FUTURE OF SGC HINGES ON PETITIONERS Y Sir i tauT ~~Iait PARTLY CLOUDY High-82 Low-62 Continued warm through today and tomorrow. See Page 4 Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom t: VOL. LXXII, No. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1961 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT .w"""Im"W"m Moei Requests Help On House Plan Draft Student Government Participation Recommended in Handling Project By DAVID MARCUS Interquadrangle Council President Thomas Moch, '63E, yester- day called for the inclusion of student government in the rewriting of the Michigan House Plan and the 'formation of a student-faculty- administration committee ,to handle the project. At present, Assistant Dean of Men for, Residence Halls John Hale is doing a first draft of the revision which he will later submit to the Residence Halls Board of Governors and IQC for criticism and additional ideas. "Exclusion of student government from participation in the initial rewriting of the report THOMAS MOCH ... participation SGC: Postpone 'Pink Slip' Di'scussion At Wednesday's meeting, Stu- dent Government Council post- poned for one week consideration of the residence hall confidential reports motion presented by In- terquadrangle Council Presidentl Thomas Moch, '62, and a propos- ed substitute motion by Kenneth McEldowney, Grad. Moch's motion, which was orig- inally introduced last spring, sup- ported the 'pink slips,' as the re- ports are called. However, he be- lieved that the existence and na- ture of the reports should be made known \to the students. McEldowney stated in his mo- tion, which was introduced at the meeting, that the student should be permitted to view his own eval- uation. Also, "such topics as per- sonal appearance, courtesy and consideration,nstudentrattitude, and adjustment toward the Uni- versity (should) be eliminated from the reports." The quad reports are filled out by the staff assistant of each house each year and approved by the resident adviser. 'U' May Ask New Standards Of Transfers Transfer students from the state's community colleges may face altered admissions standards designed to insure that they will be better prepared for work at the University, James H. Robertson,, Associate Dean of the literary col- lege said yesterday. Officials of the literary college will meet with Community Col- lege Association representatives later this month and ask them to require their students to complete courses roughly equal to those taken by regular University stu- dents, Director of Admissions Clyde Vroman explained. Other recommendations will suggest that 1) transfer students be required to have performed scho- lastically well enough in commun- ity colleges to give "reasonable" indication of success in the Uni- versity, and that 2) applicants from community colleges who have earned an Associate of Arts degree be given preferential con- sideration for admission here. More than one-fourth of all transfer students fromrthe state's community colleges come to the would be exclusion of one of the "major factors in revising the plan," Moch said. Big Defect "One of the biggest defects in' the, entire House Plan is exclu- sion of any mention of student government. "Since the House Plan was writ- ten, student government has be- come an integral force in further- ing the philosophy and goals of the residence halls," he said. Moch suggested that five or six students, faculty members and ad- ministrators form a committee which would be charged with re- writing the plan. Outline Detail Moch explained that the com- mittee would outline in detail every area that the House Plan should cover and turn over the drafting to one or two members of the committee. The report would then be re- submitted to the committee for approval and then go to the Resi- dence Halls Board of Governors and IQC for approval. Moch also suggested postpone- ment of any changes in the House Plan until after the coming quad- rangle conference on Oct. 28 which will discuss "The Perfect House" and called for a revised House Plan which would contain "theory yet setting down basic goals." He noted that in rewriting all the functions of the residence halls should be considered, both social and educational. Last June Hale, when the revision was first announced last June, at- tributed the necessity of revision 'to "largely outdated language and means of expression." He said at that time that one of the purposes of the revision would be to bring the plan more into line with present day prac- tices such as the use of graduate students as residence hall staff men instead of faculty advisors as the document originally proposed. Saboteurs Hit TV Message By de Gaulle ALGIERS (P)-Saboteurs dyna- mited the Algiers TV transmitter last night and broadcast a voice saying, "De Gaulle, it is you who will disappear, who will fall." The blasts wiped out scheduled French program featuring Presi- dent 'Charles de Gaulle. The explosions, blamed on the rightwing European secret army organization, knocked out the transmitting antenna of Algiers' sole channel. They were followed by a voice broadcast on the audio channel by underground army of-1 ficials including the condemned fugitive ex-Gen. Raoul Salan. Rusk Talks To Gromyko On Berlint NEW YORK (/P)-Secretary of State Dean Rusk and Soviet For- eign Minister Andrei Gromyko discussed the Berlin crisis for about three hours yesterday in a "friendly and businesslike atmos- phere," but concluded without discovering an acceptable basis for negotiations on ending the crisis. They also discussed the future of the United Nations, particularly the post of Secretary-General, now vacant. Gromyko is understood to have stuck to the publicly stated Soviet line of readiness to negotiate about a Berlin solution based on a peace treaty with divided Germany. Rusk is believed to have made clear that the Western Powers re- quire .a much broader basis before they will agree to negotiations. Agree To Meet What the two men did agree on was another meeting between them here next week. By that time both will have reported to their governments and possibly receive new instructions. The two men met at a midtown Manhattan hotel where Rusk had invited Gromyko for lunch. Each was accompanied by a 'panel of advisers including UN Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson on the Ameri- can side and Deputy Foreign Min- ister Valerian Zorin with Gro- myko. During the luncheon Gromyko' is understood to have made clear to Rusk directly, as he had previ- ously publicly stated, that he in- tends to press for a three-man board to succeed UN Secretary- General Dag Hammarskjold. Argue on Troika The discussion on this point was as inconclusive as that on the Berlin problem. Rusk argued that the Soviet "Troika" proposal had no prospect of success in the United Nations, and that the UN's urgent need is for an executive head to take over the duties per- formed by Hammarskjold. Rusk reportedly laid heavy em- phasis on the avowed determina- tion of the Western Powers to defend what they consider their vital interests in West Berlin. Gromyko is understood to have followed the general line taken by Premier Nikita Khrushchev with Kennedy when they met in Viennaj in early June. DEAN RUSK ... discusses Berlin Operationsj Set To Begin In Fall, '62 Full Year Program Allows More Students Wayne State University will be- I gin year-round operation on a quarter system next fall, under plans approved yesterday by its Board of Governors. WSU will thus join Michigan State University and Ferris Insti- tute as state institutions employ- ing the quarter system. Michigan State University Oak- land and the Dearborn Center are presently on trimester schedules, and the University has announced plans to begin a modified trimester with split summer session within a few years. More Students The year-round operations will allow WSU to handle more stu-' dents with no increase in facilities, President Clarence B. Hilberry ex- plained. It will also provide for educational advantages to the stu- dents, since they will concentrate1 on fewer topics (courses) at one time, he pointed out. The system calls for four eleven- , week quarters of instruction to be; offered each year, with most stu- dents taking courses for three.; The four quarters would run' from October to Christmas, New, Year's through March, April through June, and July through' September, Hilberry said. The+ plans also call for more Saturday+ classes, thus effectively putting1 WSU on a six-day week.1 In addition to more efficient use+ of facilities, the system will also allow WSU students to obtain jobs during periods other than thej usual summer vacation season,+ when the labor market is over- crowded. This would be particu- larly beneficial to metropolitan Detroit students, Hilberry said. Social Dutyt "It is the social duty of public' colleges and universities," Hilberry' said, "to provide means for ac- commodating more students. Wec are going to have to handle more students." The study of year-round opera-i tions has been going on for four+ years at WSU, he added, and cul- minated with the decision that the quarter system was best suited to the institution. But he emphasized that the change to a quarter system alone would not ensure added capacity at WSU. Hoover Cites Red Program WASHINGTON ()-FBI Direc- tor J. Edgar Hoover sees the Com- munist Party line as "a deceitful technique to hoodwink and beguile us." But he cautions against mere negative anti-Communism. t "The great danger today is that the constant reiteration of thet party line by Communists-day after day-may cause their de- mands to be accepted as valid and truthful." Hoover's description of the Communist Party line is set forth 1 in a 2,500-word study preparedc for the Senate Internal Security subcommittee.1 * * * * * UN St Asks I CHEMISTRY: To Continue Evaluations Of Students By MICHAEL OLINICK The chemistry department will continue to use its non-academic evaluations for students in ele-. mentary general courses despite protests of the Student Govern- ment Council. Waivers will be granted to in- dividual students, however, if they are willing to promise not to ask for later character references from faculty men connected with the course, Prof. Robert W. Parry said yesterday. ' Prof. Parry, who heads up the elementary general course division of the chemistry department, said the evaluations "render extreme- ly important service to the stu- dents." Council Motion The Council passed a motion by former Daily Editor Thomas Hay- den, '61, this spring which op- posed the use of the forms which ask the instructor to comment on the student's personal matters, emotional stability, social respon- sibility and loyalty to the UnitedI States. Prof. Leigh Anderson, chairman of the-chemistry department, said that members of his staff had dis- cussed and re-examined the eval-n uations after the SGC motion, butL could find no reason to forbide their use. "The questions on the form are i standard ones and there is noth- b ing unreasonable about them. The - last thing on earth we want to do is hurt the students," Prof. An- derson said. Remember Students The evaluation cards were ini- tiated about a decade ago, he said, when the beginning chemistry classes grew too large for instruc- tors to remember all their stu- v dents. The information on theP cards is precisely the informationd sought by medical schools and governmental agencies to which t students apply, he stressed. f "If we didn't have the evalua- tion forms," Prof. Anderson said,- "we wouldn't be able to write rec-n ommendations for these students." i The evaluation forms are used in Chemistry 103, 104, and 107 i which have a total enrollmente near 1,500.a Prof. Parry and Prof. Anderson both said that they knew of noo case where a professor reported a any indication of disloyalty to then United States.- eerrng Comi [ked China [ vnittee Jebate U.S. Ready To Counter Red Demand Free China Delegate Refutes Russian Item UNITED NATIONS (/P) - The general assembly's steering com- mittee last night recommended full scale debate on China's repre- sentation in the United Nations.' Previously the issue had been shelved for 10 successive years. By a vote of 15-0 with 5 ab- stentions the conmittee approved a New Zealand proposal supported by the United States calling for debate on "the question of repre- sentation of China in the United Nations." But while agreeing for the first time to full scale UN debate, the United. States affirmed its in- tention to oppose seating Com- munist China in the United Na- tions. Pass Soviet Item By a vote of 7 to 3 with 10 abstentions the committee also approved a Soviet item entitled "restoration of the lawful rights of the People's Republic of China (Red China) in the United Na- tions." Charles W. Yost, the U. S. dele- gate, said his country was prepared to take part in debate on both, although it took strong exception to the wording of the Soviet item. "We oppose representation in the United Nations by tl e Chinese Communists who fought a war against United Nations troops in Korea, who constantly defied the United Nations ever since, who publicly advocate the use of force in international relations and have no democratic mandate to repre- sent the Chinese people," Yost declared. 4dopts Quarter System * * * * FOREIGN EXCHANGE - United States Delegate Adlai Steven- son leans forward to listen to Soviet delegate Valerian Zorin address the steering committee of the United Nations. Britain's Sir' Patrick Dean (between them) monitors the verbal clash over the collapse of nuclear test ban talks. Approve Western Plan To Debate INuclear Test's UNITED NATIONS OP) - The General Assembly's steering com- mittee yesterday brushed aside Soviet opposition and approved a U.S.-British proposal for full separate UN debate on a treaty to end nuclear weapons tests. The United States demanded that the Assembly single out the issue as one of great urgency. The Soviet Union said it should be taken up in over-all disarmament debate, and blamed American 'policy in Germany for Moscow's ATHLETES REJOICE: 'South Quad Receives New Net By JEFF HEUER The University has made a new addition to its already extensive recreational facilities in the form of a basketball hoop on the tri- angle behind South Quadrangle. "I believe the hoop is remove-' able and will be taken out the Monday after Thanksgiving vaca- tion, when the triangle will be used{ for parking space again. It will! be replaced the Monday after spring vacation, Assistant Dean of Men Mark Noffsinger, said last night. The hoop presumably was in-; stalled at the request of the South and West Quad Councils, Noff-' singer added. The property is j ffC 1 tI. ;g 1 i I° £ l' Peace Corps, Bill Passed, WASHINGTON (W) - Congress voted permanent status for the Peace Corps yesterday as Presi- dent John F. Kennedy requested. Both 'House and Senate passed the bill and sent it to Kennedy for his signature. Still undecided, though, is whether the Corps will get the $40 million Kennedy sought for its first year of operations. The money question was being roned out, along with knotty for- eign aid fund problems, by a Sen- ate-House conference committee. The House acted first yesterday on a roll call vote of 253 to 78 after opponents exhausted tech- nical objections that had held up final action for several days.. The Senate approved the Peace Corps bill on a voice vote, with Sen. Carl T. Curtis (R-Neb) shout- ing "No." Curtis protested that the bill did not require Peace Corps mem- bers to be proficient in the lan- guages of the countries to which they would be sent. The measure is pretty much what the President sought for the Peace Corps, which is headed by his brother-in-law, Sargent Shriv- er. The compromise bill, worked out by a House-Senate committee after the two branches passed different versions, puts a ceiling of 275 on the number of admin- istrative employes in the Corps' Washington headquarters. And it limits to 20 the nunber of super- grade officials who may draw sal- aries above regular civil service scales. Ask Investigation decision to resume nuclear tests. The vote in the 21-nation com- mittee was 16-3, with only the Soviet Union, Bulgaria and Czech- oslovakia opposed. France ab- stained and Mongi Slim, the As- sembly president, did not vote. By an identical vote the com- mittee supported an Indian item asking debate on voluntary sus-j pension of tests without reference to a treaty. The United States and Britain requested consideration of a test ban treaty as a separate disarm-f ament issue. Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson, Chief U. S. Delegate, declared that the problem of nuclear wea- pons testing had become "far more acute with the resumption of testing in the atmosphere by the Soviet government. "The Soviet action not only heightens international tension, it impairs the security of other powers and has already required my country in the interests of its own defense to also resume nuclear testing, but underground and without fallout." He blamed the Soviet Union for the breakup of the U. S.-Soviet- British test ban treaty negotia- tions in Geneva, but said that the actual resumption of tests makes the need' for an effectively con- trolled treaty "more urgent than ever." Reut her Salys UAW Develops Plant with GM DETROIT {14'}-Walter P. Reu- Views Question He declared also that the United States "welcomes the opportunity to present its views on this ques- tion, in the hope that through a free and thorough exploration of the problem in all its complexities a just and equitable approach will be maintained." For the past 10 years the United States had succeeded in getting the Chinese issue postponed. This was the first time there was no disagreement over full scale de- bate. Nationalist China's T. F. Tsiang denounced the Soviet item as biased and propagandistic, while the other was worded in such a way as to implement freedom of discussion in the Assembly. Soviet deputy foreign minister Valerian A. Zorin asserted the Chinese Nationalists do not rep- resent anyone except themselves, and that the "hazy language" of New Zealand would not suffice. Claim People Paid T"Mv To N'Sew York ROCIESTER, N.Y. () -- A c o u n t y welfare commissioner charged yesterday, that some wel- fare officials in Florida and Geor- gia were paying the bills for wel- fare recipients to move North and get on New'York State relief rolls. William B. Woods, Monroe County welfare director, said he knew of three specific cases in which welfare recipients had been told, in effect: "We'll give you your checks for the first year you're in New York and then you apply to them for welfare." He described the situation as "a flag telling us what's coming." ther said yesterday his Auto Workers Union has out a plan with General which he said should lead' settlement of 24 local blocking full production giant auto company. United worked Motors to quick strikes at the I rrl..,. .. .,... ,, .....,.,,...,,,a .,,,..k,.,.a.,.. t.:,