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October 07, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-07

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Mostly sunny and warm
today and Sunday

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom




Rusk Reports Little Progress Made;
Kennedy Reaffirms Wbest's Position
WASHINGTON (Y)-Soviet Foreign Minister 'Andrei A. Gromyko
met with President-John F. Kennedy for more than two hours on the
Berlin crisis lTate yesterday and said afterwards he stressed the im-
portance of a peace treaty with Germany.
While Gromyko, described the parley as useful, neither he nor
Secretary of State Dean Rusk gave any evidence of a breakthrough in
the United States-Soviet conversations which have made little progress
so far.
Search for Talks
Rusk reported the White House conference was a continuation of

inconclusive meetings he has held
Respite Seen
As Red, Boss
Boeks Downil
BERLIN (MP-The Communists
indicated last night that the West
may get 'a; breathing spell in the
tenseEast-West struggle over-Ber-
Soviet Premier N i k i t a A.
Khrushchev, his roving deputy
Anastas I. Mikoyan and the Com-
munist chief of East Germany,
Walter Ulbricht, contributed to
the impression that a showdown
on Berlin may be postponed be-
yond the end of the year. In the
past Khrushchev has warned re-
peatedly that he would sign a
peace treaty with East Germany
before the end of the year, en-
dangering Western access rights
to isolated Berlin.
But in statements on the 12th
anniversary of Communist East
Germany's emergence as a gov-
ernment, the phrase "this year"
was dropped from the standard
demand for a peace treaty.'
Mikoyan- and Ulbricht spoke at
the opening ,of the' anniversary
clebrations:' °Khrushchev sent a
message of greetings from Moscow
describing the new Communist
control measures against escapees
from East Germany as "a con-
siderable contribution to the cause
of peace,"
MOSCOW (Am) - Moscow Uni-
versity students banged on their
desks and shouted down their
professors yesterday in order to
keep American and West Euro-
pean peace marchers talking.
The incident was reported
publicly by the official Soviet
news agency Tass.
University authorities and
Soviet peace committee officials
had tried to break up the ses-
sion when the students pro-
"Let, 'em talk," shouted the
200 students present. "We don't
agree with them, but let us hear
them anyway."~
Delta Plans
Delta 'College, the newest com-
munity college in the state, will
feature David Rockefeller, art col-
lector and banker, -at its dedica-
tion program; which lasts tomor-
row through Wednesday.
"Education the Key to the F u-
ture of Higher Education," will
be Rockefeller's topic for his
speech Monday night. He is the
brother of Gov. Nelson Rockefel-
Presently, Delta is a two-year
college,, but a second: attempt to
Gmake it a 'four-year institution
Smay be introduced in the next
Legislature. The eight million dol-
lar college has an enrollment of
1,856 students.
Supported by taxes from the
college districts of Saginaw, Bay
and Midland counties, Delta is us-
ing the most advanced electronic
teaching aids including closed cir-
cuit television. It has been called
one of the nation's leading ex-
periments in higher education.

rThe college offers two distinct
- courses. The College of Letters is
for students seeking a degree and

with Gromyko in New York in a
Ssearch for evidence of Kremlin
willingness for negotiations on the
explosive Berlin issue on terms the
Western powers will accept.
Yesterday's meeting "was inter-
esting and that's all you can say
about it," Rusk said.
Presidential Press Secretary
Pierre Salinger had nothing to add
after the conference between Ken-
nedy, Rusk, Gromyko and a hand-
ful of top advisers.
No Plans
Both Rusk and Gromyko said
they had no plans for a further
get-together before Gromyko re-
turns to Moscow. Gromyko said he
will leave New York for home on
Gromyko's stress on a peace
treaty with Germany is along
familiar Moscow lines. Rusk has
been trying to find out, without
much success so far, Just how the
Soviet-proposed peace treaty with
Communist East Germany would
affect West. Berlin rights which
the West deems vital.
Kennedy for his part was re-
ported to have re - emphasized
Western determination not to yield
Berlin rights. His emphasis to
Gromyko was expected to be re-
layed by the Soviet Minister to
School Ousts
McCOMB, Miss. ('-Supt. R. S.
Stmpson said yesterday 118 Ne-
gro students who participated in
a protest march to City Hall have
been suspended from school.
Simpson said the students would
be readmitted Tuesday on a pro-
bation basis. They walked out of
a school assembly program Wed-
nesday in protest against school
officials not immediately re-in-
stating two Negro sit-in demon-
The superintendent said Brenda
Travis. 16, and Isaac Lewis, 21,.
the sit-inners, would not be al-
lowed to re-enter now. He said
Lewis dropped out of school last
year. F
The two were arrested Aug. 30
for a sit-in attempt at the Mc-
Comb bus station and were releas-
ed last Saturday on $1,000 bonds.
Police announced the arrest of
Curtis C. Bryant, president of the
Pike County branch of the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People. He
was charged with contributing to
the delinquency of a minor girl.
Officers arrested the 118 Ne-
groes and one white man Wednes-
day for demonstrating on the steps
of City Hall after a march through
the city with signs' calling for
equal rights..
Mayor C. H. Douglas of Mc-
Comb invited Atty. Gen. Robert
F. Kennedy to. visit McComb to
see the conditions first hand.
"The charge that our colored citi-
zens are under a reign of terror
is absolutely false," he said. The
charge had been made by the Rev.
Martin Luther King, Jr. of At-

'M' Offense
Uses Wing-T
Sportswriter Tells
Of Great Strategein
A startling fact that has come
to the fore that, there are some
people on campus who do not
know what a wing-T is.
No, it is not the newest Thun-,
derbird' with fins. Nor is it some
sort of migratory bird, although
it does at times. take flight. Bu
rather, it is the Michigan football
team's basic offensive style of at-
Thus enlightened, girls, sissies,
squares, and uninformed sports-
men, stand ready to digest the
intricacies of the wing-T. (No fair
for Michigan State sympathizers
reading any farther.)
Stolen From Iowa
The wing-T is a 'formation pop-
ularized by Iowa's Forest Evashev-
ski, '40. which takes advantage of
the single wing blocking power,
utilizes the option runs of the
split-T, _has its own devastating
end runs and has all the explo-
siveness of the short punt forma-
By examining the diagram close-
ly, one can see that the basic
variance from a straight-T for-
mation is that the right halfback
(19) stations himself 'behind his
own end (either inside or outside
depending on the play), instead of
the normal place beside the full-
back. The left halfback (43) also
moves to his left a little more
than in the T.
Backfield Motion
This right half, or more coi-
monly called the wingback (hence
the wing-T), often moves in mo-
tion behind the fullback before
the ball is snapped. From this
position he can,. take a handoff
from the quarterback and either
cut back into the line or continue
the sweep around his own left
end. Naturally the quarterback
will also fake a handoff to the
wingback sometimes, to throw the
defense (the other side) offstride.
When he doesn't go in motion,
the wingback is in a good posi-
tion to move downfield for a pass,
or to throw a key block. As evi-
denced by the diagram he can
often get a good angle on a de-
fensive lineman for blocking.
The presence of the wingback
also allows the possibility for re-
verses. An example of a simple
reverse would be if the quarter-
back handed the ball to the left
half (43) going around his own1
right end. The left half would
then hand the ball to the wing-7
back moving in the opposite di-
And now for the diagram. The1
numbers are authentic and the;
names are used to help the in-
nocent. (Number X is really Todd1
Grant, who really wears number
59. The X is football coaches' no-
tation for the center.)
In this play Dave Glinka (24)1
takes the snap, moves back and
hands the ball off to Bennie Mc-;
Rae (43). While this is happening
it is the job of the linemen to
open a hole in the line.1
Starting from the left of the1
line, Scott Maentz (96) moves

downfield to block, should McRae
get past the line of scrimmage.
John Houtman '(57) and Grant
See WING BACK, Page 6


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EVERYDA SECRETPLAY-AtypicalMichign Play rom thi ingtofnshosBene:c
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Injuries Hit Line,
Two ,Guards Sidelined by Injury;
Wolverines Boast Weight Edge
Sports Editor\
With one highly-touted opponent down,- Michigan faces na-
tionally-ranked Army at the Stadium today, only this time the
Wolverines rate as, unanimous favorites.
Michigan will be out to repeat the solid trouncings they gave
the Black Knights of the Hudson in 1955 and 1956, the last time
the two rivals met on the gridiron. But they will be without the
services of two key linemen in last weekend's rout of UCLA.
Right guards Joe O'Donnell, and Lou Pavloff will be on the
sidelines today and starting left " -
tackle John Houtman was on the
doubtful list. O'Donnell suffered hiln rcueo i etam a
last week, which was thought toy
be only a bruise at first. Pavloffrwilpoaystouthses St A d
as he did last year with a knee
injury. rT'-T 1 -

al oenes

0 0ig




~English' Used in New 1040.

Associated Press Staff Writer
The new, simplified, two-page
income tax form 1040 had its
coming-out party at Internal Rev-
enue Service yesterday.
IRS Commissioner Mortimer M.
Caplin, displaying the form at a
news conference, acknowledged it
won't make tax paying a joy.
But it is more readable, better'
arranged, prin'ted in bigger type
on higher quality paper. And it
substitutes plain English wherever'
possible for technical and legal
Replaces Forms
The form will be used for 1961
returns, replacing both the old
Local Issues
Hamper End
Of Auto Strike
DETROIT (A")-Ford Motor Co.
and the United Auto Workers Un-
ion bargained for three hours
yesterday without making any
substantial progress in their ef-
forts to end the strike of 120,000
Ford workers.
The negotiators said, however,
they clarified technical points in
contract language covering sup-
plemental unemployment compen-
sation, pensions and insurance. A
subcommittee studying skilled
trades problems reported lack of
Malcolm L. Denise, Ford vice-
president for labor relations, and
Walter P. Reuther, UAW presi-
dent,, led their respective bargain-
ing teams in an overall study of
the strike issues following a one-
day recess. They agreed to meet,
again at 10 a.m. today.
Ford and the UAW had reach-
ed agreement on economic mat-
ters-such as wages and fringe
benefits-before the strike began
Tuesday. They became bogged
down on the non-economic issues
-such as production standards-
and on local issues involving Ford
installations across the country.

1040 and 1040-W for the millions
of individual income tax payers
who get less than $200 of their
income from dividends and inter-
It will be mailed out in December
in a remodeled tax instruction
book with perforated pages, so that
taxpayers need remove only the
sheets they need instead of the
entire 16-page center section.
Taxpayers who have more than
$200 of -income from dividends. or
interest, and those who must re-
port income from farming, part-
nerships, businesses, annuities or
capital gains, will have to attach
the appropriate sheet or sheets to
form 1040.
Serve Bulk
But Caplin said the new 1040
will serve the great bulk of tax-
payers whose income comes mainly
from wages or salaries, including
the 7.5 million persons who last
year used form 1040-W.
That was the supposedly simpli-
fied form introduced a few years
ago. It did not work out well, tax
men reported, because it wasn't so
simple after all, was unfamiliar to
most taxpayers, and presented a
confusing choice of forms.
IRS is retaining the simplest
form of all; the punch card return,
1040-A. This may be used, how-
ever, only by taxpayers with less
than $10,000 of total income.
Drop Items
The new 1040 is so arranged that
all the tax computation is done on
page 1. Almost every line has been
dropped out entirely.

The question about whether you
owe any federal income tax for
previous years no longer appears,
but this doesn't open any new tax
loophole. The commissioner re-
marked: "That information is
available to us.
"As long as the tax form has to
mirror the tax laws, we can't have
complete simplification," he said.
-Soviet's* Plan:'
Abolish Taxes
In Five Years
MOSCOW (A') -- A *government
spokesman said yesterday that as
a result of the latest income tax
cuts two -thirds of the Soviet
Union's industrial workers are get-
ting wage hikes ranging from a
few points up to 26 per cent.
Alexander Volkov, chairman of
the State Committee on Labor and
Wages, said the major increases
are going to lower-paid workers.
The increases were accomplished
through a combination of wage
boosts and tax decrease, he said.
The government said Thursday
that the second stage of its Five
Year Plan to abolish income tax
went into effect Oct. 1. It abolished
taxes on workers earning up to 60
rubles a month and cut taxes by
40 per cent on incomes of 61 to 70
rubles a month.
The official ruble rate is, one for
$1.11, the free market rate is 40

Houtman To Start
Houtman was removed from the
UCLA game as, a precautionary
measure with a leg injury but
it may be more serious than it
appeared Monday. However, Hout-
man. was running with the first
string in final practice yesterday
and will probably start.
Sophomores Dave Kurtz and
Del Nolan will be moved up to
the first ranks to take over for
O'Donnell and Pavloff. The two
sophs are about 10-2 0 lbs. lighter
than O'Donnell and shorter on the
experience end, as well, but both
have been showing up well in
practice. Tom Keating, 220-b.
sophomore, will be available to
fill Houtman's shoes if the junior
should reinjure his leg.
The Wolverines out-weigh the
Cadets by 14.lbs. per nian, despite
tha substitutions, which should
be a good omen. Last week the
Maize and Blue averaged better
than three pounds heavier than
Top Linemnan
Senior tackle Jon Schopf, who
was named the nation's outstand-
ing lineman last week by Sports
Illustrated, will also be in. top
shape to anchor the line. He was
favoring a weak'ankle in part of
the ULCA game.
Although nationally-ranked in
the top 20 teams, the Cadets have
yet to meet a football squad even
approaching the Wolverines, who
are ranked eighth and ninth by
the wire services. Victories over
weak Richmond and Boston Uni-
versity have provided the tests
for Army so far and the Black
Knights won handily in each case.
Last week the Terriers from Bean-
town fell by a 31-7 count.
Lonesome End
Army, will- feature, its original
"lonesome end" again this season,
with Paul Zmuida in the starring
role. The 180-lb. .Zmuida has
caught only two passes for 16'
yards in two games but poses as
a constant threat from his un-
usual position.
Army Coach Dale Hall, in his
third year, has brought the end
back to the huddle this season and
instituted the man in motion to
give the Cadets a more versatile
and deceptive offense. This game
should provide an interesting con-
trast from the single-wing attack
of UCLA last week.
The Cadets use the run-pass
option series as their basic of-
fense, but ' despite the lonesome
end the Army has relied primarily
on a rushing attack. Quarterback
Dick Eckert is the key man in
both rushing and passing,lHe has
completed 9 of 22 aerial attempts
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
Troops. May
Aid Viet Nam
ed States considered yesterday the
possibility of sending American
troops'to South Viet Nam in the
face of increasing Communist at-
tacks against the government.
High State Department sources
made this known, while State De-
partment spokesman Joseph Reap
refused to rule out the possibility

10Educ ation
WASHINGTON (om-The Ameri-
can Council on Education, acting
after a sharp rebuke from Secre-
tary' of Welfare Abraham A. Ribi-
coff, took a first tentative step
yesterday, toward support of a
program of general Federal Aid to
the nation's schools.
r This would be a major change in
policy for the influential council,
which is primarily concerned with
higher education, and' it, was de-
cided to give the idea more study.
The council did, however, call'
on the federal government for
greatly increased financial support'
of colleges and universities.
This is precisely the sort of t"in
Ribicoff criticized Thursday.
The cabinet member told the
1,000 top -college officials attend-
ing the Council's annual meeting
they didn't really care about edu-
cation as a whole, but only their
particular part of it.,
Ribicoff said the Council should:
have thrown its weight behind the,
administration's proposals for fed-
eral grants for classroom construc-
tion and teachers' salaries.
In a panel session after Ribicoff
spoke .Thursday, between 75 and
-100 educators agreed unanimously
that Ribicoff was right, and that
the Council should support. federal'
aid for grade and high schools.
Charles Dobbins, staff associate
of the Council, said the committee
on Federal Relations may take up
the proposed resolution when it
meets next month.I '
If the committee and the execu-
tive committee approve it, it could
become Council Policy immediate-
ly, or it might be left to a poll of
the membership, he said.
Governor Still
Seeks Smith,
LANSING (A)- Gov. John .
Swainson refused to speculate
yesterday on the name 'of his ap-
pointment to the State Supreme
Court to succeed Justice Talbot'
Smith submitted his resignation
to the governor effective Tuesday,'
the day he will be sworn in as a
federal judge in the Eastern is-
trict of Michigan., He was givens
an interim appointment by Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy and still
must be confirmed by the Senate.'
Swainson termed the resigna-
tion "a very severe loss to the Su-
preme Court bench."
In response to at question,
Swainson said he did not think'
previous judicial experience was,
necessary for the appointment. it
will be his first appointment to
the State Supreme Court.
The executive. office has said a
successor probably will be named
within a week.
Those mentioned as potential
successors to Smith included Atty.
Gen. Paul. L. Adams, Aud. Gen.
Otis M. Smith; William K. Jack-.'
son, banker and University regent;
and Circuit Judges Michael Car-
land of Shiawassee County and

Rayburn's Condition Grave;
Johnson Expresses Concern
DALLAS, Tex {gyp) - Close associates said yesterday Speaker of
the House tam Rayburn, suffering from incurable cancer, may be
returned to his home this weekend.
Rayburn is expected to go from Baylor Hospital in 'Dallas
back to Bonham, Tex. Physicians have already said his condition is
such that no surgery is contemplated.
Rayburn's spirits were reported better yesterday and he was
resting comfortably, still uninformed of the gravity of his condition,-
<"an associate said. Vice-President
Lyndon Johnson, long-time poli-
tical ally of the 79-year-old Ray-
burn, visited for an hour and a
half in the House speaker's
ni da i s seventh-floor -suite.
Johnson emerged solemn-faced
and told reporters Rayburn's con-
dition "is a great personal tragedy

Dean Cites Medical Sta,

"Medicine is a better way of
life than any other if a person
is willing to devote his life' to
it," Dean Emertis Albert C. Furs-
tenburg of the Medical School
said yesterday in a lecture, "Medi-
cine as a Career."'
Furstenburg was dean of the
school from 1935 until 1919 and
was the fourth person appointed

sary to acquaint the student with ( are often combined in universityE

the qualities of human welfare
and social betterment; 2) A
strongly motivated individual with
reasons behind his will to work
and 3) One who can read, and
"The medical school can only
teach the students the means of
learning. A graduated doctor must
devote himself to medicine in

research centers, such as the Uni-
Furstenburg, generally known
in all medical circles as one of
the leaders of his profession, said
that new doctors would have little
to worry about in the case of
socialized medical care. "I am
confident that the doctor will not

to Lady Bird (Mrs. Johnson) and
myself and every other American."
The 1 p.m. medical bulletin
said in part:
"Physicians advised that there
is still no change in the general
condition of Speaker Sam Ray-
burn . . . he seems somewhat
better today than he did yester-
day. He is still resting comfort-


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