- Seventy-First Year ,_ .. EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN )fs Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS u Prevail STUDENT PUBLIcATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Is printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. -w 1 I Z;; OCTOBER 4, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT FARRELL Creeping, Fisbowlism By RICHARD OSTLING, Associate Editorial Director Life Wasn't Always Easy On The New Frontier \ 44 .~lLt( ~ * .. * Aggo r 1- *'00 -. , (5iwPt igbIW Z'S NOTE-The cupola of the Student is Building, pictured above, whose in- s are lined with'the names of past Daily ors, symbolizes this new column writ- e 1961-'62 senior staff. Appearing twice VERTIME," will have seven contributors Fnge widely in style, temper and subject HBOWL is probably the biggest ent tp bad planing you can find in s. Armed with my 20-20 hindsight, ,lly like to meet the guy who thought 'e halls could empty their) human ,to those small corridors and take clientele in ten minutes without of traffic jam.' my first impressions of how big rsity really is was formed there, 11 o'clock lecture the first- week I mmpus. There were hundreds of us ound but unable to go anywhere the flow of traffic. It got to the -e for about two solid minutes no- able to move, as far as the eye And then we began to laugh- omraderie which forms mysteriously )up of people who don't know each ,n the same tight spot. was literally tight. We felt like fore breakfast. By now,' I am used shbowl and standing in line and ther things. But the Great Lesson shbowl remains. You can get away >lanning for a while, and you can 7g more and more human beings n, but you reach that point where is stagnated. All motion ceases tand there and all you can do is or cry. admit this will never happen to iversity as a whole. We could be ig and there would still be a lot ual motion going on. But I think s beginning to' feel the effects of glut this year, if they haven't before. at 1:05 people rush toward Audi- and you' are part of the throng. e hurry? There are five minutes s. begins. Once inside the door you use you find all the seats are taken. goes early to History of Art 102 beat the rush and get a seat. There like a bird in the wilderness, to oy Scout cliche, along with about classmates. The lecture begins and ners settle down on the floor, do- ing penance for their sin of tardiness as they look at Catholic paintings. If you don't believe me, you can see it happen for yourself this afternoon. Or Friday afternoon. And on and on until we strt cutting lectures or drop the course. NOW YOU'RE IN MASON HALL and up one floor. Past the teletype and around the corner, on your way to make you French accent so polished that only the perceptive can tell ... and there it is. The Great Lesson has moved to the Language Lab. There are three ample rooms full of those little booths, but out here in the hall are about 50 of your comrades waiting for that glad day when, they can get one of them. You stand for a while and the girl next to you mumbles Persian phrases to herself and you wonder why anybody would ever take Persian. Then you leave. You go and sit onone of those stone slabs given by the class of eighteen-something (if it's a'warm day) and your musings take you back to the Fishbowl again. SOMETIMES YOU PERCEIVE the crowd as just a sea of humanity. Like gazing upon the 101,001 at the stadium from the field, be- cause there are so many that all individuality is lost and all those lives seem like a two- dimensional backdrop some clever artist has produced. J But most of the time you look at individuals as they pass by and nod and smile at those who were in your classes two years ago. What incredible variety and excite- ment when you look at a group of people this way.! It's the same thing in classes. Lectures are fine if the speaker is accomplished and knows his stuff-this more than makes up for the impersonality of the surroundings (although even lectures can get too big. Ask someone who took Psych 31 last year.) This is mass education. But the teacher needs to see his class as a group of individuals in order to really get places. That's why we have recitations. It's hard to say how big recitations have to be before you lose this individuality and become part of that sea of humanity again. But it seems that the classes creep up in size every year and one day you realize it isn't there any more. Even recitations here are often bigger than classes back in high school, and I was in one once that had 48 members. THIS UNIVERSITY can grow infinitely and as long as there are small groups, to iden- tify with it really won't matter-except that sense of community and school spirit will completely die. The education will still be there, if the size of classes is kept down. The literary college gets a little bit bigger every year.. I suppose the faculty-to-student ratio stays the same, but I always wonder about those figures and think of "teachers" confined to research cubicles-all over campus. Even if the University has gradual growth from year to year there Is a saturation point which is reached. You can have enough teach- ers to keep recitations down to 15 students apiece and there will still be only 14 rows in Auditorium B and only 100 booths in the Language Lab. We appear to be saturated this year. THINGS MIGHT NOT be this bad again. A lot more students returned this year than expected and I suppose by next year the University will have us reserve places so they can tell exactly how many upperclassmen there are going to be and take in just enough ' freshmen to keep things comfortable. So, in a typically conservative' move, I am urging a retreat. The school is now too big for its facilities. Let's get a little smaller and get enough faculty members to keep classes intimate. Eventually the state may decide to expand facilities and faculty and we can be happy at 50,000. Of course then we'll have to be called the Pluriversity of Michigan, but that's meat for another day. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Prospects Enhanced For Arab Unity PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS: SGC in Retrospect Important meeting T GOVERNMENT COUNCIL faces ry important decisions tonight. vote on rescinding its motion limit- t and Sullivan Society to a Saturday istead of both a matinee and evening ce. also vote on a motion which would member of the Committee on Mem- . Student ,Organizations ineligible to ncil concurrently. lready been shown that a Saturday erformance of Gilbert and Sullivan's inafore" would not seriously conflict. irangle Christmas dances, and that ave an organization highly regarded in all segments of campus life. TION on membership is unfair since d prevent qualified people from join- !ouncil and since- members of other ds are not expressly forbidden from the Council. duty of SGC to pass the first mo- lefeat the second if it really has the f the campus at heart. an excellent time for the Council's bers to demonstrate such an interest. important to notice how they in cast their votes. -JUDITH OPPE HEIM (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author of the following, article recently re- signed from Student Government Council to devote full time to her studies in the Law School.) By MARY WHEELER Daily Guest Writer AS ONE who has recently been a member of Student' Govern- ment Council, I have a very real regard for this body; possibly more than those who have been on it for three or four years since there hasn't been enough time for me to let it become duty rather than a joy. Because of this regard, I have consistently made an effort to view SGC objectively. In keep- ing with the policy which I de- veloped while a member of the council, I have chosen to gloss over our many accomplishments, ex- cellent legislation and praise- worthy stands and to point out those traits of our council which may well prove to be our undoing. For my point of departure, I have selected the severe criticism which has been leveled at the student group which spearheaded the fight for reorganization of the Office of Student Affairs. This group was composed of the 1960-61 senior editors of The Michigan Daily and three mem- bers of the SGC Human Relations Board. There was much distress in council ranks occasioned by participation in such activity of members of an SGC related board. Both SGC presidents during the student study were aware of what was happening and council con- cern points a serious shortcoming of SGC. We, as a body do not pay sufficient attention to re- lated boards. Reports are accept- ed, often without reading them; recommendations are made and action taken and we were not aware of them. In addition, we see the Wolver- ine Club in trouble with SGC be- cause they went into debt over the summer. 'he Council has now curtailed their spending after re- fusing to give them, a related board, the financial aid they des- perately needed. The Wolverine Club is going to be a success this year in spite of SGC, not because of it. The function of SGC is to rec- ognize and protect, insofar as it can, the status of organizations on our campus. Our persecution of the Union ,and The Daily last semester was, in the light of this function, unforgiveable. Both are excellent student groups, and in The Daily we have an organ for expression of student views which is unsurpassed by any other stu- dent paper in the country. All we have to do is let it speak for us. IT HAS BEEN SAID the stu- dent group for 084 reorganiza- tion had no right to initiate the action it did. Critics hold that such a function was vested in SGC by rstudents in the 1954 referen- dum. If it was, then SGC failed to fulfill its role - even when the issue was raised with vigor in 1957 and again in 1959. Obviously some steps had to be taken; SGC was not so inclined, so indepen- dent students in the interests of the student body, did. During this past year, "in the interests of the student body" has been subverted to "the adminis- tration would like . . ." This attitude was dramatized in the discussion raging around the OSA group, yet is one which seems critical to the life of SGC on this seek to initiate and to express, is not reactionary, it does not seek the status quo, it does not con- cern itself unduly about relating with the administration. What it does, and what SGC, as its voice, should do is search out and de- fine those issues which affect stu- dents, ascertain the type of ac- tion which most advantageously relates those issues to them, carry out that action fearlessly and con- scientiously and force the admin- istration to respond to it. * * * WITH THE VAST changes which have occurred in recent years, the responsibility of the student to be aware, to be con- cerned and to act has multiplied. We can no longer sit coniplacently in our dormitories and read about the Berlin crisis, the uprisings in the East, the battle for independ- ence in Africa, the freedom fight in our own South and the grave struggle for supremacy in the UN and vaguely hope that none will be the topic of conversation dur- ing our coke date at 4 o'clock. If the idea that there are areas of local, state, national or inter- ntional concern which do not af- fect us as students ever had any validity, it has none now. Every word that Khrushchev utters, every shot fired in Katanga, every riot In China and every remark tossed off by a U. S. Senator resounds throughout the world and directly affects us. Every worthy stand should be commended and every political blooper should be criticized by us. The time is no longer when a presidential tirade concerns only the president; your life may depend on it. So when SGC refuses to con- sider (or does so only under pro- test) the sit-ins in Alabama, the governor's stand on "Operation Abolition" or the place and func- tion of HUAC, they are hiding their heads in the sand. But, even worse, they are hiding your head there too. Your obligation is to be vocal and let SGC know your views, to go to the meetings and speak out. None of us on SOC were so thrilled as when the Coun- cil Chamber was filled' to over- flowing during the HUAC discus- sions, nor so disappointed as when we found that the people who came to the Union Ballroom for the debate on the fraternity- sorority bias issue could have been comfortably seated in a quad single. You can't sit bak and let us express, as student opinion, attitudes and beliefs which don't even remotely approach yours without saying something. * *- * ON THE SUBJECT of those things which affect students, a pet topic of mine arises: foreign students. There are 1500 students on this campus representing every foreign nation in the world, every religious belief and every political attitude. WE DO NOT DESERVE ONE OF THEM. They are treated with less un- derstanding, less affection and less interest than the dogs on the diag. We label them clannish after forc- ing them, with our massive in- difference, to associate only with "their own." Discussions in wo- men's dorms center around "how to discourage a foreign student from asking you for a date," we set them up in ,their own private clubs, we have given them their f_ _J e,_ " own personal center, they are not encouraged to join our social clubs, particularly fraternities and soror- ities; and there has even been talk of a University housing unit especially for them. The United States of America and the University of 'Michigan in all their collective humanity would not bring these students here and educate them solely for their own benifit. They see something we can derive from their presence. These students will go back with a favorable impression of our coun- try and our people-ridiculous; they will 'go back with word of a people too proud, too cold and too aloof to "stoop" to say hello to a fellow human who is a guest in their country. They will go back with an understanding of the western way of thought and we will know their culture and their politics-How? by ignoring them? by sentencing them to an international ghetto? The Euro- pean student, who is extremely like us, is the only one with whom we associate extensively on a non- academic basis. SGC might do well to concern itself with this problem andit won't even have to worry about whether or not it is of student concern. The answer couldn't be more obvious! SINCE Philip Power, Roger Seasonwein and I resigned from SGC there has been a lot of talk about balance on the council,. And every SGC member maintains that merit should be the basis of coun- cil membership. I could not agree more heartily or enthusiastically. This should be the sole criterion.' Then why is there such a con- scientious~effort to seed the coun- cil with "conservatives?" Can it be that these people don't merit a seat? I have met many students who espouse the consei'vative viewpoint who are equally competent with respect to any SGC member we have; in any area you wish to name. Why is it that we have to work so hard to "sneak in" conservatives? And why did SOC reject two candidates for interim appoint- ments by stating, in effect, that they were too qualified and, there- fore, would prove too controver- sial? Why were calendaring viola- tions, which were the fault of SGC and because' of which we revised our entire calendaring pro- cedure, brought up to defeat another candidate withdiexcellent qualifications? Why did SOC select two people who openly op- pose potential action by the SGC Membership Selection committee? And, finally,xif balance is what the Council seeks, why were three vo- cal "liberals" replaced with two vocal "conservatives." * * * , COMPLETE DISCUSSION with- all sides viewed openly and in- telligently is the key to a good student governing body with sound decisions. In order to have such discussion, SGC cannot- afford to' have all "conservatives" or all "liberals" but a healthy nunber of conscientious students debating both sides. Selection of members on the basis of merit alone should ensure such discussion. Our Student Government Coun- cil is, according to students, fac- ulty and administrators across the nation, one of the finest in the country. It is capable of doing a great deal to entrench the idea of student government and respon- To the Editor: IN YOUR October 1 issue the editorial "Syrian Revolt: End of Pan-Arab Nationalism?" ap- peared. The writer Harry Perl- stadt, accumulated many known facts but he did not try to an- swer the question. In fact, the only statement that related to the headline was made at the begin- ning of the editorial: "The ob- vious result is the destruction of President Gamal Abdel Nasser's United Arab Republic and a death knell for pan-Arab nationalism." Mr. Perlstadt did not get very much beyond the obvious. It is clear that the Syrian revolt might prove to be anything but a "death knell for pan-Arab nationalism." The United Arab Republic did not create Arab nationalism but was a consequence of the strong flux of this nationalism in the Arab people. The destruction of a consequence does not mean the destruction of its cause. On the contrary, the destruction of an unsatisfactory consequence that distorted the original intentions of the cause should give new im- petus to the original cause. THE FORM' of the unity be- tween Egypt and Syria proved to be unhealthy enough to permit a revolution to take place in Syria. The United Arab Republic failed also to attract other Arab coun- tries to join the unity. Thus, it stopped short of the ultimate goal of Arab nationalism. The Syrian revolt will give new drive to dynamic Arab national- ism. The experience gained from the unity between Egypt and Syria will serve as an asset to the' Arab nationalism movenent. The new Syrian government has already de- clared that it is for' Arab unity. This proves that the revolt did not spring from so-called "Syrian nationalism" but from the dif- -ference in the methodology of effecting the unity in practical terms. It is much better for the Arab' nationalism movement to have a united Syria and a united Egypt than a "dihunited" United Arab Republic. -Adnan Alaoui, '62 Facts. To the Editor: MR. HARRY PERLSTADT in his editorial on Arab nationalism made a gross factual error in his inclusion of Turke/y in the Arab world. Turkey is a non-Arab,,Mos- lem, country in the Middle'East. It is related to the Arab coun- tries only in geographical prox- imity and common religious heri- tage. Turkey governed the' Arab world for 600 years under the Ottoman Empire.. Certainly, there is no excuse for such an error on the part of a writer who is attempting to- edi- torialize on the Middle East. -Necati Esin, Grad. Restraint * * * To the Editor: ONE OF THE WORST acts of hypocrisy is to cry over the grave of your enemy. This act is what Miss Stock (Letter to the Editor-Oct. 3) seems to be asking, The Daily to do. We, on the other hand, noticed the restraint of The Daily. The Detroit Free Press of September 30 was far more blunt in 'its re- porting of the story. Miss Stock said, "If students on this cam- pus expect to be given positions of responsibility on various com- mittees to help revamp Univer- sityl policy . . . then all are going to have to be able to accept the fruits of our labor with equanim- ity and perhaps even sympathy, not the loud huzzahs. and foot stamping of 7th graders." The Daily did show considerable re- straint. In answer to Miss Stock's charges (concerning Dean Bacon's policies that cause the stifling of individual' expression was."the last of Dean Bacon's intentions"), we feel that Dean Bacon's intentions as shown by her policies, definite- ly were aimed at stifling indi'id- ual expression when it was at var- iance with her philosophies. -Sylvia Berliner, '63 -Thomas Kemnitz, '64 Anarchy To the Editor: CONDITIONS approach the an- archic when the Regents of this University feel constrained to bow before the clamorings of non- student hangers-on at the Union and the immature pseudo-liberals of analleged student government. The resignation of Dean Bacon is regrettable. Even more so is the abandonment of all tradition of objective newsgathering on the part of the Michigan Daily, whose' present staff members were in swaddling clothes when Miss Ba- con, as a participant in the.Battle hellenic meeting last week, as were the sorority presidents who sought his advice. It should be pointed out that the value of such a confer- ence ,is manifested in the results it accomplishes and not always in a public "debate." MY thanks to Mr. Lewis for speaking to PanHel's Presidents Council and for the aid he has given to our sororities. -Susan Stillerman President, Panhellenic Association Translation ... To the Editor: FOLLOWING is a rather rough translation I have made of an article, relating to the film Oper- ation Abolition, that appeared in the August 15th issue of Politica, a Mexican magazine of far leftist political orientation. Lying Propaganda Under the patronage of coun- cil 4662 of the Order of the Knights of Columbus, a moving picture of anticommunist pro- paganda called "Operation Abo- lition" was exhibited the first of August I the church of San Patricio de Tacubaya. The film came as far as the streets of Bondojito in the pro- letarian district of Tacubaya by a sinuous enough road: It was produced by order of the govern- ment of the U.S. which sent a copy to the American Embassy in Mexico. This (the embassy) in turn sent it to the so-called Instituto de Investigaciones So- ciales y Economicas (an organ- ization that does not accept the theories of Darwin.) and 'this entity transferred it for exhi- bition to the Knights of Colum- -bus. The film refers to the protests that occurred in San Francisco in a session of the Unamerican Activities Committee of the Sen- ate of the U.S. But the sequence of the acts was altered in or- der to present them as a com- munist aggression against. the police. The falsification has been denounced in various American newspapers and magazines which can not be suspected of communism, and the National Council of Churches of the U.S. has put the faithful on guard against it. Nevertheless, knowing this, the' American Embassy in Mexico and its accomplices continue exhibiting the film. Although I am usually dubious of the mutterings of Politica, other actions of our' embassy in Mexico that have come to my attention lead me to give con- sideiable weight .to this charge. While the showing of Operation Abolition by the superpatriots can not be stopped within the United States, this film should not be distributed by an agency of the U. S. government in foreign coun- tries. If Politica's .charges should prove to be true, immediate ac- tion should be taken to halt the distribution of Operation Aboli- tion by our embassy in Mexico. -Terry Rambo'63 "IT IS NOT difficult to imagine what would be the consequen- ces if, any State were to resume nuclear tests in the existing situa- tion. The other' nuclear Powers would be compelled to follow suit. "This would trigger off again an unlimited race inrthe testing of nuclear weapons by any Power and in any conditions. "The decision by any of the three Powers to resume nuclear tests would be difficult to recon- cile with the commitments they have assumed before all the mem- bers of the United Nations .. . "If one of' the parties violates the commitments assumed, the in- itiators.ofthis violation will cover themselves with shame, they will be branded by all the peoples of the world." --Khrushchev to the Supreme .Soviet, Jan. 14, 1960 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of ,The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to' Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4 General Notces Regents' Meeting: Fri., Oct. 20. Com- munications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than October 10. Please submit twenty-one copies of each coin- munication. Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics: Theory examinations will be given on Thurs. and Fri., Oct. 26 and Pack-ola RET IS OUT. olverine Club, in a last-ditch at- >oost its diminishing finances, in- the campus with a bombshell called s, due to arrive between Oct. 15 and 1 be of two varieties-one for men, Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor [ERMAN HARVEY MOLOTCH L .tor Editorial Director BELL .........Personnel Director ra TF.T'm Maa.9i,.a,, Uai*,.. one for women. The kits wil contain a variety of name-brand products such as toothpaste, cosmetics, deodorant, and footpowder. The club acquired the rights. to the sale of the packs from an East Coast agent who dis- tributes them at no charge. The club will charge what they think they can get" for them and keep the profits. There is only one trouble with' th'e packs- the calendaring and approval for the sale of them has not yet been endorsed by Student Government Council. However, due to the acute financial crisis of the club, SGC is being forced into a position where it must approve the sale of the packs