FUTURE FOR DISARMAMENT' See Page 4 1s dian Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom :4IaiIttj CLOUDY, COLDER High-27' Low--1 Snow flurries this morning, fair and cold tonight -. VOL. LXXII, No. 97 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1962 SEVEN CENTS EIGHT P De Gaulle Urges Destruction of Nuclear Bomb " ? Desires Conference To Discuss Weapons French President Ignores Request By lrushchev for Summit Talks PARIS (AP) - President Charles de Gaulle called yesterday for the destruction of existing nuclear weapons stocks, and urged a -con- ference of major powers on destruction or control of nuclear weapons delivery systems. The French president, replying to Premier Nikita Khrushchev, coldly ignored the Soviet leader's proposal for a summit conference on disarmament, and merely said France is ready to discuss destruc- tion, banning and control of weapons delivery systems. Khrushchev had proposed adisarmament meeting of the heads of 18,nations in Geneva on March 14. Limit Participants Perhaps with Red China in mind, de Gaulle said discussions on nuclear disarmament should be limited to the four nuclear powers- -Britain, France, the Soviet Union .. .. . CHARLES DE GAULLE *.. asks conference, SGC- May 'End& NSA Vote By PHILIP SUTIN Two motions to rescind the United States National Student Association referendum passed last week were submitted yesterday by Michigan Union President Paul C. Carder, '62, for consideration at tomorrow's Student Government Council meeting. One motion explains the ration- ale for the rescinding motion and sets Council policy for NSA par- ticipation. The, motion to rescind requires a two-thirds vote of the Council for passage. The policy motion requires only a majority vote. In the motion, Carder--who co- sponsored the original legislation setting up tle referendum with SGC treasurer Steven Stockmeyer, '63,-explained that it was "for- eign to the concept of NSA as a confederation of student govern- ments." Warns of Extremists He warned that the referendum would provide an opportunity for extremist groups to exploit. The motion accuses NSA nation- al officers of being "too weak to stem the tide" and allowing the organization to become a showcase for extremist groups of the right and left instead of a union of student governments. Under the terms of the motion, SGC would suggest to regional and national NSA officers the imple- mentation of a "professionalso S-ciety for student. government" ap- proach. Limit Delegates Only members of the Council could serve as delegates to the national and regional NSA con- gress and the number.of delegates to the annual national congresses would be limited to 11 under Car- der's plyn. The motion requests that NSA appoint no University students to an NSA post without SGC's know- ledge and consent. No association rojects on campus could be un- dertaken without SGC clearance. The motion mandate urges the adoption of this policy by other colleges and universities and man- dates the Council to send copies dof it to the NSA officers and Big Ten student body presidents, and the United States-and those states which might soon have nu- clear weapons at their disposal. The text of de Gaulle's letter de- livered Sunday in Moscow, was released yesterday by the French Foreign Ministry. In it, de Gaulle said that to achieve real disarma- ment, nations should concentrate on the destruction of existing wea- pons stocks, coupled with a ban on further construction of those weapons. This has been a long-standing policy of France, which' entered the atomic rage late and is lagging far behind the United States and Russia in the development of nu- clear weapons. France is also be- hind Britain in this race. Spotlights Delivery The French president put the spotlight on weapons delivery sys- tems and said their destruction would be easier to verify. Nu- clear weapons are now so numer- ous and so dispersed that it would be easy for a , country _to hide them, and thus violate any agree- ment for their . destruction, de Gaulle said. Destruction or limitation of weapons delivery systems has also been a standing French policy on the, disarmament issue. Here again, France lags behind the oth- er major powers. Lawsuit Seeks End of Racial, Discrim1ination WASHINGTON (AP) - A fed- eral court suit seeks to force city officials at Jackson, Miss., to re- move racial segregation signs at railroad and bus terminals. Acting Atty. Gen. Byron R. White said the suit, announced yesterday, also asks that Mississip- pi terminal segregation laws be declared unconstitutional. The complaint, filed in Jackson, said the Mississippi law under which the segregation signs were erected violates the fourteenth amendment, the Interstate Com- merce Act and the ICC regula- tions. It was the eighth action of its kind brought by the Justice De- partment against cities resisting' ICC desegregation rules. Other ac- tions have been filed in Alexan- dria, Rustin, Monroe and Baton Rouge, La., McComb and Green- wood, Miss., and Birmingham, Ala., JOHN GLENN ... awaits flight IU.S. Sets Glenn Shot For Today CAPE CANAVERAL ('P)-The United States embarked last night on final preparations to rocket astronaut John H. Glenn Jr. around the world through space today. Mercury Operations Director Walter Williams gave the word to start the crucial second half of the countdown at 11:30 p.m. So encobraging was the forecast a midnight briefing was cancelled. Good Chances' Barring some unforseen change in the weather, or other hitch, the chances were counted good for sending the Marine Lieutenant Colonel skyward sometime between 7:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. today. A late afternoon weather report said conditions iri the Atlantic re- covery areas "appeared favorable for the mission." The only fly in the weather ointment was that the Cape Canaveral launch area might be covered with broken clouds. However, commanders of the Mer- cury astronaut project hoped that, if this occurred, they might find a hole in the clouds to shoot Glenn's Atlas rocket through. The final countdown actually covers six hours of tests, checks and preparations, but the count will extend over a period of eight hours, allowing two hours of built- in "holds" during which any final needed corrections could be made. Predict Good Weather Should something delay today's shot, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said the good weather was expected to con- tinue through tomorrow. As the 11th date for his great adventure neared, Glenn reported he was ready. He reiterated that he was not the least perturbed by the delays stretching back to last Dec. 20. Speaking to newsmen, Glenn said postponements are of no con- sequence, because: "I have been training and wait- ing for three years, and a few more days won't matter." Educators Ask Funds For Schools Committee Proposes $8 Billion Program ATLANTIC CITY (AP) - The resolutions committee of , the American Association of School Administrators yesterday proposed that the federal government pump an astronomical "$8 billion more a year into the public schools. This is 10 times the amount re- quested by President John F. Ken- nedy, and is by far the largest pro- gram of federal aid to education ever suggested. The administra- tion's current proposal is for $2.5 billion, spread over three years. The resolution will be debated by the full convention of the AASA tomorrow morning. If it is ap- proved, as expected, it will become the basis for the association's legislative and lobbying platform. Ask Grants The resolution calls for direct federal grants to the states of at least $200 for each of the 40 mil- lion public school pupils enrolled from kindergarten through pub- licly supported junior colleges. The states would use the money as they saw fit, for such projects as classroom construction and teacher salaries. Charles West, superintendent of the Fulton County, Ga., public schools and chairman of the reso- lutions committee, said the $200 a pupil figure is considered an aver- age need. Determine Distribution It would be up to Congress, he said, to determine the distribution by states, since "some states need much more federal help than oth- ers." Current estimates are that the United States-is spending slightly more than $14 billion this year on its public, elementary and sec- ondary schools. Seelye Talks With Premier About Contract By The Associated Press SAIGON-Alfred Seelye, dean of the College of Business and Pub- lic Service of Michigan State Uni- versity yesterday spoke with Pres- ident Ngo Dinh Diem regarding the status of a contract between MSU and the Vietnamese govern- ment. Seelye, who later left for the United States,; said the president "was hurt and disappointed" by critical articles written by univer- sity professors who had been in South Viet Nam. Consequently, Michigan State's advisory and re- search work. will end June 30, when a six year old contract with the Vietnamese government is due to expire. Seelye said that the university had a policy of allowing professors to write what they believe, whether or not the dean is in agreement with their opinions. The university representatives have helped to set up many of Viet Nam's administrative agencies and to train officials. * * * Con-Con Passes Bill On Higher E ducatio: Roe en ok~t '' By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Looking forward to his still undefined duties as vice presi- dent for academic affairs, Roger W. Heyns, dean of the literary college, yesterday ex- pressed optimism and confi- dence about the future of the University. "I am convinced that the University is great and its fu-. ture will be as great as its past," he said. He explained that the details of his position have not yet been fully worked out but will evolve as the result of discus- sion with University President Harlan Hatcher and newly ap- pointed Executive Vice Presi- dent Marvin L. Niehuss, former vice president and dean of fac- ulties. Notes Change Heyns stressed the necessity of visualizing the shift in posi- tions as a change in the office of the president .and. not the insertion of a third echelon between President Hatcher and the deans of the various schools and colleges. The vice president for aca- demic .affairs will sometimes be reporting directly to President Hatcher and sometimes working closely with Niehuss, depend-. ing upon the nature of a par- ticular project. Sees Problem He considers the major prob- lem facing him "the perennial problem of the size and com- plexity of the University and the necessity of co-ordinating different activities for effective education. Expressing a strong interest in undergraduate s t u d e n ts, Heyns discredited rumors that the University will become in- creasingly graduate-oriented. "I personally am very interested in * undergraduate education and its quality. I believe this interest is shared by my colleagues in the administration and on the faculty," he said. He stressed the fact that the University tries to hire faculty overcome before large scale in- dependent study is feasible. Students must be prepared for it, he said. It is necessary to interpose a transition period between high school and the more liberal approach to aca- demic study at the university level. Dispels Notion Heyns dispelled the notion that independent study is cheaper than the lecture sys- tem. Although faculty members teach fewer courses, they must follow closely the progress of individual students and devote considerable time to each stu- dent they, advise, he explained. "Thus far, the University is striving as far as is financially possible to compromise between the extreme of almost totally independent study and mass education at a lower level.". Appointed dean of the liter- ary college four years ago, Heyns was the youngest man ever to hold the office. He men- tioned the growth of the honors program, curriculum revision, development of area and inter- national programns, centers for, rteaching and research in these xareas and the Conflict Resolu- 'tion Center as major develop- Sments during his deanship. Loyal Faculty He Is most proud, he said, of the continuing loyalty of facul- ty members to the University despite the financial problems it has undergone in the past few years. Heyns will continue to be both dean and vice-president until a new dean of the literary college is named. In selecting a successor, President Hatcher will choose a faculty committee from a panel elected by the faculty. This committee will then make a recommendation for the position. ROGER W. HEYNS ... optimist's view * * * * * / who Dave a genuine interest in teaching undergraduate, classes. 'Role Changes- Discussing the changing role of the student in both the so- cial and academic life of the University, Heyns said he fa- vored advanced and indepen- dent study programs and a reduction of "spoon-feeding" methods. He cited the considerable progress' the University has already made in this area but noted 'obstacles that must be Accepts Plan For Support Of Colleges Delegates Decide To Retain Boards For 'U,' MSU, WSU By CAROLINE DOW and BUEL TRAPNELL special To The Daily LANSING-With minor amen ments, the constitutional conve tion has tentatively approved t recommendations on higher ed cation of its education comm: tee. In committee of the whole, t convention passed the first thi sections of the proposal Frid afternoon and yesterday. The fly section provided that the ste Legislature should approprie funds and maintain the 10 ste institutions and that the Leg lature shall receive an annual a counting of income from all 10. Yesterday afternoon, section providing electing boards and A0 stitutional status for the Unive sity, Wayne andMihigan StA Un piversities wa approved W one addition. - Amend Section Thomas Downs (D -Detro amended the section by providr that the governor .shall fill e ancies by appointment. Section providing constitutional stai with appointed rather than ele ed governing boards for the ot seven institutions, came throu the committee with no amen ment. although questions of a pointment procedure and whet the president of the instituti should preside at board meetir raised controversy. Approved in committee of .t whole, the sections will now presented as proposals for forn vote to the convention. In consideration of the forn proposals delegates will again allowed to propose amendmei and controversies raised In secti C debates may snag deliberatio: Pass Buck The education committee li voted to leave appointment pi cedures up to the executive, p cedures section of the constil tion. This leaves open the pos bility that there will be no leg lative checks on board .appol ments orthat each board mem will require the advice and c0 sent of the Senate for confirr tion. This controversy was I source of three defeated amer ments yesterday. Whether the president "ma "shall" or will not, preside in bo meetings provoked two unsucce ful amendments in Monday's bate and may bring more act before the final vote. Junior Colleg Coordination FacesDebate LANSING-A proposal call for a state-wide board fort coordination and planning of jI ior colleges will meet heated bate at the constitutional conv tion today. A majority and a minorityr port will greet the fourth part the higher education proposal. The majority proposal of education committee provide board to "advise the state bo of education concerning gene supervision, planning for $u colleges and requests forran appropriations for their suppoj :rfi" "r>x:r"vavr vr..,... .+nc":a v,+:"a.,.,x:".v." :^rv:a^."."asr.:.... . na7n..,..,..: {.+."Xr,"' i 3: a":{{paiF'": :'r8.5 "+Y!}1r7 o "r" r" r c, 4:;- "{:";af rs4aarr," ' -0 .:riF.as'rYRfi'r."::""'rrrr'+}r:': it r ei'"r w."": " :-Y. a4 :"+ '": +:v'tie : ? ...;... ..}.".-: "x :": v?:.".p. ":' 'v' :i :tr: w." :$.,fr.. .;r:. ':.r,.. n, }?. { r q q is5}:: Si":rir:kr.:^:y":"::" :i:? : ,r.:d:"r}s' .rir'f.: >r.".ssv.":."?:.5 ..";.9:sryis''islr:ti: : ::":,s: :r."a^fi::x...x5a.::?"lrv.!.. :"5::.:".":. rrS", } "::aJrs.:fA r.:":.r. ri :fii aT:6 4iY.4::?Y.Srs."{.iY.rd: : :"'rr.: i o: YriA°'r."?hr+.di:s Stii .srs':"5:"::t WHIP DENVER, 5-3: Icers Clinch Second Place in NEGRO BOYCOTT: Bus. Dispute Settlement Prospects Dm nMao MACON (P)-Prospects of an early settlement apparently worsen- ed yesterday at the start of the second week of a Negro boycott of segregated city buses. The Rev. E. B. Paschal, a boycott leader, said that not even a favorable court ruling ordering desegregation of bus seating would insure an end to the boycott. He said issues involving the hiring of Negro drivers and main- tenance personnel also had to be settled. At the same time Linton Baggs, president of Bibb Transit Co., indicated in a signed newspaper advertisement that he was not satis- -fied a recent federal court order to desegregate buses in Augusta was binding in Macon. Baggs devoted about two-thirds of his ad to the dissenting opin- W~AflAion in the Augusta case. WC H Mayor Edgar Wilson, who serv- ed as a mediator in an unsuccess- nd JIM BERGER ful attempt to resolve the situa- tion Saturday, was not optimistic Wilkie at 6:43 of the final period, about an early settlement. "NoI in the Western Collegiate Hockey one has sought another hearing," rines to a 5-3 win over Denver at he said. Earlier in the day two Negroj mpletely won until 19:52 of the clergymen filed a $10,000 damage d an insurance goal. for Michigan suit in federal court against the gan's second straight over Denver, police chief and the bus company. years. The suit was filed against police before Wilkie rushed down the chief L. B. McCallum and the Bibb Larr Beuchap wth asha toCo.,. accused of violating the min- Larry Beauchamp with a shot to ister's constitutional rights. elebration when it was learned that the be held in Ann Arbor.C trols in the first period, as the1 .atr Board, Hears AD)C Survey On Apartments By GERALD STORCH and DENISE WACKER More than half the junior wo- men now living in dormitories would move into apartments next year if they had the opportunity, preliminary surveys indicate. The Residence Hall Board of Governors yesterday heard the first report on a survey made by Assembly Dormitory Council con- cerning the proposed apartment pers for senior women. With half the questionnaires sent out to junior women re- turned, Assembly Association Pres- ident Sally Jo Swayer, '62, reported that, according to these replies, approximately 53 per cent (about 200 women) would leave the dorms to live in apartments. Sufficient Numbers There would be a sufficient number of apartments in the area to handle this number, Miss Sawy- er said, even though some of these facilities would be located on the periphery of Ann Arbor. "This problem would be alleviated by the University regulation allowing sen- iors to have cars on the campus." Passing of the apartment per- mission policy would have little. adverse effect on student. govern- ment in the dormitories since only about 15 per cent of the seniors now hold offices, she said. However, the permission would create a "dilemma" for ADC next year on whether it should repre- sent only women in.the dormitories By ED HEISER a A goal scored by center Gordon clinched second place for Michigan Association and sparked the Wolve the Coliseum last night. The exciting game wasn't co final frame when Jerry Kolb score on a breakway. The win was Michi a team it hadn't defeated in five The score was deadlocked 3-3 right wing and beat Denver goalie, the near side. Double Ce Michigan celebrated doubly WCHA playoffs were definitely to . The Wolverines took the con Pioneers were completely outskated ....