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February 20, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-02-20

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Seventy-Second Year
re Opinions Are Free STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
ruth. Will Prevail" '

"What I Want Is A Not-So-Compact Model"

Boston Pops Corn
A SUNDAY MATINEE with the Boston Pops Orchestra has to be
pretty light fare, and last weekend's audience (which mostly
arrived by the third number) wasn't disappointed. Conductor Arthur
Fiedler put his group, more precise than the tour orchestra of two
years ago, through a program offering one heavy number and a
dozen lolliPops.
Light classics have their place, but at least one mate for the
Kabalevsky Piano Concerto No. 2 would have kept the proceedings
from being a bit too corny.
The Kabalevsky is not a memorable score, but at least the

orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Y, FEBRUARY 20, 1962


'Disarmament Confer ence

Played by the Rules

'UDENTS who dabble in social issues are
apt to be regarded as immature, naive and
sibly dangerous, especially when the issue
as complicated and explosive as disarma-
it. The demonstrations for peace held in
shington last weekend probably reinforced
popular image. The First Intercollegiate
iference on Disarmament and Arms Control
designed to combat it..
he disarmament conference, held at
arthmore College, had two announced pur-
es. First, it was aimed at educating stu-
ts. David Wegman, a Swarthmore senior
originated the conference, stated "It is
hope that the students attending the con-
nce will gain a sophisticated understanding
the complexities of disarmament. Today's
dent can no longer rely on mere social con-
n without a precise awareness of the poli-
I and economic ealities of disarmament."
this end, elaborate working papers were
pared for the conference and more than
mty authorities brought in as speakers and
inar leaders.
COND, the conference was designed to
stinulate student action. The justification
this was a grand vision of the role stu-
ts should play in society. David Edwards,
ther conference planner, sketched the vi-
i in these terms: "Because others rarely
t, it is the responsibility of the student to
stigate the relevance, and the politics, of
almost possible."
ven the restrained and greying New York
es took a wistful view of student idealism.'
editorial Sunday said, "It is good to find
ents debating what kinds of policies are
>t promising for the nation and the world,
not accepting passively all the ideas of
r elders. There is no indication that they
becoming doctrinaire in the process, obsti-
as they often seem when they are un-
resse4 with our infinite wisdom."
rith this vision of students as darers and
Lmers, part of the conference was set aside
l)In action students might take back home,
Harold Taylor was brought in. to fire up
be objectives of the conference were bril-
tly conceived, bringing education and action
ther as'few student-organized projects have
the past. But the objectives were not
eved. In fact the end result of the con-
nce was to narrow the potential of students
both education and action.

ganization, human values, and the nature of
man-the same assumptions which already
prevailed and which enormously limit the range
of possible solutions to the arms problem.
While the delegates disagreed on solutions
to specific problems, they mostly accepted-
probably unconsciously-the same rules of the
game which guide the nation's policy makers.
They became, in effect, junior strategists for
the RAND Corporation, using the same vocab-
ulary and conceptual models, and defining
the problems in the same way.
rtiE MAIN REASON this occurred was be-'
cause the conference was dominated by
adult authorities with quite conventional world
views. Senator Joseph Clark delivered a key-
note address which explicitly asked acceptance
of eight assumptions, including the impossi-
bility of unilateral disarmament and the
strictly secondary importance of the bomb
shelter and nuclear testing issues.,
Another of the major speakers was Thomas
C. Schelling of Harvard, a prime representa-
tive of the "deterrent" school of defense
theory. Sen. Clark wants negotiated disarma-
ment, and Prof. Schelling doubts it can be
achieved, but both men obviously have about
the same mental picture of society, and similar
sets of values. Their speeches set the tone for
the whole conference-a tone of "moderation"
and "responsibility," with discussion limited
to the. "problem at hand."
The tone could have been challenged if
socialists and pacifists-or Birchites-had fig-
ured more prominently in the conference. But
students of this type generally did' not know
their position well enough to defend it in
face-to-face debate with experts. And adult
leftists had little impact, either. "Extremists"
like C. Wright Mills were not there. Seymour
Melman, author of "The Peace Race;" did not
come off as much of an intellect.
Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the University
discussed general systems instead of disarma-
inent, and pn such an abstract plane that few
delegates dan have understood that he was
challenging the assumption underlying Amer-
ican defense strategy. Harold Taylor aroused
great excitement with his attack on the phil-
osophical bankruptcy of universities, but no
one extrapolated to see if this applied to our
social and political structures as well. In gen-
eral, the fringes of the disarmament profession
were either absent or not very vocal.
AS A RESULT, students who had prized their
idealism and unorthodoxy began to see the
problem of peace in the same light as present
policy makers. Whatever one thinks of those
policies, it is clear that the assumptions under-
lying them are not universal and unchalleng-
able. It is tragic that the disarmament con-
ference conveyed this impression. Eventually,
students may tire of talking ,about "Invulner-
ability" and "negative sum games" and re-
turn to examining the fundamentals of the
arms race and what it reveals about American
society. I sincerely hope so. For if they do not,
the voices of dissent in this country may be
finally silenced.

Basketball More Than Wmins

To the Editor:
T HE WISPY and muddled
strands of thought in Mr.
Burness' criticism of Michigan's
basketball team of the 16th beg
reply. In rebuttal I must say that
if basketball victories are what Mr.
Burness lives for, his aspirations
seem a trifle low. His words ring
heavy of the type of thing Adolph
Rupp, noted shaper of University
of Kentucky teams usually bawls
in a drawl-"Without victory the
game " means nothing."
To say that this year's team
"features" poor ballplayers is both
crude and untrue. While it is
true that their win-loss record
does not approach .500, the team
still has the material and is going
through the difficult process of
"jelling." When they have jelled,
as evidenced in the fine games
against Wisconsin and Iowa, they

have more than proved their
For one who follows basketball
so closely and allies himself with
the efficiency of our teams, as
his letter suggests, Mr. Burness
holds little faith in "hustle and
effort." I would ask, what makes
the game what it is? Fantastic
shooting from the floor and the
line, Mr. Burness? Walking over
opponents by 20-plus margins?
No, I think not. A good, tough,
last-minute victory still tastes the
sweetest, to team and spectator
CERTAINLY the refrain "wait
'till next year" gets trite and
tiring, but after an inspired ga' e
against the finest team in the
country-and perhaps the finest
team in the history of modern
collegiate basketball-the U of M

"HE CONFERENCE accomplished much that
was worthwhile. In conjunction with the
ashington demonstration, it focused national
tention on American defense policies and
owed that student concern was both massive
Ld responsible. Programs for direct action
ere formulated which should arouse interest
id perhaps promote scholarly research on
e campuses. And, most important, students
ere made to realize that peace and disarma-
lent are terribly complicated matters for
hich slogans are not solutions.
The crucial failing of the conference was that
e roots of the arms race were not explored
all adequately. This led to implicit accept-
ace of a set of assumptions about social or-
Dorm Spirit
N A RECENT request for an evaluation of
house spirit, house governments have brought
a vital issue. Officers of the larger women's
irms must evaluate the role of house spirit for
e focus of interest has shifted from the house
central campus.
Mary Markley officers were asked last week
submit proposals to help stimulate house
irit. But they must face up to the fact that
>men in all of the larger dorms on the Hill
e not interested in having house spirit nor
they need it. Officers can use their time for,
tter purposes.
Houses assume that women wish to identify
th' a house and use its facilities for social
d intellectual activities. This is the essence
house spirit.
In recent years, however, houses have found
at the intellectual stimulation that women
ed is being satisfied not within the house,
t outside of it. Anyone who has watched wo-
en leave the Hill every week night to go to
es library or various all-campus lectures, con-
its or seminar groups can attest to this Ifact.
id, in fact, even house governments are
alizing it too.
Rushr Pla
OU CAN'T WIN. Amazingly enough, the
future of the new IFC rush plan is very
ch in doubt as it goes under the final
utiny of the Fraternity Presidents Assembly
'he small houses, those which the plan is
cifically designed to save, are out to kill the
n. Three of them may actually go off
npus if, as usual, they do not produce a
ad rush this time. Yet they are afraid to try
ew system.
These houses claim that the new plan will


Slowly, house activities have been suspended
or abandoned. Houses have set up libraries but
these only augment the UGLI and certainly
cannot compete with it.
UNFORTUNATELY, house governments have
not been as quick to realize that this is
also happening in the area of social activities.
More and more, women are finding that their
widest rgnge of interests are satisfied by ac-
tivities which are not sponsored by one house
but by a' large campus group.
But the people who are in power fail to
realize this. Many of the officers who are in
power either came into office because they
were 'the only candidates running or they filled
the position at the urging of staff or other
Consequently, a minority of women who are
in office because others don't want to be are
attempting to make these others conform to
something they don't want.
Women have moved into a campus-wide
sphere where associations will be wider. With
the diversity of campus groups, women can only
profit by new experiences and associates.
INSTEAD OF fighting this movement, house
governments should accept it as inevitable
and desirable. Activities within a dorm should
focus on services and supplement the activi-
ties on campus which attract the attention of
House governments can take the initiative
to help women in ways other than promoting
spirit. They may find that increasing record
collections or light reading book sections would
be more appreciated.
Or, officers may be surprised to learn that
women are interested more in obtaining juice
machines or permission to smoke in certain
areas than they are with picnics or teas which
are held to promote the spirit of the house.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigin Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent In TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before Z p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Dr. Myri M. Young, representing the
Scandinavian Seminar for Cultural
Studies, will be on campus Tuesday
afternoon, Feb. 20 and all day Feb. 21
to interview students who may wish in-
formation on a junior year abroad or a
year of living and learning in Den-
mark, Finland, Norway. and Sweden.
Appointments for interviews should be
made with Mrs. Pixson in the Office
of Religious Affairs, Ext. 2077.
The First Installment, covering at
least half of Spring Semester fees, is
due and payable on or before Feb. 26.
History Make-Up Examinations will
be held Sat., March 3, 9-12 .a.m. in
Room 25 Angell Hall. Please consult
your instructor and then sign thealist
in the History Office, 3601 Haven Hall.
The persons listed below have been
selected as ushers for the remainder
of the Choral Union and Extra Series
Concerts, and they must pick up their

tickets at the Box Office of Hill Audi-
torium, on wed., Feb. 21, from 5 p.m.
to '6 p.m. The list follows: Richard H.
Barchi, Kathleen Burgess, Ronald Barn-
hart, Sanford Cohen, Charles Edward
Carson, R. Terry Czerwinski, Gerald S.
Cook, Mary Eberhadrt, Robert B. rwyn,
Steven H. Greene, Robert Greenes, Car-
ole Greenes, Larry Gottlieb, David A.
Huisman, John Hughes, Kimi Hokama,
Bernard Heideman, Edward H. Hohman,
Kolbrun Ingimarsdottir, Marty Iser,
Marcia Ilton, JoAnne Ivory, Diane Jac-
obson, Harriet Johnson, Norma Kerlin,
Ronald Jay Krone, Youngsock C. Kim,
Hyun K. Ki, ,Mervyn JoelKlein.
Also, Paul Scheel Larsen, Thomas R.
LeVeck, Doris Ludwick, Jeanne Ann
Meyer, Joseph A. Mazur, Rita Mincav-
age, Daniel Mincavage, William M.
Murphy, Andrew W. Orr, 3rd, Carol
Lynn Porter, Joseph Pearl, Francis Wil-
liam Pentti, Susan Presswood, FredRHiz-
ner, Peter H. Hisser, Delmer D. Rodg-
ers, Suzanne Spoden, Marlene Stafford,
Jerry Stafford, Susan Steinberg, Kristen
Steiner, Om Prakash Singla,, H. A.
Shevitz, Heidi Schroeter, Stephen
Schlakman, Harvey J. Toles, Jr., Harry
M. Taxin, Lynn Winter, Elaine Wender,
Robert Wazeka, Chang SWk Yun, Jer-
ald Young, Joanna Zaparyniuk, Lyn-
wood D. Zinn.
Agenda Student Government Council
Feb.'21, 1962, 4:15 p.m., Council Room
Constituents' Time: 5:45 and 9:00 p.m.
Approval of agenda.
Minutes of previous meeting.
(Continued on Page 5)

cagers deserve a great deal of
credit. You don't have to wait
until next year with Button and
Co. Mr. Burness, the Ohio State-
Michigan game showed a turning
point in Michigan basketball.
While I cannot admire Coach
Strack's methods, still, he has
finally developed a workable of-
fense that utilizes the scoring
abilities of the quintet. Perhaps
even more workable and bright is
the appearance of an earnest and
relentless defense that can go the
two score distance. Why didn't
the Buckeyes "break the game,
open" as they usually do? Why
didn't the red and gray, as their
coach put it, "go wild" Mr.
Burness? Defense. Their deadly
fast-break type of ball was slowed
by a defense that covered every
inch of oak.
I'm not saying, be happy with
a loss. Just don't knock a crew
that is turning in a good job and
promises even better ball in the
next six games.
x -George A. White, '65
Peace-Frustration . .
To the Editor:
HESTUDENTS who went to
Washington to demonstrate
for the continuation of America's
abstinence re atmospheric nu-
clear testing and for a unilaterial
initiative in nuclear disarmament
are to be heartily congratulated.
They have sacrificed their time,
energy and money to express their
opinions and to focus national
attention on the most exigent
problem facing us today: nuclear
disarmament. Unless this is
achieved, general annihilation may
well become a probability, or at
best, we will be forced to live in
a world replete with fear, tension,
hysteria and all the sad con-
sequences which these entail.
The peace demonstrators should
provide us with a shining example
of the precious freedom of ex-
pression and hopefully should
make us take notice, interest and
action on this dilemma-nuclear
disarmament or no-the resolution
of which so vitally affects us all.
-Carl Goldberg

movements get progressively better.
and ends abruptly, and plays un-
expected interjections from the or-
chestra against a mediocre theme.
In the second (Andante semplice)
the composer and orchestra were
in better form.
The last movement, a synco-
pated Allegro molto, has a stark,
brisk main theme chased along
by xylophone, piccolo, violins and
dissonant horns. Then the piano
presents counterthemes while the
original is stated bit by bit in
the accompaniment. The composer
seems chore at home in such a
rhythmic idiom.
* * *
adequate. His effective dynamics
and articulated passages helped
the score, although his effects were
occasionally buried under winds
and brass.
Fielder's florid conducting may
be exciting to some, but it sug-
gests that either it is all he can
do to keep the orchestra under
control, 'or else he conducts just
for show (like the cover on a
paperback novel).
In the charming La Gazza
Ladra, he used 180 degree turns
to simulate Rossini's stereo ef-
abashed Romantic stuff, and it
has become dog-eared after thou-
sands of "Lone Ranger" broad-
casts; but it's good music. The
orchestra had some trouble with
attacks and intonation, and was
better blowing off steam in the
climax than in more delicate sec-
Similarly, the Bach Air on the G
String found the 'cellos lacking
the discipline to speak as one
voice. A simple and transparent
melody is deceptively difficult.
The Khachaturian. 'Gayne
Suite can get tedious; and al-
though the Pop's woodwind choir
had a smooth trip, the brasses
were riding on square wheels.
THE FROTH came at the end.
First was a highly condensed
West Side Story (a stock which
Robert Russell Bennett did for
school groups) which changes
"One Hand, One Heart" into a
hymn. It was pretty sloppy at
times, but the " square" edges in
the gig had been smoothed out
by the time Mack the Knife came
along. The brass were as "solid"
here as they were all afternoon.
In the encore parade were 76
Tromnbones by John Philip Willson,
Never on Sunday (yuk) complete
with twang, and The Stars and
Stripes Forever 'with a triangle
This orchestra wasn't the tops
in Pops, but at least it was ver-
satile. Still, I think the better
orchestra of the season could let
their hair down just as 'well if
they felt like it, and theycertainly
handle the classics with more
-Richard Ostling
.may have been at the outset
the man who emerges from grad-,
uate school . . . has inevitably
moved in the direction of accept-
ing the scholarly image. Exploited
by a research or teaching job,
subjected to the dislocations of
his inner and family life, disarmed
by the genteel authoritarianism of
the academic will, he has become
habituated to the feeling that the
deeper questions of personal pur-
pose are not worth asking and
that the risks of intellectual free-
dom, passion, and nonconformity
are niot worth taking.
-Theodore Solotaroff in

The first (Allegro moderta) begins
temporary Music brought Its
current season to a close with a
program of electronic music which
was fascinating and revealing.
The concert began just as mem-
bersof the audience began to enter
the auditorium, with a perform-
ance of Syntaxis by the Italian
composer Burno Maderna.
Gordon Mumma first gave
the audience some brief but in-
formative ideas regarding the
background of electronic music,
how it is made, and its possibili-
ties. Then followed the world pre-
miere performance of Roberto
Gerhard's incidental music for
Camus' play Caligula, a short.
lovely work.
Gottfried Michael Koenig's Es-
say and Milton Babbitt's Com-
position for Synthesizer served a-
examples of the more conserva-
tive styles of electronic music. The
Essay was rich in romaticism,
while the Babbitt work was mainly
of interest for its historical value,
being the first complete electronic
work composed on the RCA syn-
block, "Epoxy,", began with a
gentle rattling sound which had
a numbing, almost terrifying ef-
fect onthe audience. This gradu-
ally merged into crowd noses,
levels of sound building upon other
levels, until a somewhat chaotic
effect was reached.
Perhaps the audience wished for
more, but Mumma explained that
the work played was a segment
of a larger, more complex work
not yet completed.
Robert Ashley's Public Opinion
Descends Upon the Demonstrators
was a fantastically clever work,
based on gradually increasing time
r'elationships of alternating si-
lences and sounds. It was rich in
soundsand noises, crowds, Pass
tunes, chaos anid clutter, but most
interesting was the effect on the
audience. Timings were arranged
so that the audience could predict
neither the length of time they
would be barraged by sound, nor
the length of silences.
As the work 'reached its climax,
it became obvious that what hap-
pened in the music depended on
the audience, and silences began
to occur whenever', a member of
the audience got iup to leave.'
Finally the audience found itself
in the uncomfortable position of
wondering if the 'piece Would go
on forever, and if it did, should
they take a chance on getting up
and being the center of attention
as they\ left.
. * * *
THIS PROGRAM brought to
bear one idea: that the music that
is being composed by Ann Arbor
composers is equal to, and in many
ways, better than that produced i{
Europe and New York using large-
scale equipment. Certainly the
Mumma and Ashley works were
more thoroughly imaginative than
the other works on the program,
and the sound occurring in them
were distinctly new to the realm
of electronic music.
The field of electronic music
has a great many possibilities, and
there does not seem to be nearly
enough experimentation going on,
'Familiar tweets, honks and growls
found in most electronic music
were sin evidence in nearly all the
foreign works, and the Conlon
Nancarrow Rythmic Study was a
recording of a player piano.
--Philip Krium


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