THE MICHIGAN DAILY Brose Views Welfare Plans MICWHAEL HARRAH gan than in New York, where the illegitimate children in a family. sion about where the state has often set the standards Newburgh officials declare that omes from seems to be a for local distribution of funds. any illegitimate children auto- n the Newburgh welfare Brose compared a number of matically make a home unsuit- rsy, Washtenaw County the more controversial Newburgh able. Michigan only questions Director Alfred Brose said proposals (13 in all) to procedures whether the home is suitable for y. for similar situations in Washte- the children, regardless of their eceive f.ederal assistance naw County. number. lief . payments, all money Tangible Goods "Our program is based on distributed in a uniform whether or not there is a need throughout the state. The Locally, welfare officials make for assistance," Brose pointed out. hemselves .pay determine payments in the form of tangible f"I we decide the home is unfit, nner. . goods, except in the case of those we turn the case over to the Juve- Newburgh dispute arose be- who are doing municipal work for nile Court. If ADC decides the ity officials chose to dis- their relief money. These people home is unfit but the court does welfare payments in their are paid in cash, until such time not, then the recipients are eligi- ifferent criteria than does as it is demonstrated that they ble for relief." s e s,'are abusing this type of payment. ainde of the state, Brose They are then paid in goods (such Denies Payments :. Officials in Albany are as food) again. The Newburgh plan also denies' that such deviation from ThNebrhpa calforeifpy nttonywoav mn will cause all of New TeNwug la al o ele amnstoaywohv at to lose federal aid in similar action, but cash payments voluntarily quit their jobs-rather *, program: ,da d are restricted much more closely, than being laid off or fired. are program. In Washtenaw County the re- Brose noted that, for the most Programs Similar ) lief applicant is given about one part, this was the case in Wash- tenaw County does not month to find a job if he is phys- tenaw County, though there could s problem, though the wel- ically able to work. If he cannot well be acceptable exceptions. ogram resembles that of find regular employment, he is He didn't see any particular gh Initmany ways, he said. assigned to relief work or he is problem with transients or mi- chigan, 90 per cent of wel- denied payment. grants coming into the county to )ney is supplied by local ADC Gives Relief live Just for the benefits of the rents and 30 per cent by Michigan administers funds for welfare program. This is one of )vernment., State officials illegitimate 'children 'through its the problems Newburgh officials ft the method of distribu- Aid to Dependent Children agen- say their city faces. gely up to the local units. cy. In Newburgh, welfare officials Brose noted that Michigan re- re uniformity of distribu- have set a limit on relief assist- quires relief applicants to have somewhat easier in Michi- ance according to the number of lived in the state for at least a year. He said that people moved up here during the war effort, k e sand-in spite of perhaps better k "F f 11 {lll rSR conditions-some chose to move back South when the job was c ned io n- so e chsdt Arabian Little Michigan dCounty Less Strict "/ ?F y The New York town specifies Year marks the fiftieth an- that able-bodied persons may 'y of the establishment of only receive relief for three months -- -- ~ s in any one year. Brose said that le Michigan" in Busrah, s it tat t wa jut a alf.f..:4.~.~local authorities set no such rigid tev. and Mrs. Leslie Frenc} -: y r{-ceiling. ut that it was just a half f;If we had good employment ago when there was an | available, we could reduce our re- of concern >mong Uni- : lief rolls to practically the sickor students for people living l disabled," he explained. developed" regions of the-- "But it all depends on what uch as there is today as .- employment is available. We are ed by the work of the currently conducting a study to 'orps. ' find more, ways to supply adult at time groups of student, in the hope that we rs were organized on may educate people. Thus' they ampuses. might be better qualified to work." at the University a par- No Fraud active group was set with-H dof 3tructure of Lane Hall. He said that county officials sruturei o fal nenHalln -k-talk regularly with welfare re- ernational Convention ( cipients to assure themselves that g09 at the International they are indeed eligible for relief Volunteer convention held u andthatthey are not practicing fester, New York, the Uni- fraud their clais fp ay- students came in contact LESLIE A. FRENCH ment. M. Zwemer of Arabia who .. . on 'Little Michigan' InNewburgh such surveying is led them his country was also doe regularly, but there of- need of any interest and Shaw, '11E, an engineer Interest- ficials willbe handicapped to an .ce which they could offer. ed in industrial development, and extent by the set budget, which ed by this opportunity to Dr. H. G. Van Vlack, '11M, set they may not exceed, Brose said. . their concern into a out with their wives for Arabia. Brose noted that the Board of bile propect, the Univer- The following year they were join- Supervisors, which passes on tudent Volunteers return- ed by Philip C. Haynes, "11E Washtenaw welfare expenditures, to solocit funds and as- The participants in "Little has the power to appropriate ad- for the establishment' of Michigan" wished to set up a tech- ditional money, should it be need- le Michigan" in Busrah, nical school, but discovered that .ed. first a preparatory school was Brose said he felt that the New- e Michigan" was to be a needed so the boys could acquire burgh plan had value in that it for medical and industrial the requisite background knowl- brought a situation into the pub- education,'supported both edge. . lic eye. "It has alerted the De- z Lane Hall and by stu- The Volunteers helped a great partment of Health, Education ontributions. The site at number of people. Dr. Arthur Ben- and Welfare that the grass roots was chosen because Dr. nett, who was also working at people are not just ready to ac- Bennett, '04, was already Busrah, -once said that he alone cept everything they dream up there as a missionary. treated more patients than were down in Washington." YEAR-ROUND PLAN: Spurr Speaks to Women's Senate I 1 3 7 i { 1 i PROF. J. DAVID SINGER ... leads seminar By- ELLEN SILVERMAN The planned year-round opera- tion at the University will allow the utilization of facilities, throughout the year, Prof. Stephen H. Spurr of the school of natural resources told the Women's Sen- ate meeting yesterday. It does not mean, he stressed, that students would be forced to go to school for the whole year, or that faculty members must teach for a three semester year. "The idea was initiated to help meet the exploding population problem," he said. Each year a larger number of students gradu- ate from high school and each year the percentage going to col- lege increases. Formed In Spring The commission formed last spring to discuss this problem wanted to make the University available to more students but still allow diversified programs for the various -types of students who come to the University, Prof. Spurr, executive secretary of the committee, added. There are, he explained, two types of programs which were considered: the quarter system and a three' semester plan. The com- mittee considered both and decid- ed that a three term plan with a split summer session would be best for the vast complex of the Uni- versity. Peace Study, Commences 1 By RONALD WILTON s The Student Peace Research Seminar held its first meeting+ yesterday in the recreation room of the International Center. - "The seminar will attempt to explore techniques and concepts from the behavorial sciences on specific problems in the interna- tional arena," Prof. J. David Sing- er of the Mental Health Research Institute, leader ,of the seminar, said. This is being done by bringing together people with a wide range of backgrounds in the physical and 'social sciences and' merging this background with knowledge of past, recent and contemporary political events, Prof. Singer ex- plained to the group. New Knowledge "We don't want a bi-weekly bull session," he emphasized. "Every- time we meet each of you should have at least a small amount of new knowledge and ideas to con- tribute to the group." "It is a disadvantage to think of ourselves as miniature policy makers," Prof. Singer continued. "What we want to end up with is a better understanding of how and why nations make the foreign policy decisions they do." ' One critical issue the group will examine is the conditions under which peace - looks like a better alternative than potential war. We would also like to shed light on variables so policy- makers will have better information on which to base their decisions, Prof.. Singer explained. Influence Policy t, "We can also examine the de- gree to which well documentedr empirical and definite findings from the academic and scientific community can influence govern- mental policy," he said., The seminar will meet the first and third Tuesday of each month. It is composed of 19 upperclass- men and graduate students rep- resenting a wide range of the social and physical sciences. "We hope to see applications of the seminar on ideas for research on peace and conflict resolution," Mrs. Elisa Boulding, founder of the seminar, told the group. The conventional tri-mester, as typified by the University^ of Pittsburgh, Prof. Spurr said, was also not suited to the University' since it was essentially an accel- erated program and did not make provisions for an integrated sum- mer school program. The modified three semester plan, which Prof. Spurr said the commission had recommended, in- cludes provisions for summer school and does not have forced acceleration. He explained that the three se- mesters would range from the last week in August until Christmas, from after Christmas vacation to early May with a full spring holi- day, and from middle May until late August. The third term, however, would DIAL NO 2-6264 HURRY! LAST 3 DAYS, ENDING FRIDAY PLEASE NOTE 3 Shows Daily at 1:00 - 4:30 - 8:10 A.TERRIFIC SHOW ..AN AMAONG ACHIEYEMErTr be divided into two equal half terms. This would facilitate some acceleration by current students in the May and June section and the regular summer school clien- tele in the July and August term. Prof. Spurr added that the third term would allow students to have some acceleration within his pro- gram but would also give them some time for vacation. No Large Capital The new plan, Prof Spurr em- phasized, will -have to evolve from the present conditions. It is pri- marily designed to make use of the University plant without the added expense of a large capital investment in new buildings. It will, however, he stressed, in- volve many new costs and proced- ures which must be changed and considered through administrative procedures during this year. k Vaccinations Against Flu Health Service is again offering anti-flu vaccinations tomorrow. Students, faculty and other University employes may receive these shots at the service between 8 and 11 a.m. and 1 and 4:30 p.m. Dr. Morley B. Beckett, director of the Health Service, recommends that students who have not been immunized in the last three or four years, get two shots at least two weeks apart. Although the service has im- munized 3,500 people in the last two weeks, it will continue this service by obtaining a new supply of anti-flu vaccine, Dr. Beckett noted. CENTRAL COMMITTEE Through Thursday, Oct. 5 petitions 5available at Michigras Office Mithigqan. Union Plan Course On Nietzsche Nietzsche's thought in modern literature will be the central theme of a new college honors course to be offered next semes- ter. The course will be taught by Prof. Ingo E. Seidler of the Ger- man department. Prof. Seidler explained that re- percussions of Nietzsche's thought will be studied in novels, plays, and poetry. Besides Nietzsche, the authors that will be read are Gide, Valery, Shaw, O'Neill, Rilke, and Benn. Students who are able to will read the works in the orig- inal language. Students will read each work not only to discover Nietzsche's influence, but for its own literary value, Prof. Seidler added. The authors covered in the course bring up again some of the issues' which Nietzsche first formulated. In this sense, the works to be studied areparallels and exten- than mere echoes, Prof. Seidler said. Students in the honors program with a reading proficiency in a modern European language will be eligible to elect this course. Otto PREMINGER PRESENTS 60 is ADULT EVENINGS....... $1.25 ADULT WEEKDAY MATINEES .90 CHILDREN UNDER 12-..........50 P etitionee JG.P Petitioning now open for campus publicity, Daily and stunt publicity, .properties and call director. Petitions available at League Undergraduate Offices I I i a soul j levq productioa ,direc1ed bg henrilgeorges clouiol a ingsletj inlInailal release the, UNIVERSITY of MICHIGAN BANDS present FRESH BEN I