T'UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1961 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEDA - SETEBR -9 1961l THE1MICHIGAN1 AI - .--- --- T- OPENS TODAY: U.S. Plans for UN General Assembly Session Foreigners Learn About U.S. Through Orientation Program By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER Associated Press News Analyst WASHINGTON - President John F. Kennedy's handling of United States foreign policy is des- tined to undergo its first major United Nations test in the 99- nation General Assembly session opening in New York today. Four issues are critical-Com- munist China, Berlin, disarma- ment and nuclear testing. Two at least-the war-threatening Berlin dispute and the Communist bid to .seat Red China in the United Na- tions-are sure to stir up bitter East-West battles. The United States and its West- ern allies will need on these and perhaps other controversial ques- tions all the votes they can scrape together to win favorable verdicts. In advance of the Assembly opening, United States officials professed confidence that Ameri- can policies and American pres- tige will come through their trials well, although perhaps a bit battle scarred. New Element One new element expected to strengthen the hands of Secre- tary of State Dean Rusk and Am- bassador Adlai Stevenson as they fight the battles of ballots and oratory is Russia's strategy of ter- ror against the Western allies and to some extent the whole non- Communist world. The strategy embraces Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's nuclear war threats and his resumption two weeks ago of nuclear weapons testing. To what extent the United States will actually gain from Rus- sia's breaking of the nuclear test moratorium in force for the past three years remains to be seen on the floor of the Assembly, however. Officials privately concede that the advantage, if any, will be less than first hoped for when Moscow announced it had decided to start exploding nuclear weapons again. UN Members The attitudes of UN members will be determined by the ques-, tion whether they were more an- tagonized or more frightened. United States hopes for propagan- da and political gains were de- rived initially from the assump- tion that most nations, particularly' those of Africa and Asia, would be deeply resentful of the Soviet ac- tion. The hope was they would side more with the West and less with the Sino-Soviet bloc on ma- jor international issues. However, the combination of the; Berlin war scare and the Soviet nuclear campaign has created a fear of war which appears among the neutral countries to override the older fear of poisonous radio-1 active fallout from the atmosphere as a result of Soviet test explo- sions. In the recent 25-nation con- ference of neutrals at Belgrade, the delegates concentrated not on condemning Russia's resumption of testing but on demanding that Kennedy and Khrushchev open direct negotiations to save the world from a nuclear calamity1 arising out of the Berlin crisis. Member Nations Among the 99 member nations the State Department counts 46 as belonging to the Afro-Asian bloc. These countries do not al- ways vote as a bloc on all issues. But unlike the UN Assembly of earlier years, when the Western powers usually had a comfortable majority, the African and Asian states now control an impressive ballot power. This is an important element in all United States calculations of what can be accomplished in the General Assembly meeting. It has a direct bearing on Kennedy's handling of foreign policy since he took office last January. The principal shift of emphasis which the Kennedy administration has made in foreign relations has been to try to identify the interests of the African and Asian countries with those of the United States and other Western democracies. By GERALD STORCH In addition to the regular orien-1 tation program offered by the University, incoming foreign stu- dents also have the opportunity to take part in a supplemental week of getting acquainted with thej campus. "We encourage new foreign stu- dents to arrive as early as pos- sible," International Center coun-I selor William West says. They need the extra time to secure housing and to become familiar with a different way of life, he explains. As soon as the new foreign students come to Ann Arbor, they, make their way (with the aid of a map mailed to them in the summer) to the International Center, where they are processed and given leads to housing open- ings. First Program The first orientation program' itself began Sept. 5, when the new foreign students were given a bus tour of Ann Arbor. During the rest of the days be- fore the regular orientation be- a foreign stude gan, tours and events were held relation to them in the afternoons and evenings, However, thec with the mornings left open for made in the lig the students to complete housing ties involved in arrangements. of many backg: Included in the special orienta- For instance, tion schedule were a trip to the American social Michigan State Fair, a varsity more helpful tc football scrimmage and a toutr of of less similar the Phoenix Memorial Center. than to new Race Relations grounds more Prof. James Randall of Flint American tradi Junior Community College lec- "Most of the tured to the foreign students on dents seemed t race relations in the United States extra program,' This was done, West says, because "About three the subject is of primary interest participated, al to most foreign students and is h summer Job a major topic among these stu- s i g a m E dents in their home lands. spring and sum The students also heard a talk volunteered to a by Prof. Albert Marckwardt, head and events. of the English Language Insti- Twelve local tute,' on the English language in provided free af relation to social customs and at- the new studenti titudes here. Council and the Next year more emphasis may Foundation pr( be given to a closer look at these tion for foreigr social customs and the problems to look for privy -AP wirephoto GENERAL ASSEMBLY - The State Department has been planning strategy for this year's session of the United Nations General Assembly which opens today. Though the session may lack the flam- boyance provided last year by Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev (shown above, extreme right), several serious issues, including Berlin, disarmament and the admission of Red China confront the IT'S HAPPENING NOW! United States delegation. Kennedy administration plans for the General Assembly call for fighting out the Red China issue in committee and floor debates, for supporting what United States of- ficials judge to be reasonable resolutions on colonialism, for a return to nuclear test ban nego- tiations, resumption of disarma- ment talks and for maximum pos- sible UN suport for Western rights in West Berlin. Congo Situation Problems such as the Congo situation and Cuban complaints against the United States are not expected by officials here to cause serious trouble even though they may produce a vast outpouring of oratory. The first of the critical issues likely to come up is that of Red China. State Department officials say the. Communist bloc may press its demand to oust Nationalist China and unseat a Communist Chinese delegation at the very out- set of the assembly. The United States and its allies expect they will be able to defeat this maneuver by arguing that the question is of such importance as to require careful deliberation. In a \switch of tactics, the United States will favor full-scale debate on the Chinese issue. Voting Situation The voting situation on the Chinese problem is complicated, however, by the desire of a bloc of a dozen African nations to ob- tain membership for Mauretania. The Soviet Union has declared that unless Outer Mongolia is ad- mitted it will block Mauretania. Nationalist China informed the United States it will veto Outer Mongolian membership. In this tangled situation the bloc of African states with its dozen or so votes has threatened to vote against the United States on the Red China issue. State Department experts say it is impossible to determine yet whether resentment against Rus- sia's use of nuclear tests for what the United States has called "atomic blackmail" will have an influence on voting decisions on such issues as membership for Red China. Same Uncertainty The same uncertainty applies to other specific issues, disarmament among them, though the adminis- tration's position is that Russia has alienated world public opinion to some degree by its strategy of terror. The United States plans to make a major case against Soviet behavior in this respect on two points: first, that Russia chose to test in the atmosphere with at- tendant risk of radioactive falloutf an rejected a United States- British proposal to limit all future tests to underground explosions. American officials hope this line of argument will put Russia in a! defensive position and will help to win votes for a resolution ad- vocating a prompt return to ne- gotiations for a ban on nuclear tests as a first step toward agree- ments to halt the arms race. Broad-Scale. This in turn ties in to proposals for getting broad scale disarma- ment negotiations between the western powers and the Soviet Union started up again after a lapse of many months. In this connection the United States and its allies are most concerned that any UN resolution should give considerable weight to the im- portance of adequate inspection arrangements. The western powers would like to avoid a General Assembly call ? for agreement on "general and complete disarmament" without provisions for inspection and for the progress by slow stages which would be necessary if real dis- armament steps are ever to be set in motion. Are you a graduate student, unable to enroll in a language course necessary to fulfill your doctorate requirements? Or are you a medical technology student whose required zoology course was closed before you registered? Did YOU get shut out of an essential course this semester? POLITICS REALLY DO AFFECT YOU! This spring the Republican conservatives who dominate the Mich- igan Senate cut the University's budget to the point where Uni- versity departments have been forced to limit enrollment in vital courses due to lack of funds! The University of Michigan YOUNG DEMOCRATIC CLUB FIRST MEETING Wednesday, September 20 7:30 P.M. Michigan Ur SELF-SERVE DRUG AREA THE FOOD MART HAS THE MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF YOUR DAILY NEEDS -AP wirephoto UN SOLDIER-Like the Malayan shown aboVe, United Nations soldiers have been helping to main- tain order in the Congo. The thorny problem of the African nation is expected to come up at the UN General Assembly session which opens today. HOUSEWARE DEPARTMENT. includes Wash Cloths-Bath Towels Coffee Pots-Skillets, Pots, and Pans Glass Dinnerware Knives, Forks, Spoons Dishes-Cups and Saucers Paper Plates and Cups Transistor and Portable Radio Tubes and Batteries Batteries-Clocks- Light Bulbs T.V. Tubes - Radio Tubes FREE Tube Checker Sponge Mops and Refills Plastic Juice Containers 2 + PLUS + MANY MORE ITEMS BOLGOs SKIM MILK for Your-Apartment or Room M2 Gallon Bottle-32c plus dep. 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