ANOTHER 'U' CUTBACK See Page ;4 Siti Aaiti FAIR, CLEAR High--75 Low--5Q Continued mild today, warmer tomorrow. Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXII, No. 17 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1961 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT PAGES Council FailsTo Act On Deadline Request McCorry Asks Dec.1 Time Limit For Greek Membership Statements By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Student Government Council failed to take action early yester- day morning on a request for a December 1 deadline for submission of fraternity and sorority membership statements. Jesse McCorry, 162, chairman of the Committee on Membership in Student Organizations, appeared before the Council with his group's request. The statements are to go to the Office of the Vice- President of Student :Affairs. McCorry said he realized certain af- filiated groups have individual problems which make it difficult to submit their membership clauses Berlin Firings Ma) Kennedy- Gromyko UNBECOMING CONDUCT?-Two University students seek ac- cess to Betsy Barbour during one of the campus's semi-tradi-. tional panty raids. What types of participation and to what degree they are followed constitute "conduct unbecoming a student" may be defined by the faculty Sub-Committee on Stu- dent 'Discipline. The decision made in the case of these two Michigan men is obscured in history. F~ " Group MVay Clarify 'Unbeco-ming'. Action By DAVID MARCUS The faculty Sub-Committee on Student Discipline may develop concrete definitions of "conduct unbecoming a student" in relation to raids, riots and other demonstrations. The group's chairman, Prof. John Reed of the law school, said that initial consideration has already been given to. a possible statement clarifying the phrase used to determine the grounds for judicial ac- tion against students. Discussion of the possibilities of adopting such a statement grew out of the more general question of whether or not to define the vterm of rulings on specific situa- Kill Proposal At Con-Con LANSING (W) - All attempts' to specifically authorize standing committees of the Constitutional Convention to hold closed ses- sions were beaten down decisively yesterday by the Convention's Committee on Permanent Organ- ization and Rules.k But also beaten down at the same meeting was a propdsal to specify that all committee sessions should be open, except those of the Administration Committee when it is considering the quali- fications of staff members to be employed.. The ruleshcommittee did not' specify whether all committee' sessions shall be open or may be closed under some circumstances. May Reach Floor Yesterday's action does not pre- clude the question of permitting' executive sessions or requiring open meetings from coming to the{ convention floor itself when the proposed rules are presented Mon-+ day. Alvin M. Bentley (R-Owosso),1 a former Congressman, lost two different attempts to gain rules, that would have permitted execu- tive sessions. Facing what appeared obvious defeat on his original proposal, Bentley moved for a rule that would have permitted any con- mittee to hold closed sessions if it first obtained authority by a majority vote of the convention{ itself. Original Proposal After this, Bentley's original proposalralso was beaten. It would have provided that: "Any stand- ing committee, by a majority vote of its members, may conduct its business in executive session, pro- vided that no witnesses are to be heard and that no votes are to be taken during such executive ses- sion." John Martin (R-Grand Rapids) led the opposition to Bentley's proposals, with support from Adelaide Hart (D-Detroit) and Mrs. Dorothy Judd (R-Grand Rapids). Bentley's strongest support came from Ann Donnelley (R-Highland Park) and Melvin Nord (D-De- troit). U s.1) _ _ - a.-. - tions, Prof. Reed said. "We felt that this phrase was probably an adequate one for our situation here at the University,". he said. . Prof. Reed noted that whether or not the sub-committee gives further consideration and even- tual approval to a statement on demonstrations d e p e n d s on whether the sub-committee mem- bers feel there is .sufficient need for clarification. Dean of Men Walter B. Rea said that while it would be im- practical to delete "conduct un- becoming a student," he hoped that "something definite" would clarify regulations in relation to demonstrations such as panty raids. r,"If we were to spell out every situation in detail it would take volumes," he commented. "But I think students should be alerted to their responsibilities in the matter ofsdemonstrations or raids." Specifically, such a statement would warn students that conspic- uous participation, leadership, organization or provocation .dur- ing a demonstration, and illegal entry into women's. residence halls would make them liable to severe penalies.- There was no indication as yet of how the new ruling would apply to women. Brown, imburg Seek SGC Posts Thomas Brown, '63, and Aline Limburg, '62, took out petitions for Student Government Council yes- terday. Deadline for petitions is next Thursday. Ribicoff ips. Interest Lag, WASHINGTON (P)-Secretary of Welfare Abraham Ribicoff startled 1,000 college presidents and deans yesterday by telling them: "I don't think you really care about education, or are go- ing to do anything about it." He went on to tell the annual meeting of the American Council on Education, "There are very, very few newspapers across the country which have a deep inter- est in education, and support it." Ribicoff discarded most of a prepared text and launched into a blistering attack on those who, he said, profess an interest in edu- cation but do not accept their share of the burdens. He described the administra- tion's, unsuccessful fight to get a program of general federal aid to education through Congress last summer, and asked: "Where were you educators? Each of you were looking for your own particular part, and were not interested in doing something for education as a whole. And educa- tion was done in." Ribicoff said there is a basic indifference to the problems and needs of education among the American people. Even so, he said, "I am convinc- ed we will have an education pro- gram. The President isn't a quit- ter and neither am I. We got licked last summer. We will be back, and if we lose again we will be back again." SGC Calendars Performances of 'Pinafore' Gilbert and Sullivan Society Wednesday night received Stu- dent Government Council per- mission to calendar a perform- ance of "HMS Pinafore" for Sat- urday night, Dec. 9. The Coupcil approved the ac- tion unanimously with the under- standing that there will be no open sale of tickets for theSat- urday night performance. Tickets will be distributed to cast members for sale to families and close friends. They will also be sold to sororities and fraterni- ties in blocks, to alumni and to Ann Arbor and out-of-town resi- dents. At the Sept. 27 meeting, SGC granted G&S's request for calen- daring Wednesday through Fri- day evenings, Dec. 6-8, and Sat- urday afternoon, Dec. 9, but re- fused to approve a Saturday eve- ning performance because it con- flicted with quadrangle Christmas dances. The motion to approve the cal- endaring was introduced at Wed- nesday's meeting by John Vos, '63. and accompanying interpretations. Sees 'Persistent Failures' "Nevertheless," he said, "in light of persistent failure of certain groups to comply with the regu- lation on membership statements, we find it very difficult to con- tinue with our work without some definite time limit." The Council decided last year to ask for the statements on membership selection practices to aid the committee's work in in- vestigating possible violations of Regent's Bylaw 2:14-which pro- hibits discrimination by race, creed, color or national origin- and similar SGC rulings. Blames Confusion Panhellenic Association Presi- dent Susan Stillerman opposed setting up a time limit at this time, saying she believed the de- lay in submitting statements was due to a basic confusion on the part of sorority presidents as to what information should be in- cluded in these statements. She said most sororities were in the process of electing new presidents when the committee be- gan functioning, which added to the difficulty. However, most of the confusion has now been cleared up, much of it with the help of Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lew- is, and the presidents are better able to explain the implications of the regulations to their na- tionals, she said. Awareness Lacking Interfraternity Council Presi- dent Robert Peterson, '62, said a main problem was apathy or lack of awareness on the part of the fraternities of the urgency of the regulation. He said he is now in the process of contacting fraternity presidents to ask whether their chapters have submitted statements yet. He said many presidents are sim- ply new in office and "have not gotten around to doing it yet." SGC Executive Vice-President Per Hanson, '62, said that the problem might be not only con- fusion but also the fact that cer- tain groups could not yet submit their statements because they were currently in violation and working to remove their clauses. In response to a question from Daily Editor John Roberts, '62, McCorry said the committee had discussed sanctions in the event of a violation being proved, but has not clearly defined what sanctions would be applied against groups failing to meet a deadline, should one be established. Explains Problems McCorry said the problem in many cases is the national chap- ters who are adamant in their re- fusal to comply with the regula- tion. "The committee wants the campus chapters to have local au- tonomy in membership practices," he said. If a deadline of Dec. 1 is es- tablished, the committee wants to know if local chapters are able to comply with the regulation as stipulated by Regents Bylaw 2.14, McCorry said. Tension HitsV New Highs In Shooting New Flareup Results Over Rock Throwing BERLIN () - A second gun- play incident in 24 hours raised tension to a new and dangerous pitch along Berlin's concrete and barbed wire wall last night. The latest shooting occurred when a Communist policeman fired one aimed shot at a West Berlin officer who demanded that the Communists stop throwing rocks at a West Berlin crowd. No one was hit. But hostile West and East Ber- lin police forces facing each other across the 25-mile wall were ner- vous and angry West Berlin crowds milled around critical points, particularly at Bernauer- strasse, scene of the two shootings. West Berlin officials feared new incidents might lead quickly to serious trouble and attempted to herd jeering and rock-throwing demonstrators and sightseers to side streets. The Vopos (East German peoples' police) appeared to be furious that one of their men was shot and wounded by West Ber- lin police last night. Fresh bouquets of flowers mark- ed the spot where a 22-year-old East Berliner, Bernd Luenser, fell to his death when trying to escape over rooftops to the West. His at- tempt to escape led to the first shooting fray between the two police forces since the Communists began building their wall seven weeks ago. The houses on the south side of Bernauerstrasse are in East Ber- lin, but the sidewalk is in the West. Luenser and a companion got past guards to one of the roofs and made signs to people in the street to spread a fire net so they could jump. Communist, police spotted them and chased them across the roof- tops, firing with submachine guns. West Berlin police watching the scene from the street first tried to blind the Communists with searchlights, and finally opened fire when some Communist bul- lets struck Western sidewalks. West Berlin police said they fired in self defense. Scores Bias Of Newsmen By The Associated Press LOS ANGELES-Rep. Steven B. Derounian (R - NY) yesterday charged that the American peo- ple are not being adequately in- formed of "the perils this country is facing" because newsmen are "pro-administration and do not report the mistakes of the Presi- dent." Derounian said the press did not report that an anti-discrim- inatory clause was taken out of the bill authorizing the Peace Corps. By signing the bill, Ken- nedy proved he has not lived up to his- pre-election promises of "good civil rights legislation," he said. -AP Wirephoto ONLY MOVING OBJECTS COLLIDE-New York catcher Elston Howard leaps atop Cincinnati Red second baseman Elio Chacan at home plate in the fifth inning of yesterday's World Series game. A short passed ball prompted Chacon's slide into home under the' protecting arms of umpire Jocko Conlan who called him safe., Chacon scored from third when Ralph Terry's pitch got away from Howard. Yank Errors Cost Game As Reds Square Series NEW YORK UP)-Hulking Joey Jay squared the World Series for Cincinnati yesterday with a four-hit 6-2 victory in the second game, while the New York Yankee defense goofed with three errors and costly mental lapses. Speedy Elio Chacon, subbing for the injured Don Blasingame, scooted home from third with the tie-breaking run in the fifth while a confused Elston Howard hesitated after recovering a passed ball. Matters speedily worsened for the proud Yankees when a strategic move by manager Ralph Houk backfired into a run-scoring single by rookie John Edwards ' Hurt Talks Washington Conference Set To Open U.S. Urges Soviet To Prevent Incidents, Calls Action 'Tragic' WASHINGTON (a) - The echo of the gunfight between East and West Berlin police reverberated in Washington yesterday on the eve of the conference between Presi- dent John F. Kennedy and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gro- myko. Washington officials, making last-minute preparations for the White House talks, were seriously concerned over the shots exchanged yesterday and Wednesday on the border of East and West Berlin. But the feeling was that while shooting inevitably heightened tension there was no sign indicat- ing "trigger happiness on a higher level," as one official put it. Tragic Story The State Department, in a, statement, termed the shooting "a dramatic and tragic story which speaks for itself and requires no embellishment." The statement urged the Soviets to prevent such incidents which it said "seriously jeopardize peace and public order in Berlin." The department made it clear tlze United States is convinced the West Berlin police defended them- selves against Communist East German provocation. Officiils who have first - hand knowledge of events in Berlin said the West Berlin police have shownhadmir- able restraint during the weeks since Aug. 13 when the Commun- ists began to wall off their sector of the city. Confident Oficials Officials are confident the inci- dent will not influence the Ken- nedy-Gromyko conference today. There are far greater isues at stake, these officials said, and Gromyko's attitude ,during his earlier talks with Secretary of State Dean Rusk in New York indicated. he is fully aware of that." No preparations have been made for a separate' Rusk - Gromyko meeting. This depends entirely on Gromyko, officials said. The State Department s ready for a separate conference between the two policy chiefs, should Gro- "myko wish one. Have Little Optimism Meanwhile, Washington has in- formed London, Paris and Bonn that careful. evaluation of the Rusk-Gromyko talks has given the Kennedy administration little ground for optimism. Officials said it is hard to believe that fruitful negotiations could be conducted with the Russians at a, Big Four conference in the near. future. Demonstrators Plead Innocent By The Associated Press McCOMB, Miss. - A handful of the more than 100 demonstra- tors who protested the suspension of two Negro students for sit-ins pleaded innocent to charges yes- terday before McComb City Judge Robert Brumfield. Simultaneously, students at Burglund Junior and Senior High Schools walked 'out of a school assembly because they said of- ficials would not allow Brenda Travis and Isaac Lewis to re- enter school immediately. The two students were arrested Aug. 30 after a sit-in attempt at the McComb bus station, and were released last Saturday after post- ing $1,000 cash bonds. City Hall Arrest The 19 who appeared in court yesterday, were among 119 ar- rested on the steps of the city hall Thursday. The remaining 100 will go before Youth Court Judge Hansfoi'd L. Simmons later. Nine f vp+m.r in the sixth. Throw Goes Wild A wild throw by relief ace Luis Arroyo and a shocking three-base muff of a fly ball by Yogi Berra contributed to two more Cincin- nati runs in the eighth. The teams traded two-run hom- ers in the fourth after Jay and loser Ralph Terry had battled through three scoreless innings. Gordy Coleman slammed a long liner into the bleachers in right center after Frank Robinson's hard shot had bounced off Clete Boyer's chest for an error. Berra quickly squared vnatters with his 12th Series home run, following a walk to Roger Maris, the home run hero who struck out twice and ran his series hit- less streak to seven at bats. Yogi now trails only Babe Ruth with 15 and Mickey Mantle with 14 in series homers. Display Dash The Reds, who have been called such uncomplimentary 'names as "Faceless," "Castoff" and "Mis- See JAY, Page 6 ACWR Panel Gives Opiniona Of Work Plan By DENISE.WACKER Three University students who participated in the Operation: Crossroads Africa experiment last summer spoke last night on their impressions of Africa at a Ameri- cans Committed to World Respon- sibility program. "Africa was chosen for the sum- mer work program because it is just beginning to emerge and draw public inte'rest. We believe Cross- roads was a success because when people are working together they forget their differences," Elinore Winn, '63, a Crossroads participant in Gabon said. A second speaker, Bonnie Wood, '62, discussed the Southern Came- roons, an extremely small African nation located near Nigeria. Discusses Protectorate "It is a truly underdeveloped place, owing much of its under- development to the fact that it was a British protectorate," she stated. Because it was a protectorate and not a colony, Great Britain would not sink too much money into de- veloping its resources, since it would become independent eventu- ally. She explained that the people of Cameroon have a high rate of illiteracy and are not cognizant of world relations. There is almost no electric power and little communi- cation through the press or radio. Nearly 50 per cent of all Came- roonian children die before they are 15 years of age, and there are only 19 doctors and four hospitals for the population of over 800.000. BRINKSMANSHIP IN POETRY: Felbeim Calls Cummings 'Vibrant, Passe' By GERALD STORCH "e. e. cummings is charming, delightful, vibrant and old hat." The object of this description was also the subject of an analysis last night by Prof. Marvin Felheim of the English department at a Student Government Council Reading and Discussion Seminar. "His eccentricities are of the 20's; he stands for the same things Gertrude Stein and Hemingway stood for. Believes Isness Is All "Like them, he believes in an individualistic and exciting attitude toward life. To cummings, to be is, and isness is all, and to live means the comnlete accentaneo nf thee terms"