Common Market To Aid State
Conflict Center Plans
Disarmament Seminars
Faculty To DecideFraternity's Future
sistance and tax incentives in some
instances. In part, these efforts
are being made to diversify indus-
try and reduce unemployment, but
in large part they reflect a basic
change in attitude toward private
business. In contrast, little really
effective action is being taken by
any governmental unit to assist
private industry in the United
4. Consumer Preferences: Mich-
igan products are designed essen-
tially to suit American buyers, who
desire large sizes, several models,
and frequent style changes. Com-
mon Market and other interna-
tional consumers prefer - and
frequently can only use - small
sizes, economy models, and infre-
quent style clanges.
5. Improved Management: Eu-
ropean managers are becoming
more profit - minded. Improve-
ments being made in financial,
production and marketing man-
agement, followed by only a few
companies in the past, are coming
into wider use to stimulate Euro-
pean sales both at home and
Increased Competition
As a result of these changes,
American manufacturers will face
increasing competition not only in
Europe but also in other foreign
countries and in their "home"
markets as well.
On/the other hand, several fac-
tors will benefit Michigan business:
1. Demand for complex pro-
ducts: While enjoying production
advantages on simpler products,
European plants are not engi-
neered to make many of the more
complex products, such as ad-
vanced model business machines.
2. Demand for luxury goods: As
national incomes improve in Eu-
rope, consumers will have more
money to spend on luxury items.
America, and Michigan especially,
will benefit from this increasing
demand for luxury goods.
Demand Growth
3. Demand for new products:
Michigan industry may reap ex-
port benefits from new electronic
products, new pharmaceuticals
and chemicals developed in this
4. Balance of payments: As Eu-
ropeans earn the dollars needed to
buy more exports, they may lower1
quantitative restrictions on Ameri-3
can imports. To some extent, this
has already happened.t
To an increasing extent, both
European and American business-
men will follow the doctrine ofI
"comparative advantage" in pro-
ducing goods for their export mar-
kets. Under this doctrine, private
enterprise concentrates its re-]
sources in those lines of produc-]
tion which offer the greatest po-'
tential profit margins. This en-
courages the most efficient use of
resources and results in generally
lower prices for consumers.
No Monopoly
The report notes that "no na-
tion or group of nations has ever
established a monopoly in the pro-
duction of all commodities either
for its domestic markets or for;
world markets.-
"As an adjunct of this principle,i
and more significant in consider-;
ing the effects of the formation of1
the European Economic Commun-
ity on the Michigan economy, the
greatest volume of exchange of
commodities is, and always has
been, between the most advanced
economies; and the volume of,
trade increases the more the coun-
tries advance economically.
"Since there is no reason to
believe that this historically
proved relationship will be suject
to sudden change, as the economic
development of the Community
progresses it should prove to be
a constantly better market for'
Michigan produced commodities in
Research Unit
Makes Report
On Business
The business administration
Bureau of Business Research took
its first step into international
business research with their re-
port, on the European Common
Market, published this August.
The report, entitled, "The Euro-
pean Economic Community; Im-
plications for Michigan Business,"
compiled by Prof. Lawrence P.
Dowd predicts the effect of the
community on Michigan prosperity
and discusses the courses that
Michigan businessmen may take.
"It is a reflection of our facul-
ty's considerable interest in the
field of international affairs that
the bureau has begun its new
series of reports on international
business," Dean Floyd Bond of
the business administration school
Organized in 1926
The bureau, organized in 1926
as part of the business administra-
tion school, directs, trains, spon-
sors and publishes research in the
business field, except that per-
taining to industrial relations
which is covered by the Bureau of
Industrial Relations.
For two decades the bureau as-
sisted the faculty members of the
school in making their individual
I research undertakings by provid-
ing clerical, editorial and publish-
ing assistance. Then it expanded
to include research projects for
the government, the business com-
munity and University agencies
while continuing its original func-
William J. Carey, director of the
bureau, reports that in addition
to calling on faculty and graduate
students the bureau employs 11
research assistants and three as-
sociates as part time aids to re-
search work.
Three Responsibilities
"The University has three re-
sponsibilities - to teach, to re-
search and to serve the commun-
ity, Carey said. The bureau fulfills
the last two functions, with em-
phasis on service, Carey said.
At present, the bureau is re-
searching a small business, fi-
nance and two marketing pro-
jects. Their work is financed by
both the University and spon-
sored research projects.
The Conflict Resolution Center
is conducting three seminars this
year in conjunction with their
activities and research on peace,
disarmament and arms control.
The Faculty Research Seminar,
on Arms Control and Disarma-
ment, the Research Development
Seminar, and a student seminar
on the Design of Peace Research,
were outlined yesterday by J.
David Singer of the Mental Health
Research Institute.
The Faculty Research Seminar
on Arms Control and Disarma-
ment, sponsored jointly by the
Center and the Institute of Science
and Technology, is directed by
Prof. Steven Withey, of the Sur-
vey Research Center, Thomas
Lough and Norman Thoburn, re-
search associates, IST and Singer.
"We are trying to encourage
faculty members from extremely
diverse fields to explore and even
undertake their own research in
areas of military policy, arms con-
trol and disarmament," Singer
"The four meetings we have had
so far have been very successful,
with a good representation from
the social and physical sciences
and engineering."
Singer explained that a similar
seminar has been conducted
jointy for more than a year by
Harvard University and the Mas-
sachusetts Institute of Technology.
"At the Harvard-MIT seminar
there is mainly intellectual discus-
sion with outside people. Ours is
more of a workshop, where faculty
members discuss their designs ap-
plying whatever expertise we have
collectively to the general prob-
lems of arms control and dis-
Through this discussion, Singer
believed that the physical and so-
cial scientists were gaining a mu-
tual understanding of the others
He emphasized that the Center
in general was "finally bringing
international politics experts who
have the facts together with other
behavorial social scientists whose
methodological sophistication is
often not matched by their aware-
ness of the realities of the inter-
national situation."
Within the next few meetings
of the seminar, representatives
from the United States Depart-
ment of Defense and the United
States State Department will talk
to the group on what research
they think should be done and
... peace seminars
MADISON-A conflict involving
Phi Delta Theta fraternity will
be one of the chief topics of the
University of Wisconsin faculty
meeting next month.
While the university Human
Rights Committee has asked that
the chapter be suspended from
the Wisconsin campus for alleged
discriminatory practices carried
out by the national chapter, the
Student Life and Interests Com-
mittee (SLIC) has recommended
a year's extension for the frater-
nity. The faculty will decide if
Phi Delta Theta is to remain on
the campus until its national con-
vention in August, 1962, or is to be
suspended immediately.
The actions of SLIC and the
Human Rights Committee stem
from an incident at Lake Forest
College, where a pledge of Jewish
descent who claimed to be an ag-
nostic was depledged because of
national Phi Delta Theta action.
The fraternity hopes' to stop re-
moval of its "socially acceptable"
membership clause at its 1962 con-
AUSTIN-Students representing
the University of Texas YMCA
have approved a petition sponsor-
ed by Students for Direct Action
to integrate athletics. This is a
continuation of a recent move-
ment against discriminatory prac-
tices at the university.
* * *
ITHACA-The first meeting of
the precedent-making Discrimi-
nation Council, established last
April at Cornell University, will
be held tomorrow.
The commission is empowered
to enforce a September 1963 dead-
line for liquidatio'n of nationally-
imposed membership restrictions
of campus organizations.
Its most commonly used sanc-
tion against discrimination groups
is likely to be the implicit threat
of adverse publicity, but it may
withdraw university recognition in
some extreme cases.
Buro-cats Plan
Mass Meeting
Buro-cats will hold a mass meet-
ing for all interested freshman
women tonight at 7:30 in the
League Ballroom.
The organization is the only
League group for freshmen and
sponsors Frosh Weekend and oth-
er events throughout the year.
URBANA-David Batchelder, al
student at the University of Illi-1
nois just back from 10 weeks in
Africa has asserted that William
F. Buckley was "off base when
(he) told the NASA he wouldn'tt
compare Jefferson and Washing-f
ton with African 'savages'." Batch-t
elder, who was one of 209 stu-
dents working in Africa under the
"Operation: Crossroads Africa"E
program blasted Buckley for hisi
attitudes which Batchelder be-
lieves to be typical of some mem-
bers of the white minority in Af-
rica and added that ". . . ideas
like that summarize pretty well
the impression Africans get of our
CHICAGO-Citizens have begun
a campaign to stop the construc-
tion of the University of Illinois'
Chicago Undergraduate Exten-
sion. The site of the universityj
branch is a residential area which1
includes Hull House, well-known
haven for many underprivilegedi
people of Chicago.l
When the City Council approv-
ed the site, it made no provision
for homes for the people living at
present at the future Illinois loca-
tion, but stated that "Hull House
could be re-located."
Later this month a public pro-
test meeting will be held, led by+
many leading exponents for "re-
taining Hull House and Chicago
residents at their current loca-
tion," University of Illinois spokes-
men reported.
* * *
AUSTIN-Hoping to increase
contact between American and
foreign students, the Internation-
al Commission of the University
of Texas intends to hold a for-
um of five American and five for-
eign students. It is planned to give
foreign students on campus an ac-
tive voice in determining the poli-
cies of university student govern-
* * *
breaking rules at Temple Univer-
sity will be fined $5 and $10. The
fines will be levied against stu-
dents breaking rules of parking,
smoking, gambling, littering and
against conducti unbecoming an
Dean of Men Carl M. Grip de-
fined the action as an attempt
to give the students experience in
"real life" situations. He said stu-
dent reaction to the new ruling
has been "not very formidable"
thus far.
BERKELEY, Calif - In a rally
last Tuesday on the University of
California's Dwinelle Plaza, two
leaders of Slate, the university's
campus political party, accused
Chancellor Clark Kerr of apply-
ing a manager-managed concept
to the university.
how research that is done at the
University is translated into na-
tional policy, along with discus-
sions on the financing of large
scale studies.
The Center also is continuing
their Research Development Sem-
inar where graduate students and
faculty members report and dis-
cuss the projects they are con-
The third seminar is on the
Design of Peace Research, a non-
credit working seminar for upper-
classmen and graduates, directed
by Singer.
This seminar will be concerned
with the "transfer of ability and
applicability of research findings
from interpersonal and inter-
group conflicts to international
conflicts," Singer said.
Meetings will be held the first
and third Tuesday of each month,
beginning Oct. 3, from noon to
2 p.m. in the Recreation Rm. of
the International Center.
Interested students should sub-
mit a brief note to Mrs. Kenneth
Boulding at the Center by Thurs-
day which would include their
academic background, why they
are interested in the peace re-
search and what they would like
the seminar to do.
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