FISHBOWL MUSINGS See Page 4, Y r e Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :43 ii VOL LXXII, No. 15 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1961 r k 'U' Sets Change In Deposit Plans Policy To Prevent Miscalculations In Anticipating Future Enrollments By ROBERT FARRELL Beginning next fall, the $50 enrollment deposit required of all freshman and transfer students Will not apply to their first semester's tuition, but will be refunded after the student leaves the University. The new policy will enable the University to keep closer track of the number of students planning to return each semester, prevent- Languages Cut Courses In Reading By MICHAEL OLINICK A tight University budget has forced severe cutbacks this semes- ter in two department's special reading courses in languages for graduate students. The German department slash- ed to half the number of sections planned for courses 111 and 112, nearly doubled the size of the sec- tions finally offered, and still had to turn away more than 200 stu- dents. Similar reductions came in the romance languages department where French 112 was. dropped completely and half the sections of 111 were scrapped., Graduate Study These special int'roductory read- ing courses are designed to ful- fill 'the requirements of the grad- uate school, which demands read- ing knowledge of two foreign lan- guages before granting doctorate degrees. The cutbacks will last at least through the spring semester. "Dropping the sections of these oourses was a regrettable necessi- ty, Prof. James rC. O'Neill, chair- man of the domance languages department, said yesterday. "We had to make cuts on our lowest priority items.". Prof. O'Neill and Prof. Clarence K. Pott, chairman of the German department, explained that "pri- orities" were set up last spring when administrative officers asked them to, examine their depart- ments with an eye towards possi- ble cuts. Behind Other Courses Both men said their depart- nents' evaluations put these "serv- ice courses" behind the basic courses (101, 102, 231, 232), up- perclass concentrate courses, and offerings for graduate students in these areas. Harald Scholler, who supervises German 111 and 112, said that 39 students were allowed in sections normally limited to 20 with the result that "drastic changes" would have to come in the teach- ing methods. This will include abridging the exercises used in 111 so that in- structors will have time enough to correct them and the possible in- troduction of teaching machines to offset the burden of extra stu- dents, Prof. Pott said. %ing such miscalculations as occur- red this year, when enrollmentj went up 800 students due to an unpredicted low rate of drop-outs among academically eligible stu- dents.., Reports Action Vice-President for Student Af- fairs James Lewis reported the ac- tion, the exact details of which have not yet been worked out. It is a change made by the Deans' Conference in the method of re- funding the deposit. The original approval of the deposit idea was approved by the Regents in 1958, but they did not specify the details of the plan, leaving this to the administration. The new policy needed no formal action by the Regents, but they have been informed of the changes. With the creation of this new deposit plan, the Board of Gov- ernors will receive recommenda- tiois to abolish their housing de- posit of $50 which had been re-, quired, Lewis reported. Conditional The enrollment deposit will still not be refunded to the student if he accepts admission at the Uni- versity and then does not come. It will also be held if he does not notify the University of his intention 'not to return for the next semester soon' after the end of the previous'semester. This will give the University a much more accurate count of stu- dents coming back each fall so that it can plan its program. It would be refunded if the stu- dent was dropping out because he had received academic warning or was dropped for academic or oth- er reasons. It would also be refunded if the student were drafted and could not return to the University, offi- cials said. Fire Hurts Alice Lloyd Fire broke out in a fifth floor Alice Lloyd room last night, caus- ing the dormitory to be evacuated. The fire department attribut- ed the fire to a faulty record player cord short circuiting. There were no injuries. - Estimated damage to the room amounted to about $450, Leonard A. Schaadt, residence hall busi- ness manager, said. The two residents of the room will be moved to an empty room in the dormitory until they can be returned, he said. They will receive from the University's in- surance for damages done to their personal belongings, he added. WALTER REUTHER . . calls walkout UAW Strike Hits Ford. DETROIT (') -- The United Auto Workers struck and shut down the Ford Motor Co. empire yesterday for the first time since Henry Ford suddenly granted the union recognition 20 years ago. The strike of 120,000 hourly production workers came after 96 days of negotiation failed to bring agreement on a national contract. Leaves Talks UAW President Waler P. Reuther emerged from a final 25-hour marathon session at 10 a.m., the strike deadline, and an- nounced the walkout. Actually workers had begun leaving their jobs at the giant Rouge plant in Dearborn and elsewhere shortly after 8 a.m. "The international union did everything possible to avert this strike," Reuther declared, blam- ing the company for stalling to a point where a walkout was in- evitable. "This strike is entirely unneces- sary," said Malcolm L. Denise, Ford's Vice-President of Labor Relations and the top manage- ment negotiator. Try for Settlement Both sides promised to try for a quick settlement. But no one speculated on when it might come. Talks were recessed until 10 a.m. tomorrow. "I'm eternally optimistic," Den- ise maintained. But he added: "the issues on which we are apart are of great importance. Based on outward appearance we have a considerable distrance between us." In Washington, Secretary of Labor Arthur J. Goldberg express- ed regret over the strike and asked for an early end. Ghanans Arrest Opposition ACCRA, Ghana (AP) - Joseph Danquah, who ran against Ghanan President Kwame Nkrumah in last year's election, and 42 other men were arrested tonight and charged' with subversive activities, includ- ing taking an oath to assassinate Nkrumah. Another one seized was opposi- tion leader Joseph Appiah, son-in- law of the late Sir Stafford Cripps, once chancellor of the British Exchequer. UN Action In Berlin Requested Leader Problem May Get Solution UNITED NATIONS (AP) - Can- ada added its voice yesterday to mounting demands that the Unit- ed Nations be given a role in resolving the Berlin crisis. At the same time informed sources expressed guarded opti- mism last night that agreement would be reached soon on filling temporarily the post of UN Sec- retary-General They based their views on re- ports from delegates engaged in continuous private huddles. See Meeting These sources looked toward a meeting in Washington later this week of Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromoyko and Secretary of State Dean Rusk. The sources said agreement might be announc- ed there. Canadian Foreign Secretary Howard Green told the 100-nation General Assembly that while pri- mary responsibility for a Berlin settlement rests with the Big Four, "the UN cannot abdicate its re- sponsibility in relation to any problem which raises acutely the fundamental issue of peace or war." In the continuing policy de- bate Green took a line similar to other speakers who have voiced concern over Berlin, and who have suggested a UN role in any settle- ment. The issue is not on the formal assembly agenda, but has been mentioned by virtually all delegates in debate. Huddles Continue Outside the assembly hall hud- dles continued in the corridors on how to resolve the deadlock over the naming of an interim Secre- tary-General. Some leftist-leaning Asian dele- gates expressed belief the United States acted too hastily yesterday in rejecting the latest Soviet for- mula-the naming of a temporary head who would be directed to work in close consultation with three deputies now in the sec- retariat. United States sources called such criticism unjustified, saying America regarded it necessary to insist that there be no acceptance of the Soviet troika principle, even in naming a stop-gap successor to Dag Hammarskjold. Green suggested three specific ways in which the UN might be of aid in the Berlin situation: focusing world attention, serving as an observer for Berlin and its access routes and possibly operat- Con- Con Chooses Nisbet Presiden Opens -AP Wirephoto ASSUMES POWER-Stephen S. Nisbet (R-Fremont) received the chairman's gavel as he took the - -chairmanship of the constitutional convention in Lansing yesterday. AT SGC MEETING: To Ask New G&S Decisin ing a city. Berlin command for the Vos Takes Petition For SGC Election John Vos, '63,, recent appointee to a Student Government Council vacancy, has taken out a petition for candidacy in the November SGC elections. By JUDITH OPPENHEIM William Gleason, '63, will move at tonight's Student Government Council meeting to rescind last week's decision on calendaring for this semester's performance of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society. The motion passed last week al- lowed G&S to present its show, "H.M.S. Pinafore" Wednesday- Friday, Dec. 6-8 with a matinee performance Saturday, Dec. 9 and permission to give two shows Fri- day night, Dec. 8. Allow Show The new move is intended to allow G&S to hold a Saturday evening performance with a closed ticket sale, Gleason reported. If his motion passes, he would then move to re-calendar the show with this provision. G&S had originally requested calendaring for Saturday evening NCAA Move To Oust AAU Gains Support By DAVE GOOD The National Collegiate Athletic Association's attempted ouster of the Amateur Athletic Union, orig- inally backed only by track and basketball coaches, has now ire- ceived support from such sports as swimming, wrestling, gymnas- tics and judo, The Daily learned yesterday.. NCAA officials, long disgruntled by the notorious mismanagement of American sports by the AAU, called a secret meeting in Chicago last Sunday for all groups in- terested in setting up federations for~ each individual sport, reliable sources reported yesterday. Only One "This is the only country where each sport is not controlled by a federation," complained one of- ficial, adding that the all-powerful AAU is not equipped to handle all sports efficiently. NCAA President Walter Byers, along with UCLA Athletic Direc- tor Wilbur Johns and Far West Conference Commissioner Tom Tamilton, explained a proposition' which would set up various groups within each sport's federation for high schools, colleges, the armed forces, the Young Men's Christian Association and the AAU. It is expected, however, that the AAU will refuse to surrender its power to accept a subordinate role. NCAA Power "A good parallel is that the NCAA gives the power to run the different sports in this country- to the people in those sports who know how to run them. As it is now, the NCAA has nothing to say about AAU meets." - "W ing," Paul G. Goebel (R-Urand No Policy Set known students.R ) egent-elect, said after A substitute motion, to be pro- Rapids),e g sesn. "i afte- Uposdb ent McEldowney, the opening session. "I am hope- Os n PyKrocedureeosdhbyKenneth ful that things will be done -in a '62, states that students should be able to view their own evaluatio co-opierative atmosphere."' bh nn "I hope it ended yesterday," was Of Commninittee "forms and that, such topics as;the answer of. Harold E. Bledsoe "personal appearance, courtesy (DDetroit) when asked if he felt and consideration, student atti- the convention would turn into The Study Committee on the tude and adjustment toward the t ontion o uldg t Office of Student Affairs has not University" should be eliminated, a political dog-fight. decided on a permanent policy for A motion stating that no mem- New Coalition either closed or public precodure, ber of SGC may concurrently hold "A coalition exists that no one committee chairman Prof. John membership on the Committee on has thought about," said William Reed of the Law School said yes- Membership in Student Organiza- O. Greene (D-Detroit), one that terday. tions will be proposed by the is neither Democratic nor Repub- Reed, said the committee will Council Executive Committee. lican but one that is based on probably continue its present pol- Such a motion would not affect ideals. icy of closed meetings at least any members currently on the In the convocation the Rev. Mal- until new student members are council. colm Gray Dade (D-Detroit) ap- oriented and brought up to date. pealed for the delegates to be "big "We willtake advantage of everyw Down hen they would be little and means of getting information from Turns small." specially qualified people on dif- . No Surrender ferent areas of our study," he Pa liais J Swainson said the delegates said, R IB"need not surrender individual "There will also probably be WASHINGTON (P)-Citing bud- goals if their efforts are .toward stages at which we will have open getary needs, President John F. the public good." The challenge meetings where interested people Kennedy last night vetoed a bill to the delegates was great, he could come, share the commit- which would have given $60.8 mil- said, as he named major areas in tee's ideas and express their own lion in annual pay raises to the which extensive work should be ideas," he said. 560,000 postal workers through accomplished. "From time to time the student changes in the longevity system. Included were government fi- members will also be holding dis- Kennedy said in a veto memor- nance, through taxation, reap- cussions with Student Government andum that "budgetary needs are praisal of executive functions, re- Council and other student groups too urgent to permit approval of view of the entire legislative pro- where others will be invited to this measure unattended by reve- cess and re-examination of the join the discussion." nue increases." judicial fabric. SPEAKS ON FRONTIER: Cites Instinct for Tradition but was not calendared because it would have conflicted,with quad- rangle Christmas dances. Discussion of confidential quad- rangle "pink slip" reports, post- RAIN THREATENS OPENER: Reds Invade New York for World Series' NEW YORK (UP)-Rain threat-1 ened today's World Series opener: at Yankee Stadium between the : ? l "home run sluggers of the New; York Yankees and the underdog Cincinnati Reds. The weather bureau said it would rain this morning, tapering off to partly cloudy conditions by tonight. Game time (noon, EST) comes right in the middle of the tapering off period. Another bulging crowd of 69,000 was expected to watch the Yanks open their 26th World Series. Net- work (NBC) radio and television were set to beam the game across the nation and to the far reaches of the earth. Whitey Ford, top winning pitch- er of the majors with a 25-4 rec- ord, Was to open for the 12-5j favored American League chain- ., ~pions against 24 - year - old Jim, O'Toole (19-9), another Irishman } z{?} .with fiery competitive spirit. Both' are left-handers. It will be Ford's 15th series start and O'Toole's By CAROLYN WINTER Louis B. Wright, director of the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, D.C., spoke last night on "the conflict that has always raged on the historical and geo- graphical frontier in America be- tween the powers of darkness and the children of light for the soul of the nation", to the Clements Library Associates at the tenth and last Randolph G. Adams Me- morial Lecture. He said that this battle is not yet won and deserves the atten- tion of all literate people espe- cially in a time when all of our old values and ideals are in jeop- ardy. Rugged Independence Although the frontier was a region of rugged independence where people did not want to be told what to do, there was always a group of people who struggled to reproduce the best of the older civilization they had left. It was