'HE MICHIGAN DAILY r{ss, G } + +" Y . ,.r r e: :* ,Sr . :. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN ............. - ------- xx Al" For Direct Classified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786 from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday through Friday, and Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 A.M. Anaheim, Calif.-Engi., Soc. Stud., Driver Ed., Ind. Arts, Math, For. Lang., Home Ed., Photo., Journ., Girl's PE, Libr., Remed. Read., Ment. Retard., Sight Saving, Deaf, Phys. Handi. THURS., MARCH 1- Milford, Mich. (Huron Valley Schs.)- Elem. (K-6), Jr. HS Math, Ment. Han- di.; Sci./Girl's PE, Math/Girl's PE, Engl./Girl's PE; V.T. Spokane, Wash.-Elem.; Jr. HS Lang., Arts/SS, Math/Sci.; HS Sp. Ther., Math, For. Lang., Set., Girl's PE, Engl., Biol. FRI., MARCH 2- Dearborn, Mich. (Fairlane Schools)- All fields. St. Clair Shores, Mich. (Lake Shore Sch. Dist.)-Elem. (K-6); Jr. HS Engl., HS Home Living, Comm., Engl., Shop; Sp. Corr. * * * For additional information and ap- pointments contact the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 3200 SAB, 663-1511, Ext. 3547. ENGINEERING PLACEMENT INTER- VIEWS-Seniors,& grad students, please sign interview schedule at 128-H West Engrg. FEB. 23- Allied Chemical Corp., Morristown, N.J., Syracuse, N.Y., Buffalo, N.Y., Hopewell, Va., Baton Rouge, La., & other locations throughout the U.S.- All Degrees: ChE. BS-MS: ME. BS: EM. MS: Instrumentation. June & Aug. grads. Des., R. & D., Sales & Prod. & Technical Service. American Oil Co., Research & Devel- opment Dept., Whiting, Ind. & Texas City, Texas-All Degrees: ChE & ME. June & Aug. grads. Both Men & Wom- en. Summer Employment: Will inter- view graduates only, or those complet- ing their BS program by June, 1962. R. &D. Burroughs Corp., Detroit & Philadel- phia Areas-All Degrees: EE, EM & ME. BS: E Math & E Physics. MS-PhD: Physics & Math for Electrical Comput- ing & Prod. June & Aug. grads. Des., R. & D., & Prod. Cooper-Bessemer Corp., Mt. Vernon, Ohio '& Grove City, Pa.--BS-MS: EE, IE, ME & Met. June & Aug. grads. Both Men & Women. Summer Employ- ment: If time permits. Check for open- ings on schedule on Feb. 22-(a.m.). Des., R. & D., Sales & Prod. Fairchild Camera & Instrument Corp., Defense Products Div., Syosset, L.I.; N.Y. & Clifton, N.J.-BS: EE, E Math & ME. June grads. Summer Employ- ment: Jrs. if time permits. Sales. International Telephone & Telegraph Corp.-All Degrees: EE BS: E Physics. MS: Comnun. Set. S-PhD: Physics. Psychology &4 Math. June grads. Both Men & Women. Des., R. & D. Maumee Chemical Co., Res. & Dev., Toledo, Ohio & Cincinnati, Ohio-All Degrees: ChE. June & Aug. grads. Both Men & Women. Summer Employment: Only if interested in permanent em- ployment after graduation. R. & D. & Prod. Northrop Corp-, Northrop Div., Haw- thorne; Cal. Nortronics Div.-Electron- ic Sys. & Equip. Dept., Hawthorne, & Palos Verdes, Calif.-Al Degrees: AB & Astro., CE, BE, Met. & Nuclear. BS: E Math & E Physics. June lb Aug. grads. No ROTC Commitments. Both Men & Women. Des., R. & D., Prod., Analytical & Test. Pittsburgh-Des Moines Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.-BS-MS: CE. June & Aug, grads. Both Men & Women. Des., R. & D., Sales, Prod. Trng. Program which includes all of the above plus Plant & Erection-Construction. Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co., E. Chicago, Ind., Youngstown, Ohio-BS: ChE, EE, IE, ME & Met. Also BS in any program with MBA for Sales. Un- der 30 yrs. of age. Prod. & Sales. ROOMS for men: No landlord on prem- ises. 420 S. Division, NO 5-7806 . C3 LARGE FIVE-ROOM furnished apart- ment. Across from Engineering Arch. $40/month. $1110Y% S.U. NO 5-6012. C2 WANTED: Girl to share "large, attrac- tive, campus apartment" with two others. Reasonable rent. NO 5-0447. C40 FOR RENT: Furnished apartment close to, campus. NO 2-5385. C1 ON CAMPUS nice clean 3-room furn- ished apartment: $125 per month in- cludes utilities. Immed. occupancy. Call NO 2-1897 after 3. C39 WE HAVE available for the Easter holi- days-and our annual college invasion of Fort Lauderdale-a hotel room with private entrance and bath. Two double beds - will accommodate 4. $2.50 per person per night. 1 minute from the ocean-l block of U.S. No. 1. Get your reservations in early. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Sweet, 3000 NE 21st Terrace, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. C34 FOREST AVENUE-5 room, semi-fur- nished, suitable for 3 or 4 men. Elec- tric heat. $150 per mth. Phone 8-6931. C35 CAMPUS LOCATION Pleasant, large furnished room. Share kitchen. $15 per week. NO 2-7395. C37 MODERN 2 bedroom furn. apt., one half block to Bus. Admn. Very attrac- tive. Sublease avail. till June, Sept., or ? NO 2-7363 after 5. C31 ROOMMATE WANTED to share new 3-bedroom house with 3 male grads. Luxury for under $45. Call David or Don at NO 5-0871. C28 COMPLETELY furnished one room apartment. 813 East Kingsley. Clean and quiet. $50. Phone NO 8-6583. C27 APT. FOR University Personnel. Prefer single person or couple. Qiiet, refined, beautifully decorated. Furnished or unfurnished, $115-$135. William & S. Division. Call 2-0183 days, or NO 2- 2336 evenings. C24 LOT PARKING available. Call NO 2- 1443. 031 MON. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING SPECIAL SIX-DAY LINES ONE-DAY RATE ,2 .70 .58 3 .85 .70 4 1.00.8 Figure 5 average words to a line Call Classified beTween 1:00 and 3:00 Mon. thru Fri. Phone NO 2-4786 STUDIO, 800 sq. ft., Music, Dance, Re- ducing, Ceramic, large assembly room 33x15] 4 smaller rooms, over Pretzel Bell, 2-5 year lease. Will sell entire building of 3 floors. Call Lansing, ED 7-9305. R6 CONSTRUCTION TO START SOON Michigan's Finest Mobile Home Park espec. for retired people. 7 miles from Ann 'Arbor, 31 miles to shop- ping center. On excellent highway near 1-94. Country atmosphere. Lots 40x75' minimum, 5 services to each. Black top streets. Club House, Ad- ministration Bldg. including activ- ities rm., lounge, office, coffee shop, with groceries and drugs, laundry;, barber shop, rental rms. for over- night guests,. locker rooms, swim- ming pool, and garden plot. Persons interested in living in this park or investing in development, please write Box 100, Michigan Daily. 87 BARGAINS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS DURING THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY --.qmmm- T C-TED STANDARD SERVICE FRIENDLY SERVICE IS OUR BUSINESS Stop in now for brake work, engine tune-up, battery and tire check-up. South University & Forest NO 8-9168 84 m S I S BAUSCH and LOMB compound micro- scope. Excellent condition. NO 5- 5762. 'B7 THE NEW YORK TIMES delivered daily. Student Newspaper Agency, PO Box 241, Ann Arbor, Michigan. M10 MAGAZINES: For special student rates, call NO 2-3061 days or eve-, nings. Student Periodical Agency, Box 1161, Ann Arbor. Bl DIAMONDS-Charles Reaver Co. is of- fering for sale estate and imported diamonds. For appointment call NO 2-5685 after 6 P.M. X2 FREE Coke or Coffee with this ad after 8 P.M. at BABE'S GAY NINETIES] across from Hill Auditorium GSR INNELL'S5 NO 2-5667 Restyled Uprights Other Uprights $189 from $69.50 Hammond Organ was NOW $1455 $1195 Other Hammonds from $595 Used Baldwin Grand Piano only $395 Used Weber Grand Piano at $495 x1 NURSE, COUNSELORS for small boys' camp. Riflery, Waterfront, Gymnas- tics, Archery, Nature. Season from June 19 to Aug. 18. Will consider husband-wife, if wife is nurse. Sal- ary commensurate with extperience. Write giving training and background to Flying Eagle, 1251 Weber Drive, Lansing, Michigan. R6 HOUSING UNITS PARTNERLESS FOR MCH IGRAS send a representative to MICHIGRAS OFFICE THURS., FEB. 22 3:30 P.M. "Tareyton's Dual Filter in duas partes divisa est!" ACTIVATED CHARCl says veteran coach Romulus (Uncle) Remus; "We have a INNER FILTE saying over at the Coliseum -'Tareyton separates the gladia- tors from the gladioli'. It's a real magnus smoke. Take it e 'j4