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September 24, 1961 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-09-24

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Wisconsin . .
Utah . . . . .

7 Purdue .... 13 Kansas State
0 Washington.. 13 Indiana .. .

.14 Army. ..
8 Richmond

. . . 24 \ Penna
.. .6 Navy

State . .. 20 Syracuse
. . ....10 Oregon St.

... .19Duke . . . ... 7 Slippery Rock 36
. . . 8 South Carolina 6 Delaware St. . 7

See Page 4


S ir Y


Frequent rain in morning,
diminishing tonight

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


Court Eliminates 'U' Legal Immunity

The University can now be sued
for negligence, while it was pre-
viously, protected from suit by the
doctrine of governmental immun-
ity, University lawyer Edmund A.
Cummiskey indicated last night.
Decisions made Friday by the
state Supreme Court will open the
way to University liability for
damages, unless the Legislature

Ask Meeting
Of Big-Four
Soviet Union was reported yester-
day to have proposed a meeting of
Big-Four diplomats to discuss the
question of temporary United Na-
tions leadership to replace the
late Secretary-General Dag Ham-
Diplomatic sources said Soviet
Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian
A. Zorin had given the proposal
to a middle-of-the-road intermed-
iary for relay to UN Ambassadors
Adlai E. Stevenson of the United
States, Sir Patrick Dean of Brit-
ain and Armand Berard of France.
But they said that in making
it, Zorin stated the temporary
leadership of the UN Secretariat
should be a troika consisting of
UN under secretaries Ralph J.
Bunche of the United States,
Georgy P. Arkadev of the Soviet
Union and Chakravarthi V. Nar-
asimhan of India.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
is on record against a troika "in
any form and at any lever of the
secretariat." He told foreign cor-
respondents in New York Friday
such an arrangement "would par-
alyze the executive of the United
Nations and weaken it irrepar-
The troika is the name given
to Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev's plan to abolish the office
of UN secretary-general and put
in its place a board of three men
"representing Communist, West-
ern-allied and neutralist countries
with each having a veto.
K Khrushchev unveiled the plan
before the UN General Assembly
a year ago. Soviet Foreign Min-
ter Andrei A. Gromyko is ex-
pected to push it, when he speaks
to the Assembly Tuesday morning,
24 hours after President John F.
Kennedy. Britain and France op-
pose it as strongly as the United
Informants said" there was a
chance one or more of the West-
ern ambassadors might meet Zor-
in Tuesday to discuss an interim
arrangement for the UN's top lev-
el. But in view of the diametrical
opposition of the Soviet and
Western positions, there seemed
little' chance the two sides would
Zorin's theory, it was said, is
that the Big Four could make an
interim arrangement a m o n g
themselves without a meeting of
either the Security Council or the
General Assembly.
Marshall Sees
No Opposition
To Legislation
Michigan legislators have not
indicated opposition to a proposed
package of "anti-Communism"
bills, their sponsor, Rep. Frederick
Marshall (R-Allen) indicated last
In informal discussions about
his plans which include a pro-
hibition on state supported col-
leges hiring professors associated
with subversive organizations,
Marshall has noted no opposition.
"There has been no full scale
formal discussion by the House
because the legislation is still in
the drafting stage and will not
be ready until the Legislature con-
venes in January."
The ban on academic employees
would apply to those identified or
associated with organizations on

the United States Attorney Gen-
eral's list of subversive organiza-

passes a law creating govern-
mental immunity by statute, he
Previously, the doctrine of gov-
ernmental immunity was a part
of common, or court-made, law.
The rule has been handed down
from the days of absolute mon-
archy in England, where the gov-
ernment was the king's agent, and
the king could do no wrong.
Mitigating the financial effects
of this decision will be insurance
against damages which the Uni-
versity has carried for more than
20 years.
But, officials pointed out, the
premiums on this insurance will
probably increase greatly with
the new decision.
In the past, University use of
the doctrine of immunity has been
limited, Vice-President and Dean
of Faculties Marvin L . Niehuss re-
ported, with claims being paid in
some cases where officials agreed

'that there had probably been
The largest number of attempt-
ed suits against the University for
the past several years have been
in the medical area, in line with
a general increase in the num-
ber of suits against doctors and
hospitals across the country.
Whether or not the number of
suits will .increase is, not yet ap-
parent, Niehuss explained, since
some people have always attempt-
ed suits even with the immunity
doctrine. How many more people
will be likely to sue depends to
some extent on how many others
may have been advised against it
by attorneys because of the im-
The decision will probably be
a matter of some discussion among
the Regents and administration
at the Regents meetings this
Thursday and Friday, Niehuss in-

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GOP Eyes Delegates
To Chair Con-Con
Special To The Daily
ST. JOSEPH-Former State Sen. Edward Hutchinson (R-
Fenville) continued to gain support in his bid for president
of the Constitutional Convention as American Motors President
George Romney stuck to his pledge to be "a delegate first
and a Republican second," at the Republican state central
committee meeting here.
The central committee, in addition to discussing the con-
con, censured Sen. Patrick B. McNamara (D-Mich), received
an informal announcement of the moderates' 13-point legislative
plan and generally blasted the Kennedy administration.
Hutchinson Declares
Hutchinson formally announced his candidacy for con-
con president Friday night, the first delegate to do so. However
Prof. James K. Pollack of the political science dept. has been
"mentioned , as a possible compromise candidate, although
Hutchinson and Romney are well in the forefront.
The State Central Committee yesterday resolved that the
GOP's 2-1 con-con victory "must not be viewed as a mandate
to preserve, the status quo." The committee also censured Sen.
McNamarafor blocking the nomination of acting district court {
Judge John G. Feikens, an appointee of former president
Dwight D. Eisenhower, approved by President John F. Ken-
Moderate Plan
Before the meeting, the eight moderate state senators
informally announced their program for Michigan's future to
the gathering, and they promised to draw up legislation cover-
ing all 13 points, for introduction next January when the
Legislature reconvenes.
State Sen. Harry R. Litowitch (R-Benton Harbor) and
Stanley G. Thayer (R-Ann Arbor) scotched earlier reports
that the moderates would withhold their program until a later
date in order to keep harmony at the meeting.
Rep. Clare E. Hoffman (R-Allegan) led a three-man attack
on the Kennedy Administration, and principally attacked the
Kennedy-implemented Peace Corps program. "I can take you
within a five-minute drive of;the White House and show you
conditions as bad or worse as those in any foreign country," he
Leopoldville Troops Mass
For Attack, Tshombe Says
ELISABETHVILLE, Katanga (.P)-President ,Moise Tshombe of
Katanga charged yesterday troops of the central Leopoldville govern-
ment are massing to attack his breakaway province.
Tshombe told a news conference "35 Ilyushin planes are waiting
at the Stanleyville Airport." He said a total of 4,600 troops of the
national Congolese army were waiting in Luluabourg, Coquilhatville,
Goma and Stanleyville to be transported to Katanga. "We shall defend
ourselves until the end," Tshombe,
Minutes later, United -Nations
Civilian Chief Conor Cruise
O'Brien described the statement K
as "totally untrue" and said "Mr.
Tshombe has been listening to too

In Cuba
HAVANA () - Five Cubans
charged with working for United
States intelligence in the smashed
Bay of Pigs invasion last April
were executed yesterday by a Cas-
tro firing squad.
(A Havana radio broadcast
heard in Key West, Fla., reported
that Orei Patten Tavares was ex-
ecuted yesterday in Camaguey,
where 16 others received prison
sentences ranging from 6 to 30
A revolutionary court sentenced
63 others, including seven women,
to prison terms ranging from 9 to
30 years. The prosecution claimed
all were recruited by the Central
Intelligence' Agency to sabotage
Prime Minister Fidel Castro's re-
Among them was Romert Mor-
ton Geddes, a 29-year-old Eng-
lishman connected with a bottling
firm in Havana. Geddes, born in
Peru of British parents, denied
charges he acted as a link between
CIA and counter-revolutionary
groups in Cuba.
He said he sympathized with
the Cuban people and with "Cu-
ban institutions now ruling Cuba"
and said he never mixed in poli-
tics. He was sentenced to 30
years imprisonment.
The five men executed at La
Cabana Fortress before dawn
were Pedro Sergio Cuellar, Alonso
Jorge Rojas Castellanos, Angel
Posadas Gutierrez, Braulio Con-
treras Maso and Manuel Blanco
Their deaths brought to 20 the
total shot since Sept. 9
Proposes Plaa,
Of Outlawing
Base Strikes
L. McClellan (D-Ark) yesterday
introduced legislation to outlaw
strikes at missile bases and other
strategic defense installations. ,
His bill would provide for com-
pulsory arbitration of labor dis-
putes at such installations by
three member emergency boards
representing the public and both
parties to the labor dispute.
The boards' decisions would be
enforceable through court orders,
and binding for one year.
McClellan said a wildcat strike
at the Titan missile installation
at Lowry Air Force Base in Colo-
rado and a labor dispute which he
said has caused a month's delay,
in work on the minuteman missile
project at Ellsworth base in South;
Dakota shows that voluntary no-
strike arrangements at the bases
"are not wholly reliable.";
In a Senate speech, McClellan'
said he was offering the bill to
permit members to study it in
the hope it would be enactedI
speedily after Congress reconvenes'
in January.
McClella heads the senate in-
vestigations subcommittee which,
earlier this year, received testi-1
mony that some strikes had been a
staged for the purpose of throw-
ing missile projects behind sched-



Us. .


Ar~my Sends
Jeep Patrols
To Autobahn
Military Travelers
Get Extra Assistance
BERLIN (W)-The United States
Army sent extra jeep patrols along
the Autobahn lifeline between Ber-
lin and the West yesterday to pro-
tect soldier motorists.
An army spokesman said the
action was taken "to assist Ameri-
can military travelers" along the
110-miles highway across Com-
munist territory.
Informed sources said the extra
patrols were ordered by Gen.
Lucius D. Clay, President John F.
Kennedy's special envoy in Berlin,
after two United States soldiers
had been held six hours by Com-
munist police in an autobahn in-
cident last Thursday.
The allies at one time sent
regular patrols in jeeps labeled'
'military police"but the practice
was stopped nine years ago after
a series of incidents with the
The spokesman revealed that
since then there has been quiet
patrolling by unmarked American
army vehicles. "Now we are in-
creasing the number of patrols
for the assistance of American
military travellers," he said. 1
Allied sources said the British
and French are not running pa-
trols along the highway.
Military travelers on the Auto-
bahn are given forms to fill out
and hand to a passing car if they
have a breakdown or other trouble.
The form, when handed in at an
allied check point at either end,
brings an Army breakdown truck
or other assistance.
Franco Gives
Larger Role
For Students
MADRID-Spain's 150,000 uni-
versity students will gain greater
participation in their nation's po-
litical and governmental 1i f e
through Generalissimo Francisco
Franco's approval of a wide reor-
ganization of the National Syndi-
cate of University Students.
Students and their national or-
ganization will become free from
the control of the Falange, Spain's
only political party, under the
plan. They are also offered direct
representation within universities
and all state organizations linked
to higher education.
The reorganization, published in
the Spanish Gazette Friday, has
been described as another move
by Franco to broaden political
representation, possibly with a
view to the time when he hands
his powers over to others.


aims, No

BERLIN PARADE-General Lucius Clay, a special Pres
advisor on Berlin, inspected these United States tanks as
a display of American armed forces ready for action in
UAW tlows Respit
To Striking GM Loc
DETROIT (R)-The United Auto Workers union last r
10 holdout locals blocking final settlement of a two-week-ol
Motors strike one more day at least to negotiate new at-
working agreements.
Agreement on a new national economic package, which
estimates is worth more than 12 cents hourly in take-home
reached Sept..6, but local unions were given authority to
support of their at-the-plant de-'
mands at 10 a.m. Sept. 11 and GM .rdish D
has been crippled since. uruis
At one time 92 of GM's 129 -

Po icies
May Achieve
t Recognition
U.S. May Give Plan
For New Negotiations
Affirming Rights
BERLIN OP)- Gen. Lucius D.
Clay, President John F. Kennedy's
special envoy to Berlin, asserted
yesterday there has been no
change in United States policy on
Germany and that the West is
determined to maintain its rights
in the divided city.
At the same time it was dis-
closed that Clay had advised West
Germany to face up to the reality
of Communist East Germany.
Clay came out with the advice
Friday in a private talk with re-
porters and West Berlin publish-
Wirephoto ers. Clay insisted that he should
idential not be quoted, but the story
part of created such a furor in Western
Berlin. political circles that his name
quickly became connected with it.
Sees No Change
The general called in reporters
yesterday to issue a statement
declaring "There has been no
Schange in United States policy
and no change was announced by
1y a United States spokesman in Ber-
Informed sources said it is clear
that the United States has not
night gave made any decision at this stage to
d Generalgive any recognition of the East
-the-plant German Communist regime. But
the new line taken by Clay appar-
the union ently was intended to set the stage
pay, was for a Western package proposal in
strike in forthcoming negotiations with
Russia on Berlin.
Such a proposal may seek to
- trade some limited recognition of
teVO1 East Germany for a formal con-
firmation by both the Soviets and
U aEast' Germans of Western rights
ue in Berlin and on the access routes
to the isolated city.
in Constitutes Concession
A proposal of this nature would
he revolu- constitute a major concession in-
tribes in tended to safeguard the freedom
scribed 'byof West Berlin.
;red yetr Informants said the United
re yester- States government evidently be-
issue for lieved West Germany would have
Kassem's to be prepared for any such fun-
was the damental change in the Western
yesterday Western policy since the war
Bused the has been based on the principle
in of com- that the East Germany regime 1is
illegal and that there can be no
here quot- official dealings with it.
that the Retain Ultimate Goal
itai teeClay in his public statement
tahn were affirmed that the reunification of
d that we Germany remains the ultimate
for these goal of United States policy on
Germany. He did not say how or
threatened when this could be achieved. The
mbassy in general also reaffirmed United
d. States policy to keep open the air
out most corridors to this Communist-en-
turbanned circled city.
etchy re- West German President Hein-
ravelerp in rich Luebke and Mayor Willy
ran border Brandt of West Berlin conferred
s of cas- here following the disclosure that
it of the West German officials are being
gg. advised to prepare to accept exist-
4onal war- ence of Communist East Germany,
tain tribes whether th6y like it or not.
the Great Clay underlined his American
his month presence in Berlin yesterday by re-

nd turned viewing a parade of 3,000 Ameri-
overnment can troops. Police estimated 30,000
German and American spectators
ssern's big- turned out to cheer.'
may seize
s in the Jointcon-on
evidently Meeting Asked
se regions|
noswhile BY Democrats
ages. The Democratic delegates to the
the fight- Constitutional Convention met
errection." yesterday at the Michigan Union
e reported and called on the Republicans to
"maraud- join a pre-convention planning
onsts" in committee early next week.
have been William Marshall, executive vice
ie p president of the State AFL-CIO,

plants were idled by strikes and
more than 260,000 of GM's 350,-
000 hourly paid workers off the
job. Local settlements gradually
have whittled down the totals.
The UAW's international exec-
utive board met for an hour and
a half last night and then recess-
ed subject to call of UAW Presi-
dent Walter.P. Reuther.
Only 10 plants lacked local-.
level settlements at 10 p.m., and
the board could, if it chose, or-
der workers at them to return
Monday, agreement or not. There
had been some indications that the
board might order the holdouts
back at last night's meeting.
Reuther gave the board a de-
tailed report on the status of ne-
gotiations involving 12 local un-
ions which have not completed
A statement issued by the union
said: "The board will stand by all
during the night subject to re-
convening at one hour's notice
and President Reuther will be in
continuous contact through the
night with Vice-President Leon-
ard Woodcock, director of the,
General Motors department."'


Serious Iss

For Kasser
TEHRAN, Iran (P)-T
tion among Kurdish
northern Iraq was des
an informed source he
day as a more serious
Premier Abdel Kerim
Iraqi government than
Kuwait crisis.
Baghdad radio said
that Kassem has ac
United States and Britai
plicity in the revolt.
The broadcast heard I
ed Kassem as saying
United States and Bri
behind the rebellion and
shall make them pay
aggressive acts."
The Iraq leader also t
to close the British en
Baghdad, the radio sai
Baghdad .has blacked
news on the revolt byt
tribesmen, but some sk
ports reach here from tr
.the mountainous Iraq-I
area. Accurate account
ualties and the exten
fighting are still lacking
The source said tradit
fare between the mount
broke out in July along
Zab River, but ended tt
when Kurds united an
their rifles against go
Reports indicate Kas
gest fear is that Kurds
control or sabotage p
at oil-producing areas
north-Kirkuk, Mosul, S
ya and Erbil.
Government troops
have firm hold of the
and other major tows
mountain warriors con
rounding hills and vill
Iraqi embassy here calls
ing an "imperialist insu
Iraqi authorities were
to have arrested several
ers, thieves and secessi(
the north,swhere Kurds
raiding villages and pol

To Face Challenge Tomorrow

many alarmist rumors."
O'Brien admitted Tshombe's
charge that UN troops fired on a
crowd of rioting Balubas, killing
one and wounding four.
"The Balubas became excited
and the UN had -to intervene,"
O'Brien said. "We deeply regret
the use of force."
O'Brien said Baluba leaders had
promised the UN to curb the ram-
paging tribesmen.
Each side in the smouldering
dispute accused the other of cease-
fire violations. Tshombe charged
troop reinforcements have been
arriving at the UN-held Elisabeth-
ville airport. He said the constant

Associated Press Feature Writer
John F. Kennedy personally faces
a fateful challenge to United
States leadership in the United
Nations when he appears before
the General Assembly here to-
morrow morning to deliver a ma-
jor foreign policy speech.
Kennedy commands the full re-
sources of American diplomacy
and speaks with the authority
which only a chief of state can
exercise in this extremely power-
conscious organization.
If he cannot inspire the non-
Communist delegates with enthu-
siam for TUnited SRtates aims here.,

eral pag Hammarskjold mustj
speedily be placed in the hands of
some new executive in spite of
adamant Russian opposition.
United States Ambassador Ad-
lai E. Stevenson is counting on
Kennedy's appearance here to
help him in his long forthcoming
struggle at this assembly to block
the seating of Red China and to
achieve other American objectives.
These include the condemnation,
at least indirectly, of Russia for
resuming nuclear weapons tests in
the atmosphere.
The President is expected to
include disarmament proposals in
his address.
Strive for Peace

pressures from Soviet Premier Ni-
kita S. Khrushchev even at the
grave risk of nuclear disaster.
By far the most urgent of the
challenges before the President,
however, is that of finding enough
support in the 99-nation Assem-
bly to get a man into control of
the UN Secretariat and prevent
Hammarskjold's death from lead-
ing to a breakdown of the whole
Urgent Challenge
Rusk began the campaign to
bypass the Security Council, with
its great power veto system, with-
in hours after learning of Ham-
marskjold's fatal plane crash in

,. _,

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