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October 01, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-10-01

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Michigan State 20 Iowa ...... 28 Missouri .... 6 'Washington .. 201 Texas Christian 71 Duke... .0.421 Army ...... 31 S
Wisconsin.. 6 California ... 7 Minnesota . .. 0 Illinois .... . 7lOhio State . . .7 Virginia... 0 Boston U . ... 7E

lippery Rock 36
dinboro State 6

See Page 4

Y1 [ e

Sir igaut


Cloudy in the morning,
clearing lithe afternoon

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom








Chou Claims Red Chinese'
Seek Peace, 'Coexistence';
H its U.S. East Asian Policy;

Rugged Defense



TOKYO (R)-Red China's Pre-
mier Chou En-Lai declared yester-
day the Chinese Communists seek
to uphold world peace and wish
"to live together with the people.
of all other, countries including
the United States."
But Chou contended that "the
United States government has up
to now refused to give up its policy
of hostility, to (Communist)
China," the New China News
Agency reported.
Chou4 also "condemned the
United States government for once
again engineering plots" aimed at
blocking Red China's admission. to

the United Nations at the current
General Assembly session.
Departs from Past
Chou's statement implying the
possibility and favorability of
"peaceful co-existence" with the
United States is a sharp departure
from previous Communist Chinese
Although the Soviet Union has
long before stated its commitment
to a goal of "peaceful coexistence
with the West", but Mao Tse-
Tung's earlier interpretation of
Marxist ideology claimed such a
possibility was impossible.

'U'Professors See. Atte'mpt,
To Gain Menership in UN
Two University professors agree that the new Communist
Chinese attitude of commitment to world ipeace is an attempt to
gain membership in the United Nations.
Professors William Ballis and Robert E. Ward, both of the
political science' department think that Communist Chinese Premier
;Chou En-Lai is trying to make

He also scored what he called
United States efforts "to prepare
conditions for the creation of 'two
Chinas' and the prolonged occu-
pation of (Communist) China's
territory of Taiwan," the agency
Chou spoke at a Peiping recep-
tion celebrating the 12th anniver-
sary of the Communist seizure of
the Chinese mainland. President
Osvaldo Dorticos of Cuba headed
a meager roster of foreign guests.
Accuses U.S.
Chou claimed the United States
had manipulated the General As-
sembly's voting machinery to in-
clude the question of Tibet in the
agenda. "The Chinese people will
never tolerate interference in
China's internal affairs by any
foreign country or international
organization," he said.
He said that "the legitimate.
rights of the People's Republic of
China (Communist China) in the
United Nations must be restored
to it and the Chiang Kai-Shek
(Nationalist China) clique must
be driven out' of the United Na-
tions. We believe that all countries
friendly to us and all those who
uphold justice will support this,
Khrushchev and other Soviet
leaders cabled greetings in ob-
servance of the anniversary. The
cable spoke of friendship between
the two nations and said the
Soviet people were "greatly elated
by the outstanding achievements"
of the Peiping regime.
East Germans
Fence in City
BERLIN (A') - Communist East
German police yesterday rein-
forced wire entanglements fencing
in the tiny enclave of Steinsteuc-
ken, a part of West Berlin.
Witnesses reported the . Red
police rammed in extra concrete
posts and connected them with
heavy barbed wire. They also be-
gan clearing a strip some 600 feet
wide running along the fences.
Steinstuecken, populated by
about 200 West Berliners, is sur-
rounded by East German territory.

-Daily-Fred Shippey
ELUSIVE HALFBACK-Wolverine speedster Bennie McRae dashes for yardage as UCLA defensemen
vainly try to stop the senior halfback. McRae skirted right end in the third quarter to score a
touchdown which put his winning team 23 points ahead of the hapless lruins.
ToTrace College Experience'
* .-------------------

Hall. CUtIons
Domestic Reds,
tor J. Edgar Hoover said yesterday
United States Communist party
members are being advised to de-
stroy documents which might be
used by the government to prose-
cute them.-
He said that Gus Hall, general
secretary of the Communist party,
U.S.A., has cautioned the party
members with a catchy admoni-
tion: "It is not what you know, but
what you show.''
In an editorial in the October
issue of the FBI Law Enforcement
Bulletin, Hoover said:
"Party leader Hall has been on
; whirlwind, whistlestop tour of
our country- trying to stir up sup-
port for the party's opposition to
the Internal Security Act of 1950
... Hall, with his catchy phrase,
was setting the 'line' for the party
in its maneuyers to thwart the

Communist China more acceptable
to the UN members.
"Communist China is the most
aggressive power in the Soviet
bloc. It is quite possible that
China's statement is a sugar coat-
ing to the bitter pill of Chinese
membership," Prof. Ballis said.
"The Soviet is workIng with the
Communist Chinese on UN mem-
bership which will have a psycho-
logical effect over the Afro-Asian
nations. The Soviet Union is not
a member of the Afro-Asian bloc
therefore the Soviet bloc would
obtain an advantage if the Com-
munist Chinese were in the UN."
Prof. Ward said that Chou's
statement was "probably an at-
tempt to obtain the most favor-
'able condition for UN debate on
Chinese membership.
"The Communist Chinese do in-
dicate a willingness to join the
United Nations. But they do in-
clude the condition that the UN
wil not adopt a 'two-China' pol-
icy. The Nationalist Chinese on
Taiwan are also opposed to a
'two-China' system."

Tureaud Intercepts UCLAn Pass,
Scampers 92 Yards to Touchdown
Associate Sports Editor -
Michigan exploded the lid off its 1961 football season yes-
terday by slamming highly-regarded UCLA, 29-6, before 73,-
019 howling Band Day fans in Michigan Stadium.
The Wolverines, who went into the game a surprising six
point favor:e over the ninth ranked Bruins, wasted -no time
in proving to the westerners that they deserved the edge.
The quick first quarter scores, a second period field goal
by sophomore Doug Bickle, and two more- TD's in the third

The college experience affects
a student's attitudes, values and
interpersonal relations.
Just how and to what degree it
does these things is the subject of
a major project undertaken this
year by the study group working
in the Survey Research Center.
Although the focus of the study
is literary college undergraduates,
the researchers "hope to bring to
bear all aspects of University life,"
Gerald Gurin, a program director
at the center and full time director
of the Student Development Pro-
ject explained.
"Our broad intent is to study
what goes on during a college ex-
perience," Gurin said. In addition
to change and non-change in at-
titude, the study will also view
vocational aspirations, political
ideas, friendship patterns, rela-
tions to the world and to ideas,
and the influences of background.
Explains Report
Prof. Theodore M. Newcomb of
the sociology and psychology de-
partments and initiator of the
project explained that the study
will view all aspects, of college,
not just academics or student
Prof. Newcomb emphasized that
the data collected in the study will

remain anonymous and that the
research group is completely au-
tonomous from theUniversity ad-
He said, however, that the exec-
utive committee of the literary
college may consider using some
of the findings as a basis for
recommendations to improve edu-
cation, after the report is pub-
Approves Idea
"The literary college has ap-
proved of this project on the
premise that we can't improve
education unless we know more
about students," Prof. Newcomb
"This is what I see as the really
hopeful thing about this project."
The first data was collected from
questionnaires filled out by 590
entering freshmen during convo-
cation week. The next stage will
be to gather similar information;
from seniors; probably before'
The purpose of the data gathered
from the freshmen was to discern
their expectations of professors
and activities, occupational objec-
tives, openness to experiences
which will eventually be used in a
"before-after" survey study, Gurin

76 Trombones-and Then Some!

In addition to the freshman and
senior surveys, the group also
plans to select groups of students
to interview throughout the year
to get greater depth of the full
range of the student society.
Others working on the project
include Elizabeth M. Douvan, re-
search associate of the center,
See STUDY, Page 2
YR's Discuss
For Con-Con
Preparations for the coming
Constitutional Convention and the
role of Young Republicans 'in
con-con were topics of addresses
given yesterday to state YR's
gathered here to discuss the prob-
lems facing convention delegates.
The keynote speeches were made
by Professors Charles Joiner of
the law school and Karl Lamb of.
the political science department.
Prof. Joiner, chairman. of the
University Task Force Committee
on con-con, outlined .the areas
where preparations for con-con
were made. These include physical
facilities and problems of 'fiscal
administration of the convention.
He also, described the publications
that are provided for the dele-
Sees 'Vibrant Systems' '
"The Constitutional system is
an alive and vibrant system," Prof.
Joiner said. The extensive pre-
parations made by the Task Force
Committee will aid in producing a
"document that will be accepted
by the people."
Prof. Lamb, who is also'director
of the Michigan Citizenship
Clearing House said that the con-
vention is a "great chance ; to
restorensomething to state gov-
"The success of the constitu-
tional convention depends on the
involvement of the public."
Have Important Role
In this task the Young Repub-
licans have an important role to
play, he said, since public interest
and understanding of the conven-
tion will evolve through their as-
A successful convention will
help "the Republican party to lead-
its way out of the wildnerness"
and back to the position of the
state's,majority party, he claimed.
"The Constitutional Convention is
a chance to get Michigan moving
Hatcher To Speakt

stanza, one coming on Ken'
Tureaud's 92-yd. scamper with
an intercepted pass, piled up a
29-0 margin with a quarter to
UCLA picked 'up its lone score
against the Michigan reserves late
in the final period after tailback
Rob Smith had rambled 41 yards
to the Michigan 19 on a fake punt
play. Mitch Dimkich went over
from the one.
Tough Defense '
Like last year's opener against
Oregon which went to the Wol-
verines,. 21-0, it was the Michi-
gan -defense that made the differ-
Time. after time the fired up
Wolverines blasted into and over
the touted single wing -'blocking
of UCLA to mess up sweeps'; and
spill Bruin backs for huge losses.
Only late in the game against the
Michigan reserves w e r e the
UCLAns able to mount any sem-
blance of an offense, and even.
then not very effectively.
The die was cast on the second
play of the game when Michigan's
right side chased Bruin tailback
Bobby Smith bak to his five yard
line and then forced a fumble.
Smith eventually wound up with
the ball on the three, but UCLA
never recovered from the initial
Short Kick
Keith Jensen's short, third
down quick kick was returned by
Bennie McRae to the UCLA 381
and Michigan was off 'and run-
With quarterback Dave Glinka
mixing his plays beautifully, the
Wolverines struck paydirt in sev-
en plays.
McRae, Dave Raimey, and Bill
Tunnicliff alternated to the one
where Tunnicliff bulled over for
the score. Bickle's placement was
perfect and Michigan led, 7-0.
Stalled in their next drive by a
holding penalty, the Wolverines
got their first big break when
Ken Tureaud covered Bobby
Smith's fumble of Joe O'Don-
nell's punt on the UCLA 26.

Avoid Total,
For Berlin
WASHINGTON (i) - One rea-
son the Kennedy administration
avoided all-out mobilization in
the Berlin crisis was concern that
such drastic action might jolt
the Russians into unleashing an
attack, high government officials
said yesterday.
They indicated United States
leaders .felt there was a risk the
Russians might interpret an im-
mediate, full-scale buildup as a
sign the United States planned a
strike, and that the Soviets might
then try to get in a first blow.
"We still have a great mobiliza-
tion capability beyond what we
have already," one official said.
Strengthen Power
This country has been under-
taking a deliberately paced
strengthening of its conventional
military power over the past two
months. Administration officials
have been grasping every oppor-
tunity to underscore United States
intentions to stand firm in Berlin.
At the same time, they have
sought to avoid any show of bel-
Officials made it plain the
buildup is not intended to be
temporary - that United States
armed forces are to be kept, at
a high level of readiness and
strength for an indefinite period
to cope with expected challenges
elsewhere than in Berlin.
Explains Reasons
In explaining the reasons for
less than all-out mobilization at
this time, one official said "we
are not expanding with the firm
expectation of going to war over
Berlin - at least not yet."
He said the government is look-
ing beyond to "our basic .contest
with Communism."

Fraternity Men Prepare
For Start. of Fall Rs
As formal rush begins today Interfraternity. Council President
Robert Peterson, '62, advises all' rushees "to take advantage of the
rush counselors available to them."
The rush counselors, open 2-5 p.m. weekdays in Room 3-C of
Michigan Union are fraternity men temporarily "dissafiliated" from
their fraternities who give objective advice.
Peterson also noted that it is not necessary to have registered
in order to rush any of the 43 campus fraternities today. Sign-ups
continue through Tuesday after-o
noon in the lobby of the Michigan
He als ~urged all students who
have not yet rushed to do so.
It would be to the advantage of
freshmen who ado not intend to
pledge this semester to rush and
"take a look at the system," he!
said. -
The schedule for formal rush

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