Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Where Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH., Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, ,1961 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HARRAH Registration Woes: C ounseling, is the Answer OFFICE OF STUDENT AFFAIRS: 'Sweeping Changes'.. Under the9Rug? By JOHN ROBERTS Editor WORDS LIKE "double cross" and "usurpation" are prob- ably too strong to apply to the current goings-on in the Office of Student Affairs, but there is a burning temptation to use harsh language in describing them. For some seven years, and per- haps longer, students have been seriously concerned with the pol- icies and practices of the Dean, of Women's office. Last year a group of students, consisting mainly of the 1961 Daily sepior staff and the SGC Human Rela- tions Commission sifted through these complaints and rumors and presented a report to the faculty Senate Sub-Committee on Student Relations. THIS COMMITTEE examined the students' report and made an extensive inquiry of its own, speaking with Dean of Women Deborah Bacon, President Hatcher, several faculty members and rep- resentatives of University service agencies. At the end of the semes- ter it submitted its findings in a confidential report to Vice-Presi- dent for Student Affairs -James A. Lewis. That report, unhappily, has never been, made public. In a memorandum to the students who initiated the study, however, the committee stated that it had made seven major recommendations to Lewis, including "reassignment of present peronnel" and "sweeping, structural changes in the Office of Student Affairs." While some administrators grumbled about faculty meddlers and pretentious students, no one could justly deny that the whole examination was conducted with great responsibility and discretion. It was an outstanding example of citizens of the University com- munity acting on problems directly affecting them. But the response made thus far by the Office of" Student Affairs has been quite disturbing. TO BEGIN WITH, Vice-Presi- dent, Lewis has yet to make an explicit or even inferential public statement on the contents of the report. Neither has he shown any intention of releasing it, in whole or in. part, for public discussion. Such silence is admittedly his prerogative as a private citizen, and may' even reflect a high- minded objectivity, but it seems strange that he has felt no obli- gation to respond to what was, after all, a criticism of his office. Most of the seven recommenda- tions have been taken over by Lewis and nothing more has been said publicly about them. In re- sponse to the recommendation that his ofice should be changed, however, Lewis has appointed what he has termed a "blue chip" com- mittee to study structure and sug- gest improvements. This action is both inexplicable and ominous. It makes no logical sense, and it threatens to deprive faculty and student bodies of a substantive voice in the final decisions. * * * JUST WHY this committee was created is not easy to under- stand and of ,course the difficulty is compounded by the public's ig- norance of what was said in the report of the student relations committee. Lewis may simply dis- agree with the specific recommen- dations made--but he could reject them outright without mobilizing a whole new study. And if the recommendations were incomplete or unclear, he logically should 1N SPITE of official optimism, pre-registration (registration a semester in advance, planned soon for the University) is not going to prevent the problems involved in such fiascos as last Thursday's closing of large, widely elected distribution courses. The fundamental causes of the situation are two: a lack of funds to enlarge the faculty and facilities and a disproportionate election of these courses in the fall semester. The pro- vision of a six-week registration period during the semester' for the next semester's courses will alleviate neither of these.. It will, of course, make the entire process more leisurely, allowing more time for the stu- dents to charige '-their planned programs as they discover that courses are filled. This ,will he Spokesman SELF ACKNOWLEDGED neo - conservative William Buckley, in a careless moment at the National Student Association congress this summer told a foreign exchange congress stu-' dent from Ceylon 'that he would not hold a discussion with anyone. (the student) who would equate great -men like George Wash- ington and Thomas Jefferson with "semi-r savages" Patrice Lumumba and Joseph Mo- butu. In the future, wanton William may do well to observe Webster's second definition for savage: "one who displays cruelty, unfeeling." And there is the proverb about people who live in glass houses... - _G. STORCH' help remove the immense overload of work the, counselors found placed on them in the gym this year. BUT UNLESS a way is found to encourage elections of fundamental courses in the spring (or whatever equivalent there may be under the future year-round operation), de- partments will still find their "courses over- flowing in 'the fall and half-empty in the spring. For those who do take these courses in the spring, this is nice, for the teacher-pupil ratio is much more 'favorable. And those who take the course in the fall find them highly over- crowded. But until the present faculty is being used year-round, lt is hard to justify, even "if there were added funds, added staff to enlarge' the classes. A FINAL SOLUTION, or even a reasonably good one, is not apparent at this stage, but it 3is plain that pre-registration alone will not cure the problems, but only (with luck) re- move the symptoms. Officials must discard their present position of relying on added funds and the machinery of pre-registration as a panacea-it won't work. The final answer lies with the individual counselors, who must help the student draw up a, realistic program for his years at the Uni- versity-including some of his basic courses in the presently less-chosen semester. How they will go about. this is of course un- certain and unclear, but 'they must find a Way-now, before the situation worsens any further. -ROBERT FARRELL The Epic Of Man i i. S Y n ? _ Ilk^ have gone back to the original committee instead of creating a new one which must start all over again. Now, the student relations com- mittee acknowledges that it lacks the expertise to draft detailed pro- posals for implementing its rec- ommendations., A committee of specialists in student affairs, charged with this task, would therefore, be logical. But members of the new study committee are not experts in management or stu- dent affairs. Moreover they are not handling mere technical de- tails. According to the chairman, Prof. John Reed, the committee' will start from scratch, examin- ing the philosophy of the Uni- versity-student relation and "the whole bailiwick" of the Office of Student Affairs. * * * IN OTHER WORDS, this com- mittee will be re-plowing ground already covered by the first com- mittee, although it presumably will be more thorough and wide- reaching. This duplication seems gratuitously inefficient, and im- plies that the previous study was, so poor that it should be disre- garded., Vice-President Lewis has plant- ed this insinuation in other ways, too. He has said that the report of the student relations committee. is only one of some 25 documents to be studied, and that the study committee should not feel bound by the recommendations it sets forth. He has labeled the new com- mittee a "blue chip" group, thus tending to disparage the student relations committee even though it is at least as "blue" as the for- mer. * * *, IT IS UNWISE to prejudge in- tentions. The present committee may be Lewis' way to emasculate the original report without seem- ing to personally reject it. On the other hand, it may be a graceful way to accept the recommenda- tions without seeming to bow to student and faculty pressure. It may be, a stall, to suspend all decision indefinitely. Or it may fill a'genuine research need which Vice-President Lewis sees even though nobody else does. Nevertheless, there are other more serious objections to the creation of the study committee. In its report, the student relations committee "strongly enunciated the thesis that the general edu- cational responsibility of the Uni- versity rests ultimately with the faculty,. . ." This meant, specifi- cally, the faculty Senate and the subcommittees-such as the stu- dent relations committee-which are responsible to it. Lewis' response to this strongly" enunciated thesis was to create,, ad hoc, a special;committee which, is not responsible to the faculty or to anyone except Lewis himself,' and to forget about the faculty I ;. BOMB i, x t C 1 l t@. t t ; ... ; h $f f _ ; ie Famly Room' (EDITOR'S NOTE: The cupola, of the Student Publications Building, pictured above, whose in- terior walls are lined with the names of past Daily senior editors, initiates a new series of col; umns, written by the 1961-62 senior staff. Ap- pearing twice weekly, "overtime" will have seven contributors and will range widely in style, temper, and subject matter.) WE EARE LIVING in a world gone quietly mad. In Berlin, NBC comes close to pre- senting us World War III, produced and di-, rected by Jack Paar. In the New/Yorkg Times Sunday Magazine, Sen. Goldwater urges us to focus our attention on the production of missiles rather than on the improvement of education._ And possibly worst of all, the United States has thrown itself into an orgy of bomb-shelter building, representing a panic psychology. Civil Defense has always been accepted in. the abstract as a Good Thing. But when the* brutal facts are faced, we must realize that the current bomb ,shelter craze is not a con- frontation of the possibility of nuclear war, but rather a'retreat from its implications. Somehow, this summer, a' great mass of. people in the United States faced the possibil- ity of a nuclear holocaust for the first time. Maybe it was President Kennedy's August 'speech, urging a step-up in civil defense, may- be it was the tight-wire tension over Perlin, but something forced millions of Americans to think about the potential destruction of their lives and homes: HE PROSPECT of the enormous destruc- tion ihevitable in nuclear war is too much to face. No -one- can bear 'to dwell long on the assurance that, in the event of nuclear war, our civilization, which is a delicately balanced, highly interdependent construction will be blown off in a cloud of 'radioactive dust. More important, no man can really face the idea that neither he, nor his friends, nor his family will survive. Being forced to face grisly destruction, a man is naturally compelled to do something to protect himself from the unthinkable. In an- other time, with a different psychology, the issue might .have resolved itself into enormous peace 'marches, with an attempt to force the_ world's governments into abandoning nuclear weapons. As it' was, the panic-produced energies of the citizens of the United States turned to bomb shelters. Instead of doing all they could' to insure the impossibility of war, Americans began to prepare for the holocaust-erecting tents against the hurricane. And by accepting the probability of this war, they have done their best to insure its arrival. AMERICA is turning to family and civic bomb shelters as a panacea-for a disease which has no cure. All the anxieties Which bubbled to the surface in New York this summer-the desperate fear of "The Bomb," the sudden poli- tical panic, are .being allayed-buried with the concrete bunkers of the Friendly Family Pre- FAITH WEINSTEIN, Magazine Editor adjustments. The most horrible of the recent, articles on shelters is perhaps the spread in, last 'Week's' Life Magazine-a story which be- gins by offering the statistically dubious, Madi-' son Avenue assurance that "you too can be one of the 97 per cent to survive." The man who is digging in with his family (and his trusty gun, fio doubt) is hailed as "a solid, sensible man--and a responsible citizen." HE ARTICE accepts the facts 9f nuclear war with a nonchalance that turns one cold. 'It describes the Florida family which has plant- ed a garden on the shelter-top; with pompous virtue it describes what will happen in a nu- clear blast, and gives the reader the feeling' that Life Magazine at least, can cope. But the height of incredibility comes in a caption next to a picture of a family shelter, complete with family. "Family in the Shelter," it reads, "Snug, Equipped, Well Organized." Snug! Snug and smug indeed, resting calmly in their cheerful shelter (the inside walls are painted bright colors at a slight extra cost), waiting for the doom of their civilization. And what happens when they can finally come out from this two week shelter? Life happily indicates that after a' few days, the family may be able to emerge fromtheir shelter "to pick up extra supplies of food and water." The first question, of course, is Where? To the local grocery store? To the meat market? THERE IS NO INDICATION in these articles, nor, apparently, in the minds of the shelter builders, that anyone realizes that there may well be no civilization 'left outside the shelters. In' a little pamphlet called "Community of Fear," published by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions, (which should be handed out with every pre-fabricated shelter) Harrison Brown and James Real describe a Los Angeles reduced to "knee-high ash contain- ing numerous hidden pitfalls; dozens of miles of huge, smoking piles of radioactive rubble, burned out timber, wire and steel. If the sur- viyor made it to the; edge of the devastated area, in all probability he would have accum- ulated by that time a fatal dose of radiation which would shortly claim what was left of his life. How, can anyone live in 'destruction like this? Why do people want to shelter them- selves for a few hours to be roasted or suffo- cated in their holes, or even a few weeks to be faced with the impossibility of rebuilding a world from radioactive ash before they starve to death? IF WE ARE TO FIGHT the effects of nuclear war, it must be done at the source-by using every effort we can to insure that a nuclear war will not start, on the theory that civiliza- tion cannot survive the blow, 'even if a few individuals can. In the words again from "Community of ~ ..\ t S S .. _ {° k f a eric y:v jr. .. "..., , '' t +- r " ' .:... a. V . w , r { w j " 3 (, committee which was originated especially to advise him. No doubt the faculty will have a chance to record its approval of a completed package, but this is a rather bar- ren ritual. * * * LEWIS HAS partly justified the special committee by broadening its base of representation. Faculty are not the only ones-involved in student affairs, he rightly argues. Hence, a women's physical educa- tion teacher and a health service representative are included on the committee, and he himself is a member. This is an appealing ar- guement-but how, then, explain, the initial decision F'to exclude students, a decision which was only reversed under pressure fron the Regents. Apparently, there was to be representation of everyone except those directly affected, even though their initiative and responsibility was a matter of record. At any rate, students are going to be' involved in the study, and one great iijustice has been averted. No one should do much cheering. Students on the com- mittee does not mean students involved, as a body, in the work of the committee. If SGC is to avoid the fate of the faculty Sen- ate, it must insist on an active, creative role for itself. Merely ap- pointing students to the committee is not enough. But by keeping abreast of developments, com- municating its sentiment to the committee and engaging in a full and free debate,.SGC can play a substantive part in the study. THE FACULTY is in much worse shape. Its one channel is Prof. Marvin Felheim, chairman of the student relations committee and a member of the study committee. It is his task to restore the lost status of the original report and to press for recomendations in line with it. The declining interest of the faculty in any matter beyond the individual departments, how- ever, complicates his work. A well done study on structure of the office of student affairs could mark a major step forward in the evolving relation between the University and its students. But the present' course of events is not at all encouraging. LETTERS:, Red Herrng To the Editor: WHAT A PLEASURE to be back in Ann Arbor. The same old Angell Hall, the same old Burton Tower, and the same old Michael Harrah writing the same old edi- torials' for, The Daily. This time, however, I am amazed at his seem- ing powers of logic and inference. Under the headline, "Did The So-- viets Kill Hammarskjold?" we have a sample of the baseless and inflammatory accusations which are his and his alone: "The Rus- sians will protest their innocence loud and long. But all the same the guilt lies on their doorstep... Will they (the peoples of the world) slide up to old Khrushchev, now that he has murdered one of his chief antagonists ... From these and similar state- ments throughout the : editorial, one would assume that Mr. Harrah had given some evidence to sup- port his apparently affirmative answer to the lead question. How- .ever, there is no evidence but only the statement "Speculation strongly indicates that the agents- .of Soviet. Premier Nikite S. Khrushc1Wv sabatoged his plane at Leopoldville . . Is mere speculation any base on which to draw such sweeping conclusions as has Mr. Harrah? Speculation, after all, can in- dicate anything under the sun, depending on the speculator. With all due respect to Mr. Harrah's penchant for seeing Red all over the place, I think that a stronger case could be made for the con- clusion that the plane was some- how shot down or sabotaged by forces of Katanga President Moise Tshombe: 1) The plane was over Katanga territory for about 300 miles and crashed just across the border in Rhodesia. 2) President Tshombe had much more than the Soviets to lose if Katanga were to be included in a: closely-knit Congo federation, as this would force him to pool the valuable mineral resources of his province with the other provinces. 3) President Tshombe had vow- ed to resist "to the death" any UN incursions into his territory, and was openly hostile towards Ham- marskjold. 4) Lest anyone believe that the murder of the 'UN Secretary- General was something which Pres. Tshombe's conscience would not allow him to do, "speculation strongly indicates" that he was I .. . AUTO NEGOTIATIONS: - WhcsGood for the U.W . .. By GERALD STORCH Daily. Staff Writer FROM all indications, United Auto Workers Union leaders Walter Reuther, Leonard Wood-' cock and Ken Bannon are re- spected, responsible members of their communities. They serve on many charitable and civic organi- zations (Woodcock is the chair- man of the Wayne State Univer- sity board of governors) and are generally veryuseful citizens. It is somewhat puzzling, then, to see them °change into stupid and ob- noxious individuals when they as- sume their roles as bargaining agents with the automobile com- panies. More frightening is the possibility that their course of ac- tion is really very cleverly plotted. The first hint of union irre- sponsibility came last August when contract talks began. Reu- ther disclosed the Union's basic demands, but said he could not estimate how much they would cost. In the next breath, he hotly CITYSCOPE: Greek Chameleon Facing Extinction By MICHAEL HARRAH Daily Staff Writer THE LOCAL fraternities and sororities are simply going to have to make up their minds what they are. Are they public or semi-public organizations? Or are they in ef- fect private clubs? To hear them tell it up to now, they fall into the latter category. They have protested loud and long any interference in their mem- bership selection practices, say- ing, that, as private groups, the choice concerns no one but them- selves. They and they alone shall be allowed to choose their associ- ates. They'll receive support from this corner along that line. Re- gents' bylaws notwithstanding, the United 'States Constitution gives a man the right to choose his asso- ciates. The fraternities and soro- rities, as private groups (as op- posed to groups financed wholly or partially through public lar- gesse), fall under this constitu- tional rio-ht :and nn one has any avoid paying a personal property tax to the City of Ann Arbor. Such a tax is required on all property except charitable, scien- tific, and educational institutions other than fraternities and social organizations. It has been requir- ed since about 1908. All other pri- vate groups have been complying. However, through some oversight, the supervisors in the *city have neglected to assess the fraterni- ties and sororities. Yet, this is no reason why the city cannot begin to assess them right now. And while I doubt that they would have to pay any back taxes, they most certainly should cough up the money from here on. BUT that's not the way the Pan- hellenic Association and the In- terfraternity Council have it fig- ured. They want to 'beat the rap.' For some reason, they've got it figured that this law doesn't ap- ply to them, even though they've said they're quite private groups. Well, that's not the way it works, Greeks. If you want to, be proclaimed that the demands were not inflationary, that the com- panies could easily afford them. It must be very difficult to know that something is non-inflation- ary if its cost is unknown. The next dovetail in the UAW strategy was its concentration on American Motors. They wrested a long - anticipated profit - sharing plan from AMC and then loudly insisted on the same from the Big' Three. What the Union didn't say was that the UAW rdeeded a quick agreement to squeeze the other three companies into a corner, and were willing to take less money to do it. The reason AMC agreed to profit-sharing was that its prof- its may be few and far between in the next years, due to the Big. Three compact cars. * * * THE THIRD UAW - inspired shibboleth was the large sum paid by the companies* in bonuses and salaries to executives. But what- the Union didn't acknowledge. was that these huge grants, are indis- pensible to the well-being of the companies. To get a Breech or a McNamara to run an organization competently, it is unfortunately necessary to bestow these lavish. sums, simply because there are very few men qualified to operate a large firm. If Chrysler Corpora- tion is to emerge from its dold- rums, it will have to hire, at fan- tastic expense, the right men to do a good job. There is no other way out. All of , this is even more sad when one realizes that a very basic issue - automation - was largely left out of the talks. Ambng the long list of demands for higher wages, shorter work weeks, less overtime, company- paid pensions and insurance plans and more relief time, there ap- peared nary a word about insti- tuting a re-education program for laborers whose work, whether the Tnion realizes it or not. will soon- and unfair to the inherent dilem- mas of the companies. Whether the workers will hit the bricks against General Motors again is still undetermined, but if they do (and, incidentally, spurn a com- pany economic package called very substantial by Reuther), they will merely compound the hypoc- risy which in the long run will most directly hurt the unions themselves. Perhaps the inclusion of unions ,in the anti-trust laws would help. .But as long as concentration's of economically-unchecked power in one form or another still exist, there are bound to be mi-direc-; tions of that power. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) POSITION OPENINGS: Gibson Refrigerator Div., Hupp Corp., Greenville, Mich.-Export service Ad- ministrative Assistant with some exper. in export field. Knowledge of refrigera- tion helpful also ability to speak Span- ish desirable. Age of 30 yrs. or younger. Vickers, Inc., Div. of Sperry Rand Corp., Detroit - Opening for Senior Operations' Research Analyst.' BS in Engrg., science or Mathawith advanced degree in math, mgmt. ,science, indust. admin., or operations research. Exper. of 1-3 yrs. in operations research & 2-3 yrs. in general business. Age 30- 40. Also opening forProduction Plan- 'ning Analyst. Degree in Indust. or Mech. Engrg. or Bus. Ad. Exper. in Production Planning & Inventory Con- trol. Age 25-35. U.S. Army, Ordnance Ammunition Command, Joliet, 111.-Openings as fol- lows: Personnel Mgmt. Specialist. Po- sition Classification Specialist & Elect. Engineer. For male & FEMALE: Statis- tician & Mathematician. Michigan Civil Service-Many Nursing Positions including Graduate Nurse Su perintendent,k Orthopedic Nurse Con- sultant, Psychiatric Nurse Supervisor, & Public Health Nurse Consultant. Must possess certificate of active registration " as graduate nurse in Mich. 'No, written _ test." Pittsburgh Plate Glass Co.,Pitts- burgh, Pa. - Openings for Chemists,