e mtrglgan Batt - Seventy-Second Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNivERSrrY OF MICHIGAN .. UNDER AUTHORITY Op BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS "Where Opinions AreFre" STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MIcH. * Phone NO 2-3241 Truth Will Prevail" Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily expressthe individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SIMILAR IN METHODS AND VALUES: Khrushchev and Welch Blood Brother Y, FEBRUARY 21, 1962 NIGHT EDITOR: MICHAEL HARRAH' The Race for Progress Is Not the Race for War ESHALL no longer wonder about the stars, we shall visit them. The successful orbital flights of John Glenn, Yuri Gargarin and Gherman Titov have proved this. It is important that both countries at- tempting space ventures have succeeded. It seems obvious that the race to space is indeed a game of competition. It seems obvious that the race to space often has objectives centered on the, earth. And it seems obvious tlat the race to space is just a game of war. These perceptions often lead to cynicism and unreasoned bitterness. Yes, the Russians put a man up there first. Yes, the American Spneech 100 EACH SEMESTER future teachers troop to- wards the registration tangle marked 'Speech 100.' And each semester a majority of these students receive three hours credit for a course whic h essentially does them no good. Speech 100 is aimed at future public speak- ers. It is not aimed at the majority of the students required to take the course in order to receive a teaching certificate or be admitted to the school of education. Teachers need a special course since they are faced with a dif- ferent type of speaking situation. A teacher need not know how to make con- cluding remarks so as to influence an audience nor how to use quick, "cute" devices to attract attention. What they do need is to learn how to communicate as teachers to students, a very 4pecialized form of public speaking. T WOULD REQUIRE very little extra work for the speech department to split the speech sections into some for teachers only and some for students interested in public speaking. Special sections for teachers could be de- voted to the various techniques used in present- ing classroom lectures, discussion groups and other areas of oral communication used In classes. ~ Textbooks now used which devote chapters to the "after-dinner speech" and "stagefright" would be replaced with new books dealing with the uses of visual aids (blackboards, charts and graphs) in the classroom, selections of subjects and methods of presentation for student re- ports and the teacher's role in a classroom dis- cussion. Through these innovations teachers would be taking a required course which would be useful when they go to work. The required speech course should be' constructed on the premise that teachers will be, in class in the future. Otherwise they will continue to waste three hours of class a week. --ELLEN SILVERMAN Educating Ca HE PROBLEM of student responsibility is faced after every panty raid, before every decision -made by the Administration and be- fore and during every student body vote for Student Government Council members. At the center of the problem is that body of undergraduates, graduates and assorted species who can act individually with utmost lack of taste and respect, and yet at times have acted responsibly and maturely. The simple question is how to increase stu- dent responsibility. The first answer is to com- bat lack of information and the lack of con- sciousness about on-campus issues. Referen- dums like the one on the National Student Association and an election for Council mem- bers require an educated student body. WHAT IS NEEDED, and immediately, is an all-campus orientation program. Lectures, seminars, literature are orthodox educational methods which could be implemented simply and quickly. A motion could be brought up at SGC stat- ing that Council will institute a lecture series on problems, current issues, institutions and personalities at the University. "The image" of the University, as expounded by President Harlan Hatcher, is a fruitful area for explora- tion. As a future proposal, SGC could consider a program like the Freshman Seminar, currently used at the University of Illinois. Approximate- ly 100 freshmen are chosen, after selective testing, to participate in what is essentially an educational program for the Student Senate. Many campus leaders, in all areas, have come out of this training ground. The Seminar is not a cure-all for the ills Editorial Staff JOHN ROBERTS, Editor PHILIP SHERMAN FAITH WEINSTEIN City Editor Editorial Director SUSAN FARRELL............Personnel Director PETER STUART .... ...............Magazine Editor MICHAEL BURNS........ .........Sports Editor PAT GOLDEN ...................Associate City Editor RICHARD OSTLING .;.....Associate Editorial Director DAVID ANDREWS ............Associate Sports Editor CLIFF MARKS................Associate Sports Editor press wil claim a victory for our man and belittle the Russian achievement. Indeed, the American public will become complacent and feast on the fruits of pride. The, public will claim victory and President Kennedy can mark up an accomplishment for his administration. NONE OF THESE views are valid. Today is a day of achievement-for all men-only, we must take a longer view of history to realize its significance. 'Science and invention have often been viewed as the cause of war and destruction. Often the evils of life have been attributed to pro- gress. The coming of the cotton gin, the idea of an assembly line, the splitting of the atom and the invention of the airplane have all been viewed with horror sometime during the course of history. However, all of these have bettered the world in the long run. In fact, it is the forces that restrain progress and inhibit the advancement of the intellectual frontier that cause the death and destruction so often at- tributed toprogress. It was not the splitting of the atom that built the atom bomb nor was it the invention of the airplane that led to death in World War I. Rather, wars destroy and inhibit the progress of man. The atmos- phere of progress is not the atmosphere of war. The spiral of cynicism in some and com- placency in others that will result from the astronaut's flights is the force that will create a war, not the flights themselves. IT IS EASY to say we are headed towards war and we are headed towards space, hence the race to space will cause the war. It is harder to say that with or without the space race we will have war We always make excuses, yet every few decades, like lemmings, we plunge ourselves into the sea of destruction. Progress is separate from destruction. Its victories are the victories of mankind; its defeats are the defeats of mankind. If we have a war, it will not be the fault of man's urge to advance further, it will be he fault of men who would impede this urge through terror and stupidity. The space race is, therefore, not a game of war. It does, however, represent two efforts to achieve one of man's goals. It is in this respect that yesterday's flight marked real success. IE FLIGHT was not a success because we did what the Russians did, nor was it a success because we did what we could not do before. It was a success because all of mankind has achieved a step in the race to space- in the race to a better world. --FRED RUSSELL KRAMER m pus Interest. at the University of Illinois, nor would it be for the University of Michigan, but it is a posi- tive step toward a better educated student body. This Freshman Seminar program could be ef- fectively coordinated with the new orientation plans under discussion by SGC. It could con- tinue the work begun during Orientation Week on, an intensified basis and could involve many potentially qualified freshmen in campus activity before they retreat into their dormi- tory cubbyholes. "CAMPUS CLOSE-UPS," a present orienta- tion program, could be extended in scope and depth, featuring University administrators and faculty members, as well as student lead- ers. The committee system within SGC is an- other effective organ through which to increase \ responsibility and awareness. Often these com- mittees stagnate or die for lack of interested student participation and leadership. The bur- den of the committees should not be left to the Council members alone. These committees can increase student-Council contact while increasing student interest in SGC and the campus at large. A committee presently operating is called the Research Pool. Its function is to gather in- formation for the Standing Committees. De- spite Daily advertisements, there have been no applications for membership and the committee continues to lack full strength and power. If Council educates students about the existence of these committees, need people and are in- teresting opportunities for campus activities could be accomplished, then a worthwhile group like the Research Pool would not be ignored by the campus. WHEN COUNCIL voted down the Glick- Robert's motion on Authority Over Student Rules and Conduct, it expressed a fear that students could not handle responsibility. SGC did not feel the average student had the capa- bility to make his own rules and to abide by them. Ironically, SGC has allowed a referendum to pass which will allow students to decide if they wish to remain in the National Student Asso- ciation. SOC's confused philosophy reflects political interests mainly, but the problem still nn nv ..A ,._. __-- By KENNETH WINTER Daily Staff Writer THEY MAY never become fra- ternity brothers, but Robert Welch and Nikita S. Khrushchev have quite a lot in common. Most obvious and notorious are the similarities in their methods of pursuing their goals. Many writers have noted that Welch's John Birch Society uses Commu- nist tactics - front groups, infil- tration, extra-legal activities, dis- tortion of history, and iinonolithic organization. Anti-Communist Welch has a defense for these activities. Refer- ring to a proposed smear campaign in the Birch magazine "American Opinion", he declares, "the . . technique, when used skillfully in this way, is mean and dirty. But the Communists we are after are meaner and dirtier, and too slip- pery for you to put your fingers on them in the ordinary way ..." At another point, after outlining the centrally-dominated organiza- tion of the Birch Society, he gen- erously allows that this idea is based on a principle originated by Lenin. "And we are, in fact, willing to draw on all successful human experience, so longas it does not involve any sacrifice of morality in the means used to achieve an end." ** * WHEN T)flE end to be achieved is one of the Birch Society's goals, morality stretches pretty far - far enough, in fact, to include most of the Communists' own tactics. But let someone with different aims use the same methods and Mr. Welch's elastic morality snaps back into a tight little ball. That person, be he Joseph Stalin or Dwight D. Eisenhower, is now not only immoral, but a dedicated, Conscious Agent of The Commu- nist Conspiracy. An interesting thought: couldn't someone have a ball using Welch's methods to "prove" that the John Birch Society is a Communist front? DESPITE THE moral inconsis- tencies and devious procedures of the John Birch Society, we must consider another question before flatly condemning the group. We, as Americans, feel that our so- ciety, even with its faults, is pref- erable to Communism. Since the Communists would like to impose their way of life upon us, should we not look upon the Birch Society as a defending army, and forgive them their methods, as we forgive acts of murder com- mitted by our Army in war? After all, certainly Mr. Welch's ideology is preferable to Mr. Khrushchev's. * * * OR IS IT? One clue to Mr. Welch's picture of an ideal Amer- ica is given by his comments on nations of today. He sums up the era of Trujillo as "the best and most humane government the Do- minican Republic has had since 1821 . . He disclosed that Portugal, un- der the "direction" of Antonio Sal- azar, "has enjoyed both tranquility and, in proportion to her resources, prosperity." He happily notes that Salazar's iron rule has established "the most stable government in Europe," and points out that Por- tugal has been one of the few en- lightened countries to realize "that 'democracy' was a luxury she could not afford." He also praised Sala- zar's Angola policy, and adds, "it is to be hoped that he has prepared a successor of comparable wis- dom," Welch has similar praise for such utopias as Spain and the Un- ion of South Africa. For most of the rest of the world's governments (including America's), Mr. Welch has varying degrees of contempt. His degree of contempt for a nation, of course, is directly proportional to the per- centage of Communist domination over its government (which Mr. Welch has helpfully summed up in precise figures. The United States, in case you hadn't noticed, is 40-60 per cent Communist-con- trolled) IT BECOMES apparent that Welch's values are based on one thing: anti-Communism. And here the first similarity of values be- tween him and Khrushchev ap- pears: though their political ideals are on the opposite end of the "left-right" spectrum, both say, in effect, "Whatever advances my political ideal is Good, True and Beautiful; whatever opposes it is evil, false and despicable. There is no middle ground - you're for me, or you're against me." With this as a base, other paral- lels between Marxist and Bircher may be drawn. They are less ob- vious and less notorious than the superficial organizational similar- ities, but more important. Khrushchev and Welch share a disbelief in the wisdom and per- ceptiveness of the common man". A basic tenet of Communism is that the average proletarian is too stupid to know that Communism is The True Way. So, the enlightened Party must force this poor clod to join the revolution, for his own good. Welch condemns democracy be- cause it does not protect the nation from "the voters' gullibility" and "the sudden whims of the elector- ate" (which have been especially whimsical in the last thirty years, since Mr. Welch does not agree with them). In short, he agrees with the Communists that people must be protected from them- selves - a sort of compulsory "in loco parentis" for everybody. * * * YET BOTH Khrushchev and Welch seem to expect a change in human nature at some utopian moment in the future. At this point authoritarian control over men can safely be minimized. For Khrushchev, "the state will wither away" and all comrades will be free, happy and full of socialist love. Welch's ideal is "less govern- ment, more responsibility for the individual. Suddenly, the gullible voter becomes a responsible indi- vidual. .Under the all-embracing import- ance of their respective ideologies, Khrushchev and Welch are able to rationalize a long list of injustices. Marxism makes a noble institution of torture, mass murder and ag- g r e s s i o n: "anti-Communism" sanctions dictatorship, bigotry and cruelty. And finally, both men, dogmat- ically committed to the correctness of their beliefs, feel justified in imposing them upon others. Khrushchev, being in a position of great power, can do so more blunt- ly and forcibly. Welch is less suc- cessful; he must resort to name- calling, innuendo and other emo- tional tricks in his attempts to im- pose his "American ideals" upon America. But he does all he can; given more power, he would un- doubtedly do more. IN ITSELF, the Birch Society is hardly worth denouncing any more - today in this nation it is almost as frequently and safely attacked as the Communists. But the char- acteristics it represents - those which, as we have said, it shares with Communism - are worth pointing out and remembering. These ideologies and methods must be equally opposed when used by any group, no matter how much we may agree or disagree with its economic or social theories. In this way, we can recognize and fight future Khrushchevs and Welches; and at the same time avoid the mistake of calling liber- alism, socialism and Communism the same thing, and equating cap- italism, conservatism and the radi- cal right. . EDGAR HOOVER: "The Communist Party has operated hun- dreds of major fronts in practically every field of Party agitation." Robert Welch: The John Birch Society must organize "little fronts, big fronts, temporary fronts, permanent fronts, all kinds of fronts." * * * * J. Edgar Hoover: "The Party desperately seeks to infiltrate .. . civic and community groups. It desires to make these organiza- tions, in various ways, serve Party interests." Robert Welch: Instructions to Society members - "Join your local PTA ... get your conservative friends to do likewise, and go to work to take it over.. . when you and your friends get your local PTA straight- ened out, move up the ladder as soon as you can to exert a wider in- fluence." * * * * Constitution of the United States Communist Party: "The National Committee is the highest authority of the Party . . . a Party member shall accept the Party program." Robert Welch: We shall build the organizational framework from the bottom up ... in order to keep strict and careful control on what every chapter is doing, and even every member of every chapter .. William Z. Foster, former Communist leader: "Communist parties, in line with Lenin's teachings, constantly strengthen the fiber of their organization by cleansing their ranks of elements that have become confused, corrupted, worn-out, or defeated." Party leader Earl Browder was expelled for "developing factional activity and for betraying the principles of Marxism-Leninism." Robert Welch: "Those members which cease to feel the necessary degree of loyalty can either resign or will be put out before they build up any splintering following of their own inside the Society. We're not going to have factions developing on the two-sides-to-every-question theme." Nikita S. Khrushchev: "The guiding spirit of the German militarists (of World War II) was in the imperialist forces of the Western powers." Robert Welch: World War II was largely due to "the world-wide diplomatic conniving of Stalin's agents for the advantage of making a wartime ally of the Western nations, and for the sake of the chaos and resulting opportunities the war would provide." (In neither of these revisions of history is Hitler left with the major blame.) V. I. Lenin: "The only choice is: either bourgeois or socialist ideology. There is no middle course." Welch, too, is prone to thinking in either-or terms: "Either you, and tens of thousands like you, come into the John Birch Society ... or in a very few years you will, by force, be devoting all to the main- tenance of a Communist slave state." * * * * U.S. Communist Party statement: ". . . in the United States fascism is being carried through under the mask of democracy." Robert Welch: "Democracy is simply a deceptive phrase, a weapon of demagoguery, and a perennial fraud." GLENN FLIGHT: Three Orbits: Jst A Sart LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: O t IDOTt s- Living in Sororities The Insider's. View To the Editor: I[AVING read The Daily's edi- torial on sorority rush and liv- ing in Sunday's edition, we feel the necessity to give our views on "the gay, light and wonderful" image of sorority life. Although our ex- perience is limited to one semester of sorority living (in contrast to the broad, second-hand, exper- ience of Miss Wacker and Miss Holmes, who in light of the ac- curacy of their information have not even rushed) we would like to present a truly pro-view of sor- ority living. First, may we set you straight on a few points of misinformation: 1) Sorority girls occasionally emerge from their homey houses on Washtenaw and Hill to attend classes, visit friends in the dorm, partake in campus activities and, in general, mix with the multitude. 2) Our smiles are meant to put a rushee at ease and to express our sincere welcome. 3) Parties during mixers last for a period of 40 minutes during which a rushee may meet from three to five or six actives. 4) Speaking from personal ex- perience,- topics of conversation have ranged from kibbutzes and Michigan politics to something as "light, gay, and wonderful" as our homey furnishings. 5) It has also been our exper- ience that we choose individuals to live in our house in the same manner as we select our friends. It is absurd to assume that our stan- dards consist of material posses- sions, connections, and personal appearance. One does not live with epithets, but human beings. Your statement is an insult to our in- tegrity, and it falsely associates all sororities with shallowness and superficiality. We are University women, and attribute to ourselves the maturity and independence which is automatically attributed to the independent. 6) Contrary to The Daily's un- just statement, we welcome strong, opposing opinions. There is no magic transformation during the move from the dorm to the soror- ity house. Each person retains her individuality and during rush is interested in meeting other indi- viduals, not the stereoetyped "cool" girl. 7) We resent Miss Wacker's im- plication that a "truly liberal edu- cation" cannot be had by those living in a sorority house. We are not gay socialites, who think and move along only one line. That is as unfair as assuming The Daily to be Communistic. accepting' and rejecting those of others, while deepening our under- standing of ourselves. Because one cannot shelter herself from these views, friendships have resulted in a respect for not in a submission to others. Consequently, the only "oneness" that exists in a sorority is formed through the bond of friendship and respect, not group dictates. We recognize that it is not a perfect system. Rush is sometimes unnervingly systematic, but be- cause of the time limit and endless number of rushees, it must' be highly organized. The human ele- ment redeems the seemingly me- chanical procedures. The warmth and genuine interest of an active toward a rushee supercedes the necessary regimentation. The "pretty wonderful things" of sorority living were mistakenly defined. We hope we have shown that they certainly are not mani- fest in kitchen odors or rolling green lawns, and only a small part is contained in social advantages or security. These opinions reflect our personal experiences and are sincerely expressed to eradicate the misconceptions aroused by your article. --Katy Ford, '64 -Marty Gough, '64 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN 'form to Room 3564 Administration Building before 2 p.m., two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 General Notices' The First Installment, covering at least half of Spring Semester fees, is due and payable on or before Feb. 26. Engineers: "Your Negotiations for Employment" will be discussed by Prof. John G. Young, director, Engineering Placement, wed., Feb. 21, and Thurs., Feb. 22, at 4:00 p.m. in 311 west Engi- neering. All interested students are in- vited and engineers who expect to graduate this year are especially urged to attend one of these meetings. The persons listed below have been selected as ushers for the remainder of the Choral Union and Extra Series Concerts, and they must pick up their tickets at the Box Office of Hill Audi- torium, on Wed., Feb. 21, from 5 p.m. to 6, p.m. The list follows: Richard H. Barchi, Kathleen Burgess, Ronald Barn- hart, Sanford Cohen, Charles Edward Carson, R. Terry Czerwinski, Gerald S. CookM Mary Eberhadrt, Robert B. Gwyn, Steven H. Greene, Robert Greenes, Car- ole Greenes, Larry Gottlieb, David A. Huisman, John Hughes, Kimi Hokama, Bernard Heideman, Edward H. Hohman, Koibrun Ingimarsdottir, Marty Iser, Marcia Ilton, JoAnne Ivory, Diane Jac- obson, Harriet Johnson, Norma Kerlin, Ronald Jay Krone, Youngsock C. Kim, Hyun K. Kim, Mervyn Joel Klein. Also, Paul Scheel Larsen, Thomas R. T.eTe. n.is L.udwicr Jeanne Ann Regents' Meeting: Fri., March 16. Communications for consideration at this meeting must be in the President's hands not later than March 6. Please submit TWENTY copies of each com- munication. History Make-Up 'Examinations will be held Sat., March 3, 9-12 a.m. in Room 25 Angell Hall. Please consult your instructor and then sign the list in the History Office, 3601 Haven Hall. Applications for the Selective Service college qualification test are now being distributed at the Ann Arbor Selective Service Board, 103 East Liberty. Appli- cations must be in by March 27, 1962. Events Wednesday Stanley Quartet: The Stanley Quar- tet will present a recital on Wed., Feb. 21, 8:30 p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The Quartet will perform for the first time in Ann Arbor a com- missioned work by Ulysses Kay, dedi- cated to the Stanley Quartet and writ- ten in 1961. Other compositions to be performed are by Haydn and Beet- hoven. Open to the public without charge. Public Lecture: Dr. Joseph Mersand, Jamaica High School, L.I., will speak on, "The Satisfactions of Teaching English in High School," at 4:10 p.m., Wed., Feb. 21, in Aud. A. Events Thursday The Seminar in Mathematical Statis- tics will meet on Thurs., Feb. 22, at 4 p.m. in 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. D. A. Jones will speak "On Nonparametric Es- timation." Discussion: "Cross Cultural Encoun- ter." Potential factors of tension in inter-cultural dating & marriage, by Dr. & Mrs. David Mace, at 7:30 p.m. in the multi-purpose room of the Under- By RONALD WILTON Daily Staff Writer T HE FLIGHT of astronaut' John Glenn around the earth is a significant step in the conquest of space, especially from the American point of view. Unfortun- ately, the publicity and the un- controllable delayshwhich have 'built up tension, the shot will probably have one bad result. It will leave the impression in many American's minds that we are ahead of the Russians in the space race. When one talks about who is ahead in the space race there. are two criteria which are ,usually used. The first of these is the amount of information a satellite ors probe sends back from space. This is the criteria which many people in the. United States use because by and large we are ahead in this. Our satellites, although much lighter than those of Russia have been more numerous and more specialized. Such satellites s Tiros, which sends back pictures of cloud formations and other data affect- ing weather; Courier and Echo which are testing various methods of communication relay systems; Transit, which is the forerunner of an operational navigation satel- lite system and others have given us specialized information that will eventually lead to the com- mercial exploitation of space. *' * * THE SECOND CRITERIA is the amount ' of payload a nation is able to place in space. This is the criteria used when a manned shot is involved because the weight of the capsule that the carrier rocket can lift will determine the num- ber of men to be carried, the num- ber of possible orbits, the height of the orbits, and the type of re- covery system used. The weight placed in orbit depends upon the thrust (power) of the carrier rocket and in this area the Rus- sians are definitely ahead of us. The first stage of the rocket used to put Gagarin and Titov in orbit has been estimated by our scientists to have from 800,000 to 1 million pounds of thrust. The Atlas, which was the rocket used to send Glenn into. orbit, has a thrust of 360 thousand pounds. The effect of this can be seen by the fact that Glenn's Mercury capsule weighed around 2,000 pounds whereas the Vostok capsule used by the two Russians weighed over 10 thousand pounds. Further- more, the Vostok carried equip- ment which enabled its occupants to come down over earth whereas Glenn was forced to come down in the water because the Mercury capsule is unable to carry the la~ninu Pfminment neesarv to two or more men into a week long orbit. THE GLENN FLIGHT is im- portant for the United States be- cause it is our first orbital flight and it has supplied us with infor- mation which we could not obtain from thesuborbital shots of Sheppard and Grissom. But the flight of Glenn should not be thought of in terms of a victory for the United States any more than the flights of Gagarin and Titov were victories for the Russians. Space flight belongs to the human race as a whole; the science that supports it has been developed by the race as a whole and ther are no national boun- daries in space. Unfortunately the international situation in the world today have made space exploits a part of national policy; and they must be viewed in this context because national considerations are among the strongest factors in getting financial support for space pro- jects. The United States had no space program to speak of until the Russians sent up Sputnik I and startled us out of our apathy. One of the biggest reasons,Pres- ident Kennedy supports a program to put an American on the moon is the fact that we have been second in three important space. events (the first satellite, the first to hit the moon, and the first man) and American prestige around the world has suffered ac- cordingly. As long as the United States is worried about its position in the space race it will support a space program. * * * ,. ONE TROUBLE with the Glenn shot is that its significance will be exaggerated. Rightly proud over its success, Americans will soon magnify it to the/point where they will claim that we are equal to the Russians and even in posi- tion to pull away. The press, knowing that this is what the public wants to hear after several years of Russian first, will probably join the band- wagon without giving a compre- hensive analysis of the position of the two countries, an analysis which could only show the USSR ahead. The greatest danger lies in the chance that this public as- surance will be reflected in Con- gress, accompanied by demands for a cut in the appropriations for space programs, or at least a speed-up of military space systems in place of civilian programs. Such a cut, if affected would be a disas- ter for mankind as well as the United States. '* * * ONE DAY in the future when +fi w,,nrl1 Awll'h ,a roanA i+i IN CONCLUSION we would like to say that we have found while being a part of a very personal living situation, we have been ex- posed to, but not forced to accept, standards, opinions, and basic philosophies which may differ from our own. Because of this, we have been forced to examine our own values,