta, and,
as the redhead with blue or grgen
eyes, wear yellow only when it
will be compatible with skin color.
Lipsticks range from rust-colored
to those with brown overtones.
Brown eyeshadow is best for
In short, majenta is better for
dark-haired women while the rust
colors and bright greens, blues,
and purples may be worn by al-
most anyone with almost a guar-
antee of success.
One of the innovations this year
is colored lipsticks, coming in
various shades of blue, green, and
other such charming variations
designed to make more appealing
the ultra-modern young under-
graduate woman. No one asked the
wit blue lips or green lips, bu
It must be admitted that if a
girl could match her lipstick with
her date's jacket, Innumerable
laundry bills would be avoided.

herself .through her hat. New,
floppy hats seen on the beaches
this summer have given way to
smaller, navy type, rainhats which
perch on top of the new hairdos.
Tyrolian style hats now come
in corduroy for winter wear but
the warmest new hats are those
in the Russian style, imitation fur
in the peaked manner.
Gloves, too, present an oppor-
tunity for the feminine wiles to
run the gambit from extremely
casual to extremely tailored-.
For the girl who desires warmth
above all else there are the furry
mittens, which coe rin aows
imitation leopard-complete with
There are woolen mittens, for
those who seek a regression to
childhood, and woolen gloves, for
those who like to be able to open
change-purses with covered hands.
For the most tailored Miss the
knit gloves with leather palms or
completely leather gloves have a
'greater appeal. For tailoring plus
warmth, the fur'-lined leather
gloves provide just the right com-
I orer to alleviate the cost
of such fur style hats, many arti-
ficial fibers are being used to pro-
duce a furlike effect. Hopefully,
these hats will warm up the cold
war situation by promoting cul-
tural ties between the two nations.

A wide range of skirts will be
seen on campus this year, includ-
ing new fall colors, fabrics and
As the temperature drops and
Ann Arbor snows begin, full
pleated burlap skirts with large
fringe trimmed pockets will be
exchanged for straight wools, jer-
seys and flannels.
The newest fabric is the basket

weave wool, which is used in plaid
and solid colors.
The kilt will lengthen slightly
for a class-year or casual dress
outfits often accented by fringed
trim along the sides and clasped
with a large gold or silver safety
pin at the side.
Gorred skirts, with this year's
shorter hemline, offer freedom of
moement and are especially com-
bleacher climbing at football
games. This year, plaids will be
seen in greater abundance than in

past falls. Combinations of I
oranges, magentas, kelly 'greer
sharp peacock blues will be
bined with the classic pul
sweaters and blouses.
For the more sport - ml
women, cullottes are still in
both in traditional colors an<
new hues. Pleated skirts
straight tapered skirts will
readin bstandard in a wor:
For dressier occasions, mat(
cardigan and pullover swe
provide a complete outfit.


RELAXED MOOD-The casualness of women's sportswear this
season is accentuated by a neat harmony of skirt or slacks, blouse
and sweater. It costs no more to match each color in mpilady's
outfit, and 'U' eo-eds have acquired this habit with a refreshing


Women are no longer wearing
the conservative dark blue suit and
frilly white blouse.
This year, the trend in sports-
wear is bright, bright colors and
wild plaids and stripes.
The "look" is neat sloppiness
with over-smocks and "cobblers"
which dip below the knees, low
enough for dinner line approval
with virtually no form whatso-
These smocks and dusters come
in every color in the rainbow,
with most of them usually repre-
sented in one pattern of large,
medium and small stripes run-
ning all over.
Predominating colors, however,
include blues, greens and magenta,
a shade of red-purple.
Colorful Knits
T-tops, sweaters and over-
blouses also exhibit the trend to
be brightly colored. Italian knit
sweatersheare more colorful than
duced into the American fashion
scene and show all signs of be-
coming even more colorful.

Fringe, too, makes its appear-
ance felt, bordering hems, neck-
lines and pockets.
A new adaptation of last year's
kilt, again, a blessing for col-
legians who must pass rigid din-
ner line rules, is the "kiltie."
This skirt just hits the middle
of the knee and is fastened by a
large pin. It is made of box pleats
and allows comfortable walking,
sitting and last-minute running
for classes.
Burlap Bermudas
Burlap, that ever-versatile ma-
terial, has now hit the scene 'in
bermuda shorts. The familar
brown potato sacking has been
transformed into a multitude of
clrs, mostly solids as opposed
Women can exert their own per-
sonalities in new belts, too. With
the advent of burlap and home-
spun material, belts are now dis-
tinguished only by the buckle.
Buclsae large, unusual and
from eagles to ships.
Floppy Hats
Finally, the coed can express


...lively, lovely

Sweaters Hit Knee;
Mohair RageGrows

A girl's sweaters are the main-
stay o er dwardrobe, perhas
black dress. This year sweaters
run the gambit from the eternal
cardigan to the huge knee length
Perhaps the newest "new thing"
in sweaters is mohair. They come
in every imaginable color, and are
usually ,large. (This brings to
mind an interesting question: Why
do girls always buy sweaters
which are 14 sizes too big for
The mohair sweaters are usually
found in turtle neck, cowl neck
or V-neck designs, and very large
stitching. However, the' price is
usually prohibitive.
All the other shaggy materials,
such as fuzzy wool and brushed
'orlon also contribute to the illu-
sion of an artic expedition on the
campus, and are more reasonably
Conterfecit Knits
It will now be hard to tell the
hand knit sweater from the ma-
chine knit, because it appears tliat
the manufacturers of the counter-
feit article have ironed out the

Another new 'aclasslc'' is the
be found toc mahthe m ost onb-
scure of all colors, and will go
with anything: skirts, kilts, ber-
mudas, or slacks. However it is
going to be hard to find regular
crew-necks around, the V-neck
has usurped the crew-neck posi-
In the novelty sweaters, the
most important things next to the
size of the knit. Necks are cowled,
turtled, double-turtled and V-ed,
and just sitting there waiting fo'r
a lovileer. Knits are large to the
extent that they look like they are
coming unknitted or that the
moths have gotten after them.

W e ,ry., ret
v.riety of IMPORTED .nd
and don't forget our
10%DISCOUNT for students,
until October 15th.
NO 5-5644

the knit aCCentV
is on color by
button detail, escorted by a
slim dyed-to-match skirt
that is accented by darts.
..~y:. T e eter nCaelt-
Kot Red. Sizes 34 to 40 $10.98
TheSkirt-mathing cols.s
Sizes 10-16 $10.98
Advertised in "SEVENTEEN"
See these and many others
BARNA RD'S Catnpu4 Ca4uaI4
1111 So. University Phone NO 3-260 5
for Fal.
Excitingly different! A look
in boot attire keyed to enhance
the seasons variety AQ

111g Ofld mid- co""'"lorSI yuu desre,
high unbreakable ""
spiked heel.
shoe store. TWO STORES

Ann Arb~or:

108 5. Main - Ypsilanti:

115 W. Michi


For a limited tim e
only, and at no
extra cost, we will
tint these lovely satin
pumps to match any




for unrumpled good looks-
KNiTS of fine combed cotton yarn
'that can be the mainstay of your all-
year all-weather wardrobe . . . for
classroom or office, socializing ,or
travel. They pack well, sit well, wash
beautifully. They're the best thing to
happen since Eve ate the apple-


Cardigan 105
Pullover 9


1 1~

Illustrated are but two of our
collection. Other knit dresses of
double woven cotton flat knit
or Bouche from $17.95 of wool
flat knit from $25.00
C os tu m es f r om $29.95 t o
$69.95. Sizes 7-15, 8-20, 1 2-

..a many-patterned thing
bugs in th e process, and are turn-
ing out beautiful articles. These
types of sweaters are reaching
the enviable position of being a
Speaking of classics, they are

) Ing en ious top-
stitching out-
ines the set-in
yoke. Buttons to
/ d v er tis ed in
/L G LAMOUR. 10-

Our "Dreamspun" sweaters and our "Dreamspun
skirts make a soft and lovely dream of a match 1
beautiful Garland colors. Together they clothe you I
luscious fur-blend luxury, and bring you complnE;
everywhere you go. Sweater and skirt are marveloudA
tailored, down to the last exquisite little detail.


., ~mr.rf Fp.m.Rn,4~A

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