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October 05, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-05

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Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom

See Page 4

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In Gunfight
BERLIN OP) - West and East
German - police engaged at dusk
last night in a gunfight over th
iron curtain border during a
Communist police pursuit of two
East German refugees over' the
rooftops, eyewitnesses reported.
One refugee's flight to the West
ended in a fall to his death as he
shouted "freedom."
The other was captured by the
Red Wounded
A Red policeman apparently
was wounded.
The exchange of fire occurred
as the Communists chased the
refugees over houses in Bernauer-
strasse-the scene of many dra-
matic escapes to the West.
- West Berlin police then drey
pistols and fired at the roof in an
attempt to . hold. back the Red
pursuers, the eyewitnesses said.
One Communist policeman ap-
parently was hit in the thigh
and was dragged away by his com-
rades, several witnesses said.
Serious Incident
It could turn out to be the most
serious shooting incident on the
sector border since the Commu-
nists began erecting their barri-
cade Aug 13.
About 200 West Berliners wit-
nessed the shooting on the Bern-
auerstrasse. This is the street
where East Berliners have been
jumping from residences in Com-
munist territory to sidewalks in
the West.
West Berlin police confirmed
that they opened fire.


U.S. Accepts Soviel
For Choosing UN IMtc
Acadmic ortiianRarely CallsV


-AP Wirephoto
FEW PICKET FORt--Only a small number of the more than 30,000 United Auto Workers who are
striking the Ford Motor Company are picketing. This scene at the Rouge plant is quite a contrast
to strikes of other years when mass picketing and hundreds of picket signs were used by the union.
'Non-economic and local disputes are the major issues barring agreement between Ford and the
Bair gainers TryfTo 'Solve Local Issues

DETROIT (AP)-Ford Motor Co.
and the United Auto Workers,
agreed yesterday to give priority
to, settling 'disputes at the plant
level in an effort to end the day-
old strike of 120,000 production
workers at the auto firm.
Labor contract negotiators put
off discussions of a national con-
tract on working conditions un-
til 2 p.m. Friday. In the mean-
time, they will try to clear the
way for a final settlement by-ef-
fecting settlements at the plants.
SGC Defeats
On Procedure
A two-part motion for amend-
ing procedure in Student Govern-
ment Council executive sessions
was defeated by SGC last night.
A motion originally proposed by
Brian Glick, '62, called for the
following' items to be incluced in
a report from all executive ses-
sions: statements of all motions
brought up; records of the num-
ber of members voting for and
against all motions; lists of ab-
stentions; records of roll call votes
when taken, and statements of
criteria used in selecting petition-
ers and applicants to fill partic-
ular posts.
A motion by Daily Editor John
Roberts, '62, to divide the ques-
tion making point five a separ-
ate issue was passed. The first
section was defeated after Council
President Richard Nohl, '62BAd,
voted to break a tie.
The second portion, including
the establishment and making
public of a list of criteria was
defeated by a roll call vote.
Voting in favor of this segment
of the motion were William Glea-
son, '63, Glick, Kenneth McEl-
downey, '62, Roberts and John
Vos, '63.
Against the motion were Mich-
igan Union President Paul Card-
er, '62, David Croysdale, '63, Per
Hanson, '62, Inter - Fraternity.
Council President Robert Peter-
son, '62, Arthur Rosenbaum, '62,
Assembly Association President
Sally Jo Sawyer, '62, and James .
Yost, '63.
Women's League President Bea
Nemlaha, '62, and Panhellenic As-
sociation President Susan Stiller-
man, '62, abstained.
NAACP Appoints
Greenberg Counsel
NEW YORK (M)-The National
Association for the Advancement
of Colored People appointed a
white man yesterday to the post
of chief counsel,
Chosen to replace Thurgood
Marshall, who has been appointed
a judge of the United States Cir-
cuit Court of Appeals, was 36- .
year-old Jack Greenberg, who has
been Marshall's chief assistant.
Pakistan Claims
Afghan Invasion

The decision was made in two
one-half hour sessions yesterday.
The UAW shut down the entire
Ford system Tuesday after ac-
cepting a money package describ-
ed as better than the one it ob-
tained from) General Motors last
Blames Company
UAW President Walter P. Reu-
ther blamed the company for the
strike. He said Ford negotiators
waited until shortly before the 10
a.m. strike deadline to discuss
non-economic issues.
At resumpUon of negotiations
yesterday, Ford's vice-president for
labor relations, Malcolm L. Den-
ise, disputed this. He said most
of the time was spent on the un-
ion's last minute demands that
Ford improve on the GM settle-
"We didn't get all the frosting
on the GM cake until 7:30 a.m.
Tuesday," Denise said. The frost-
ing involved improvements in lay-
off pay benefits, pensions and in-
surance. Denise said they meant
labor cost increases but he couldn't
say how much.
No Indication
Neither Denise nor Reuther
gave any indication that a quick
settlement on non-economic is-
sues could be expected.
Asked if the negotiations could
drag on, for another two weeks,
Denise said this was possible and
added quickly "I hope not."
Reuther said he was suggesting
to the company that they speed
up bargaining at the local level
and put together a complete pack-
age on working conditions. He
said "we .will work out a practi-
cal mechanism to do that."t
Denise said "we're going to have
to clean up everything. We can't
do it in two pieces. We have been;
working on 'the local stuff. The
best description is that we will
continue to work on it."
The negotiators, rested after a

24-hour cooling-off period, dis-
cussed procedure for half an hour
and then recessed until 2 p.m. to
explore their areas of difference
and discuss procedure.
Reuther ducked newsmen after"
the forenoon session by Denise
discussed the situation in detail.

Labor Party Demands
EndofPolaris Bases
BLACKPOOL ()--The Labor party yesterday demanded with-
drawal of American polaris submarine bases from this country
and denial of training facilities for West German troops in Britain.
Delegates at the party's conference also called for -settlement
of the Berlin crisis on the basis of Western recognition of East
Germany. They condemned both the Soviet Union and, the United
States for resuming nuclear weapon tests and insisted that such ex-

You can't buy insurance against!
academic mortality.
The next best thing you can do
t is gain admission to the Univer-
sity, or at least that's what the
figures indicate.
Due to a selective admissions
policy, the University boasts the
lowest academic drop out rate
of any public institution of higher
learning in the country, Edward
G. Groesbeck, director of regis-
tration and records, explained yes-
High Success Rate
More than four out of five
freshmen make a success out of
their time on campus, achievement
being measured against a 2.0 grade
point average.
A study in depth of a recent
freshman class showed that 64.9
per cent eventually received a de-
gree from the University and that
17.2 per cent dropped out although
their averages were a C or better.
Only about one out of every ten
freshmen fails to enter his soph-
omore year because' of academic
reasons, associate dean of the
literary college James H. Robert-
son reported.
Still Dropping
And that figure may be on the
way down, Robertson said, since
the class of '64 lost only eight
per cent of their initial enrollment
because of grades. n d
Another five per cent bid f are-
wells to Ann Arbor (many of these
only temporary) before graduation
for a variety of reasons: financial
problems, marriage, poor health,
enlistment in the armed forces.
Michigan residents are "some-
what harder hit" by academic at-
trition than out-of-state students,
Robertson reports.
This is partially offset by the
greater number of non-Michigan
students who drop out because of
financial pressure. Also, a greater
percentage of Michigan residents
will return to the University if
they wish to continue their col-
lege education several years after,
they have dropped out.
Women Highest
The largest identifiable 'group
of drop outs are the women out-
of-staters, Robertson said. Al-
though the female set chalks up
higher grades in the classrooms,
they are more likely to let an early
marriage close up their notebooks
for a few years.
"The out-of-state girl also faces
a tougher financial problem than
the men do," Grosebeck said. "The
boys will generally be able to do
more work, get along on less
money, and parents are more
ready to make ,sacrifices to help
their job future."
The admissions office makes a1
"relatively small number of er-
rors," Robertson said. "The stu-
dents who are let in are ones

who have the mental ability to
profit by a University education."
The principle reason a few
averages drop below 2.0 lies in
I the "personal unreadiness for col-
lege" in the unsuccessful student,
he stressed.
"This, unreadiness ' is demon-
strated by a confusion over goals,
inability to accept responsibility,
unrealistic aims and a too early
illusion of grandeur."
For many students, academic
difficulties arise out of a "'too
narrow view of what is relevant
and pragmatic."
Can't Predict
Although the admissions officers
are "very careful" in judging
abilities and achievements, "they
can't predict the degree of drive
or enthusiasm a student will have
nor where it .will be channelled,"
Groesbeck noted.
Misdirected enthusiasm is often
the result of what Robertson calls
"inverted values." This is a com-
mon problem of students who de-
vote too much energy to extra-
curricular activities and not
endugh to studies.
"Their conception of college as
a place for leadership training
leads to working for extracurricu-
lar activities at the expense Hof in-
tellectual development," he ex-
Uruguay Sets
Soviet Limit
MONTEVIDEO (P) - Russia's
sixty-man diplomatic staff in Ur-
uguay may soon be limited in its
activities, sources close to the gov-
ernment executive council disclos-
ed yesterday.
They said Russian and other
iron curtain delegations here are
expected to be accorded treatment
similar to that imposed upon Ur-
uguayan diplomats in the Soviet
The Soviet embassy in Monte-
video,'with the largest personnel
in the hemisphere, has been re-
ported the center of Communist
activities in the southern part of
the Americas.

Say Edgerton
Asked Knight
To Withdraw
LOS ANGELES W) -- Former
Governor Goodwin J. Knight yes-
terday identified Los Angeles
financier J. Howard Edgerton as
the Richard Nixon spokesman. he
says tried to get him out of the
1962 governor's race.
But Edgerton, Knight's finance
chairman in three campaigns, de-
nied ever asking Knight not to
oppose Nixon's bid for the state
Nixon himself declared that Ed-
gerton's statement "completely
repudiates this whole ridiculous
charge." n
"I have no further comment,"
the former vice-president said.

plosions be halted at once to pre-
vent poisoning the human race.
Then, confusing their position,
the Laborites rejected a ban-the--
bomb resolution and supported a
broad policy statement to keep
Britain firmly linked to the North
Atlantic Treaty Organization and
the American Alliance.
For Hugh Gaitskell and his
moderates, it mixed victories with
defeats. The same could be said
for the left wing-pacifist Laborite
group which seeks ot commit Brit-
ain to a neutralist policy.
Gaitskell stressed to the dele-
gates that German troops train-
ing in Britain came here as part
of the combined western defensive
team, and declared "defense and
collective security are forced upon
us until such time as there is an
effective wooid government."
He praised the international
record of the Kennedy administra-
tion except for the Cuban inva-
sion fiasco.


The Pentagon yesterday ordered the draft of more than 700
doctors, dentists and veterinarians to "meet the requirements of
the current military buildup."
The call was the second medical draft this year. Before then,
doctors had not been drafted since- 1957. It had been six years
since dentists had been called and nine years for veterinarians. The
Qdraft was necessary, the Penta-

Ford Shuts Out Reds with Two-Hitter

NEW YORK (P) - Whitey Ford spun his southpaw magic over " " "IA ue i gven
the Cincinnati Reds with a 2-hit 2-0 opening game victory for volunteer for commiss
the New York Yankees yesterday and set a World Series record as enlisted men but
with eight victories. chance to become of
Once again the Yanks, who hit 240 homers in the regular right to choose thei
season, fell back on their familiar weapon with home runs by branch of service was 1
Elston Howard and Bill Skowron and broke the back of the National the advantages for v
League champions. Of the medical stud
Jim O'Toole, 24-year-old Cincinnati left-hander, hadn't allowed University, none have
a home run since July 28 in 16 regular season games. But Howard to active duty yet, Rol
curled one into the lower right field seats in the fourth and field, Administrative 1
Skowron bombed a 420-footer into the lower stands in left in the Medical School,
the sixth. The medical staff o:
Boyer Aids Hospital will lose 's
Sensational fielding by third baseman Clete Boyer eased Ford'soctors-in-training to
For's hre fistyear stud(
path as he ran his string of consecutive scoreless innings to 27 ternal medicine and c
over a two-year span. year student of intern
Boyer thrilled a chilly crowd of 62,387 with a brilliant stop of have been drafted thi
pinch hitter Dick Gernert's smash in the eighth. Throwing himself Roger B. Nelson, Adr
into the dirt as he dived to his left, Boyer gloved the ball. Then Assistant of *the Medi
he threw out Gernert from his knees. In the second inning Boyer The hospital was a]
made another difficult stop and perfect throw from his knees, by the extension of tb
nipping Gene Freese. service for some pert
Without Help had been expected to r
The Yanks did this without help from the M & M boys. the military.

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