TI V941 ATLY 7~ le Gaulle Government agrees on Cease-Fire o End Algerian War -AP Wirephoto DEBRIEFING-Astronaut Lt. Col. John H. Glenn, Jr. talks into a tape recorded aboard the destroyer Noa which plucked him from the sea after his flight around the world. Prepare Hero's Welcome For Glenn in Washington WASHINGTON 1P) - A hero's welcome with a traditional parade along Pennsylvania Ave. awaits Lt. Col. John Glenn, Jr. Monday while experts studied implications of his flight.a President John F. Kennedy will fly to Florida and bestow a Dis- tinguished Service Medal on Glenn at Cape Canaveral'tomorrow, and' then fly him back to.Washington Monday morning for the big cele- bration. Congress arranged for a Joint session to welcome the space pio- neer. This is an honor usually: reserved for speeches by the Pres- ident or the head of a foreign na- tion. , In the Bahamas, Glenn, pro- nounced by doctors to be in ex-a cellent condition, said he "felt no discomfort" from being weightless for four and one half hours in{ space. He declined to give details of his experiences yet, saying "we are still talking over what happened on the flight," and it is too early to make full assessments. He did report that during flight he was able to detect cities on earth, observed a bright band of light over the horizon at sunset and watched mysterious "fire- flies" flash by his capsule win- dow at dawn. In commenting on the import- ance of Glenn's flight; diplomatic sources agreed that its military significance may overshadow its scientific implications. Western experts said the United States now is firmly in the race for the moon, though some thought the Russians still had an edge' with greater rocket power at their disposal. Rebels Give Preliminary Acceptance Authorities Prepare For More Violence By The Associated Press PARIS-President Charles de Gaulle's government last night approved a cease-fire agreement aimed at ending the bloody seven- year war in Algeria and granting independence to the vast North African territory. The next move is up to the Al- gerian Rebel National Liberation Front council, which meets today in Tripoli. According to highly placed sources, a preliminary agreement was worked out Tues- day between French and rebel ne- gotiators. However, four fifths of the council members must approve the proposal. Besides the cease-fire, which may be instituted by Sunday, the plan endorses conditions for Al- geria's eventual self-determina- tion. A cabinet spokesman said the agreement also includes guaran- tees for the European minority in Algeria. This had been a major stumblinghb lo c k in previous French-rebel discussions and is a key factor in the Algerian Euro- pean population's attitude toward any accord with the rebels. The French cabinet met for slightly more than five hours, one of its longest sessions since Charles de Gaulle became president. Meanwhile, French military au- thorities in Algeria completed last minute plans to cope with any more violence that might be trig- gered by a cease-fire order. Authorities said the Algerian rebels were distributing tracts in the city of Algiers urging the half million Moslem residents to avoid clashes with Europeans and to "Demonstrate your joy within your own areas." But the French continued to have trouble with the Secret Ar- my Organization, the group which has pledged a last-ditch wave of violence to keep Algeria French and out of the hands of the country's nine million Moslems. For the first time, French troops clashed openly with members of the secret army in field combat yesterday, capturing a 13-man unit after a brief skirmish 40 miles west of Algiers. Hart Supports Fishery Lab Sen. Philip A. Hart (D-Mich) has recommended favorable con- siderations for a $1,448,000 bill to build a new fishery biological lab- oratory at the University. Presently an item in the Bureau of Fisheries budget, the proposal will soon be considered by the House Interior Appropriations Committee. The bill would provide a new two-story building to house 65 bu- reau employes for biological and technological research, exploratory fishing and market development. Current bureau activities are housed with the Institute of Fish- eries Research, which the Uni- versity plans to raze. Fanfani Set To Govern New Regime ROME (T)-Italy was presented last night with its most left-wing government in 15 years. But Premier-designate Amintore Fanfani declared the nation would stand firmly behind its commit- ments to the West. The 24-member cabinet will be sworn in today. Antonio Segni was retained as foreign minister and Giulio An- dreotti was kept as minister of defense. Both are staunch sup- porters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization The list of ministers included 19 Christian Democrats, counting Fanfani, Segni and Andreotti. Three posts went to the Demo- cratic Socialists and two to the Republicans. The coalition will lack a work- ing majority in Parliament but has been promised the voting sup- port of the so-called leftwing So- cialist Party headed by Pietro Nenni, who once formed a united front with Italy's Communists. Nennin's Socialists will not be represented in the cabinet.' Fanfani unveiled his govern- ment after 10 days of negotiations with various party leaders. The 'cabinet is expected to go before Parliament for a vote of confi- dence late next week. House Defeats Plan For Urban Affairs WASHINGTON (IP)-President John F. Kennedy's plan to create a new Department of Urban Affairs was killed in the House by a massive 264-150 margin yesterday. The rebuff-which some Democrats hope to make a hot campaign issue, this fall-was expected. And the 114-vote margin of rejection for the reorganization plan virtually made certain there will be no urban affairs chair at the cabinet table this year. Kennedy immediately expressed regret and predicted an urban affairs agency eventually would be created. 'Country's Loss' "I don't think it is so much the administration's loss as it is a loss for the city and the country," he said. In the voting 111 Democrats, cuisine . Art Devaney at the Rubalyat the Clarence Byrd Trio mostly Southerners, joined 153 Republicans to defeat the plan. Only 13 Republicans and 137 Democrats voted for it. The President had announced earlier he intended to name a Negro, Robert C. Weaver, to head the new department. Weaver now heads the Housing and Home Fi- nance Agency. Republican Dilemma This maneuver put Republicans, who said they disliked the idea on principle, in a seeming posi- tion of opposing a Negro cabinet member. In rebuttal, they, along with a solid bloc of Southern Democrats, accused Kennedy of injecting racism into a matter that should be decided on its mer- its. A movement seemed to be grow- ing to put Weaver in the cabinet anyway, as a replacement for Sec- retary of Welfare Abraham Rib- icoff, who plans to run for the Senate in Connecticut this year. In the House debate, Rep. Dante Fascell (D-Fla) led those who fa- vored the department. He said 70 per cent of the population now lives in urban areas. Agriculture Analogy "If the location of a majority of the population had a bearing on the establishment of the Depart- ment of Agriculture (nearly 100 years ago)," he said, "then the location of a majority of the popu- lation should have a bearing to- day ..."- Rep. George Meader (R-Mich) reiterated Republicancharges the department would be "premature, unnecessary ... and is contrary to sound principles of government organization." C-- AFL-CIO wednesday: will follow FRIDAYS and SATUR- DAYS with their sophisticated rhythm. Once again the RUBAYAT brings the best to the City of Ann Arbor. Plants Drive For Voting BAL HARBOUR, Fla. (P)-Or- ganized labor launched yesterday an expanded 1962 political drive aimed at increasing liberal forces in Congress by getting more work- ers to register and vote. Administrators of the AFL- CIO's Committee on Political Ed- ucation announced they are start- ing earlier and with more money on the fall election campaign to reverse the historic off-year trend against the administration in power. An AFL-CIO spokesman con- firmed that unions have decided to put up $750,000 to finance a registration drive to get union members and adult members of their families qualified to vote. 50 Per Cent More This is nearly half again as much as the $580,000 spent in the 1960 political campaign for voter registration efforts that the union chiefs maintained was a major factor in electing President John F. Kennedy. The money goes to pay for pos- ters, sound trucks, checks of reg- istration rolls and even baby sit- ters. In addition to the- registration drive fund froft union dues Mon- ey, the labor organizations also have set a $3 million goal for $1 contributions from union members toward a separate fund to finance individual candidates. Meany Comments. George Meany, AFL-CIO presi- dent and national COPE chair- man, said that "labor's enemies" are building political war chests bigger than ever and unions can't afford to remain spectators in a "game that vitally affects the lives and welfare of all." "Business and industry are:step- ping up their political campaigns," Meany said in a film recorded for showing to union members across the country. "They're getting more money, and they're lining up more man- agement people as political work- ers. We have the manpower, if we get moving. We even have the money-not as much, but enough -if we all contribute." YR's To Attend State Meeting smorgusbord 341 S. Main St. Phone NO 3-2401 ANN ARBOR CIVIC BALLET PRESENTS AT Ann Arbor High -2 Performances Friday, March 9-8:30 P.M. SWAN LAKE (Second Act) . . . Music: Tschaikowsky; Choreography: George Balanchine. ORIGINAL SIN .. . Music: John Lewis; Choreog- raphy: Lew Christensen. SYMPHONY IN C: Music: Georges Bizet; Choreography: George Balanchine: Tickets: Main Floor $3.50-$2.50. Balcony $3.50-$2.50-$1.50. All seats reserved. Saturday, March 10-- Matinee 2:30 P.M. VARIATIONS do BALET. Music: Glazunov; Choreography: 8alan- chine-Christensen. CAPRICE .. Music: Franz van Suppe; Choreog- raphy: Lew Christensen. THE NUTCRACKER SUITE. .. Music: Tchoi- kowsky; Choreography: Lew Christensen. Tickets: Children (thru High School)--$1.50. Adults $3.00. General admission. PLEASE NOTE CHANGES IN PRESENTATION OF BALLETS'. Tickets on sale at Grinnell's-The Disc Shop-Marshall's Book Shop. Mail orders: Make checks payable and mail to Ann Arbor Civic Ballet, 1103 South University, Ann Arbor. Enclose self-stamped, addressed envelope. I U gourmet night 4.afrench I tuesday: A television, radio and recording artist, who played for several years with FREDDY MARTIN, will make his Ann Arbor Debut at the RUBAIYAT, on Thursday, February 22. Mr. Devaney will delight you with his versatile piano interpretations with the best of dinner and listen- ing music. He will be playing every THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY at 6:30 P.M. AMINTORE FANFANI A..new look in Italy loo World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy said yesterday a board quizzing Francis Gary Powers about his capture and imprison- ment in Russia so far has found no evidence that the U-2 pilot did not comply with his government contract. After the interrogation is completed next week, Kennedy said, Powers will be available to any congressional committees who want to question him and to newsmen. WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy said yesterday that there is no chance for tax reduction. The country may be in a posi- tion to cut taxes in a few years, he added, but this depends on con- tinued prosperity. SANTO DOMINGO-The Dominican government yesterday de- clared a state of national emergency and appealed for moderation and avoidance of provocations. Informants reported five young leftists had been arrested and charged with illegal importation of arms. CAPE CANAVERAL-The United States plans next week to launch the world's first orbiting solar observatory to probe basic mysteries of the sun and how its rays affect the earth. The satellite, nicknamed OSO, may provide man with his first undistorted study of the sun. CAIRO-President Gamul Nasser of the United Arab Republic and Marshal Tito of Yugoslavia yesterday warned against what they called the threat of regional economic groupings which "seriously affect the economic interests of developing countries as well as other countries not included in the groupings." * * * * NEW YORK-Standard and Poor's stock index showed the 500 main stocks off .34 yesterday in a routine trading session. * * * * JAKARTA-President Sukarno urged the Dutch last night to be- lieve in Indonesia's "sincere desire to settle peacefully" the West New Guinea issue. But he held to his demand that Indonesia will negotiate the matter only if the Netherlands agrees in advance to transfer ad- ministration of the disputed territory to Indonesia. I LN THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PROFESSIONAL THEATRE PROGRAM 11 '4c ;. / . :fx . . ,4 A group the Young of 25 delegates from Republican Club will j f Pure d desig sweet The s bodic top, s skirt i attend the convention of the Michigan Federation of College Young -Republican Clubs next Fri- day and Saturday in Port Huron. Following the keynote address by Constitutional Convention del- egate Rockwell T. Gust (R-Grosse Pointe) Friday night, the YR's will adopt their annual platform and elect officers Saturday morn- ing. Steven Stockmeyer, '63, will run for state chairman. 4)..-V HILL AUDITORIUM 11 8:30 P.M. I r - U I Ef "Breathes immortal fire!" -N.Y. Times I silk shantung, deftly gned into a ping party fashion. shoulder-bowed ce in a straight-away seamed at the io a bias inset, the in rippling multi-gores. Blue.. 5 to 13. 39.95. CHALLENGE MEETING Planning of the Semester's Program for: THE CHALLENGE WORKSHOP on SEX ETHICS, " PRE-MARITAL RELATIONS " MIXED MARRIAGE Workshop Leaders: DAVID and VERA MACE Co-Executive Directors, American Association of Marriage Counselors 3:00-5:00 P.M. "Incomparable!" BOX OFFICE OPENS MARCH 12 I "Compelling and fascinating!" -N.Y. Herald-Tribune MAIL ORDERS NOW TO: U-M Professional Theatre Program a Frieze Bldg., Ann Arbor, Michigan a/ Prices: Orch. $4.00; I2st ba'c. $3.50,_$3.00; 2nd balc. $2.00, $1.00. / / Mail orders promptly filled. Make check payable to: U-M Professional Theatre Program. Please enclose I e stamped self-addressed envelope. * I Enclosed is $ for seats at -each for MEDEA 62. I -Saturday Review