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September 12, 1961 - Image 21

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-12

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League President
Sees Changes Near
Stresses Necessity for Cooperation
With Other Student Organizations
Increased academic pressure and the coming tri-mester system
will require extensive re-evaluation of Women's League activities for
the next year, Bea Nemlaha, '62, League president, says.
Viewing the League as "essentially a place for activities," she
stresses the hope that through closer cooperation with other campus
organizations, notably the Michigan Union, Panhellenic and Assem-
bly, an emphasis can be given only to the most important projects of
each group.
"We will need to eliminate overlapping in activities and continue
or initiate only those projects which are most valuable," she explains.

Sets Rules
Assembly Association is the or-
ganization for independent women
in residence halls on campus.
Each unaffiliated woman is au-
tomatically a member. Assembly is
the official representative of inde-
pendent women to the whole cam-
pus, the Women's League, the Stu-
dent Government Council and the
other housing groups.
Assembly resulted from a meet-
ing of inidependent women in
1934, at which the organization
was first discussed.
Two Main Groups
The two main groups which
work together on Assembly are the
Assembly Dormitory Council and
the Assembly Executive Board.
ADC is the representative body
of the women living in residence
halls. One girl from each house
represents her house at the meet-
ings which are held weekly. ADC
forms policies and functions in
a legislative capacity for Assembly.
Its committees work in the areas
of housing, alumnae relations,
scholarships, campus sevice and
house service.
AEB is composed of ten women
who work on Assembly and ADC
projects and chair the various
committees in addition to their
specific duties.
Ten Officers
These ten women are: the presi-
dent, the first vice-president, the
second vice-president, the secre-
tary, the treasurer, orientation
chairman, activities and scholar-
ship chairman, public relations
chairman, social chairman and
projects chairman.
Assembly is a member of the
Big Ten Residence Halls Associa-
tion. The President 'of Assembly
attends the annual Presidents
Conference of this group.
Positions on Assembly are open
to all unaffiliated women on cam-
pus. These positions are filled
through a petitioning process
whereby interested women submit
written petitions, supplemented by
personal interviews.
Through ADC, the Circle Hon-'
orary Society was established to;
recognize women who have been,
outstanding in the residence halls.
All women living in the residence,
halls are eligible for membership
on the basis of their contributions,
to their own houses.
See DORMS, Page 8
Sin Planned
Wolverine Club will sponsor the
traditional All-Campus Sing dur-
ing Orientation week, following
President Harlan Hatcher's wel-I
come to incoming freshman stu-7
dents on Thursday of registration3
The event will serve as a mixer
and pep rally for both old and
new sbudents.'
Gymnastics Coach Newt Lokenf
will handle the master of cere-t

Unique Organization
The University is unique, she
says,hin that it has an all-campus
women's organization house4 in a
building separate from the com-
parable men's group, the Union.
Other campuses, Miss Nemlaha ex-
plains, have a centralized student
union which often incorporates
governmental as well as social ac-
The League is designed to pro-
vide "fun and friendship" for both
independent and affiliated women,
she says. It serves a "co-curricu-
lar" function by providing co-eds
with an opportunity to fulfill a
personal role as a foil for academ-
ic responsibility; by helping to
build an "esprit de corps" among
University women.
Looking forward to the fall, Miss
Nemlaha outlines the varied
League schedule for th coming
semester which includes the tradi-
tional Homecoming weekend, co-
sponsored with the Union.
Soph Show
Other events are the Soph Show
presentation of "Guys and Dolls,"
See LEAGUE, Page 10
IQC Faces
New Year
Inter-Quadrangle Council is the
representative body for the over
3,000 University men living in
residence halls.
Led by Thomas Moch, '63E, this
body has responsibility to handle
the student government areas of
the three men's residences -
South East and West Quadrangles
-and to act as a liaison between
the residents and the administra-
In order to accomplish these
aims, IQC is organized on the
basis of quadrangle representa-
tives sent by each of the quad
The group's president also is a
voting member of the Residence
Hall Board of Governors, which is
in charge of policy and rules for
all residence halls.
Many Issues
IQC has considered many issues
in the past year. Perhaps the most
sensational was the Scheub re-
port which charged widespread
dissatisfaction among residents.
But, IQC also faced the question
of non - academic evaluations.
These are sheets filled out by
resident advisers commenting on
the various personality traits of
individuals which becomes a part
of his University record.
The council supported the use
of such evaluations.
Another IQC project was a con-
ference on the residence halls.
Some time in the early fall an-
other such conference is planned.
Its possible subject may be "The
Ideal House," intended as a focal
point for various ideas relating to
the present project of rewriting
the Michigan House Plan.
Among the difficulties facing
IQC is the high turnover of per-
sonnel in the quadrangles. An-
nually, about 50 per cent of the
residents, at the end of their first
required year in the quadrangles,
move into apartments, fraterni-
ties, or cooperatives.
This means that a large num-
ber of the people in the system
are freshmen who, though they
are encouraged to participate in
quad government, are relatively

Union Facilities
Serve Campus Men
Activities Center Sponsors Events
For 'U' Students, Faculty, Alumni
The Michigan Union, to its student members at the University
often seems to be just a campus recreational and meeting center.
But to alumni and faculty, the Union is far more.
For alumni, the Union is often the center of traditions that are
associated with the University, one of the places to which they can
return and still actually be a part of the campus community.
To many faculty members, the Union means the home of the
faculty club and the other service facilities.
These three groups and the multiplicity of their needs guides the
Union in the formulation of rules and policy and determining what
facilities it can offer.
For the student, the Union often
means first of all the MUG- R:
Michigan Union Grill. GOVERNS MEN
This modernistic cafeteria lo-
cated in the building's basement I
is one of the gathering spots on IF
campus. It features three separate
rooms, one of them with a juke-f @JO e
box, with a grill serving light re-
freshments and dinners and an-
other cafeteria style counter open
only at meal times. By DAVID MARCUS
Controversial Center Interfraternity Council coordin-
Though the MUG has been the ates the activities of the campus'
center of controversy over the 43 fraternities.
ejection of certain non-members Robert Peterson, '62, IFC Presi-
from it, nevertheless it continues dent, has cited the problems of
to be a favorite, air-conditioned membership selection and rush as
eating spot. the most pressing currently fac-
Other features of the Union are ing the fraternity system.
its barber shop, swimming pool,
hobby rooms, dark rooms, music Membership selection concerns
rooms, and a pool and billiard the recently passed Student Gov-
room. ernment Council regulation out-
There are also hotel accommo- Jawing religious and racial restric-
dations for visitors, aspacious tions among campus organizations.
dining room on the first floor and IFC two years ago issued a
a number of other facilities. statement taking a stand against
But facilities form only a small such discrimination and is cur-
portion of the -Union's signifi- rently planning another state-
cance; for the Union is a service ment to reiterate its position to
organization, and its services ex- the campus.
tend far beyond the multi-million
dollar. physical plant on State Rush Problems
Street. IFC is also presently consider-

CENTER OF ACTIVITY-The $975,000 addition to the Student Activities Bldg. houses student administration and employment offices
which were formerly located in the Administration Bldg. The new three-story structure on Maynard Street was financed through student
fees, as was the original SAB, to serve as a center for student activities and services.
S .uen ees Build SAAdiion


A new wing to the Student Ac-
tivities Bldg. opened up early this
TheSAB, located on the corner
of Monroe and Jefferson Streets,
got the $975,000 annex when Uni-
versity officials won approval from,
the state Legislature to go ahead
with plans for the structure last
The annex will be financed en-
tirely by student fees. It will per-
mit all administrative departments
having anything to do with stu-
dent affairs to be relocated in the
(enlarged) SAB complex.
Many Relocated
Thus, the admissions office, the
placement bureau, the veterans
affairs office, and the bureau of
appointments are all , enjoying
homes in the new, roomy quar-
The office of religious affairs,
which for years has been located
in Lane Hall, will also move into
the SAB.
Lane Hall will then be turned
over to the music school to help
ease that school's desperate short-
age of facilities.
$7.4 Million Cost
The Student Activities Bldg.
annex was approved as part of a
$7,440,000 package proposal call-
ing for self-liquidation building
projects in six of the state's col-
leges and universities.
In each project the work would
be financed from bonds payable
from fees and revenues obtained
from the buildings themselves.
The SAB addition was explained
by Clyde Vroman, head of the
committee that decided it was
needed, as "necessary because of

the crowded conditions in the Ad-
ministration Bldg.
"This is history repeating it-
self," admissions director Vroman
"The original Student Activities
Building was designed to relieve
overcrowding, but due to rising
enrollment and increased person-
nel, more space is now needed.
Besides .the new offices located
in the wing, the Dean of Men's
Office will also be given added
space in the new structure, as will
the office of the Dean of Women.
The costs of the SAB annex will
be added on to the already-stand-
ing debt for the original portion of
Space limitations necessarily
preclude the listing of every
campus activity in this orienta-
tion issue. Selection of certain
major events, and activities is
necessary to introduce the new
student to the University's
extra-curricular cosmos.
A campus of this size offers
opportunities for participation
in a vast number of areas. Stu-
dent Government Council alone
lists over 100 clubs and organ-
izations using University build-
ings. They range from religious
associations to athletic clubs to
academic and honorary socie-
With this in mind, the new
student can judge for himself
what he wants to do with his
years at the University.

the building, explained Vice-Presi-
dent Wilbur K. Pierpont.
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin Niehuss said that
the financing of the SAB annex
was considered part "of the origi-
nal decision to finance the SAB
with student funds."
Ad. Bldg. Relieved
The cashier's office, long a part
of the Administration Bldg., has
moved along with other offices in
that building to the SAB across
the street.
Pierpont said there was no rea-
son why other buildings couldn't
be built with student fees except
that by pledging student fees to
construction there would be no
cash left to fall back on, should it
become necessary.
Work began on the addition late
in the spring of 1960, and contin-
ued until the middle of this sum-
mer. One casualty of the construc-
tion was a memorial to an alum-
nus, whose plaque had overlooked
the wide area of well-kept lawn
now covered by cinderblocks.
A Tree Grows...
A tree, obtained at no cost and
destined to provide shade for a
courtyard between the original
SAB and a three-quarters sur-
rounding section of the annex,
ran into some installation difficul-
It wasn't decided to put it in
until concrete had already been
set over the courtyard. So the
concrete had to be ripped up. Also,
the courtyard was already sur-
rounded by annex when the tree
was to be installed, so it had to
be hoisted up over a low enclosed
Too heavy for the crane avail-

able, its roots were trimmed down
(along with the ball of earth
around them) until it was light
enough to be hoisted. Then, the
root damage meant that special
root feeding was necessary to keep
the tree alive.
"Sororities are a paradox, it of-
fers a unique experience in group
living as well as an impetus for
individual growth," Susan Stiller-
man, '62, President of Panhellenic
Association believes.
"The role of a university is to
produce the well-educated man or
woman, having an intellectual and
cultural awareness as well as an
ability to formulate meaningful
personal relationships. Here at the
University, it is the aim of the
sorority system not only to en-
hance the ideals of the University,
but to fulfill the needs of the
growing individual as well," Miss
Stillerman said.
"Panhel is also based upon re-
lationships viewed in the broadest
terms. Panhel is in the position to
view with foresight the goals, ideal-
istic yet practical, to which the
sorority system must direct itself."
The system "with its potential
for greatness" can offer the col-
lege woman an intensification of
every aspect of her education.
"Panhel must act as the catalyst
See PANHEL, Page 12


Homecoming Sponsor
For example, the Union co-
sponsors Homecoming with SGC
and the League. Similarly, the an-
nual Musket production, Michi-
gras, and Spring Weekend are
handled in part or totally by the
The Union is also often the cen-
ter of social activity, ranging from
informal Friday night and post-
football game dances to occasion-
ally somewhat more formal affairs.
Another service of the Union lies
in a bulletin board in the base-
ment which lists, after approval
from the Union, goods either
wanted or for sale ranging in
nature from cars and cameras to
apartments for rent and rides or
riders wanted to every quarter of
the United States.
Airflight Trip
Yet another activity of the
Union is the annual airflight to
Europe. Each year, the Union
charters a plane and sells seating
to Europe for University students
and employees on a cost basis.
International students have also
been spotlighted by the Union.
Each year, the Union sponsors an
International Weep, capped by a
World's Fair. The objective of this
program is to promote under-
standing between the University
community and foreign students.
Still another aspect of the Union
is the Creative Arts Festival. Last
year, the festival brought to cam-
pus noted poet John Ciardi and
controversial novelist Ayn Rand
to the compus to talk on their
poetry and philosophy respective-
ly. The festival is staged each
Union Madness, held twice each
See BOARD, Page 6

ing various problems and solu-
tions of rush.
. The organization is divided into
executive and legislative branches.
The legislative branch consists of
the Fraternity Presidents' As-
sembly in which the president of
each of the University's frater-
nities is a member.
The IFC executive committee
consists of a representative from
each of the geographical districts
into which the affiliates are di-
vided plus alumni representatives.
The executive committee also has
the function of acting as a judi-
ciary for violations of major rules
such as hazing, which is forbid-
den at the University.
There is also a judiciary sub-
committee to deal with minor in-
Bind Houses
IFC must bind together houses
with diverse interests and ele-
ments. Each house has an indi-
vidual character in addition to
the various personalities found in
them, some houses emphasizing
scholarship, others activities, and
still others athletics.
The houses are all run by stu-
dents, though they are owned by
the alumni corporations of eacl
The treasurer, the house mana-
ger, and. the steward hold re-
sponsibility for the daily opera-
tion of each house. They are in
charge of house employees and
general operations.
The steward purchases food for
the entire group. Often, he buys
through the Fraternity Buyers'
Association which purchases large
See IFC. Page 9


Bacon Greets Women
On Sunday, September 10, Ann Arbor will thoroughly under-
stand the phrase "the wave of the future." Of the 3,000 drops
forming Michigan's wave of '65, 1,500 will splash down on us
that day. The excitement, optimism, energy and genuine capacity
for learning pouring out are as conspicuously real as the weather
on a sunny, cloudless July day on a Cape Cod beach with a salty
wind sweeping in from the Atlantic.
It is well to remember that this atmosphere of heady energy,
this sense of effective well-being it not, itself, The Deed Accom-
plished. It can be the ideal climate, the carefully provided opti-

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