Wolverines Host Bruins in Season's Grid Ol
Associate Sports Editor
Michigan's untested Wolverines
unveil their 1961 football edition
at 1:3'0 p.m. today against UCLA's
visiting Bruins.
But the fans won't notice any
new faces among the hosts' first
11 at the opening kickoff in this,
the second meeting between the
schools. Michigan won, 42-13, in
1956, during the Pacific Coast's
scandal shake-up.
Band Day}
A Band Day crowd of more than
74,000 will tvatch junior Dave
Glinka direct the same backfield
that he .did at 'last season's end,
consisting of Bennie McRae and
Dave Raimey. at halfbacks and
Bill Tunnicliff at fullback.
The line also has nothing but
veterans in ends Scott Maentz and,
Captain George Mans, tackles
John Houtman and Jon Schopf,
guards Lee Hall and Joe O'Don-
nell, and center Todd Grant. Hout-
man, Hall, O'Donnell, and Grant
will be starting their first game,
UCLA Backfield
Taking the backfield first, UCLA
can 'counter with an all-veteran
foursome of Bob Smith, a triple-
threat tailback, Almose Thomp-
son, a hard-driving= fullback, Bob
Stevens, a rugged blocking back,
and Kermit Alexander, a fleet
The Bruins already have a 19-6
victory over the Air Force under
their belts in which they sharpen-
ed their powerful single-wing at-
tack. Smith himself ran for 78
yards and passed for 11 more,
while Thompson chalked up 78 on
the ground.
Doesn't Know
Although Michigan Coach Bump
Elliott insists, "that we don't know
what we can do until we've played The Wolverines average 224
an opponent," last year's per- from end to end, with Houtman
formance by the backfield stacks the biggest at 235 and Hall the
the first units up about even. smallest at 210. This size prompt-
Even the most conservative ed UCLA Coach Bill Barnes to
Michigan fan will concede that make some changes which beefed
Raimey showed signs of greatness up his squad to 222, the heaviest
as a sophomore, and then was UCLA line in history. Houtman's
voted "Most Improved Player" weight conuterpart will be Mar-
last spring, while McRae has al- shall "The Shark" Shirk, at 235,
ways been an "almost, but not who will be playing across from
quite" threat in his two years. All-American candidate Schopf
Tunnicliff, on the other hand, (230). Captain and center Ron
has shown his ability to grind out Hull is the smallest Bruin at 205,
the yards through the middle. though ranked an All-American
Year's Experience cadidate, as is Shirk, by the West
Glinka, of course, quarterbacked Coast writers. Tony Fiorentino
the team to a 5-4 record last (225) is another man to watch,
year, completing 54 of 124 passes along with 233-lb. end Tom Gut-
for 755 yards despite a late season man.
slump. He won't be the same ner- Experience and weight again
vous sophomore he was a year leave the picture somewhat mud-
ago. dled as to relative strengths, but
With the backfields relatively who's to say they aren't even up
equal, forgetting depth for the and down the line?
moment, let's look at the lines. However, a few more questions,
such as depth, enter the picture,
and herein the story may lie.
By virtue or playing one game,
UCLA has discovered just what
their reserves, all of whom are
experienced, can do.
"Our scouts told us they have
two good lines with adequate re-
placements for either one," El-
liott said. As Michigan fans have
been reading all fall, the Wol-
verine depth picture is rather an
unknown quantity, and as El-
liott quipped, "I'll know more
about it after the game."
Reminiscent of Raiders
Actually, Michigan has two sec-
ond team lines, one for offense,
the other for defense, somewhat
reminiscient of the Raiders who
performed so capably on defense
the last two years.
The defensive line is, composed
of veterans John Minko at guard,
John Walker at center, Guy Cur-
See MICHIGAN, Page 6
READY FOR ACTION-Captain George Mans and Head Coach Chalmers
Michigan football team look ready and anxious to take on UCLA, today's
-Daily-Jams Keson
(Bump) Eliott of the
Five Sororities
Lose Recognition
National Officials Dispute Policies
On Discrimination at Lake Forest
Five sororities at Lake Forest College have lost their national
charters in a dispute over the right of national sorority officials
to dictate local policy relating to racial and religious discrimination.
'The five houses are also represented here at the University.
They are Alpha Delta Pa, Alpha 'Phi, Alpha Xi Delta, Chi Omega
and Gamma Phi Beta.
Thursday, Wake Forest President William Graham. Cole said
Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXII, No. 12
he had informed the
alumni of
the' college that the charters were
- "withdrawn by the national groups
because of the policies adopted by
the school's trustees in 1958 and
last June.
Special Committee
"We established a special com-
mittee ,of faculty, students and
alumni, which passed on the reso-
lution after commencement last
June, which recommended to the
Board of Trustees that the anti-
discrimination resolution be pass-
ed," Cole said.
The resolution stated that the
college would recognize only those
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Ionafede Urges Action
To Save U.S. Prestige
An EditoriaN. . .
new chairman;
.. . in sociology.
Name Three
To Head Units
Of University
The Regents yesterday appointed
Prof. Clarence K. Pott as chair--
man of the German department,
Prof. Guy E. Swanson as head of
the sociology department and Prof.
Samuel P. Hayes, Jr. as director
of the Center for Research De-
Prof. Pott, who has been acting
chairman since the retirement of
Prof. Henry Nordmeyer last year,
was appointed for a four-year
term ending June 30, 1965.
A graduate of Calvin College in
Grand Rapids, he became a teach-
ing fellow in German at the Uni-
versity in 1938, and in 1943 re-
ceived his doctorate from the
University. .
Prof. Pott was born in Amster-
dam, Netherlands and 'became a
naturalized United States citizen
in 1941.,
Swanson Appointed
Prof. Swanson was appointed as
chairman of the department of
sociology for a five-year term end-
ing June 30, 1966. Prof. Amos
Hawley had asked to be relieved of .
the chairmanship so he can return'
to teaching and research.
Prof. Swanson received both his
bachelor's and master's degrees~
from the University of Pittsburgh
and in 1948 received his doctorate
from the University of Chicago.
He inined the Tniversity faculty
social or fraternal organizations
"having complete autonomy in
selecting their local membership."
"We realized that progress along
these lines takes time, and cannot
be done overnight. We offered the
sororities time to work within
their own groups and we also of-
fered them any help we could
give," he said.
Notified Sororities
"We then sent copies of the reso-
lutions to the national offices of
the sororities, and in late August
the local chapters received word
that their charters were being re-
voked," Cole said.
Cole, in his letter to the alumni,
said that the college is not anti-
sorority or anti-fraternity, but is
opposed to discrimination. He said
that the college is not insisting
that "any group on campus must
include members of minority
groups," but only that they have
the "right to do so if they choose.
"We will welcome the five na-
tionals back at any time they will
give us assurance that the local
chapters will be free to select their
members without asking the per-
mission of any national or alumni
group," Cole said. .
To Discuss
Cole said the sorority members
are to discuss next week whether
they should continue to operate
without national support. He said
the school "will give them every
assistance, even financial aid, if
necessary" to function.
Hoag To Discuss
Military Strategy
Malcolm Hoag, of Rand Cor-
poration, will discuss "Military
Strategy and Potential: United
States and Soviet Russia," at 2:30
p.m. tomorrow in the Multi-Pur-
pose Rm. of the Undergraduate
Library for Challenge.
Help SelvesI
Latins Urged
If Latin Americans are to be-
come a strong and independent
friendsofrthe United States they
must start by helping themselves,
Stanley M. Swinton, '39, Associ-
ated Press director of world serv-
ices said here yesterday.
Presenting a keynote address to
the University Press Club of Mich-
igan, Swinton, a former Daily city
editor,' explained that Latin Amer-
icans must develop their own
capital and be able to compete
in the world market to be truly
Land distribution to fit the par-
ticular county or community and
price stability were urged by Swin-
ton. State involvement in capital
in order to channel taxation into
productive channels, such as Italy
is, currently doing, should not be
viewed as Communism or Castro-
ism, he said.
The Latin American countries
are not going to emerge in the
image of the United States and
will probably be independent in
international affairs, Swinton.
He also said that the Latin
American nations are going to
have economic relations with the
Communist countries in search of
a market. The United States wheat
surplus poses a threat to the South
American wheat market.
and that he can last forever un-
less action is taken by Washing-
"This is a new form of colonial-
ism, a new phenomenon in the
cold war; as equally effective as
planting the Russian flag in Ha-
But South America was "ripe
for upheaval" whether Castro ap-
peared or not, he explained. "I do
not believe that the crisis in Latin
America' was due to the United
States or inept officials in the
State Department.'"
Places Blame
"The Latins are to blame for
their own problem. A feudal struc-
ture with a few/ reigning families
is long out of date in the 20th
century," he warned.
The situation which sees mil-
lions in poverty and wealth con-
centrated in the hands of the few
cannot continue to exist. The poor
"burn with a desire to share the
wealth and opulence" which they
continually see, Bonafede said.
"These bottled-up emotions are
bound ,to explode," and the Latins
do not care whether they achieve
a better life under communism or
U.S. Harmed
The United States has bgen
harmed by its associations with
the propertied interests and dic-
tators in the Southern Hemis-
phere, yet "there are ugly Latins
as well as ugly Americans," Bon-
afede pointed out.
Sports Editor
Forceful action should be taken against Cuba in order to restore
the United States position in Latin America and in the Western Hem-
isphere, a Latin American correspondent told the University Press
Club last night.
The fate of the hemisphere rests upon the battle involving 600
million Latin Americans, Miami (Fla.) Herald writer Dom Bonafede
said. There is no question that Castro has united with the Soviet Union
- _both economically and militarily
DEAN DEBORAH BACON has resigned. Her resignation
marks a significant step in a process which must radically
change the role of the student at this University.
Miss Bacon has been the object of controversy, rumor
and myth for many years-some of it inherent in the difficult
role necessarily played by a dean of women, some of it aris-
ing from her own forceful personality.
Even her critics have frequently respected and liked Mips
Bacon. But we feel strongly that her resignation as Dean of
Women is in the best interests of the University.
For as Dean of Women, Miss Bacon has represented poli-
cies which are no longer acceptable in the University comnu-
nity-extreme paternalism, the stifling of individual expres-
sion, the restriction of open association.
CHARACTERISTICALLY, Dean Bacon herself has givenr
the best and bluntest reason why she can no longer con-
tinue as Dean of Women. In her statement to the Regents,
she said ". . . I personally am not in tune with some of the
changes which seem inevitable in the years ahead."
Hopefully, Dean Bacon's resignation means her policies
will be discontinued. This is not enough. Ahead must be the
shaping of a philosophy and the creation of a structure for
the Office of Student Affairs which will minimize arbitrary
control and maximize individual responsibility.
Attainment of this goal does not lie exclusively with the
Study Committee on the Office of Student Affairs. It rests
with every administrator, faculty member and student.
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To Remain Dean
Q e 'i ' During Semester
Keeps English Teaching Position
As Entrance to New Type of Career
Dean of Women Deborah Bacon has \resigne.
The Regents yesterday accepted the resignation froi her
administrative post, to be effective at the end of this seme&-
Miss Bacon will, however, retain her present appointment
as an assistant "professor in theI English department.
In a statement released by University President Harlan
Hatcher, Miss Bacon called her 11 years as dean of women
"thrilling, exciting and satis-
'Not in Tune'{
"The burden, however, grows -
heavier year by year, especially :
inasmuch as I personally am not.
in tune with some of the changes
which seem inevitable in the years'
ahead," she added.
Appointment of a successor to
Miss Bacon has not yt been con-
sidered, Vice-President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis said. I g
The resignation followed on the'
heels of severe criticism of the
Offices of Student Affairs and
the Dean of Women leveled last
spring by student and faculty
Regents Establish Center,
For Cardiac Research
A Center for Research in Diseases of the Heart and Circulation
and Related Disorders was established by the Regents yesterday.
The center, co-sponsored by the medical and public health
schools, will be financed by a seven year grant from the United
States Public Health Service totalling about $500,000 a year.
The center "will conduct continuing research into the origins
and prevention of cardiovascular and related disorders, and pro-
'Roll 'em, Up' Echoed at Rally
mote collaboration between in-
vestigations conducted in the
community, the clinic, and the
laboratory," the proposal for the
center stated.
Use Existing Facilities
The Center will use existing fa-
cilities for laboratory and field
station studies. A long range com-
munity health study at Tecum-
seh, Mich., will be one of the nu-
clei of the new research activities.
While the center does not plan
to hire additional staff at this
time, it expects to hire additional
staff to meet its needs as the
program expands.
As part of its goal to determine
the conditions which trigger heart
disease, the center plans health
studies of whole communities such
as the one in Tecumseh. Such
investigation will help find the
inter-relationships between heart
disease genetic influences and en-
vironmental factors such as diet,
employment and socio-economic
GOP Victory
Seen Creating
The overwhelming majority of
Republicans at the Constitutional
Convention gives an even greater
opportunity and responsibility for
the delegates than anticipated,
Richard VanDusen, Oakland
County delegate said last night.
VanDusen spoke to Young Re-
publicans from Michigan Colleges
who are on campus to draft con-
con resolutions for delegates.
"The position of Republican
representatives to con-con, is to
write a constitution for all the
citizens of Michigan. If this at-
tempt is a failure, they will receive
the blame, he said.
Several Requests
President Hatcher indicated
that' Miss Bacon has spoken to
Lewis, her superior, several times
in the last two or three years,
about transferring from her ad-
ministrative duties to teaching.
She presently teaches one intro-
ductory course in English litera-
"I must express unbounded ad-,
miration for Miss Bacon's abili-
ties, remarkable not only in qual-
ity but in their breadth,..extent
and versatility," President Hatch-
er told the Regents.
Loss Eased
"Her own scholarship, her abil-
ity to speak and teach and her in-.
terest in the intellectual growth
of students make it easier to ac-
cept the loss of her administrative
services to gain a teacher," he
;Regent Eugene B. Power called
conversation with Miss Bacon "al-
ways a stimulating experience,
whether you agree with her or
not." He praised the "clarity, vig-
or and humor" of her expression,
as qualities which should con-
tribute to her success as a teach-
She has "survived 11 years in a
job which is not easy," he added,
"and I can understand that she
would want to do something else."
New Phase
. ..resigns post
Gomberg Gets,
Year's Leave
From Project
The Regents accepted Prof.
Henry J. Gomberg of the nuclear
engineering department's resigna-
tion as director of the Memorial
Phoenix Project at their meeting
Leave - from his professorship,
which he retains, was granted
him for the current academic year
so that he may serve as deputy
director of the Puerto Rico Nu-
clear Center, supported by the
United States Atomic Energy Com-
His wife's health is unable, at
present, to endure the Michigan
climate, and he is moving to a
more suitable climate.
Vice-President and Dean of
Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss ex-
pressed hope that Prof. Gomberg
would be able to return to the
"Roll 'em up, roll 'em up," was
the familiar cry last night at the
Student Government Council-
Wolverine Club-Assembly Asso-
ciation pep rally and dance at
Palmer Field.
The pep rally, held on the north
end of the field, featured the foot-
ball team and coach Chalmers
"Bump" Elliott, the Michigan
Marching Band and the cheer-
leaders, led by captain Tom Os-