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September 26, 1961 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-26

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C, 4'r.


:43 xit

Partly cloudy today,
fair and warmer tomorrow.

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Corps May Name U'
As Thailand Center
Program To Train 50 Volunteers
To Teach English, Fight Malaria


By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Univer-
sity is expected to be named as
a center for training Peace Corps
candidates for duty in Thailand,
Peace Corps officials in Washing-
ton said yesterday.
Some 50 persons would be
trained under the program,.offici-
als reported.
In addition to a "common core,,
training program, it is anticipated
that the candidates will receive
specialized instruction in one of
Peace Corps.
Tells Kamen
Of Rejection
MIAMI (P)-The Peace Corps
informed Charles Kamen yester-
day that it had rejected his ap-
plication to join the organization.
Kamen attracted national at-
tention when his candidacy for the
corps drew fiery opposition from
the Miami1 Rotary Club. The club
said Kamen applauded in the
wrong places as an uninvited spec-
tator during a club showing of a
film, "Operation Abolition."
The film showed the House Un-
American Activities Committee
being heckled as it conducted
hearings on the Pacific coast. Ka-
men was ejected bodily from the
showing. He said later, "I felt
my actions may have shown a
little immaturity and I regret
A Peace Corps announcement
said the 21-year-old Miami youth
was one of 25 students who failed
to meet selection standards in a
Philippines teacher training proj-
ect at Pennsylvania State Univer-
Kamen was not available- for
He faces the formality of a re-
hearing of an Aug. 24 decision of
the Miami Draft Board to deny
him deferment. He is classified
1-A. the, rehearing was obtained
on grounds that Kamen had not
been given a personal appearance
opportunity to plead his case. He
had asked to be removed from 1-A'
status and deferred in order to
teach in the Philippines as a Peace'
Corps member.
Roy Lee Jones, chairman of the
draft board, said he had no com-
ment on Kamen's rejection by the
Peace Corps. Jones said Kamen
would be continued in class 1-A
"and will wait his turn to be call-
ed into service."
ADC Refuses
Of Evaluations
Assembly Dormitory Council
yesterday defeated a motion to
support the Office of the Dean of
Women in its use of non-academic
The council also defeated an
amendment to this motion that
would have supported the evalua-
tions only if the women living in
University housing were able to
read the reports after they were
The non-academic evaluation is
filled out by housemothers, in
both sororities and dormitories,
and rates the student with regard
to study habits, motivation, atti-
tude and personal adjustment.
The matter of these evaluations
is now before Student Government
Council for consideration.
Sally Jo Sawyer, '62, Assembly
president, indicated that Assem-

bly representatives were still free
to bring opinions to future. coun-
cil meetings and new motions
could still be made.
Wade To Give
Law Lectures
Prof. H. W. R. Wade of Oxford
University will deliver the 1961

two fields: teaching of English as
a foreign language, and malaria
Teach Thai
The "common core" program
will consist of the teaching of the
Thai language to the volunteers,
for instruction.
The "common core" program, to
be required of all the Thai volun-
teers, will itself consist of four
separate phases.
The first will be instruction in
the Thai language. Secondly the
volunteers will be made aware of
American culture and institutions
from a more objective viewpoint
so as to be able to explain what
the United States is like to the
native Thai.
Physical Education
Thirdly, all the volunteers will
be subjected to an intensive physi-
cal education program designed to
develop in them the stamina they
will need to stand up to any de-
mands that might be made on
Finally they will be instructed
in personal health and hygiene so
they will know how to avoid illness
or how to care for themselves if
they do become sick.
For three years, the University
has been operating in conjunction
with the International Cooperation
Administration, centers in Thai-
land, Laos and Viet Nam to aid in
the improvement of English lan-
guage instruction in these coun-
Much of the preparation for the
Peace Corps program is based on
studies made at the Thailand cen-
ter on the difficulties of native
speakers in learning English.
Volunteers will also be trained
in order to assist in instruction
at Chulalongkorn University in
Bangkok, the principal Thai Uni-
To Quit SGC
Roger Seasonwein Grad., will
resign from Student Government
Council at its meeting tomorrow
Seasonwein said, "I find it diffi-
cult to leave SGC at this time.
"Devoting part of my time to
employment and part of my time
to study leaves no time for extra-
curricular activities.
"I am confident that the coun-i
cil will continue to face cour-
ageously issues which effect stu-
dents," he said.
Seasonwein's resignation creates
a third interim vacancy to be filled
by appointment. The other two
seats were vacated by Phillip Pow-
er and Mary Wheeler, '64L.
Petitioning closes today for these
positions. All petitions must be
turned in by 1 pm. to Council1
AdministrativehSecretary Jean
Spencer in the Dean of Men's;
Thirteen persons have taken out
petitions to date.
They are Daniel Bernstein, '64,1
Thomas Brown, '63, Thomas
Butch, '64, Steven Freedman, '65,1
Richard G. Sell, '63, Robert Goyer,
'65, Frank Heselton, '64, John
Jacobwitz, '63, Sharon Jeffrey, '63,
Philip Marcuse,'62, Martha Presco,
'65, Robert Ross, '63, and John
Vos, '63.t

U.S. Stand
On Berlin
NASHVILLE (')-Vice-President
Lyndon B. Johnson said last night
Soviet leaders will "blunder into
an irreparable catastrophe" if
they misjudge the United States'
willingness to defend Berlin.
Johnson said in a speech pre-
pared for the annual Southern
Governors Conference "we are not
paying any blackmail . . . we are
not deserting our obligations to
West Berlin . .."
The Vice - President praised
President John F. Kennedy's
speech earlier in the day before
the United Nations in which Ken-
nedy told the General Assembly
the United States has both the
will and the weapons to resist
Communist aggression.
No Mistake
Johnson said he hopes the Rus-
sians make no mistake about this
"We challenge no one," he said,
"but we never surrender under
threats. The path of reason, of di-
plomacy, of negotiation, of hon-
orable settlement is open. We want
to take it.
"We seek peace but we shun
appeasement because we know it
is surrender on the installment
plan and the signal for ultimate
war. Our. power is a pledge of
peace, not an incitement to con-
Johnson said the Soviet Union
is trying to destroy the work of
the late Dag Hammarskjold be-
cause the UN secretary-general
made it possible "for the United
Nations to take executive action
to defend world peace."
New Reality
"This certainly is a new reality
in world affairs. It is a develop-
ment which may yet shape the
future and defeat the ambitions
of dictators," the Vice-President
"Today the United Nations can
place troops in the field, under
its own authority, even when all
the Communist-led nations are op-
posed to such an action. A new
principle has been established and
has been put to work in the Gaza
Strip. in the Middle East and in
the confused anxieties of the Con-
"No one pretends that this new
experiment in collective action has
been conducted without mistakes
and without friction," he said.
Mob in Algiers
Stones Police,
Stops Traf fic
ALGIERS (P)-A mob of about
400 youths held police at bay for
more than three hours in the cen-
ter of Algiers last night, blocking
traffic, stoning police and military
trucks and tearing up sidewalks.
It was a battle of maneuver and
the mood o the participants
varied from jocular to serious.
Several times riot police and
troops charged the demonstrators
and sent them scooting up side
streets. But each time the mob
reformed to taunt the police. Mas-
sive traffic jams built up along;
busy arteries.
The demonstration came at the
end of a day when forbidden black
and white flags of the under-
ground secret army organization
were flown over several Algerian

'UN Official
Calls Stands
Says Chances Slim
For New Secretary
President of the UN Security
Council was reported to have told
that because of "the entrenched
positions," prospects are dim for
Big Five agreement on a tempor-
ary replacement for the late Sec-
retary-General Dag Hammarsk-
Ambassador Nathan Barnes of
Liberia, head of the council this
month, addressed the 46-nation
group in the course of a private WILL IT SPREAD?This at
meeting on how to fill the gap W Toteworld which Presiden
left by Hammarskjold's death. t h ol hc rsdn
Want One Man Nations to prevent the sprea
Diplomats attending said Barnes
told the group that of the five COMM UNITY C
permanent members of the 11-na-
tion Security Council, Britain, Na-
tionalist China, France and the
United States, wanted one man to B e rn
take over, but the Soviet Union
wanted three.
Barnes, they said, reported that By CAROLINE DOW
he had tried over the weekend T
to get the five into conference on the history of Michigan held
the problem but had not succeed- first class last week taught b
edfo as sfull professor of Wayne Sta
Bar Nationalists Michigan State and the Univers
1) Soviet Deputy Foreign Mm- Prof. George L. Hall, dire
ister Valerian A. Zorin insisted of the Midwest Community C
that Nationalist China be barred lege Leadership Programv
from the conference-and the teach the graduate course
others insisted that it be allowed present and future community
to attend. lege teachers and administrat
2) The others wanted to wait The class, which meets at Ui
and 'see whether some middle-of- versity's Grand Rapids Center
the-road countries could get the will be accredited by all th
Assembly to appoint one man to schools.
supervise the UN Secretariat and The course is a pilot project
to insure implementation of UN the Kellogg Foundation suppc
resolutions pending a permanent ed Midwest Community Coll
appointment. Leadership Program which is d
Ireland and Norway have drawn icated to improve the preparat
up a tentative resolution for this of administrators of commu
purpose and a dozen or so middle- and junior colleges.
of-the road countries have been I. r
rounding up support for it. Barnes Interest Junior Colleges
was quoted as saying their consul- As the three major universi
tations had shown a consensus have a growing interest int
for selecting one man, development of junior colle
Mentioned most frequently as a they have undertaken to co
temporarynreplacement are Tuni- dinate as much as possiblet
sia's Mongi Slim, Assembly Pres- course offerings in the JCa
ident; Frederick H. Boland of Ire- ministration programs.
land, former Assembly president, One out of every four stude
and Burma's UN Ambassador U in Michigan will enter a Jun
Thant. College from high school and


omic fireball, fir
t Kennedy is at
d of such weapon



e in
y a

Kennedy Issues Call To ]End
Segregation in Restaurants'
ABERDEEN, Md. (P) - President John F. Kennedy issued a
personal plea yesterday for an end to segregation "in restaurants
and other places of public service."
The president's direct call was read to a meeting of 200 leaders
of communities along U. S. 40, the main highway between New
York and Washington, where Negroes have been refused public
"It is most important that there be no discrimination of any
kind based on race, creed or color against any American citizen
or visitor from abroad." the Presi-
sent said.
Appreciates Support
"That is basic to our moral
h o w :rength here at home and the
iiitl kJ I nation's leadership in the world.
I would deeply appreciate your in-
dividual support on this matter."
President Kennedy's telegram
was read by John G. Field, execu-
tive director of the Committee for
Equal Employment Opportunities.
"There are now an increasing
number of diplomatic officials
from Africa, Asia and other parts
of the world stationed in the na-
tion's capital," the President said.

Student Writes Orig


1970 one o
enter highe
Junior Coll
leges, origin
years, repre
growth in s
Prof. Hall s
Thus in
joined toget
dinating Coi
ity College
The W. KH
gave a gran
university a
of $87,500
Council. ThE
August 1964
The progr
ship for th
colleges is p
service" an
tures. The
institutes ar
was offered
gan State o
Technical P
uated as "e)
The pre-s
a limited n
available an
working to
At present,
have been
An experi
gram offers
courses and
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The first
To O
said yesterd
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and Puerto
The move
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have undert
cipients to
came from-
ing was to g
The disclo
of charges l
cials in New
were paying
recipients to
on New York
Peter Kasi

TAsks Talks
To Resume
' On Weapons
Kennedy UN Speech
Seeks Slow Reduction
Of Armed Forces
United States gave the United
Nations a broad new disarmament
plan yesterday with a brand new
idea-that the atomic powers
agre at the outset not to shift
control of any atomic weapons to
any other countries.
President John F. Kennedy out
lined the plan to the General As-
-AP wirephoto ( sembly in a wide-ranging 40-min-
st stage in the nuclear explosion, symbolizes the danger ute speech. The United States del-
empting to avert by a new plan presented to the United egation handed the details to the
s and help disarmament procedures. UN Secretariat to be passed
_________________________________________around to the 99 countries in the
Assembly and on the Disarma-
'- ment Commission.
_ Proposes Talks
Kennedy proposed that disarm-
ament negotiations, broken off by
the Soviet Union 15 months ago,
should "resume promptly, and
continue without interruption un-
. . til an entire program for general
ut of every two will not only is the program underway, and complete disarmament has
r education through a but the project offers an "unusual not only been agreed upon but ac-
ege. Community col- opportunity for experimentation ,,tlybaeedpHe suted
nated in the last 60 in inter-institutional cooperation tually achieved.hHensuggted
esent the outstanding in Michigan." te wokan tenwUie
chools in this century, Although there has been exten- States plan.
said. sive cooperation and dual accredi- The President said the plan
September 1960, the tation between WSU and the Uni- would proceed gradually under in-
Michigan universities, versity, this is the first tri-univer- ternational inspection "until it
and the University sity project and the class of Prof. has abolished all armies and all
ther to form a Coor- Hall is the first tri-university class. weapons except those needed for
uncil for the Commun- The state of Michigan is leading internal order and a new United
Administrator Project. the way in statewide cooperation Nations peace force." "And it
K. Kellogg Foundation in this unique present program, starts that process now, even as
t to $125,000 to each Prof. Hall said. It indicates plan- the talks begin," he said.
and a separate 'grant ning for the future and a willing- He challenged the Soviet Union
to the Coordinating ness of all to seek a common vol- "not to an arms race, but to a
e grants are to cover a untary solution. peace race, to advance with us
period which ends -step by step" to full disarmament.
prd wc edHe said the new program includ-
are Leadership Rom ney Halts ed these proposals:
List Six Points
am to prepare leader- "First, signing the test-ban
e growing community T y Tarve treaty, by all nations. This can
lanned with both "in-be done now. Test ban negotia-
id "pre-service" fea- l tions need not and should not
inservice program is iical Pathl await general disarmament talks.
as offering workshops."Second, stopping the produc-
nd conferences for ad- GRAND RAPIDS (1)-Ameican tion of fissionable materials for
. The first institute Motors Corp. President George use in weapons, and preventing
last summer at Michi- Romney last night brushed off their transfer to any nation now
n "Administrating the attempts by outsiders to carve a lacking nuclear weapons.
rogram and was eval- political path for him. "Third, prohibiting the transfer
xcellent" by the parti- He was gI Grand Rapids to ad- of control over nuclear weapons to
f. Hallid
ser feature makes dress employes of the AMC Kel- states 'that do not now own them.
umber of fellowships vinator division with a progress "Fourth, keeping nuclear weap-
inaly tof personshfor report on corporation activities. ons from seeding new battle-
ward doctorates in:"I am not motivated by politi- grounds in outer space.
college administration. cal ambition or aspiration for pub- "Fifth, gradually destroying
11 Kellogg Fellowships lic office," he told newsmen. "I existing nuclear weapons and con-
offered by the three consider a revision'ofthe Michi- vertingtheir materials to peace-
gan Constitution more important ful uses; and
ment in diversity and than who runs for public office." Halt Testing
; the cooperative pro- Romney said his position was "Finally, halting the unlimited
full cooperation in the same as two years ago when testing and production of strategic
instructors, but each he declined to enter the race for nuclear delivery weapons, and
has individual degree governor or Senate. He also gradually destroying them as
nd candidates. claimed origin of the premise that well."
irst Report "any man would be acting im- These points were elaborated in
annual report'of the properly to use the Constitutional a 2,700-word "Declaration on Dis-
g Council reports that Convention president as a step- armament" containing a three-
ping stone for future political of- stage United States outline pro-
fice." gram for "general and complete
Romney has been mentioned as disarmament in a peaceful world"
a possible choice for president of. -the bulk of the documentation
the convention to which he was submitted for UN distribution.
f Roilersl elected as a Republican. He does

MUSKET, Michigan U n i o n
Show, Ko-eds Too, announced
plans for their forthcoming show
at their Mass Meeting Sunday
This year, Musket will present
a completely original musical
comedy, Ellen Greene, '62, an-
The script and lyrics were writ-
ten by Jack O'Brien, Grad, an
English major. Miss Greene indi-
cated that the play concerned the
discovery of women stowaways on-
board Columbus's ships during his
first voyage to America.

Id Homes
RK (P)-A state official
ay 142 welfare appli-
ed to their home states
Rico in the last two
was part of a program
ate officials say they
aken to get relief re-
go back where they
-if the purpose in com-
et on relief rolls.
sure came in the wake
ast week by some offi-
York that some states
the bills for welfare
come North and get.
k State relief rolls.
us, Deputy State Wel-

not actively seek the post, he said,
but "would be willing to serve in
any capacity."
He punctured published at-
tempts to place him at odds with
former State Sen. Edward Hutch-
inson who seeks the con-con pres-.
"Hutchinson never has talked
with me about our positions," he
said. "I am on record to stop
centralization of power in Wash-
ington. We can only do this by
enabling local government units to
meet their needs at home."
May Set Unit
For Con-Con

Try To Block
Goods to Cuha
WASHINGTON () - Federal
investigators are trying to block
off a number of secret operations
through which American goods
have been moving illegally to
The government has intercept-
ed shipments valued at $500,000.
In addition, American manufac-
turers have been persuaded to re-
fuse $250,000 worth of orders al-
legedly destined for Cuba via
roundabout roiutes

Wants Access
"They frequently drive through
Maryland's scenic countryside,
sightseeing or on official duty. II
am most anxious that they have
access to all public services andl

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