THE MICHIGAN DAILY evisions. ).n Hligher Delay Con-Con Education Plan Faxon, Hart, Downs Take Last Stand Constitutional Status Of Board Discussed By CAROLINE DOW and BUEL TRAPNELL Special To The Da* LANSING - Questions of ap pointment procedure and constitu tional status for a community col lege advisory board are holding up constitutional convention approva of the higher education proposa. With the entire provision passe in the first reading yesterday aft- ernoon, last ditch efforts are be ing made to revive issues vote down in committee of the whole debate. The education committee's de- cision to make appointment pro- cedure dependent on the execu- tive branch committee decision t insure constitutional uniformity failed to forestall premature de- bate on the subject. Democratic Riders Detroit Democrats Adelaide Hart and Tom Downs have pre- sented three amendments of fer- ing alternatives to appointment confirmation procedure in an at- tempt to force an early or "test" decision from the convention. The "advice and consent of the Senate," "advice -and consent of the House of Representatives" or "without the objection of the Sen- ate" are the three Hart and Downs alternatives. Jack Faxon (D-De- troit) has offered the fourth alter- native of the "advice and consent of the state board of education." Education Committee Chairman Alvin M. Bntley (R-Owosso) re- ported at the end of the session that he "didn't care what proce- dure was approved as long as the proposal was accepted." A previous amendment to supply a specific j procedure was strongly voted down yesterday. Minority Report A minority report recommending the deletion of a provision for a community college advisory board was brought up as an amendment in the second reading after it had been defeated 47-69 as an amend- ment to the first reading in com- mittee of the whole. The convention will consider the second reading amendments today and will vote upon the entire pro- posal. The proposal will go to the style^ and drafting committee and then return to the floor to be voted into the draft of the .constitution. Earlier yesterday, amid tempor- ary adjournments to watch the telecast of John Glenn's orbit shot, the convention made a different type of history by providing com- munity colleges with their first constitutional dignity, and open- ing governing board meetings to the public. Fourth and Final The convention passed the fourth and final section of the higher education proposal which provides for legislative establish- ment and support of community and junior colleges. It further pro- vides that these institutions will be supervised and controlled by locally elected boards. Section D also provided, in spite of a minority, report asking its re- moval, a special board to advise the state board of education on supervision, planning and budget unification of the community col- leges. An amendment to open all for- mal governing board meetings to the public by constitutional direc- tion passed without controversy. This action will reverse present tradition and will force education- al institutions to make public all financial and policy decisions, which must be reviewed in formal governing board meetings.. Amendment Allows The amendment was proposed by Harold Morris (D-Detroit) to allow more leeway to governing boards in their' procedure. Testi- mony by former University Regent Roscoe R. Bonisteel (R-Ann Ar- bor) commending the present sys- tem of. designating the president to preside aided in the defeat of the amendment for the University, MSU and WSU. Glenn Blasts Of f MILITARY STRATEGY: Britain Adopts New Policy Of Complete Air Mobility MONGOLIAN RESOLUTION. U.N. Rejects Cuba Complaint UNITED NATIONS (R) - The General Assembly yesterday de- the resolution by the United States The Mongolian move was an feated a last-ditch Communist bid proved it had "active plans of in- fort to reverse the decision of for United Nations action on Cu- tervention." Assembly's political commit ba's charges of United States in- The United States and 19 Lat- which last Thursday voted dow tervention, in American countries-all but Czechoslovak - Romanian reso Cuba-voted together against the tion upholding Cuba's charg The Assembly defeated a mild resolution. Plimpton told the Assemblyt Mongolian resolution on the sub- -Pipo odteAsml Mongct an by3sotsifor vontes Nearly all United States allies Communist bloc was "trying jestby ? vtesfor,45 ote inWestern Europe, Asia and the bring in through the back do against and 18 abstentions. The old British Commonwealth also what was thrown out at the fr resolution simply recalled that the voted against the proposal, as did door." UN aims "to develop friendly re- South Africa. Cuba, the 10-nation Austrian delegate Franz Mats( eqans rightscsef-dtriatidon Soviet bloc, Yugoslavia and many explaining why he voted agait eqad mugtua elfiterene.ti nonaligned African and Asian the Mongolian resolution, s and mutual noninterference. It countries voted for it. Finland, Austria followed UN principles' did not even mention the Cuban Sweden, Cyprus, Pakistan, Laos, felt that restating them in co complaint. Lebanon, Liberia and several nection with Cuba's charges h Plimpton Calls French-speaking African coun- plied that the charges were Ju United States delegate Francis tries abstained. fied. T. P. Plimpton called it a "trans-- - -- ________ parent cold-war propaganda reso- lution" and a trick aimed to trap votes for "crude, defamatory and false charges." He claimed it had j been decisively rejected. But Soviet delegate Valerian A. and m ore Zorin said the votes of 37 Afri- can, Asian and Commuist delega- tions in favor of the resolution meant that "countries represent- ing more than half of humanity are against the United States on this matter." He said that by vot- " E ASON ing against the proposal, the Unit- Pastel Wools ed States showed it did not wantAN N I N to abandon "preparations for a Dark new aggression" against Prime Wools Minister Fidel Castro's Cuba. Blocking Resolutions Rayons - Cuban delegate Mario Garcia- Inchaustegui said the blocking of ma -AP Wirephoto FIRST U.S. ORBIT-An Atlas rocket lifted Lt. Col. John Glenn from the Cape Canaveral launching pad and sent the astronaut on a successful three-orbit space flight yesterday. Nearly five hours later, Glenn's Mercury capsule landed safely in the Atlantic and was recovered by the Navy. World News Roundup By The Associated Press WASHINGTON - The House approved a temporary $2 billion increase in the national debt limit yesterday. The 251-144 vote sent the legislation to the Senate where Chairman Harry F. Byrd (D-Va) 'said his finance commit- tee would take it up Feb. 28. He predicted quick Senate passage. The increase, if finally approved, would be effective until June 30 when the administration has an- nounced it will seek an additional $8 billion hike. ~ * * * WASHINGTON-President John F. Kennedy asked Congress yes- terday to vote a pay increase for the government's 1.6 million white collar workers. With a view to putting them on a par with non- federal salaries, Kennedy propos- ed increases ranging from 3.7 per cent to about 33 per cent over a three-year period starting next Jan. 1. The new scales would add about 10 per cent or $1 billion to the government's annual payroll of $10 billion for white collar workers around the world. Con- tending that low government wages endanger national security by failing to hold competent work- ers, Kennedy said he was propos- ing a wholly new "common sense" approach to the problem. He said he was proposing "federal pay re- HAMBURG-Frogmen groping in the receding waters of a dis- astrous weekend flood recovered dozens of additional bodies yester- day. The known death toll reach- ed 277. Hamburg authorities reg- istered 253 dead. The other victims perished in adjoining region of the North German coast. Officials feared the final list may exceed 400. Throughout most of the area, life returned to ear normal. In the states of Schleswig-Holstein and Lower Saxony, thousands of refugees returned to their homes. Gas, electricity and drinking wa- ter were again generally available. Hamburg, hardest-hit, was slow- er to recover. * * * TOKYO-A fairly strong earth- quake jolted Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost main island, early yesterday morning. The Central Meteorological Agency reported no damage, but said the shock was strong enough to shake houses. * * * LONDON - Britain yesterday unveiled a civil defense plan em- phasizing evacuation of crowded cities rather than the vast engi- neering task of building under- ground shelters for protection against nuclear attack. Women and children would me moved first under the plan announced by the Defense Department. * * * - NEW YORK-Aerospace issues were inspired by the American success in manned orbital flight and the Stock Market managed to carve out a gain yesterday. Trading was moderate. Standard and Poor's Index closed with 425 Industrial showing a 2.5 point gain, with 25 Railroads down .07, 50 Utilities up 3.0 and'; the 500 stocks up .25. LONDON ()-Britain announc- ed yesterday the adoption of a policy of complete air mobility for its armed forces. Through teaming of air and sea transports, the aim is to make British units capable of reaching any world trouble spot in a few days. The policy is based on a theory -not wholly in line with Ameri- can thinking-that highly mobile, reserves concentrated in Britain have a greater military potential than men tied down in distant1 foreign garrisons. It will be de- veloped over a five-year period. New Doctrine The new doctrine of mobility rests on experience Britain gained recently in switching troops at high speed to two troubled areas, the oil sheikdom of Kuwait aid British Guiana. It is aimed to help Britain maintain widespread mili- tary commitments in the Middle East and the Orient. Defense Minister Harold Wat- kinson presented Parliament a white paper, an official govern- ment document, on military plan- ning for the next five years. Fiscal Increase Arms expenditure for the fiscalt year beginning April 1 was budg- eted at the equivalent of $4,818,- 800,000, an increase of $183,120,- 000 over the current year. Although the white paper made no mention of a cut in the British army in West Germany, the plan- ning trend indicates continental commitments will be pared in the future to improve a mobile stra- tegic striking force. Inadequate Funds Britain now has about 55,000 men in West Germany-a figure which hardly satisfies Washington or U.S. Gen. Lauris Norstad, the North Atlantic Alliance's com- mander in Europe. Norstad wants all the North Atlantic alliance Navy Plucks Glenn Capsule From Atlantic (Continued from Page 1) At 5:44 p.m., he was transferred by helicopter to the anti-sub- marine carrier, USS Randolph, for a brief physical examination and at 8:04 p.m. was sent by whirly- bird to Grand Turk Island, arriv- ing about 9 p.m. There he will stay for 48 hours and undergo a more exhaustive physical examination and questioning about his flight by a team of scientists and doctors. Before the year is out the United States plans to make four more flights similar to the one by Glenn and then wind up 1962 with an 18 orbit flight. Selected for the next trip into space and around the world is Maj. Donald Kent Slayton of the Air Force. His rocket is already here and undergoing tests. powers to build up their conven- tional strength. The white paper said: "Greater mobility by air and sea is the best way of fulfilling over the next five years our re- quirements . "Outside Europe our forces will essentially become joint service task forces, using the air and the sea to transport men and equip- ment and to support operations conducted ashore." .Democrats Win Seat in Queens NEW YORK (AP) - A divided Democratic party narrowly re- tained a congressional seat in a special Queens election last night, with a Kennedy-backed candidate squeaking through. Winner in the see-sawing vote count was Benjamin S. Rosenthal, who had the Liberal Party's back- ing as well as the President's But he was strongly challenged by Republican Thomas. F. Galvin, 35-year-old architect, who favored aid to parochial school pupils in a district previously Democratic but 40 per cent Caitholic. Coeds: "Let us style a FLATTERING HAIR-DO to your individual needs." -- no appointments needed -- THE DASCOLA BARBERS near Michigan Theatre I 9 and Foam Back Jerseys ...7..... .:. .3.'":.. .}'4i.... .. v:.4}} . i..4.:::.::::: +}?11"ht:i}}. .. ...:,..r. ..$v4::"':. .v.. . .. .tI. and Allweather Coats DRESSES of all kinds-98 quilted ROBES-midseason hats originally 39.95 and 49.95 Group better winter and 4 three season fine wools and I cashmeres. originally 59.95 Hats - bras -- girdles aYes we fee( H EATH o199 Yew fe Tto11995. now Zpairs of NYLONS Stoneware from California 95 95 is the most durable ovenware on the market- See the exciting t.o ON FOREST color combinations. off corner of South University JOI N L EY* opposite Campus Theatre Phone NO 8-6779 4 601 East Liberty CUSTOMER PARKING In Rear .:.. ,-"xL":::: :.. :...; -....";::{::}. :i:..i,.,. r \ .:J . :. :. }. i : J..".::..v.t/ "Tkn L I i i Even in today's age of specialization, a man eventually roa eryouereaches a point where breadth of knowledge is necessary. The engineer must understand accounting and marketing. The mat'keting man must know his product. The financial man must be 'sympathetic to engineering development the reatr yo r chnceand sales programs. Management must have a working form, not simply a raise." federal pay UN Gives UVp Katanga Mine To Company ELISABETHVMLE OP)-- The United Nations yesterday handed back control of the huge Lumum- bashi Copper Refinery to the own- ers, the Union Miniere du Haut Katanga. The Ethiopian soldiers who had occupied the sprawling plant since December were replaced by a small body of Tunisians. The plant was occupied by the United Nations in fighting be- tween UN and Katangan forces. The United Nations charged that white mercenaries used parts of the plant as firing positions. Union Miniere, the big Belgian mining company whose revenues are a major financial prop for secessionist Katanga, has denied it aided the Katangan fighters. During the shutdown, the com- pany lost about $1.4 million a week. The plant produces 100,000 tons of copper a year, a third of Katanga's output. A company spokesman said he hoped to get the plant back in production by Monday. of success! " Edwin J. Ducayet, President Bell Helicopter Company LE TRETEAU DE PARIS presents huis-clos (No exit) by SARTRE la cantatrice chauve by IONESCO Friday, Feb. 23 ... 8:00 P.M. at the LYDIA MENDELSSOHN THEATRE Box office open Feb. 19-23 from 10-3--Tickets at door Tickets $3.75, 2.50, 1.75, 1.25 Sponsored by the Cercle Francais a ~ ~ ~ ~ i. asmasaamammasmmmaams.Cy:C mm "As I look back, graduating from college in the depth of the depression was a blessing in disguise. It was difficult to get a job, and even more difficult to hold it. It proved to me early in life that to succeed in business requires constant struggle. "I found that the truly successful individual never stops learning, that a formal college education is the foundation on which we continue to build the knowledge and experi- ence required to get ahead. -I, (ROSS CULTURAL ENCOUNTER .;:j. :ti i':i G%} (!: s { ; .r ,} ': : =' ' ii ;4:F : ': v ' : ti:; ARE YOU * NATALIE WOOD'S LOOK-ALIKE? Win a Dinner Dale for Two in Detroit! Simply bring your photo to Discount Records, 337 S. Main. We'll post it on our bulletin board and students will cast ballots for the coed they think most resembles Natalie Wood, star of "West Side Story." Winner and her date will spend an exciting evening in Detroit, with dinner at Cliff Bell's supper club and orchestra tickets for "West Side Story" at the Madison Theatre. .ti;:, ti% %i: I r: A DISCUSSION on the potential factors of tension in intercultural dating and marriage. I snonred i linti v y ... .. .. . .... .... .. . .