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October 04, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-04

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To Relocate
In City Hall
Federal authorities have ap-
proved the location of a new civil'
defense center in the basement of
the projected Ann Arbor City Hall,
Ann Arbor Civil Defense Director
H. R. Shipman, has announced.'
This means that the United
States will .pay half the cost -
$190,000 - of the basement, which
will be built for an estimated
$380,000, or at a saving of $110,000
Meanwhile, Ann Arbor Mayor
Cecil O. Creal announced yester-
day that he is considering vetoing
Monday's Common Council action
that sets a policy of not leasing
or selling city park or recreation
land to private groups for private
use, except under two conditions:
The land would have to be de-
termined as unneeded for munici-
pal use, and that, if leased or sold,
it would be at the fair market
value. s
This would preclude such groups
as the Ann. Arbor Civic Theatre
seeking to use municipal property
at nominal expense as ,a means
of cutting costs.
Creal said he was, "not in favor
of /it." It's useless legislation and
it doesn't accomplish anything.
London To Open
Concert Series,
George London, American bass-
baritone of the Metropolitan
Opera, will open the Choral Union
Series of the University Musical
Society at 8:30 p.m. tonight at
Hill Auditorium. The program will
include "Folk Songs of the British

'U' Library Faces Storage Problem
The General Library faces a
storage problem which is, in all j
its facets, "extremely complex in-
tellectually as well as physically,"
Rolland C. Stewart, assistant di-
rector of the library, said. r>
The central library building was
constructed about 40 years ago. It
was expected to be large enoughF
for fifty years-for a student body-
that would never exceed 10,000.
But the University grew too fast.
One of the first steps to re-
lieve crowding was to "divisional- r:.
ize" by establishing special librar-
ies in other buildings, Stewart ex-.
Previous Libraries .....:..Y*.*."y<: . r .,.....

For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786
from 1:00 to k3:00 PM. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M.



Ifor Sale I

lb- M


The chemistry library was in
use in the 19th century, and the
mathematics and education librar-
ies were begun 40 and 20 years
ago, respectively.
"Since 1955 we have sent some
200,000 volumes to the library
storage annex on North Campus,
and in order to live here we must
store another 175,000 volumes," he
said. "But the storage library itself
is beginning to be crowded. We
now have enough material to fill
it completely."
Charged to Storage
Books are charged into storage
as they would be charged to bor-
rowers. Therefore, a book listed
in the library card catalogue is
not necessarily available In the
stacks. However, the circulation.
department can obtain a requested
book from storage usually within
24 hours.
"The library administration is
keenly aware of the inconvenience
caused by the missing books and
by the unaltered catalogue rec-
ords, but changing the catalogue
would be far too expensive," Stew-

-Daily-Ed Langs
BE IT EVER SO HUMBLE-The University General Library
Storage Annex on North Campus houses the overflow of books
from the General Library. Books here are filed in cases according
to size.

art explained. Estimate of the
probable demand for a book is the
only criterion by which it may or
may not be consigned to storage.
A few European libraries shelve
their books as they are received,
but -American libraries arrange
them according to subject. This
means that extra space must al-
ways be available on a given shelf
for new books that may arrive, so
that a shelf more than two-thirds
full is already approaching a space
problem, Stewart expIined.
The construction of new build-
ings is not the only answer. Mic-
rofilm, or any microtext form,{ can
save 90 per cent on storage space.
Microfilm can "be stored in depth,!

as: books cannot, because their
spines must be visible. However,
"no scholar anywhere prefers
microfilm to bound volumes,"
Stewart declared.
New libraries tend to buy more
film ,but no library is willing to
throw away its books for micro-
texts, he said.,
There is a theoretical possibil-
ity that the incomplete collections
of 25 United States newspapers,
now filed in the basement of the
library of the Medical School, will
be replaced with complete film se-
ries, but "the cost is so staggering
that no one can really contem-
platy it," They full film series for
a single major newspaper would
cost about $10,000 Stewart said.

..s.h. ar.'.A" SvrC* "v ":A" ":flA".S4. ' % *i r.:{"'"": ., { ... :":}.. ""h}"{Y{~{Y}e.r??R:3:}:4{":
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PORTABLE 17" G.E. Television, $90.
Call after 5 p.m., NO 2-4393. B40
'59, BLUE VESPA, good condition. Call
NO 2-7848. B36
58 T.R-3, black, wire wheels, white
walls, NO 5-0101, evenings. B34
GREAT DANE. Male fawn. 9 wk. A.K.C.
HI 9-4536.5
1960 VW CONVERTIBLE 11,000 miles,
excellent condition. NO 3-1004. B3
TUXEDO, $100 lampblack tux-worn
once. 38L. Sell for $45., 130 Hayden,
E. Q. NO 2-4519. B37
MOTOR SCOOTER, 1957 Lambretta,
$100. Also black Invicta Girl's Bike,
$20. Call NO 3-7658. B39
'57 Mercedez-Benz, 190 SL. Black, new
tires, R & H. Only $2,495. Call NO 3-
4316, 5-7 P.M. B41
FOR SALE - Mobile home 33' by 8'
sportsman,. One bedroom, excellent
condition. $1,400. Call evenings. NO
3-9166. B43
BIGGEST used motor scooter bargain.
One year old Cushman, new condi-
tion, all accessories. Call Marshall at
NO 3-4211. B33
FOR SALE-3 Ben Hogan woods (1, 2%,
3%) excellent condition, top model of
1959. Medium-stiff shafts. Contact
Chris Murray at 662-7904 anytime aft-
er 6;00 p~m,.142
painted bright red. Sleeps two. Ready
to roll. 100 feet of railroad track
free! First $200 takes it. Come to
B & Freight Yard after midnight and
ask for Joe. Bring flashlight, tow
truck, and chain, What a Bargain!
United Nations? OUTLAW WAR, for
the individual under international
law? What power for peace does the
U.S. Constitution grant the inidivid-
ual? Send $1.00 to Foundation for
Outlawing War. Box. Malibu, Calif.
for peace plan of 8,000 startling words.
LOST Navy coat and pants on campus.
REWARD. Call NO 3-741 Ext. 647. A22
FOUND-A watch in the vicinity of the
Diag, Sat. 'Call .57711, xt. 3414. A28
LOST: fraternity pin '(A.T.O.). If found,
call NO 8-8983. A20
FOUND Sun'day after Cinema Guild,
one' small yellow journal. Call NO 3-
6055. A25
LOST-A white Arrow jacket with blue
collar. If found contact Jim, NO
3-7541, Ext. 178. A27
WHOEVER took a red wallet from a
purse in the Union PLEASE return
all ID papers. A9
REWARD - Woman's, Browu Vicuna
Coat. Lost Sunday afternoon on Ged-
des or Arlington. Phone NO 5-4901.
LOST - Graduation ring with violet
stone, with the following inscription:
Universidad de Costa Rica. Call Dr.
Guillermo Mora, School of Dentistry,
after 6 p.m. 1129 E. Ann St., Phone
NO 8-8676. A26
Army-Navy Oxfords - $7.95
Socks 39c Shorts 69c
Military Supplies
/ 122 E. WASHINGT'ON~ W6'

(Continued from Page 4)
Players, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Checks payable to University Players.
Enclose self-addressed, stamped envel-
Tickets for individual productions
also available, but season orders filled
first. "Faces of Malte," any perform-
ance, $1.00. Opera, Thurs. or Mon.,
$1.75 or 1.25, Fri. or Sat., $2.00 or 1.50.
All others, $1.50 or 1.00 for week-night
performances, $1.75' or 1.25 for Fri. or
Sat. performances.
For assistance in sending mail or-
ders, call 663-31511, ext. 3383. Box of-
fice re-opens Oct. 23 at Lydia Mendels-
sohn, Theatre.
Events Wednesday
Automatic Programming and Numer-
ical ~Analysig Seminar: Continued talk
on numerical solution of a boundary-
value problem with periodic boundary
conditions, by R. C. F. Bartels on Wed.,
Oct. .4, at 4:00 p.m. in 246 West Engi-
Engineers: "Campus Interviewing and
Plant Visits" will be discussed by Prof.
John G. Young, Director, Engineering
Placement, Wed., Oct. 4, and Thurs.,
Oct. 12, at 4:00 p.m.,' in Room 311 West
Engineering. All interested students are
invited and engineers who expect to

graduate this year are especially urged ing Linearity vs. Convexity of a Median
to attend one of these meetings. Regression Curve."

Events Thursday'
Faculty Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present a re-
cital on Thurs., Oct. 5 at 7:15 p.m. at
Burton Memorial Tower.
Training for Law: First of a series'
for pre-Law students. Speaker: Dean
A. Kenneth Pye of the Georgetown Law
School at Michigan Union Oct. 5 at
7:30 p.m.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr.
Ralph .Kleinman, University of Michi-
gan Radiation Laboratory, will speak
on "Class of Solutions of the 2-Dimen-
sional Helmiholtz Equation with Appli-
cation to Diffraction by a Split," on
Thurs., Oct. 5, at 4:00 p.m. in 246 West
Refreshments in 274 West Engineer-
ing at 3:30 p.m._
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Will meet Thurs., Oct. 5, at 4 p.m. in
3201 Angell Hall.
Prof. Bruce Hill will speak on "Test-
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and regitered organizations only.
Organizations planning to be active for
the Fall semester should register by
OCTOBER 10, 1961. Forms available,
3011 Student Activities Building. Ex-
ception to tbis procedure is subject to
Student Government Council approvaL
* * *
Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m.,'
Union, Rm. 3M. Everyone 'Welcome.
* * *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Prof. Enrique
Anderson-Imbert will discuss "El Ex-
trano Mundo de Jorge Luis Borges" in
Spanish, Oct. 5, 8 p.m., 3050 FB. Re-
freshments and music.
* * *
Michifish, Meeting for old members,
Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m., Women's Pool, Up-
stairs Lobby.
Rifle Club, Meeting, Oct. 4, 7:30 n.m.,
ROTC Rifle Range, N. Univ. Bldg.
Smalibore shooting; new members ac-

Seminar on Functions of a Complex
Variable: Will meet in 3017 Angell Hall,
Thurs., Oct. 5, at 4 p.m. Prof. Titus
will discuss "Certain Interior Map-
Doctoral Examination for Kenneth
Fox,? Physics; thesis: "Vibration-Rota-
tion Interactions in Infrared Active
Overtone Levels of Spherical Top Mole-
cules: 2U3 and 2U4 of CH4, 2V3 of
CD4." Chairman, K. T. Hecht.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1961-1962
school year.
Highland Park, Mich.-HS Math.
Rochester, Mich.-Later Elem.
Torrance, Calif.-Late Elem.; HS Girl's
PE; Ment. Retard (Point II), Speech
Ther., Doctor.
Rockford, 111.-% time Band, % time
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments; 3200 SAB,-
NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547.
Examinations for eligibility with the
Elementary Schools Division and The
Child Welfare Division (Teachers of the
Mentally Retarded) of the San Francis-
"co, Calif.Unified School District, will
be given on Sat., Nov. 4. Applicants.
must hold a bachelors degree prior to
receiving probationary ,appointment.
Those who graduate in February, ;June
or August are also eligible. Registra-
tion for these examinations will close
October 30. 1961.
Examinations for Teachers' Certifi-
cates with the Chicago Public Schools
will be given on April 24, 1962. These
examinations are open to all candi-
dates who meet the requirements for
admission to the examinations as spec-
Ified in the Circular of Information of
the 'Board of Examiners. Applications
for admission to these examinations,
together with all credentials, must be
in the hands of the Board of Examin-
ers not later than April 10, 1962.
For additional information on the
above, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3200 SAB, NO 3-1511, Ext. 3547.
Detroit Civil Service-Building At-
tendant, age.30 to 55. Also Institutional
Attendant, age 30 to 55. For both: Last
filing date 10-23-61. Exam date: 10-
Mgmt. Consultant in S. W. Michigan
Assistant Controller for fast-growing
national service organization. BBA or
MBA degree & business experience.

Must have aptitude for electronics &
data processing systems. Will be. re-
sponsible for machine acct., statistics,
budgets, payroll, etc.
U.S. Army, Quartermaster Training
Command, Fort Lee, Va.-Director of
Education-Will serve as Educational
Adviser to Commandant of Quarter-
master School to instruct officers, en-
listed & civilian personnel from basic
through post graduate courses in Quar-
termaster system. PhD in Education or
Business Admin. with 3 yrs. general
exper. & 3 yrs. specialized exper..
Eli Lilly & Company, Indianapolis,
Ind.-Openings for men as: Veterinary
Virologist, Veterinary Bacteriologist,
Assoc., Bacteriologist,, Chemist, Assoc.
Biochemist, Sales Rep. for Agricultural
Products, Market Analyst, and Writer.
Also openings for men, and WOMEN as:
Senior Analyt. Research Chemist. Assoc.
Microbiologist, and Accountant.
Please contact General Div., Bureau
of Appts. 3200 SAB, Ext. 3544 for fur-
ther information.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Place-
ment Office, 2200 SAB. Monday thru
Friday 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til
5 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-time or full-time tem-
porary work, should contact Jack Lar-
die, NO 3-511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.
2-Production help, making donuts.'
Hours 9-12 noon or 4-8 p.m., 5 to 7
days per week.
1-Busboy, 12:00-2:00, five days per
1-Pianist, Thurs., Friday and Satur-
day evenings.
4-Salesmen, sell china & silverware,'
good commission.
3-Salesmen, sell college sportswear for
10-15-Physics or Elec. Engrg, major,
seniors or graduate students. Must
have 3.00 grade point level or high-
er, U.S. citizen, must have car. 20
hours per week with some schedul-
ing flexibility.
3--Psych. experiments.
E-Several salesmen to sell magazines.
1-Engineering student, must be a
junior, background in radioisotope.
1-Cashier, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday &
4-Full-time waitresses, hours flexible.
1-Pianist, Thurs., Friday & Saturday,
2-Waitresses, 12-2:00 p.m., Monday
thru Friday.
3-Babysitting & light housework,
hours flexible for school year.
1-Psych. experiment.
3-Counter work, washing shelves, etc.
Mornings or afternogns, .thru the
school year.

Be Sure To
(Entrance at rear of Store
Near Photo Dept.)



RIDERS WANTED to Purdue, weekend
of Oct. 27. Call Tom Hooper, 663-1511,
Ext. 648. M2
RIDE WANTED to Ohio State, Colum-
bus, on Friday, Oct. 13. Will share
expenses. Phone NO 2-3225, B. Kaz-
mark after 7 p.m. Ml
'Attention Golfers
Tremendous close-out prices on golf
clubs and accessories. Men's, women's
and children's. Savings up to 60%!
Municipal Golf Course, 1519 Fuller Rd.
NO 8-9230. Open 8 a.m -7 p.m., 7 days
a week.
Bob Applegate's




The Popular Yellow and Blue Jacket
Seen All Over The Campus

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