THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12.1961 THE -I-HIGA DAILY TUES AY. NFPTf1YRLiV12 1cp#'aU 1 INFORMATION, LECTURES: Office Coordinates Religious Affairs Development Council Raises Funds for 'U' Activities 4 I By RUTH EVENHUIS The Office of Religious Affairs coordinates the activities of 25 religious faiths and denominations on campus. Both Eastern and Western faiths have religious facilities at the University. In addition to the bet- ter-known Protestant denomina- tions, the Catholic Church and the Judaic organizations, Baha'i, Islam, Mennonite and Friends re- ligious organizations are repre- sented. The office services to students include information about reli- gious groups and activities and assistance in finding church affilia- tion, lecture and seminars, week- end conferences and workshops, program ideas, personnel counsel- ing, a library and meditation room. Lecture Series. Its program of the office includes a lecture series which last year brought such speakers as theolo- gian Paul Tillich to campus. This year's series has not yet been planned. The office also sponsors an orien- tation program for freshmen called "Freshman Rendezvous." This program reaches about 15 per cent of the incoming freshman class. It is divided into four sec- tions meeting at two different dates. The program is designed to give students an opportunity to meet upperclassmen, administra- tors, deans and faculty members in informal discussion. A version of "Freshman Ren- dezvous" has been on campus since 1925. Originally under the aus- pices of the YMCA, it has been conducted more recently by the Office of Religious Affairs which has undertaken a great deal of the work originally done by the YMCA. Historical Foundations Assistant coordinator of the of- fice, C. Grey Austin, commented favorably on the religious facilities on the University campus. He said that some of the student founda- tions here were among the first established by their respective churches. He noted that most of the stu- dent religious organizations here are supported almost entirely by. their denominations. Many of these churches, he said, "send their most capable people" and have "elaborate setups." Austin also said that the Uni- versity is something of a pioneer in inter-faith cooperation. Various groups work together through the office. The religious counselors of the various organizations meet regularly as does the Council of Student Religious Organizations. The office's purposes are: "1) to provide opportunities for growth and understanding within one's own faith, in order that one may apply his intellectual and techni- cal skills with mature and respon- sible judgment, and 2) to provide opportunities for understanding the faiths of others and for work- ing with those of other faiths in order that one may be prepared to live effectively in a multi-faith world." By RALPH KAPLAN The Development Council, the University's official fund - raising agency, began in 1953 as an out- growth of the 1948-52 Phoenix Project drive. The success of this drive, which raised enough funds to enable the Phoenix Project to begin its atoms - for - peace research pro- gram, convinced the' University that a continuous fund-raising ac- tivity was desirable. "It became apparent to the administration that there was a need for a per- manent organization which would direct appeals to private philan- thropic sources, Richard B. Ken- nedy, council field representative, said. Increasing Success Since 1953, when the council raised $106,000 from alumni con- tributions, its success has in- creased considerably. The most re- cent fiscal report available shows gift income of $1.5 million-a combination of funds from alumni, corporations, foundations, special grants and bequests. Since 1953, the council has been involved in raising money for such projects as the Phoenix Memorial continuation drive, the projected Institute for Social Research Bldg. and the Pharmacy Research Bldg. The 1953 funds all came from alumni, who still constitute the major source of contributions. The Alumni Fund is a separate division of the council and is concerned entirely with alumni contributions, which last year totaled approxi- mately $400,000. Public Relations Related to alumni gifts are the council's efforts to convince stu- dents of the value of the council's activities. "The best possible op- portunity for communicating the importance of alumni responsibil- ity is when the students are on campus," Kennedy explained. For this reason, a student rela- tions committee was formed as a council division. This committee planned a concert by singer Ray Charles to raise money for scholar- ships, but the performer did not. appear due to scheduling mixups. "The concert's failure to show a profit was no fault of the coun- cil," Kennedy commented. "The activity was approved by the coun- cil's board of directors and similar activities will be instituted in the next few years." He mentioned a special "alumni day" as a possi- bility. Corporate Support In addition to its Alumni Fund activities, the council seeks 'sup- port from foundations and cor- porations. "Coordination of Uni- versity fund-raising activities as a valuable council service in this area," Kennedy said. He explained that when foundations, for in- stance, receive several uncoordi- nated requests for support, the University may be denied all re- quests. "This function of coordinating fund-raising appeals is becoming increasingly apparent to Univer- sity departments, since many de- partments want the council to assume responsibility for fund- raising, leaving the department free to perforra its functions of education and research." No Annual Goals The council, with the exception of its Alumni Fund, sets no annual goals in its fund-raising activities. "Therefore out fund - raising is based on assessment of specific University needs, rather than on a specific sum," Kennedy said. Funds raised by the council supported the recent Phoenix Pro- ject continuation drive which will enable' the project to continue its important research in the nuclear energy field." The council also raised part of the money for the recent Pharmacy Research Bldg. and a human genetics research project. Support for a new building to house the Institute of Social Re- search and a visiting professorship program are some of the more re- cent council projects. The visiting professorship program will begin this fall with Sir Charles P. Snow, British physicist and novelist, on campus. Faculty Award ,A faculty awards program and a President's Fund are also council projects. The faculty awards-10 annually - are for distinguished teaching and research, totaling $1,000 each for professors and $500 each for junior faculty. The President's Fund, at the personal disposal of 'University President Harlan Hatcher, is de- signed for special occasions when immediate funds are needed. The fund has been used to purchase the Stelfelt Collection of Musicol- ogy and supplemented construc- tion funds for the University Press Building. L _LI 4 I I 4 11 5IU 0